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#401 Posted : Thursday, March 9, 2023 5:26:21 PM(UTC)

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Having not spent much time on here lately, I've only recently become aware of this product. Although it looks awesome, given the recent comments regarding technical issues above, and the lack of response from Laudanum, I am hesitant to buy it - even if it looks significantly better than what I'm using now.

All of the characters I'm making are highly sculpted with many, many morphs dials and are not at all stock. Is there going to be a problem with that? Or for that matter, with the Redux version solve such issues? I sure hope so because a genital set that can't properly conform to custom characters is a real problem, I'd think. For that matter, I think the author needs to get back to us and let us know what's going on with Redux. I do understand why it might take longer than than he expected, but it's been about 5 weeks now since his last post, and it was supposed to be done in a few weeks by then - now a few weeks ago, as it so happens.

Laudanum, we could use an update here, even if Redux isn't quite ready yet...

Edited by user Thursday, March 9, 2023 5:28:43 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."

-- H.P. Lovecraft
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#402 Posted : Saturday, March 11, 2023 10:28:44 AM(UTC)

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Was wondering if this thing worked yet, I haven't looked too far back but seeing this last post, I read the preceding page and guess it's still not working.


Bit of advice about Laudanum, they do excellent work but are completely out of touch with timeframes and follow-through. This is the typical thing we get from them. If they say two weeks they mean two months. Hopefully when those two months come around things work, if not it'll be another two months. They aren't on the level of say Chris Roberts of Star Citizen but might be the Lewd Asset equivalent of that.

Not trying to be mean, (I did pick Star Citizen for a reason as an analogy)but I waited what feels like over a year for this to be released, but got a broken product, now, again after what feels like a year, I'm assuming this is still not working as intended. 

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highstrangeness on 3/11/2023(UTC)
#403 Posted : Sunday, March 12, 2023 1:13:42 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: BrimstoneOmega Go to Quoted Post

Was wondering if this thing worked yet, I haven't looked too far back but seeing this last post, I read the preceding page and guess it's still not working.


Bit of advice about Laudanum, they do excellent work but are completely out of touch with timeframes and follow-through. This is the typical thing we get from them. If they say two weeks they mean two months. Hopefully when those two months come around things work, if not it'll be another two months. They aren't on the level of say Chris Roberts of Star Citizen but might be the Lewd Asset equivalent of that.

Not trying to be mean, (I did pick Star Citizen for a reason as an analogy)but I waited what feels like over a year for this to be released, but got a broken product, now, again after what feels like a year, I'm assuming this is still not working as intended. 

I hope gets back onto 'Rotica soon, as he's not even logged in here, since early February.   I tried to find his email address to ask him about the status of the 'Redux' version, but his address isn't in either the text readme file or the PDF tutorial.  Not good.  It's not exactly easy to contact him, and we've been left hanging here.  I think Advanced Pussy has a lot of potential, too, and I really don't want to see this product abandoned like some PC games are.  Hopefully Laudanum's just behind schedule, or dealing with real-life issues, though.

For that matter, I want to see how well it renders in Blender, when exported - I figure very well, but if it has the issues with custom figures, then it's not very useful to me, and probably not to many other artists as well.  I'm hoping the Redux edition solves those issues.



"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."

-- H.P. Lovecraft
#404 Posted : Sunday, March 12, 2023 8:51:34 AM(UTC)

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Hi guys, I’m so sorry for the delays and for being so bad at gauging timeframes.

Advanced Pussy Redux is almost done and I will be submitting it as soon as possible. After that I’ll make an update for Advanced Penetration so that it works with the Redux update.
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#405 Posted : Sunday, March 12, 2023 9:14:46 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Laudanum Go to Quoted Post
Hi guys, I’m so sorry for the delays and for being so bad at gauging timeframes.

Advanced Pussy Redux is almost done and I will be submitting it as soon as possible. After that I’ll make an update for Advanced Penetration so that it works with the Redux update.

I know how 3D projects can take longer than expected to finish, so I do understand.  On the bright side, I think the Redux version will work better with Blender, without the massive amount of bones.  My workflow consists of making character in Daz and exporting them to Blender, to render with Cycles.

