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#61 Posted : Friday, July 31, 2015 8:27:35 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: 3feetwolf Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Dareshiranu Go to Quoted Post
I rarely post (to any forum). I've been buying products for Daz Studio for years (without using them, btw... my intention is to start when I retire, a month from now when I have free time). So while i admit that I have a limited understanding of the technology involved I do pay attention to the evolution and marketing of these things.

As I understand it the new figure uses a tech that creates a problem for a "generic" genital morph set with matching textures and 3feetwolf has needed to provide tweaks for any figure just to make them match, not just "core" figures like Gia or Aiko. In among these tweaks (so far) the package itself has been expanded in capacity. In a way this level of
support must just make the other vendors look bad, since they can't or don't bother to improve their products with this level of enthusiasm. The package for V6 had a texture creator that could be used to do your own character adaptation that seemingly is not possible for G3/V7 so no do-it-yourself.

So is 3feetwolf supposed to sell a separate genital for EVERY G3 figure that is released? I've just about finished installing my content (117GB so far) so I'm pretty used to buying stuff, but that does seem a bit... silly, doesn't it? Every new skinned/morphed character gets a new genital? From Daz and *deleted*? His (?) store
will quickly become the largest on Renderotica. Just to be fair, I've purchased everyone's G3 genital morph packages, partially because I didn't want to miss out on the sale price and partly to compare them. Lately I've read that they may synergize well, at least some of them. But 3feetwolf's support is just so much more... more.

I'm not trying to antagonize anyone, I'm grateful that this site exists and that 3feetwolf has created such a good product, I'm just assuming at this point that what I've read in the fora is accurate and that would mean that either the other artists packages match every figure perfectly and require no adjustment, which would mean that everything I've read about
this package is somehow false and all the efforts of 3feetwolf to make his genital textures match new Daz non-core figures was unnecessary (obviously untrue based on this thread) or that nobody is using anyone else's packages, so no support threads exist for those packages.

I'll finish by saying that although I haven't yet used your morphs, I'm happy to have them and disappointed that this site has decided to prevent it's customers from having the excellent support you've clearly provided in order to monetize every skin that gets produced apparently. Or do genitals just get put on mainline G3/V7 and variants get the shaft?

Uh, might be my poor English made you feel confused...

If daz release a figure with a new UV in the future, I need to provide an upgrade package for her, so that the new gens V7 can be applied to this figure.
This upgrade package contains the new UV set, modified script and a set of texture template.
Once you install the upgrade package, then you can apply the new gens to any other characters which use the same new UV.
So I don't need to sell a separate genital prop for every g3 figure is released.

Andrew supports me to continue to provide good service for my customers.
But he felt that when daz keep selling the new figures, I spend a lot of time to make the free upgrade package is not fair.
I also agree with him. So I decided to sell these upgrade package separately.

Agree that you providing upgrades for free when no one else does, it does result in extra work is above and beyond what you need. I'll happily purchase the ones I need.

Perhaps work out a pricing scheme whereby so many additional upgrade packages?
#62 Posted : Saturday, August 1, 2015 2:55:03 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: WritenWrong Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: 3feetwolf Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Dareshiranu Go to Quoted Post
I rarely post (to any forum). I've been buying products for Daz Studio for years (without using them, btw... my intention is to start when I retire, a month from now when I have free time). So while i admit that I have a limited understanding of the technology involved I do pay attention to the evolution and marketing of these things.

As I understand it the new figure uses a tech that creates a problem for a "generic" genital morph set with matching textures and 3feetwolf has needed to provide tweaks for any figure just to make them match, not just "core" figures like Gia or Aiko. In among these tweaks (so far) the package itself has been expanded in capacity. In a way this level of
support must just make the other vendors look bad, since they can't or don't bother to improve their products with this level of enthusiasm. The package for V6 had a texture creator that could be used to do your own character adaptation that seemingly is not possible for G3/V7 so no do-it-yourself.

