Mey Outfit G8F
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Mey Outfit for Genesis8Females, a cute and extraordinary design for your ladies.
You get:
-Anklets L/R for Genesis8Females
-Top Flower
-5 Mat sets, iray optimized
-wearable preset
Note: Outfit can be used with dForce
Included Morphs:
Anklets L/R:
Adjust Back, Adjust BackInside, Adjust BackOutside
Adjust Expand
Adjust Front, Adjust FrontInside, Adjust FrontOutside
Adjust Inside, Adjust Outside
Adjust BeltBack, Adjust BeltBackL, Adjust BeltBackR
Adjust BeltExpand
Adjust BeltFront, Adjust BeltFrontL, Adjust BeltFrontR
Adjust BeltLeft, Adjust BeltLeftBack, Adjust BeltLeftFront
Adjust BeltRight, Adjust BeltRightBack, Adjust BeltRightFront
Alexandra8, Babina8, Charlotte8, Ellithia8
Gia8, Girl8, Honni8, Kayo8, Latonya8
Monique8, Olympia8, Sydney8
Adjust Back, Adjust BackL, Adjust BackR
Adjust Front, Adjust FrontL, Adjust FrontR
Adjust Left, Adjust Right
Alexandra8, Babina8, Charlotte8, Ellithia8
Gia8, Girl8, Honni8, Kayo8, Latonya8
Monique8, Olympia8, Sydney8
Adjust ElbowBendL, Adjust ElbowBendR
Adjust ElbowExpandL, Adjust ElbowExpandR
Adjust ElbowL, Adjust ElbowR
Adjust ExpandIndexL, Adjust ExpandMiddleL, Adjust ExpandPinkyL, Adjust ExpandRingL, Adjust ExpandThumbL
Adjust ExpandIndexR, Adjust ExpandMiddleR, Adjust ExpandPinkyR, Adjust ExpandRingR, Adjust ExpandThumbR
Adjust ForearmExpandL, Adjust ForearmInsideL, Adjust ForearmOutsideL, Adjust ForearmTopL, Adjust ForearmUndersideL
Adjust ForearmExpandR, Adjust ForearmInsideR, Adjust ForearmOutsideR, Adjust ForearmTopR, Adjust ForearmUndersideR
Adjust HandBackL, Adjust HandExpandL, Adjust HandPalmL
Adjust HandBackR, Adjust HandExpandR, Adjust HandPalmR
Adjust ShoulderInsideL, Adjust ShoulderOutsideL, Adjust ShoulderTopExpandL
Adjust ShoulderTopL, Adjust ShoulderTopTightenL, Adjust ShoulderUndersideL
Adjust ShoulderInsideR, Adjust ShoulderOutsideR, Adjust ShoulderTopExpandR
Adjust ShoulderTopR, Adjust ShoulderTopTightenR, Adjust ShoulderUndersideR
Adjust WristL, Adjust WristR
Alexandra8, Babina8, Charlotte8, Ellithia8
Gia8, Girl8, Honni8, Kayo8, Latonya8
Monique8, Olympia8, Sydney8
Adjust Abdomen, Adjust AbdomenL, Adjust AbdomenR
Adjust Crotch, Adjust CrotchBack, Adjust CrotchFront
Adjust GluteL, Adjust GluteR, Adjust Glutes
Adjust HipBack, Adjust HipBackL, Adjust HipBackR
Adjust HipFront, Adjust HipFrontL, Adjust HipFrontR
Adjust HipL, Adjust HipR
Adjust ThighFrontL, Adjust ThighFrontR
Adjust ThighL, Adjust ThighR
Adjust WaistBack, Adjust WaistBackL, Adjust WaistBackR
Adjust WaistL, Adjust WaistR, Adjust WaistTight
Alexandra8, Babina8, Charlotte8, Ellithia8
Gia8, Girl8, Honni8, Kayo8, Latonya8
Monique8, Olympia8, Sydney8
Adjust AnkleInsideL, Adjust AnkleInsideR
Adjust AnkleOutsideL, Adjust AnkleOutsideR
Adjust CalfL, Adjust CalfR
Adjust FootFrontL, Adjust FootHeelL, Adjust FootInsideL, Adjust FootOutsideL, Adjust FootSoleL
