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#41 Posted : Sunday, October 11, 2020 4:22:37 AM(UTC)

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When there is poke-through that needs correcting in a hurry, I make use of Mesh Grabber. It can solve pretty much anything. In a few days, the second add-on for it should be out, that will allow the creation of actual morphs. With that, you will be able to modify the clothes you bought in a durable and adjustable way.

"That was fun. Let's do it again."
#42 Posted : Sunday, October 11, 2020 6:48:54 AM(UTC)

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Funny how I haven't bothered reading these forums for the most part, but today I checked it out of boredom. I have another solution that I haven't seen posted in response to your issue. It isn't a fun solution and it is a product to purchase. The "fit control for g8" adds a whole bunch of dialable morphs to any clothing item for your g8 lady. First off, the product adds many, many indispensable morphs for creators of adult themed art; the top you have doesn't have a reveal breasts morph, no problem, this product will add the dial, for one example. The not fun part is the time it might add to your process because the morphs do slow down your scene and character manipulation once they are added, but there is a delete unused morphs function which helps this. One specific dial titled "nipple adjust" goes right to the source and adjusts the nipple area, of course your mileage may vary per outfit, and it does also depend on poly count as with most other solutions.

Another thing to do is mess with your contraction/expansion ratio in surfaces/structure specifically with a top or surface that covers the breasts. The first step would be to increase the size of the outfit and then make your contraction/expansion ratio less than 100% prior to performing a Dforce simulation. The contraction/expansion ratio allows the outfit to contract around your character during the simulation, which allows for clothing to pull against the skin. Of course, once again, the poly count  of the specific item will most likely have an effect on the result.

I have had this problem and continue to have this problem more often than not, but one thing that I have found is that in most cases, a bit of work will get the effect you want but it's not guaranteed to work with any and all outfits. I think we'll be waiting for the next generation for a bunch of features including better clothing and simulation functionality.

Edited by user Sunday, October 11, 2020 6:56:56 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

The difference between Art and Pornography is Lighting and Costumes
#43 Posted : Friday, September 10, 2021 11:59:55 PM(UTC)

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One thing I've done many times is to open a texture file for the top or dress in Photoshop and use it to create a nipple displacement map. Best file to use as a base is the bump map. If there is no bump map, or the bump map actually has bumps that you don't want to include in your nipple displacement map, just add a base layer that is a solid neutral gray (128,128,128) color. Whether you're using the bump texture map or a simple gray background, above that background layer you create 4 transparent layers, name them, top to bottom: "Nipple L", "Nipple R", Areola L" and "Areola R". Areola layers are optional. Open up the Brush Tool and based on your character's nipple size choose a soft (0% hardness usually) circular brush. Using the brush, color white 255,255,255, 100% opacity, 100% flow, add a nipple "dot" on each of the two Nipple layers, guessing where they should be on the texture map. I often add a horizontal guide and a vertical guide per nipple to help me dial in the locations. For the areolas, increase the brush size appropriately for your character's areola size, turn the brush hardness up (maybe 25% to 35%, the opacity down (try 50%). and add one dot to each Areola layer, centered on each nipple. Save this file as a .jpg in the same folder as the other texture files for the clothing. I usually call my first shot "Nipple Disp Test 1" or something because your first stab won't be perfect.

Go to the Surfaces tab for the clothing item and add this file as a Displacement Strength map under "Geometry" and change the displacement settings, which appear once you've added the map:

  • Set Displacement Strength to 1.00
  • Set Minimum and Maximum Displacement to -1.00 and 1.00 respectively
  • Set SubD Displacement Level to 3

Change Viewport draw mode to NVIDIA Iray and inspect the results. If the sizes or positions are off you'll have to re-adjust your file in Photoshop. For position you can just move your Nipple and Areola "dots" around with the Move Tool. On some texture maps, like ones that are just a solid square of cloth weave pattern, it's not at all obvious where any features like nipples would land. In that case my trick is to use the Photoshop Text Tool - I'll grab a big block of text from a random website or text file and drop white text to cover the entire texture map. Save it as a "test" file and drop that into your clothing as the displacement map first (using the settings above). That leads to a very interesting look, but helps you pinpoint the locations to target for your nipples right away. You load that as the Displacement map and in NVIDIA Iray mode you can quickly find which letters in which words are on top of your lady's (or guy's) high beams! Once you've got your perfect displacement map, delete the previous test maps from the texture folder to clean things up and also save the Photoshop .psd file there too so it's available if you later need to make another adjustment.

Sounds messy probably, but once you've done 2 or 3 it's pretty quick and efficient, and I've been quite happy with the results. If things don't look perfect you can alter those displacement settings (usually the Strength, or Min/Max values) to fine-tune it. Everyone has warned me about the big drain displacement maps add to DS processing and resources, but I'm guessing that depends on the level of complexity needed in the map. If it's only a couple dots or at worst a couple white dots on top of light gray circles... this "drain" is insignificant. I've certainly never noticed a problem. That said, there are some great ideas posted here by others that I'm going to try!



Edited by user Saturday, September 11, 2021 12:21:30 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

mikethe3dguy attached the following image(s):
Nipple Disp PS 1.png
Nipple Disp PS 2.png
Alpha Gender Kerren G8M Profile Pic 1.png
Blouse Nips Displacement.png
thanks 1 user thanked mikethe3dguy for this useful post.
Twisted_Pencil on 9/11/2021(UTC)
#44 Posted : Monday, February 28, 2022 1:55:36 PM(UTC)

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"One thing I've done many times is to open a texture file for the top or dress in Photoshop and use it to create a nipple displacement map."