So is 3feetwolf supposed to sell a separate genital for EVERY G3 figure that is released? I've just about finished installing my content (117GB so far) so I'm pretty used to buying stuff, but that does seem a bit... silly, doesn't it? Every new skinned/morphed character gets a new genital? From Daz and *deleted*? His (?) store
will quickly become the largest on Renderotica. Just to be fair, I've purchased everyone's G3 genital morph packages, partially because I didn't want to miss out on the sale price and partly to compare them. Lately I've read that they may synergize well, at least some of them. But 3feetwolf's support is just so much more... more.

I'm not trying to antagonize anyone, I'm grateful that this site exists and that 3feetwolf has created such a good product, I'm just assuming at this point that what I've read in the fora is accurate and that would mean that either the other artists packages match every figure perfectly and require no adjustment, which would mean that everything I've read about
this package is somehow false and all the efforts of 3feetwolf to make his genital textures match new Daz non-core figures was unnecessary (obviously untrue based on this thread) or that nobody is using anyone else's packages, so no support threads exist for those packages.

I'll finish by saying that although I haven't yet used your morphs, I'm happy to have them and disappointed that this site has decided to prevent it's customers from having the excellent support you've clearly provided in order to monetize every skin that gets produced apparently. Or do genitals just get put on mainline G3/V7 and variants get the shaft?

Uh, might be my poor English made you feel confused...

If daz release a figure with a new UV in the future, I need to provide an upgrade package for her, so that the new gens V7 can be applied to this figure.
This upgrade package contains the new UV set, modified script and a set of texture template.
Once you install the upgrade package, then you can apply the new gens to any other characters which use the same new UV.
So I don't need to sell a separate genital prop for every g3 figure is released.

Andrew supports me to continue to provide good service for my customers.
But he felt that when daz keep selling the new figures, I spend a lot of time to make the free upgrade package is not fair.
I also agree with him. So I decided to sell these upgrade package separately.

Agree that you providing upgrades for free when no one else does, it does result in extra work is above and beyond what you need. I'll happily purchase the ones I need.

Perhaps work out a pricing scheme whereby so many additional upgrade packages?

Thanks for your understanding : ) I will discuss this question with Andrew.
#63 Posted : Saturday, August 1, 2015 3:19:54 AM(UTC)

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Okay. I can understand "Andrew's" position, I suppose. But at some point the question does arise what truly constitutes a new UV set? I can see a variation of a "Core" figure such as V7, Gia, Aiko, Keiko, Mei Lin, Callie, The Girl, Olympia, Stephanie, Giselle, Ninive, Lilith, Belle, Monique; anything released as a basic through pro package would fit that criteria.

But at this point Daz hasn't released any core figures but Victoria 7. The rest are all various PA products. I concede the point that having individual genital sets for each core figure is "fair" and I certainly have no qualms about you being compensated for your fine work nor your diligence. I'm trying to clarify, at this point, what in Andrew's eyes (I surmise that he is
the webmaster or owner of Renderotica) constitutes a "new" figure. At this point, depending upon how you chose to define it, Daz has released no new figures, but has released some new... characters, shall we say, that obviously have needed some individual tweaking to look right even though they're all variations (presumably) of V7 or are straight up G3.

I'm also hoping that you don't limit yourself to Daz only. If for instance OOT makes something similar to Dolly for G3 on Rendo a gen for it would be equally welcome, although I'm not certain how the protocols work for such modifications, are you allowed to do such things?
#64 Posted : Saturday, August 1, 2015 4:50:21 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Dareshiranu Go to Quoted Post
Okay. I can understand "Andrew's" position, I suppose. But at some point the question does arise what truly constitutes a new UV set? I can see a variation of a "Core" figure such as V7, Gia, Aiko, Keiko, Mei Lin, Callie, The Girl, Olympia, Stephanie, Giselle, Ninive, Lilith, Belle, Monique; anything released as a basic through pro package would fit that criteria.

