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#1 Posted : Wednesday, March 4, 2020 2:00:36 PM(UTC)

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Hello - I have noticed that some of the expressions provided produce highly exaggerated expressions on the base G8F Character. I run the "Easy Unblocker G8M G8F" script, Retore the Figure Pose and then apply the expression. Attached is the Before (base G8F), Expression Used (Big004_Lower) and After Expression. Is this the expected behanvior on base G8F? Am I doing something wrong?


Thank You!

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#2 Posted : Wednesday, March 4, 2020 5:25:32 PM(UTC)

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Are these Thunder3D's expressions and if they are, specifically which expression is it?  I have pretty much all of his stuff and may be able to help you.

Never mind, I found it.  Looks like pose Big004_Lower from the So Big Set which is part of the Inspiration Expressions G8 set 5.  I appears that maybe an expression from another set was also used and they "stacked".  Have you tried going to the Utilities folder and appling the -= Mega Zero =- pose then reapplying the Big004 pose again?  If that doesn't fix it, try opening a new copy of G8 and applying the expression to the new G8 copy.  I have had a a few instances of G8 loading with sone "off" morphs and had to close and reopen a copy of G8 to fix it.  HTH


Edited by user Wednesday, March 4, 2020 5:55:57 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Added information.

I used to be disgusted, now I'm just amused
#3 Posted : Wednesday, March 4, 2020 6:22:42 PM(UTC)

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Thank you for taking the time to help me! This was a new G8F copy just loaded with no Morphs applied to the Character. 

The exact steps followed are these (just repeated as well from scratch - same results):

1. Loaded G8F (no morph applied)

2. Applied "Easy Unlocker G8M G8F" that came with the Showcase Poses "Dangerous Girls" Product - this unlocks the entire Character I believe.

3. Then "Restore Figure Pose" is applied to get the Character back to the Original G8F A-Pose

4. Then Applied the Big004_Lower Poser and gets the same result.

There is no other expression applied to the Character - the only one I apply is the Big004_Lower expression.

I think the Easy Unlocker unlocks all parts of the Character so I don't specifically unlock the Jaw bone. But I just tried unlocking the Jaw Bone as well as yields the exact same results.

I also tried the "Mega Zero G8F G8M" script as well and re-applied the Big004_Lower pose - same result.

Edited by user Wednesday, March 4, 2020 6:28:18 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#4 Posted : Wednesday, March 4, 2020 7:16:53 PM(UTC)

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I would go ahead and try the jaw unlocker and reset too.  If it is still not working right, you may have a G8 or expressions set installation issue..  I followed your steps and everything is working on my machine.  I weill keep trying to duplicate it.

I used to be disgusted, now I'm just amused
#5 Posted : Wednesday, March 4, 2020 7:36:59 PM(UTC)

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Thank You again Bill! Yes, I did try Thunder 3D's Jaw Bone Unlocker and reset utility - I get the same results each time.

I have also attached screenshots just to show I have the basic G8F Character loaded with only Default Parameters and no Poses applied.

Again - thanks for any ideas or further suggestions. Very much appreciate the time!!

leegreen12 attached the following image(s):
#6 Posted : Wednesday, March 4, 2020 11:06:12 PM(UTC)

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Sorry for the delayed response. :)


That's pretty crazy looking, I'm trying to replicate it but can't seem to get the jaw to do that with base G8F and the expression, with a fresh "locked" character or with one that's been "easy unlocker"-d.

I've tried applying the expression without unlocking, with unlocking, also with the separate jaw unlocker from the BJ sets, I can't get anything like that to happen at all.


I really want to help you with this (and I love hunting down wierd things like this). Can you please replicate the pose, save a scene file of it (with the expression active) and then email a copy of the scene file to me at the email address in the readme?

I have a feeling it may be either a character morph or morph kit that is not playing nice with the pose, or another expression set that contains custom morphs that are activating by accident.


Is this happening on all the lower expressions or just that particular one?

All my expressions are built from the core DAZ sliders, so no extra morphs should be activating, I'm very curious to see what's causing this. :)



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leegreen12 on 3/5/2020(UTC)
#7 Posted : Wednesday, March 4, 2020 11:14:44 PM(UTC)

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Just for kicks, I went in and unlocked every joint in the lower face rig (teeth and all) and can't get that result.

Hopefully I can find the offender in your scene file. :)
#8 Posted : Thursday, March 5, 2020 7:06:46 AM(UTC)

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Hello Thunder3D - thank you for your very fast reply and fantastic support! I have just mailed you my Scene file for your inspection. Please do reach out to me either personally or via this forum. With your support, I am very anxious to solve the root problem.

I answered your questions in my mail but I do notice the exaggeration on both upper and lower expressions as well (not just the one referenced - Big004_Lower); but the level of exaggeration does vary with the expression.

All the best & thanks again for your kind help!

#9 Posted : Thursday, March 5, 2020 2:59:35 PM(UTC)

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Hi leegreen!

