My Profile

Male, born on November 22nd.
Location: 'Merica
Occupation: Enabler
Pornography, sex, art, cooking, random acts of masturbation, countertop surgery, crystal culture, abducting and anally probing greys, that thing over there by the wall, rendering 3d images, and women.
About Me:
I enjoy long walks on the beach (mainly in the surf line to erase my tracks), and fondling myself at funerals. This can be rather awkward when I'm giving the eulogy. I also like women, from the glow on their face as they orgasm to the wide-eyed gasp as I leap unexpectedly from their closets. If I have impregnated your wife, girlfriend, sister, cousin, or mother, I'm sorry if you're not okay with that. Nothing personal, I'm just too thick for butt stuff.