But at this point Daz hasn't released any core figures but Victoria 7. The rest are all various PA products. I concede the point that having individual genital sets for each core figure is "fair" and I certainly have no qualms about you being compensated for your fine work nor your diligence. I'm trying to clarify, at this point, what in Andrew's eyes (I surmise that he is
the webmaster or owner of Renderotica) constitutes a "new" figure. At this point, depending upon how you chose to define it, Daz has released no new figures, but has released some new... characters, shall we say, that obviously have needed some individual tweaking to look right even though they're all variations (presumably) of V7 or are straight up G3.

I'm also hoping that you don't limit yourself to Daz only. If for instance OOT makes something similar to Dolly for G3 on Rendo a gen for it would be equally welcome, although I'm not certain how the protocols work for such modifications, are you allowed to do such things?

Hello :)

I think I will only provide upgrade packages for daz 'core' figures, just as those figures you listed.
And I also hope that PAs use the UV of these core figures only, when they start creating their characters.
I have constantly tweaked my script, so that new V7 gens can be applied to new g3f characters. This adjustments will continue, and it will be free.

The V7 gens also applies to the characters from other websites. Actually, it can already be applied to Adrienne and Caroline. They are new g3f characters from *deleted*.
#65 Posted : Saturday, August 1, 2015 5:08:40 AM(UTC)

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This is "Andrew".

Just to clarify, our advice to 3feetwolf is that he not get caught in the pitfall he found himself in with New Gens for V6 where he committed to investing considerable time in creating updates to the product each and every time Daz released a new character for G2F, which he would then graciously make available free of charge. If Daz were to compensate 3feetwolf for his effort every time they got the bright idea to redo the UV map, then great, but that's not happening.

Going forward, if he has to spend considerable time updating one of his products to work with yet another new character released for G2F or G3F our recommendation to him is to make that update available as low cost upgrade.

Understandably, if just a simple edit to a script is all that is required then obviously we're happy to see 3feetwolf offer this service for free to his customers. We see no issue with that whatsoever.
#66 Posted : Saturday, August 1, 2015 9:18:52 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Dareshiranu Go to Quoted Post
But at this point Daz hasn't released any core figures but Victoria 7. The rest are all various PA products.

That's not technically correct.

Victoria 7 is the first one, but we've also had Eva 7. The Eva 7 update for this product did take some time to produce, and I'm glad we got it... but I think this is where Andrew suggested that the line be drawn because the UV remapping for the prop requires work. It's a VERY different process than editing text in a script.

As for what is a new UV, that's pretty clear. When there's a new UV, there's a new UV.

I don't know what Dolly for Genesis 2 uses for a UV map. I do know that people criticize Daz for the UV proliferation. It is, sadly, a fact of life with Daz product.
#67 Posted : Saturday, August 1, 2015 9:11:09 PM(UTC)

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Now that the situation is clarified I will say that the proposal is a reasonable one. I never started out resentful of the situation, I just wanted to understand the ramifications. I certainly have no problem with paid upgrades which I do realize require effort. And it is true, I missed Eva 7, technically... I bought it, but didn't list it in my lengthy quest for details, mea culpa. AFAIK, the UV proliferation is a marketing paradigm. Free software supported by content sales.
They too have to pay the bills somehow.
#68 Posted : Sunday, August 2, 2015 4:32:49 AM(UTC)

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Hey Dare, yeah any character that you get from Rendo would more than likely just have the base UV map (base Genesis, Genesis 2 or Genesis 3). I don't have Dolly so I can't confirm her but I'm pretty sure that he would use the base G2F UV for her. Whenever you see a number after the name (5,6 or 7) is usually the only characters that have a UV change. Even the characters in the starter and pro bundles use the base uv's more often than not. So I definitely understand where Andrew is coming from. 3FW takes the time to create a UV set for the gens basically so one characters skin materials can be used so I will be more than happy to pay for future addons or updates.
#69 Posted : Sunday, August 2, 2015 5:08:59 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: EhJay Go to Quoted Post
This is "Andrew".

