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#21 Posted : Sunday, April 25, 2021 3:41:45 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: BigBlueProstatePoker Go to Quoted Post
I agree with the others, the lack of support for g8m gens in the scripts but having the files included is really wonky. Nothing against Meipe, he seems like a super nice guy, but Dicktator is not the gens that everyone uses.

I don't have the first version of the product, but a friend of mine does and I'm confused by the differences. It seems like you're getting *less* with 1.2 versus 1. 1 has displacement settings, 1.2 does not. 1 has a script for the g8m gens, 1.2 does not.

I feel like I'm being penalized for buying 1.2 when features I needed are in 1.0

Most of the tools in the old version are no longer necessary with the new optimized shader in 1.2, and can break the wet effect of the shader. The majority of the feedback we got on the version 1 toolkit was that it was very confusing, and people tended to over apply tools with poor results in the renders.

1.2 Has a script to assist in copying figure displacement to the shell, but I think you're referring to the old version that had displacement for the droplets.
Droplet displacement hasn't been totally abandoned, in fact I'm planning a free add-on with versions of specific material saves that add back in the displacement, hopefully to to release next month. This will be another free add-on, but targeted toward intermediate and advanced users looking to get more realism in their renders, especially in close-ups. It will be much more fine tuned than the simple displacement that was in version 1.0. :)

The new base material saves in are designed to make using the product easier and faster, which was the most requested change in v1.2.

As part of that, droplet displacement was removed from base materials as it caused greatly increased render times, had no visual effect on full body or distant renders, and caused excessive droplet shadowing in some lighting situations, which was a big complaint in feeedback. Additionally, drop displacement can have such a huge effect on video ram, that most users with less than an 8gb card could barely fit 2 naked figures with displaced shells before iray bumped the render to Cpu. :o
Add to that, if a user wanted to use water materials on a figure that used displacement in its skin materials, the displacement copy has to overwrite the drop displacement, effectively erasing it. :(
What I'm working on currently to add drop displacement back in solves most of those problems, and where drop displacement is less visually appealing, the user can simply use the base material state without displacement. However drop displacement will have a number of limitations, most notably that the figure cannot have its own material displacement, and render times plus video ram usage are drastically increased.
This is why the planned add-on will be targeted more toward intermediate and advanced users, leaving a much easier to use version as the default for artists of all types, especially those who may not have the hardware to crank out a super detailed drop effect. :)

As for G8M gens, I'm investigating possibility getting a better UV set done for them, which would allow less drop stretching in the erect position. If I can get such a UV set made, then adding G8M gen support back in wouldn't be too much work.

#22 Posted : Sunday, April 25, 2021 4:54:54 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Thunder-3D Go to Quoted Post

Most of the tools in the old version are no longer necessary with the new optimized shader in 1.2, and can break the wet effect of the shader. The majority of the feedback we got on the version 1 toolkit was that it was very confusing, and people tended to over apply tools with poor results in the renders.

1.2 Has a script to assist in copying figure displacement to the shell, but I think you're referring to the old version that had displacement for the droplets.
Droplet displacement hasn't been totally abandoned, in fact I'm planning a free add-on with versions of specific material saves that add back in the displacement, hopefully to to release next month. This will be another free add-on, but targeted toward intermediate and advanced users looking to get more realism in their renders, especially in close-ups. It will be much more fine tuned than the simple displacement that was in version 1.0. :)

The new base material saves in are designed to make using the product easier and faster, which was the most requested change in v1.2.

As part of that, droplet displacement was removed from base materials as it caused greatly increased render times, had no visual effect on full body or distant renders, and caused excessive droplet shadowing in some lighting situations, which was a big complaint in feeedback. Additionally, drop displacement can have such a huge effect on video ram, that most users with less than an 8gb card could barely fit 2 naked figures with displaced shells before iray bumped the render to Cpu. :o
Add to that, if a user wanted to use water materials on a figure that used displacement in its skin materials, the displacement copy has to overwrite the drop displacement, effectively erasing it. :(
What I'm working on currently to add drop displacement back in solves most of those problems, and where drop displacement is less visually appealing, the user can simply use the base material state without displacement. However drop displacement will have a number of limitations, most notably that the figure cannot have its own material displacement, and render times plus video ram usage are drastically increased.
This is why the planned add-on will be targeted more toward intermediate and advanced users, leaving a much easier to use version as the default for artists of all types, especially those who may not have the hardware to crank out a super detailed drop effect. :)

As for G8M gens, I'm investigating possibility getting a better UV set done for them, which would allow less drop stretching in the erect position. If I can get such a UV set made, then adding G8M gen support back in wouldn't be too much work.