I've been testing your scene file, looks like some strange hits on Auto Face Enhancer.

Keep an eye on your email, I'll correspond further with you there until we get this figured out :)

#10 Posted : Thursday, March 5, 2020 4:27:10 PM(UTC)

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leegreen12 uninstalled Auto Face Enhancer and the broken expressions returned to normal.

I suspect that AFE has an automated component (I don’t’ own it so I can’t be sure) that can be “switched off” so that it won’t interact with the pose dials. Another possibility is the product simply glitched on install.

If anyone who owns AFE and also has my expressions sets has any input on this topic, it would be very much appreciated in this thread.

Thunder-3D customers should be aware, all our expression sets are dialed from the OFFICIAL Daz dials and no custom dials are added. If products do not conflict with the official daz expression dials, they will not conflict with our expression sets.

If you have any issues no matter how small with our expressions or poses, please let us know as it improves our future products and allows us to update older ones as soon as possible. :)


thanks 1 user thanked Thunder-3D for this useful post.
leegreen12 on 3/5/2020(UTC)
#11 Posted : Thursday, March 5, 2020 4:44:00 PM(UTC)

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Thank You Thunder 3D for your fast discovery of the Root cause - all your expressions now work perfectly!! Indeed it's a problem with AFE; I did try to re-install the AFE Product via the DIM once more and the same problem returns. Hence I have uninstalled this for now and will log a problem with DAZ and the Vendor to see if they have a solution. I will update this once more for any new discovery.

#12 Posted : Friday, March 6, 2020 1:38:17 PM(UTC)

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Just an update to the AFE (Auto Face Enhancer) Problem - I exchanged with D.Master (DAZ AFE Vendor) and he noted that the "Powerpose Off" Option has to be selected under the Shapes Menu to disable the AFE Powerpose feature. It does not matter if all the Pose Sliders under the Head are turned to Zero. Also - I have noticed every time restart DAZ or I execute a "Restore Figure Pose" command, the Powerpose feature is automatically re-enabled and needs to be once more manually turned off under the Shape Menu (see Screenshot). I am following up with D.Master to understand if this can be somewhow permanently disabled until I wish to use it on a pose (otherwise, it's a real labor to have to turn off every time I restart DAZ or Restore the Figure pose).

Just an FYI for all those using AFE or thinking of purchasing this product.

leegreen12 attached the following image(s):
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Thunder-3D on 3/6/2020(UTC), jimbojones on 3/30/2020(UTC)
#13 Posted : Saturday, March 7, 2020 11:41:10 PM(UTC)

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Thanks for the update! :)

#14 Posted : Monday, March 30, 2020 10:35:26 AM(UTC)

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I noticed after installing Auto Face Enhancer I have this problem also as well with Thunder 3D expressions and also some of the Deep Space expression on some of the open mouth poses. Usually the mouth and fore head really distort. I uninstalled the Auto Face Enhancer but the problem remains. Thanks for this fix, I will give it a try. Hopefully works for me.

#15 Posted : Monday, March 30, 2020 4:06:01 PM(UTC)

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AFE sounds like a very interesting product, I hope he releases an update to fix these issues in the near future.

#16 Posted : Tuesday, March 31, 2020 2:24:03 PM(UTC)

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Turning off the AFE command worked for me and solved my expression problems. Thanks for all the help from everyone. Stay safe.

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Thunder-3D on 4/1/2020(UTC)
#17 Posted : Saturday, May 9, 2020 9:48:47 PM(UTC)

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If anyone else is having the problem after uninstalling, please see the DAZ thread. The product was mispackaged on initial release and requires a manual delete before reinstall.
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kstar8008 on 6/10/2020(UTC)
#18 Posted : Wednesday, June 10, 2020 1:32:48 PM(UTC)

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Hi Thunder-3D, have you considered adding ERC dials to your expressions? Sometimes they are too much so it's nice to be able to do 50%.
#19 Posted : Wednesday, June 10, 2020 4:19:18 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: kstar8008 Go to Quoted Post
Hi Thunder-3D, have you considered adding ERC dials to your expressions? Sometimes they are too much so it's nice to be able to do 50%.

When I started out as a user, single dial expressions frustrated me because I had to spend a lot of time digging through every dial looking for exactly what I wanted to tweak when modifying an expression for a scene. When I started producing expressions for sale, the 2 things I wanted to do differently from everyone else was A) make the expressions upper and lower partials to give the user more options and B) use raw dialed presets to make it easy for the user to use the "currently used" selection to see how the expression was built, making it a bit easier (at least to me :) ) to find the dials and edit them.

I understand that some people like it the other way, so on future expresion sets I'll look at adding erc single dial versions as a feature :)

#20 Posted : Thursday, June 11, 2020 8:18:54 AM(UTC)

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I love the upper/lower aspect of them for sure as it does add a lot of flexibility! And now that you explained it, your design decision makes sense though. I personally have found that it's easier to dial in something at, say 67% than to back off all of the various dials used to create the expression.
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