Young Blood Stories - Kelly
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Because Bad times needs good people to find the light again...
Because a world filled with crime and violence, bandits and monsters, is waiting for a savior...

It's time for a heroine to rise against the Evil...

Kelly is a young warrior, looking for criminals and monsters, everything that can make her rich and famous!
Rumors said that a filthy bandit attacked surronding villages, stealing, raping, killing everything he could.
This horrible man must be aeliminated, one way or another, and that's a job for our heroine!

Will this girl be The One?
The Heroine who will save the world?

Find the answer in this comics!

-Fight F vs 3M
-Belly Punching/Beatdown
-Capture and Stripping
-Heavy beating again!
-Whipping Scene
-Various Sex Scene
-Epilogue Scene

Number of pages: 609
Quality: HQ
Format: PDF
Required Program: Adobe Acrobat Reader, or any similar program that reads PDF files



Young Blood Stories - Kelly

SKU: 65419
By: SkatingJesus

The story of a young heroine, who looks for adventure. But adventure will find her first...


Views: 7892

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