Artist Studio - Crom131> "metepec The Unknown Species" In Stotre Now"

"metepec The Unknown Species" In Stotre Now"

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Store Link To Product 'The Creature of Metepec mexico' is a strange terrestrial mutant of evlotion or alien being from another world or even aquatic it was found by a Mexican farmer in a trap in May 11, 2007 A.D..
The person who found it was a farmer of the Metepec region of mexico, On finding the Creature the farmer stated that the Creature was still alive and very aggressive.
A UFO-Journalist after negotiation with the farmer obtained the dead body of the Creature from the farmer and brought it back to the U.S. for testing It's unknown what it actually is.
The Creature of Metepec body was placed tru large amounts of testing and D.N.A. evidence came back as inconclusive and that no known Creature on earth has the same genetic markers which
make the metepec an entirely new species. If the Metepec is terrestrial or alien no one still to this date knows. The Metepec is a rather small Creature but the farmer that found the Creature
stated that there was another one he had seen that was larger in size when he found the body of the first but that one ran away into the rain forest the one
that was left behind was The creature was alive, It was shrieking and scared, The farmer and a ranch hand decided to kill and preserve it the morning of the third day, They dunked
it in water for many hours, And it finally drowned. Its ability to survive so long underwater has made many feels it was amphibious. The Metepec is about the size of a small
cat or large rabbit. It has smooth /corse skin that is like scales of a reptile in texture but no visable scales on the skin, It's large head for its size has large eyes that are in position
like that of a predator the two forward-facing eyes, giving it stereoscopic vision and likely indicating that it has predatory habits as well, The Creature known as the Metepec appears to be
quadrupedal, with dexterous front human like hands and feet that do not have a primate look or feel at all to them. It's head resembles that of the well-known Grey aliens, possibly suggesting
a connection. If it was indeed an alien, the Metepec Creature had similar respiratory needs to terrestrial life on Earth as it was able to survive breathing the planet's atmosphere but two small
air holes just above the nose alowed for it to have a larger breathing capacity or could even suggest some truth in it's underwater breathing ability similar to Blowhole use in whales & dolphins.
It is unknown what the creature would feed on, But like humans its teeth showed sign's of it being an ominvore.The Metepec has been liked with the legendary cryptid rumored to be the Chupacabra
of new mexico & Puerto Rico as well as the Florida Swamp ape some say its even a Gray alien Human
Mutant hybrid in the end you decide.
Crom131_Metepec design was made useing Z-brush 4.0 & C4D.
custom shader Designed within Poser Pro and devolped in poser Pro advanced 2012,The Two Style textures
And One Bonus texture were made in Adobe photoshop Cs5
Two Stye head Morphs for M4 to work with, Three size morphs And one main body morph.

Important compatiblity statement:

M4 morphs++ not needed
Poser 5 and Up to Poser Pro 2012

**This product is ment to be used with M4 Daz Base Figures .
But can be used with any figure that has Mat takeing compatibility
Like DAZ 3D - ,Hiro 4, Freak 4 Base,
and has size and proportion value similar to M4 with ajustments made in
Paramaters tab for figures .

*Note( Daz M4 Gens is not included within this product,
Only The Crom131_Metepec for M4 Mat & fix Injections for
Daz M4 Gen's support are.

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