Just to clarify, our advice to 3feetwolf is that he not get caught in the pitfall he found himself in with New Gens for V6 where he committed to investing considerable time in creating updates to the product each and every time Daz released a new character for G2F, which he would then graciously make available free of charge. If Daz were to compensate 3feetwolf for his effort every time they got the bright idea to redo the UV map, then great, but that's not happening.

Going forward, if he has to spend considerable time updating one of his products to work with yet another new character released for G2F or G3F our recommendation to him is to make that update available as low cost upgrade.

Understandably, if just a simple edit to a script is all that is required then obviously we're happy to see 3feetwolf offer this service for free to his customers. We see no issue with that whatsoever.

That seems perfectly fair to me. I always thought that he was starting to get dragged into a black hole with all these updates for different characters, and it will only get worse as more G3F characters inevitably appear.
#70 Posted : Tuesday, August 4, 2015 4:19:16 AM(UTC)

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Bethany 7 is out body soft voluptuous.
Think the new girl´s are Body and origin oriented.
#71 Posted : Tuesday, August 4, 2015 8:30:25 PM(UTC)

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I will start creating the upgrade for Bethany 7 soon :)
#72 Posted : Wednesday, August 5, 2015 12:27:49 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: 3feetwolf Go to Quoted Post
I will start creating the upgrade for Bethany 7 soon :)

Doing pubic hair first? :)
#73 Posted : Wednesday, August 5, 2015 9:40:22 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: WritenWrong Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: 3feetwolf Go to Quoted Post
I will start creating the upgrade for Bethany 7 soon :)

Doing pubic hair first? :)

Uh, now I'm making the piercing add-on for V7 gens.
As for the pubic hair props, I hope it can get huge advance, and bring great benefits to the customer, just like the V7 gens.
So I need careful thought about how to create this props.
#74 Posted : Wednesday, August 5, 2015 9:56:21 PM(UTC)

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So you ARE doing a piercing add-on?!? YES! Thanks 3fw looking forward to that definitely!
#75 Posted : Wednesday, August 5, 2015 9:59:43 PM(UTC)

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Piercings (and pubic hair) would both be instant buys for me as well.
#76 Posted : Thursday, August 6, 2015 5:47:20 AM(UTC)

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First: 3feetwolf items and support are always 99.99 % awesome! Keep it up!
Second: paying for UV updates is very reasonable. Don't ask too much, though. Ha ha.
Third: the automatic script you've created for the V7 gens is superb! Thanks a lot.
Fourth: hair and piercings would be the bees' knees. (By the way, nipple piercings that follow nipple motion morphs like Xameva's for V6 is also something nobody has made yet).
#77 Posted : Tuesday, August 18, 2015 4:29:55 AM(UTC)

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Keep up the OUTSTANDING work ... and ... any chance of an add-on pack for the new FWSA Gillian HD figure?

#78 Posted : Tuesday, August 18, 2015 8:00:53 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: dsv4600 Go to Quoted Post
Keep up the OUTSTANDING work ... and ... any chance of an add-on pack for the new FWSA Gillian HD figure?


The script did not have any issue when I applied the New Gens to FWSA Gillian HD.

My Daz didn't crash, and the New Gens look like they are functional.
thanks 1 user thanked cheesymaid for this useful post.
3feetwolf on 8/18/2015(UTC)
#79 Posted : Tuesday, August 18, 2015 11:07:04 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: dsv4600 Go to Quoted Post
Keep up the OUTSTANDING work ... and ... any chance of an add-on pack for the new FWSA Gillian HD figure?


cheesymaid is right, I have also tested Gillian HD, the V7 gens works fine with her.
Do you have any problems with this character?
#80 Posted : Tuesday, August 18, 2015 12:14:33 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: 3feetwolf Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: dsv4600 Go to Quoted Post
Keep up the OUTSTANDING work ... and ... any chance of an add-on pack for the new FWSA Gillian HD figure?


cheesymaid is right, I have also tested Gillian HD, the V7 gens works fine with her.
Do you have any problems with this character?

Well, I thought I had a problem - an error message flashed up - but now I'm not so sure. I'll try again and report back.
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