Thanks for the update.

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."

-- H.P. Lovecraft
#406 Posted : Monday, March 13, 2023 5:28:56 AM(UTC)

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Hello. I just have a problem with the controllers. When i move any controllers button it just deforms everything it does not move the item like shown in the picture here and i dont know what i have to change. the only way i can use this its the regular method but the controllers just destroy the mesh

#407 Posted : Monday, March 13, 2023 6:36:13 AM(UTC)

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You tried to move the controller per drag and drop. That does not work. Klick on the controller, release the mouse button and move it by xyz axis. In the tool settings pane you can also change from world to local coordinates. That will allow you to move it relatively to your figure.
#408 Posted : Friday, March 17, 2023 6:18:03 PM(UTC)

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Hello, I wondered if there was a genesis 9 version of this amazing product in the works?
#409 Posted : Saturday, March 25, 2023 6:42:26 AM(UTC)

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Another thirteen days have passed (10 business days)...how bombastic time lines are we talking here? I could actually use this asset right now, but sadly I do not make stick figures... :-/ 110 days since I purchased the product and over half a year since initial release in September 2022. I'd even go so far as to say that Renderotica should be more strict in this regard and/or invent some sort of pre-release/alpha/beta tag in these cases! I am not one to immediately scream wolf, because I was taught to treat others like I would like to be treated and all that; but can we agree on the fact that we need some kind of limit for what is acceptable release etiquette? Reminds me of the movie Idiocracy when a guy approaches the main "heroine" (played by Maya Rudolph, a former hooker in the movie), and asks her for some BISCUITS bro - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJ-QIOOuaTk&ab_channel=MINIFIEDCLIPS "HE WAIT SO GOOOOD" x)




Edit: or as an  call center scammer would put it: "Do you think we are fool over here!? Each and everything"

Edited by moderator Saturday, March 25, 2023 12:10:23 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#410 Posted : Saturday, March 25, 2023 7:56:34 AM(UTC)

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Okay, the wait is stretching and stretching... but how will long diatribes about it even help or change anything? I think this is one of those cases of putting out
a product and honestly thinking that it works alright, then finding out that there *are* unforeseen issues cascading like a domino trail.

Since you like cinematographic comparisons, I'll say this case is a bit like in the first Mimic movie. The Judas Breed bug, meant to destroy roaches and thus eradicating Strickler's Disease, was
bioengineered in such a way that it was to die out after a certain time had passed. Instead it thrived and grew dangerous. The scientist who made it told her old mentor:
"...but in the lab, they died JUST as planned!" to which the wise old mentor replied "Yes honey, they did.. But then you let them out in the world and that is a MUCH
bigger lab."

Catching up with unforeseen bugs is a *bitch*. The options are either to wait and make do, using maybe other solutions in the meantime, or get a refund altogether.
From experience, in cases like that, our patience can be tried very hard but stomping our feet won't help. I don't blame you, of course, I see your point, but in the end
things will probably work out. It's not like Laudanum is part of the team behind Duke Nukem Forever :)

Edited by user Saturday, March 25, 2023 12:27:15 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

"That was fun. Let's do it again."
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#411 Posted : Saturday, March 25, 2023 4:21:47 PM(UTC)

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@ simon Are five messages inside two months considered "stomping one's feet"? If you haven't bought it or you are satisfied with with the "advanced pussy", good for you buddy! I bought it and I want the product or a conclusion to the issue. If he can't fix it, he can let us know and then I will happily try to get a refund(if I can't, we hit the next problem; he has now sold me a useless product).

When/if he finally releases it, after we have waited for a long time for something that should've been tested before it was put out there ; and then it is either the same shit again or something else that went wrong. Where is the thin red line? some time in 2025?

I am using GP and am satisfied with that. I do look forward to try to work with this though; and would like to switch, if it is any good, before I release X amount of animations that I would have to go back and re-do if it is indeed leaps and bounds better morph wise than GP.