I may be biased as I'm packing a Titan so fallback to cpu doesn't happen anymore, but I get what you're saying.

I would have just left in the additional scripts to add droplet displacement or to load the g8m gen maps. That is my real point. The uv stretch on the gens is a known issue. You could try shrinking down the droplets and then just double them up as they'll get stretched out by the erection, it evens out a bit.

#23 Posted : Monday, April 26, 2021 9:03:44 AM(UTC)

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#24 Posted : Friday, April 30, 2021 6:51:29 PM(UTC)

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Are there any updates planned for the US Extreme Orgasm Body Blush?
#25 Posted : Friday, April 30, 2021 10:07:48 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: wholfe Go to Quoted Post
Are there any updates planned for the US Extreme Orgasm Body Blush?


We plan to update Blush for male and female including 8.1 compatibility, some new grafts, and some extra blush shapes. The target is June for those updates however it could end up being faster than we expect. (fingers crossed) :)

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wholfe on 5/1/2021(UTC)
#26 Posted : Saturday, May 1, 2021 4:30:49 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Thunder-3D Go to Quoted Post

We plan to update Blush for male and female including 8.1 compatibility, some new grafts, and some extra blush shapes

Please, can you include some "face only" blushes with no edge dependency for the rest of the torso? :D That's something I mentioned before I think.

"That was fun. Let's do it again."
#27 Posted : Saturday, May 1, 2021 2:06:11 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: simontemplar Go to Quoted Post

Originally Posted by: Thunder-3D Go to Quoted Post

We plan to update Blush for male and female including 8.1 compatibility, some new grafts, and some extra blush shapes

Please, can you include some "face only" blushes with no edge dependency for the rest of the torso? :D That's something I mentioned before I think.

Absolutely! I think that feature made it in to the male blush, just have to adjust the masks to work correctly on the females, so the work is mostly done :)

A few "spank" marks are another highly requested add for the "rosy cheeks" shell, and those are on the schedule too :)

I have a few new pose packs I'm currently cranking out at the moment (gotta pay muh billz) and as soon as those are released, the Blush will get an update as well as a free add-on for moisture to add droplet displacement back in (for intermediate/advanced users.) :)

#28 Posted : Sunday, May 16, 2021 12:07:49 AM(UTC)

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Hi, I'm trying to use this product but when I apply the product, my characters get this black markings all over. I need help, I've tried playing with the offset and changing my lighting and render settings but its still black. take a look.


#29 Posted : Sunday, May 16, 2021 7:08:46 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: poochyboi Go to Quoted Post

Hi, I'm trying to use this product but when I apply the product, my characters get this black markings all over. I need help, I've tried playing with the offset and changing my lighting and render settings but its still black. take a look.

Im going to be out for about 6 hours this morning, but if you send me an email to the address in the readme I will work with you this afternoon until we figure this one out.

I suspect it's a conflict with displacement on the character skins, or possibly you are using another shell in addition to USM?

When you send me the email, try to include a copy of the scene file. It won't matter if I don't have the characters or the props, I can still learn a lot from seeing the scene file.

thanks 1 user thanked Thunder-3D for this useful post.
poochyboi on 5/16/2021(UTC)
#30 Posted : Sunday, May 16, 2021 4:49:30 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Thunder-3D Go to Quoted Post

Originally Posted by: poochyboi Go to Quoted Post

Hi, I'm trying to use this product but when I apply the product, my characters get this black markings all over. I need help, I've tried playing with the offset and changing my lighting and render settings but its still black. take a look.