Hi Mike. I'm very intrigued by this. Would love to see some results, and maybe a sample displacement map or two, but the images you've attached aren't showing up. Can you re-up them?


Edited by user Monday, February 28, 2022 3:01:55 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#45 Posted : Monday, February 28, 2022 2:55:18 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: revenant Go to Quoted Post

One thing I've done many times is to open a texture file for the top or dress in Photoshop and use it to create a nipple displacement map.

Hi Mike. I'm very intrigued by this. Would love to see some results, and maybe a sample displacement map or two, but the images you've attached aren't showing up. Can you re-up them?


I'm sure I deleted the original pics I uploaded since a filename search didn't turn them up, but I added a couple others I could find, and a "nipple displacement map" which as you can see is quite simple. It happens to be the one I used for the blouse the blonde is wearing in one of the images I just attached. Zoom in on it and you'll see those white dots have feathered edges.

#46 Posted : Monday, February 28, 2022 3:12:28 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: mikethe3dguy Go to Quoted Post

I'm sure I deleted the original pics I uploaded since a filename search didn't turn them up, but I added a couple others I could find, and a "nipple displacement map" which as you can see is quite simple. It happens to be the one I used for the blouse the blonde is wearing in one of the images I just attached. Zoom in on it and you'll see those white dots have feathered edges.

Thanks man!

I wasn't expecting you to respond so quickly, so I experimented based on your instructions, and I like the results!!

Of course, this method won't work if you're using cloth shaders that are tiled beyond 1/1, but It's an awesome approach.


revenant attached the following image(s):
#47 Posted : Monday, February 28, 2022 3:40:35 PM(UTC)

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Yeah, true. I think I've done this about a dozen times though, or probably a dozen different shirts or dresses, and IIRC I only ran into that problem once. That's looking pretty good!

#48 Posted : Monday, February 28, 2022 3:54:22 PM(UTC)

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Can't really get the areola to work well, too subtle to see much, probably needs a harder edge.. I'll have to fiddle with it, and save the base displacement image so I can use it on all the other clothing I want.

It's really too bad DS doesn't have a node-based surfaces approach, that way you could add multiple displacement maps, instead of trying to do multiple things with one map.

Again, many thanks! This will help my perversions... er... renders a lot! 

#49 Posted : Monday, February 28, 2022 4:33:17 PM(UTC)

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When I get a chance I'll look for one of my maps that includes areola displacement and post it. Since I save those maps and psd's in the folder with the clothing textures it makes it easy to add one to a scene for that piece of clothing but unfortunately it also makes it difficult to find one at random later. Yeah I agree, node-based would make things easier.

#50 Posted : Monday, February 28, 2022 7:31:51 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: DarkLightArtist Go to Quoted Post

Funny how I haven't bothered reading these forums for the most part, but today I checked it out of boredom. I have another solution that I haven't seen posted in response to your issue. It isn't a fun solution and it is a product to purchase. The "fit control for g8" adds a whole bunch of dialable morphs to any clothing item for your g8 lady. First off, the product adds many, many indispensable morphs for creators of adult themed art; the top you have doesn't have a reveal breasts morph, no problem, this product will add the dial, for one example. The not fun part is the time it might add to your process because the morphs do slow down your scene and character manipulation once they are added, but there is a delete unused morphs function which helps this. One specific dial titled "nipple adjust" goes right to the source and adjusts the nipple area, of course your mileage may vary per outfit, and it does also depend on poly count as with most other solutions.

Another thing to do is mess with your contraction/expansion ratio in surfaces/structure specifically with a top or surface that covers the breasts. The first step would be to increase the size of the outfit and then make your contraction/expansion ratio less than 100% prior to performing a Dforce simulation. The contraction/expansion ratio allows the outfit to contract around your character during the simulation, which allows for clothing to pull against the skin. Of course, once again, the poly count  of the specific item will most likely have an effect on the result.

I have had this problem and continue to have this problem more often than not, but one thing that I have found is that in most cases, a bit of work will get the effect you want but it's not guaranteed to work with any and all outfits. I think we'll be waiting for the next generation for a bunch of features including better clothing and simulation functionality.

I use Fit Control extensively. There is no Nipple morph at all. I just looked, and have never seen it prior.

I'm not convinced that the next generation will be any better. Things were better with V4 in this regard, then got worse and worse as the generations advanced. Perhaps it's a matter of artists trying to keep poly counts down, but I don't know. It's frustrating.

#51 Posted : Saturday, May 21, 2022 11:01:06 AM(UTC)

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It's not frustrating, it's stupid. As someone who likes "pencil erasers" I'm disgusted with Daz. They lowered the poly count because they thought they were going to make a big splash in the game industry. It wasn't too terrible through Genesis 2, but after that, they just took too many polys out of the breasts and nipples. They fucked over their core customers for a market that never really developed. And with things like Metahuman being native to Unreal, they never will gain significant traction there. With the moves Unity has been making, I am sure they will come up with their own capable Metahuman-alike product.

I also can't seem to get a small breast with Gen 8 that I am happy with.  Bah.

Edited by user Saturday, May 21, 2022 11:03:46 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#52 Posted : Saturday, August 6, 2022 11:31:10 AM(UTC)

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Just a random thought here-I've noticed the latest nipple products use a shell that grabs the texture of the character for the surrounding area. Maybe some enterprising PA could make one for clothing-you add a nipple shell *over* the clothes and grab the clothing texture underneath, so the nipple and surrounding area match the shirt/dress texture. Probably a lot more difficult than it sounds, lol.
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