I am not sitting here with clenched fists or raging uncontrollably, I have always been cool and relaxed even if the situations are quite extreme. BUT since that is the case, I have also been taken for a lot of rides in the commission, products and services area. I am tired of this half baked effort and total lack of customer service. Someone has to say or write something or it will get out of hand quickly. We live in a medal for everyone era, but that doesn't mean that you have to participate in it. You don't just say "Okay, the pizza I ordered didn't arrive today, hope it arrives tomorrow! TRALALALALALA" xD
#412 Posted : Sunday, March 26, 2023 8:33:02 AM(UTC)

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I have just submitted the latest update to Advanced Pussy and it should be available to download in just a few days.
In the meantime I’ll be working hard on finishing the update to Advanced Penetration so that it works with the new update.
After that I’ll be resuming work on Advanced Pussy Designer, Advanced Pubes and Advanced Spread.

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#413 Posted : Wednesday, March 29, 2023 6:36:10 AM(UTC)

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Hello i've got advanced pussy. Does the update (redux) will i have to be buy it again or will it be an update for the advanced pussy i have ?
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#414 Posted : Wednesday, March 29, 2023 2:09:56 PM(UTC)

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After resetting the original download, I could download update 02 for advanced pussy. So the update was free for me.
#415 Posted : Wednesday, March 29, 2023 4:55:26 PM(UTC)

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@bernd that update is from last year. We are still waiting.
#416 Posted : Friday, March 31, 2023 6:18:17 PM(UTC)

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Advanced Pussy Update 3 is not out and in my downloads
#417 Posted : Friday, March 31, 2023 11:25:34 PM(UTC)

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Just got the e-mail -

"The product 'AP for Genesis 8 Female' you own on CGBytes has been updated."

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RumpArt on 4/1/2023(UTC)
#418 Posted : Saturday, April 1, 2023 7:37:48 AM(UTC)

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The latest update for Advanced Pussy is available to download which includes Advanced Pussy Redux.

I still need to finish updating Advanced Penetration so that it works with the new Advanced Pussy Redux. There are so many morphs included in Advanced Penetration that it will take me some time to finish the update but I’m about half way done.
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#419 Posted : Saturday, April 1, 2023 9:11:41 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: gooHero Go to Quoted Post

To the left is Golden Palace Anus Open 3 dialed up to 80% and on the right "Advanced" Pussy Redux Average Default dialed up to 100%

Well... To be completely honest, to me AP Redux does look better than GP in this instance. Too bad about the way smaller "max size" on AP Redux. Nice shape on those hips, BTW. Really nice :D

Personally, I'm also getting some quite popping mesh deformation on AP Redux. This time on the sides of the "genitalia area" of the figure. Really quite a shame, as I was hoping the Redux-version would have a graft-shape more like that of "New gens for GF8" or "Golden Palace". On those grafts, the topology more closely follows the topology of the original figure, all the way up to the actual genitalia. The issue comes from increasing mesh density by using "poles" in the topology of the 3d model, and then having those "poles" in an area of the mesh that is going to bend quite a lot... (See image)

Of course, having all those pesky "poles" IS absolutely necessary. No way around that.  And also, keeping those "poles" further away from the genitalia, like we see on AP and now AP Redux, makes the actual genitalia itself bend and deform MUCH better than having them close to the gens, like on other products.

I guess I was just kind of hoping for this "Redux" version to have those "poles" even closer to the gens, so that I could use use the "Redux" without getting any distortions to the figure itself, for scenes when very little "action" was happening, so to speak... And then use the full version of AP in scenes with...you know... very much "Action". :D

This is still a VERY GOOD product! It just has its limits. Still best used in tandem with other gens, in other words.



Edited by user Saturday, April 1, 2023 9:24:00 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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#420 Posted : Monday, April 3, 2023 9:20:29 AM(UTC)

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Just in case anyone is interested, here is a small animation of "Advance Pussy" in comparison with "Golden Palace" and "New Genitalia for Victoria 8". 

All of these products are wonderful, of course, but in regards to SIZE and CONTROL no other product comes even remotely close to what Advance Pussy can do.

NB: The user "gooHero" posted a comparison too, but it has been removed for some reason. His comparison suggested that Advance Pussy might not work very well for rendering extra BIG ladies, if you know what I mean... If that is your main thing, Advance Pussy might not be for you. At least not according to his findings. Personally, I render more or less slim ladies, and have had no such issues.

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