Im going to be out for about 6 hours this morning, but if you send me an email to the address in the readme I will work with you this afternoon until we figure this one out.

I suspect it's a conflict with displacement on the character skins, or possibly you are using another shell in addition to USM?

When you send me the email, try to include a copy of the scene file. It won't matter if I don't have the characters or the props, I can still learn a lot from seeing the scene file.


Thanks for the reply but no worries, I've figured it out. Had to restart daz and change mesh offset. Apparently something messed up when I use skin builder 8 then applied the USM which made the mesh offset not do anything for some reason. Then I restarted daz and then increasing the mesh offset a little made the black marks go away. Cheers anyways :)

#31 Posted : Sunday, May 16, 2021 6:50:05 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: poochyboi Go to Quoted Post

Originally Posted by: Thunder-3D Go to Quoted Post

Originally Posted by: poochyboi Go to Quoted Post

Hi, I'm trying to use this product but when I apply the product, my characters get this black markings all over. I need help, I've tried playing with the offset and changing my lighting and render settings but its still black. take a look.

Im going to be out for about 6 hours this morning, but if you send me an email to the address in the readme I will work with you this afternoon until we figure this one out.

I suspect it's a conflict with displacement on the character skins, or possibly you are using another shell in addition to USM?

When you send me the email, try to include a copy of the scene file. It won't matter if I don't have the characters or the props, I can still learn a lot from seeing the scene file.


Thanks for the reply but no worries, I've figured it out. Had to restart daz and change mesh offset. Apparently something messed up when I use skin builder 8 then applied the USM which made the mesh offset not do anything for some reason. Then I restarted daz and then increasing the mesh offset a little made the black marks go away. Cheers anyways :)

While I'm glad it appears you've got it fixed, be aware that you don't want USM to have too much offset from the skin, this can cause "float" shadowing that you won't become really obvious until 2-3k iterations which can be an hour or more of rendering.

Try using the displacement copy script that Meipe made for the set to get a better fix while maintaining the close offset. You will need to copy a few surfaces manually once you run it, instructions are in the documents folder. :)

thanks 1 user thanked Thunder-3D for this useful post.
poochyboi on 5/17/2021(UTC)
#32 Posted : Monday, May 17, 2021 5:22:02 AM(UTC)

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Yea, I didn't seem to need to use that script to fix my current issue but I did try it earlier and it gave me an error "please use on genesis characters with USM shell applied" even though it was already applied...so not sure if that would be a problem in the future if I did want to use that script. My two characters are regular genesis 8 characters so I didn't think I would need to use it as they probably don't have displacement maps. But just for future reference, do I select the character in the scene plane or do I select the USM shell if i wanted to use the displacement copy script? Cheers

#33 Posted : Monday, May 17, 2021 5:49:28 AM(UTC)

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If there is support for futalicious, how do yo apply a USM skin to the golden palace gens? haven't tried yet, is there a way where you can apply those maps to the golden gens?

#34 Posted : Monday, May 17, 2021 7:40:50 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Axfx Go to Quoted Post

If there is support for futalicious, how do yo apply a USM skin to the golden palace gens? haven't tried yet, is there a way where you can apply those maps to the golden gens?

It will apply to both GP or Futalicious "automagically" :)

Keep in mind, the Futalicious application is the base of the gen only, and then it blends out. The extra "FutaLuscious" shell is used for balls and shaft with it's own presets. :)

#35 Posted : Monday, May 17, 2021 7:44:33 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: poochyboi Go to Quoted Post

Yea, I didn't seem to need to use that script to fix my current issue but I did try it earlier and it gave me an error "please use on genesis characters with USM shell applied" even though it was already applied...so not sure if that would be a problem in the future if I did want to use that script. My two characters are regular genesis 8 characters so I didn't think I would need to use it as they probably don't have displacement maps. But just for future reference, do I select the character in the scene plane or do I select the USM shell if i wanted to use the displacement copy script? Cheers

Should just be select the character and use the copy script, as long as you've updated to v1.2. You may need to manually copy a couple of areas in the surface tab, instructions included in documents folder :)

If the character doesn't use displacement, it will probably throw an error because it can't find displacement maps.

