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#1 Posted : Saturday, April 27, 2024 9:40:51 PM(UTC)

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Hi gang!

Most of you won't even realize the (personal) impact that ^ opening has, and that's just the way I like it ;)

Last year I've been contacted by "the powers that be", asking me if I would like it to become a product tester. Due to personal obligations we had to part ways because I couldn't make it work. One year later a lot had changed in my personal environment, not all for the better. It was a really dark time and I honestly don't know how I would have gone throuhg this without the support of my gf, the love of my life <3.

And before we even go here: I fessed up a long time ago. I'm not just talking about my gf because she means so darn much to me.. I also brouht her into this because she knows darn well how much Renderotica means to me. Heck, she even supports me on this all the way!

But back to the business at hand...

Things changed and I figured I'd ask. I got tested, I got "roasted" (= personal opinion; all for the better!) and I got accepted into the team.

Being mighty proud of the fact and feeling a bit guilty that I haven't been too active on Renderotica as of late.. I felt like venting ;)

DON'T trust a market without testers!

This does raise the question of course.. how do you know? Yah, that was one of the reasons why I'm doing what I do now. And if you were me, I would be challenging my own post right now. Talk is cheap.. So I'd like to point your attention to this post of mine where I "fessed up" for the first time. No, I'm not trying to brag. I'm not even trying to make Renderotica as the #1 here (despite me honestly being convinced that they are).

THIS is about you, random reader: don't trust a market if you think they don't do any tests. Any market, including this one. Of course.. having said that: Rabbit says it all; they have testing involved, and once again I cannot help but mention how mighty proud I am to be a small part of this.

But why?

For obvious reasons I cannot go into detail, nor do I want to. I mean.. think about this: in the end this would still be about "he said, they said", waste of time and effort. We all have our fanboys, so lets stick to some facts.

Fact one..  some of the products which were (horribly) failed by Renderotica are still sold "elsewhere". And I am not talking about "we don't like it" failures, I'm talking the likes of "I applied an arms morph and it opened the vagina too". Totally ridiculous, easily spotted by anyone using the product and yet..  some places still sell this garbage.

How would you know!?

Fact two...  because I was one of the product testers and because another fellow-tester managed to track this down and expose it to the team. Morphs not working? A major issue for us, but for the "other" website? No problem at all!

And here's the issue at hand: all I saw was the same item. I'm definitely not going to spent money to prove (or debunk) something I already know. Yah, US on the 'Renderotica team' have standards, but we have no right to "just" criticize other places either..

But I can give you guys my word that this has happened. In fact.. it was one of the main triggers why I'm writing all this!

Renderotica values honesty regarding vendor mistakes

Disclaimer: I am but a tester and I have 0 clue.. well.. maybe 0,02 clue as to what is happening on management levels. But ... I notice things. I also keep records of my doings.

The reason I came to the above conclusion is because I have experienced "repetitives" twice: having to test the exact same product which I've tested before. Here comes the kicker: without knowing why it was (or wasn't?) denied.I once asked about this, why did X product fail? Didn't get an answer and in hindsight I believe it was for the better.

Because believe me: if your product fails and you re-apply it, it will be retested many of us become vultures trying to pick on your bones ;)  Well...  I know I am :)

Which brings us to my next point:

Renderotica testers are a TEAM

I am honestly massively impressed by this. We are a team. And that implies.. no, we're not all the same, we're not the best (or worst!) in what we do nor do we have the same sexual preferences (ey! fair game on a website like this!).

My point here.. we are different, we have our own fantasies, values and such and we still work awesomely together. Of course.. we also don't interact that much (in the end we sent our findings to Renderotica staff and they obviously have the final word). But it is that difference which makes us stronger. We can agree to disagree.

Not to mention that some testers have been on the team for years. Mad respect to you guys and girls!

Renderotica also protects its vendors

I'm going to be really strict with the stuff I write right now so apologies if some things don't make sense (I always re-read and edit but..). I am very careful right now.

Because I am addressing piracy. Grabbing someone elses 3D work, making it look as if it's something of yours and then try to sell that on "our" market place. I kinda apologize for the 'our' remark but I use this type of wording to illustrate just how much I feel invested and related with this awesome website. This is my #1 erotica outlet and source.

So, about the subject at hand. There are "some rules" in place which may frustrate some of the vendors (I think!). And I get it. The thing is though that the reason these rules are being applied is to try and make it much harder for pirates to usurp on the effort of those vendor products.

And for the record: the only reason I am bringing this up is because I speak from personal experience (again). 

This also ties into my previous point: we are a team: we failed a certain product and then a fellow team member of mine dug into the matter a whole lot more and they discovered that.. wait a sec.. we roasted this product because it was no good (to our standards!) and yet: it still got sold on another render related website. I also know that the Renderotica staff roasted said vendor and they fessed up. Of course I don't know details but .. this does goes to show you the professionalism that Renderotica upholds.

And for the record? It is my assumption (!) that 'we' also don't burn bridges either. There are ways to redeem yourself, which hit really close to home to be honest.

And sometimes the powers that be may make your life more "miserable", but only because they don't want all your hard work to get abused by others.

When you get rejected by Renderotica you can bet that it is kinda serious. 

For the record? It really warms my heart / raises my respect whenever a vendor sees their product failed in testing, only for them to come back even stronger.

Some of us testers respect our history mind you ;)


Please note.. solid testing does not imply automated purchase pleasure. I've tested awesome products while I actually "hated" on them. They were awesome from a technical point of view but no chance in heck that I would ever use 'm. Being a solid & tested product does not mean you'll love it too...

And .. SO much bias involved here.. Renderotica had been my #1 favorite "naughty" outlet long before I even became a product tester. So when I did became one, you betcha that I am considering myself a fanboy of sorts.

But I also try to look beyond all that, some examples being given above.

And I can honestly say... that Renderotica is one of the most honest and devoted "naughty" 3D marketplaces you've ever encountered. Being tasked to test the same product twice doesn't lie: it says something about the devotion. Not to mention the trust which the powers that be place onto us testers; while I did take some shortcuts I also made sure they mattered and didn't negatively affect the outcome. Changes were tested and scrutinized. Not to mention that I documented the whole lot. twice.

Bias or not... I am convinced that there's a good reason why the Richard on the Daz3d forums (mad respect!!) has no problems to sporadically reference Renderotica. You know.. on a forum which doesn't allow nudity and such? Which removes your posts when your render is a bit too sketchy?


Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this small glimpse into the "other side" of things.


Edited by user Saturday, April 27, 2024 9:48:48 PM(UTC)  | Reason: darn typoes (2x)

thanks 5 users thanked ZenMaster3D for this useful post.
BrotherHades on 4/28/2024(UTC), Pushee-Ri on 4/29/2024(UTC), RangerRabbit on 4/29/2024(UTC), Thunder-3D on 4/29/2024(UTC), Bumper2 on 4/30/2024(UTC)
#2 Posted : Monday, April 29, 2024 1:25:48 AM(UTC)

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Soooo... yeah, maybe off topic. However, what's up with the new DS "Welcome" series? "Gray Site" closing up shop or something? DM or Mod Reply then Delete if confidential (with my apologies).
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