Adjust FootFrontR, Adjust FootHeelR, Adjust FootInsideR, Adjust FootOutsideR, Adjust FootSoleR
Adjust KneeBendL, Adjust KneeInsideL, Adjust KneeL, Adjust KneeOutsideL
Adjust KneeBendR, Adjust KneeInsideR, Adjust KneeR, Adjust KneeOutsideR
Adjust ShinInsideL, Adjust ShinL, Adjust ShinOutsideL
Adjust ShinInsideR, Adjust ShinR, Adjust ShinOutsideR
Adjust ThighBackExpandL, Adjust ThighBackL, Adjust ThighFrontExpandL, Adjust ThighFrontL, Adjust ThighInsideL, Adjust ThighOutsideL
Adjust ThighBackExpandR, Adjust ThighBackR, Adjust ThighFrontExpandR, Adjust ThighFrontR, Adjust ThighInsideR, Adjust ThighOutsideR
Adjust TopBackInsideL, Adjust TopBackL, Adjust TopBackOutsideL, Adjust TopFrontInsideL
Adjust TopFrontL, Adjust TopFrontOutsideL, Adjust TopInsideL, Adjust TopOutsideL
Adjust TopBackInsideR, Adjust TopBackR, Adjust TopBackOutsideR, Adjust TopFrontInsideR
Adjust TopFrontR, Adjust TopFrontOutsideR, Adjust TopInsideR, Adjust TopOutsideR
Adjust MoveForward, Adjust MoveUp
Adjust PetalAForward, Adjust PetalBForward, Adjust PetalCForward, Adjust PetalDForward
Adjust PetalEForward, Adjust PetalFForward, Adjust PetalGForward, Adjust PetalHForward
Alexandra8, Babina8, Bridget8, Charlotte8, Ellithia8
Gia8, Girl8, Honni8, Kayo8, Latonya8
Monique8, Olympia8, Sydney8
Adjust Abdomen, Adjust AbdomenL, Adjust AbdomenR
Adjust Back, Adjust BackL, Adjust BackR
Adjust BreastL, Adjust BreastLExpand, Adjust BreastLInside, Adjust BreastLOutside, Adjust BreastLTop, Adjust BreastLUnderside
Adjust BreastR, Adjust BreastRExpand, Adjust BreastRInside, Adjust BreastROutside, Adjust BreastRTop, Adjust BreastRUnderside
Adjust BreastsCenterY, Adjust BreastsCenterZ
Adjust ChestL, Adjust ChestR
Adjust ChestLower, Adjust ChestLowerL, Adjust ChestLowerR
Adjust CollarFrontL, Adjust CollarFrontR
Adjust CollarTopL, Adjust CollarTopR
Adjust ScapulaL, Adjust ScapulaR
Adjust ShoulderLBack, Adjust ShoulderLExpand, Adjust ShoulderLFront, Adjust ShoulderLTop, Adjust ShoulderLUnderside
Adjust ShoulderRBack, Adjust ShoulderRExpand, Adjust ShoulderRFront, Adjust ShoulderRTop, Adjust ShoulderRUnderside
Adjust SleeveL, Adjust SleeveLBack, Adjust SleeveLUnderside
Adjust SleeveR, Adjust SleeveRBack, Adjust SleeveRUnderside
Adjust WaistBack, Adjust WaistBackL, Adjust WaistBackR
Adjust WaistL, Adjust WaistR
You need:
Genesis 8 Female
Genesis 8.1 Female
Does not work in Poser
DAZ Studio 4.22+

Application Compatibility

Daz StudioDaz Studio 4.21
PoserNot Supported
 Not Tested

Figure Compatibility

Daz FiguresGenesis 8.1Genesis 8.1 Female
 Genesis 8Genesis 8 Female

Required Products

Required 3rd Party Products
Genesis 8 female (

Mey Outfit G8F

SKU: 69607
By: SynfulMindz

Mey Outfit for Genesis8Females, a cute and extraordinary design for your ladies.


Views: 364

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