#36 Posted : Saturday, May 22, 2021 11:06:51 AM(UTC)

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So I was recently using a different shell and ran into the above issue, with the shell crossing over into the figure mesh causing those weird glassy patches. It didn't show up last night when I applied the shell and then posed the figure and rendered, however this morning when I re-opened the same file to do another render, the shell had shifted into the figure mesh.

When I re-applied the shell from a wearable file, the issue was still there, however when I re-posed the figure it went away.

I have not run into this issue in over a years worth of development time. 

Not sure what causes this, I've never seen it before. The scene I was using was a pretty heavy file size, and I suspect it was an issue with the figure (via some data corruption in the file) rather than the shell itself.

Saving the figures current pose in a temporary file, then applying that same pose to the figure also seemed to fix the issue and reset the mesh of the shell.

I'll investigate this further as I continue working on updates, but this appears to be an issue only with loading saved scenes with figures posed in the scene, however I have re-loaded scenes of this type in the past with the shells on and seen no issues.

On a fresh figure, in a new scene, when applying the shell while the figure is in the T pose and then posing the figure, this issue never appears. The issue was never encountered in all the promo images I rendered for the update release, and they were all relatively low file size.

While increasing the offset distance of the shell is a fix, the shallow offset I used for the shell was to keep the droplets from creating "float" shadows on the figure skin, which can break the effect in close-up renders. I would recommend instead saving the figures current pose, and then applying that pose back onto the figure, which seems to fix the issue.

I suspect this is simply some corruption of date in the scene file, most likely in the pose data of the figure in that specific scene.

I will update this post later after I have time to do more testing.

#37 Posted : Saturday, May 22, 2021 12:12:23 PM(UTC)

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The error is very difficult to replicate, and seems to occur (for me) when using multiple, overlapping shells. Not only that but the error is not repeatable through the same file saves, it's almost random.

All I can figure is that it's a save error or some random glitch in scenes that have been modified over and over.

I'll leave the USM shell at its current offset, but I'd say the fix is to move the offset out a little if you encounter the issue and it doesn't go away after reloading the scene or restarting Studio.

That being said, it seems incredibly rare. This morning was the first time I've seen it in over a year of playing with shells. If anyone else has seen this glitch and can post or send me an image of the glitch to the email in your readme file, I'd greatly appreciate it to help in rooting out the issue.

#38 Posted : Tuesday, June 15, 2021 12:45:49 PM(UTC)

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Hello! Forgive me if I'm missing something, but when I apply this to my G8.1 male, his G8M genitalia turn bright, reflective white. I've tried working through the steps in the Readme and copy/pasting textures, but it doesn't seem to change. What am I missing? Thanks.
#39 Posted : Tuesday, June 15, 2021 2:37:26 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Teeracer Go to Quoted Post
Hello! Forgive me if I'm missing something, but when I apply this to my G8.1 male, his G8M genitalia turn bright, reflective white. I've tried working through the steps in the Readme and copy/pasting textures, but it doesn't seem to change. What am I missing? Thanks.

If you're using the basic DAZ gens, USM doesn't officially support them at this time. You can remove the white by selecting the shell, going to the surfaces tab and selecting the G8MGenetalia area, then set opacity to 0.

If you're comfortable with the surfaces tab, you can copy the torso area to the genital area to get the shader settings, and I left some G8M maps in the runtime you can use to customize the G8M genital surface. This is not a supported feature, more of a bonus workaround for customizers.


#40 Posted : Tuesday, July 6, 2021 6:37:40 AM(UTC)

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ah, finally I got the time to play around with the new version. And by all that is holy, I love it. I can even now use it with other shell-based products like sound punishment or different genitals, without too much extra work. The improvements on the sweat are just 

 And I can't wait on further improvements on the USM may it be a different product or further upgrades on this one.

Currently, I'm thinking of abusing the rosy cheeks shell for additional wetness or even different substances on the nether regions, anybody already tried this?

thanks 1 user thanked Akirael for this useful post.
Thunder-3D on 7/6/2021(UTC)
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