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#1 Posted : Saturday, October 28, 2023 4:28:30 PM(UTC)

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Hello All!

I have a bunch of custom ai items I've been creating here, loras, models, textual inversion embeddings... I was wondering if there would be a place to sell erotic loras and what not on the site here. It really seems a shame not to. Let me know if it's available! I'd love to remove my items from other online marketplaces to keep all of my erotic content here as much as possible.


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Sutut on 11/1/2023(UTC)
#2 Posted : Tuesday, October 31, 2023 4:52:07 AM(UTC)

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I can't see any AI item for use in SD getting much interest in sales. Civitai has a hard drive choking pile of stuff available for free and the naughty stuff is quickly joining the collection. If anything, creators are asking for a 'coffee' donation that works out to five bucks or so. There's also a lot of excellent and free tutorials on making your own Loras and other goodies for use in SD.
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Darkseal on 10/31/2023(UTC)
#3 Posted : Tuesday, October 31, 2023 10:55:30 AM(UTC)

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I sell items CDDVD, it's what I do. I've had some sales on my *deleted* and ko-fi for the items I've listed so far, but my reach is small. I think $1-$5 isn't too much to pay for an item that you really want and is akin to a donation. The products exist. Just because someone else gives it away for free doesn't mean there's not a market. Ai is only going to get bigger, and I was just curious if my favorite store would consider listing these items for sale.
#4 Posted : Tuesday, October 31, 2023 2:04:01 PM(UTC)

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I think a well documented tutorial set including installation instructions, step by step tutorial to create your first image and then advanced tutorial on converting a 3d rendered image (which IMHO would appeal to 3d rendering users and fit better into this site) into another art format would be cool, and I would definitely buy into that. I know nothing about AI and I'm waiting to be able to convert an image I created in 3d into another art style.
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Darkseal on 11/1/2023(UTC)
#5 Posted : Tuesday, October 31, 2023 2:11:59 PM(UTC)

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I can appreciate that you'd like to make some money on your AI tools but we are not an AI house. We support Daz Studio and Poser mainly. AI products cannot be copyrighted and so there is no incentive for us to get into the game and put it on our platform just to sell one copy to someone who then posts it somewhere for free and we are powerless to do anything with a DMCA takedown request. There will likely be lots of sites that pop up as marketplaces for AI but from what I've seen in the Rendering world, most sites are not allowing any AI at all.


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ContentModerator on 10/31/2023(UTC), Darkseal on 11/1/2023(UTC), Pushee-Ri on 11/2/2023(UTC), morx on 12/3/2023(UTC)
#6 Posted : Wednesday, November 1, 2023 12:48:32 AM(UTC)

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Davo, the youtubes if filled with hundreds of hours of tutorials on installation, models, training, etc.. The poser/daz tutorials I've don ein the past felt needed because, at I thought, there was a severe lack of information available. I'd be happy to get you (and whoever else ) up and running via discord if you wanted to. I've done it before, it would be no problem...

CGBytesmgmt, thank you for letting me know why there is no pursuit, the lack of being able to copyright the actual model being sold is understandable. I was unaware that loras or embeddings or hypernetworks would follow the same fate, as those owuld need actual focused training from the individual, and would think it would have ownership.

In anycase, thanks!

And Davo, should you want to, I would be happy to point you to the well of knowledge to get up and running.
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#7 Posted : Wednesday, November 1, 2023 1:19:25 AM(UTC)

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You can still copyright work you put into it that is original.  Before OR after.

For instance, my AI images are often made with MY images as input.  Darkseal is more along than me but planning to also make a ton of pose refs where I do hands, poses, etc.  Since it's a 2D output it's in all Sale TOS as you can use purchased Poser/Daz assets to make 2D images and sell - just not export 3DCG mesh.

THEN I often edit on top of images.  Fixing fingers.  Changing a few details.  Adding or removing a tree.

The latter alone I could RIAA level sue anyone who stole my images.  Not for any "AI" issue - but a painting of a finger, some spatter of digital paint if done by hand, a tree or castle that just had to be there...  On top...  Well check RL - if you drew a spatter of paint on a canvas and documented it was yours and someone deliberately stole it...?  IRL many judges have a stack of spatter 'fine art' locked in art vaults in duty free ports they'll use to pump up value and dodge taxes legally and with the "Bananna on the Wall" era of today the concept is the product.

Finally, via artists I work with for TTRPG projects I have characters I put on top and use the AiArt for quickie backgrounds.


So - raw, random Aiart from Midjourney - yeah there might be some nebulous issue.

Art using AI - BUT - from a specific source owned by the creator, edited after on top by the creator, other items inserted.  Those you certainly could put up notices of copyright, DMCA takedowns and successfully sue.  The "AiArt" as pure 100% computer is the only thing that seems outside the realm. (via Monkey photo and dumb PETA activists)



Originally Posted by: CGBytesMgmt Go to Quoted Post

I can appreciate that you'd like to make some money on your AI tools but we are not an AI house. We support Daz Studio and Poser mainly. AI products cannot be copyrighted and so there is no incentive for us to get into the game and put it on our platform just to sell one copy to someone who then posts it somewhere for free and we are powerless to do anything with a DMCA takedown request. There will likely be lots of sites that pop up as marketplaces for AI but from what I've seen in the Rendering world, most sites are not allowing any AI at all.


#8 Posted : Wednesday, November 1, 2023 2:09:53 AM(UTC)

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I have an idea for what we could make to sell using AiArt - and this WOULD be totally subject to Copyright protection:

----drum roll---

Custom training modules for AI input.

First - we use our own Poser/DAZ software to rapidly generate many thousands of pose files - figures over monocrhomatic backgrounds.  AiArt's big weakness is its trouble to get exact poses but this is changing but its more training data.  We can make and upload our own custom models depending on software and service - Darkseal is more advanced than me there since I'm doing other things also and very busy.

Neat modules with thousands of training images but a few seperate themes for spreading the value and adding to it.  Guns, swordfights, everyday... - male/female poses - and do thousands of them with good descriptions and thumbnails - no need for advanced renderings just make a training set with the model and tags - holding gun 1 - front pose - right hand up - left hand down + maybe a drawn stick figure depending on what option works.

The Copyright from our end is A-OK - since if we have our own assets purchased (figures, poses) we can create unlimited new 2D images just don't share the 3D mesh or other Poser/Daz files.


Right then and there we have an option - just not sure pure AIArt users would come to Renderotica/CGBytes directly so might need to market elsewhere or advertise.


We could also invest in "Streisand Backlash Effect" modules to punish the figureheads of the fake anti-AI art movement.  I mean personalties such as Loish, Marc Brunet and an Aussie guy who's Barlowe like and does evolved space slugs in a sci-fi setting.  Let's see - pretty ladies, pretty ladies and a Barlowe rip-off.  I can understand the first two but...  Oh, well...An "Art style" can NOT be protected by copyright.  There are a million artists in the world and a good number of them are in the 3rd world.  Check out "Art Cities" in China on a popular video service - they copy VanGogh all day and yes they will copy the style of living artists for pennies on the dollar.  For a relatively small investment we could make a good number of images in their style by real professionals who do dozens of images a day.  These could be scanned into training modules with similar sounding names "Yoish", "Unet", "Weird Space Critters from Scifi Oz"...

These WOULD be legally protectable as the source would be 100% controlled - again something like a few dozen art city Chinese people we hired for a while - with the images scanned, tagged and turned into a training module for people to buy for use in their own images.


Again an "Art style" can NOT be copyright/trademark.  That's good or otherwise Disney would send lawyers to harass Mark Bode to NOT draw anything anymore or they'd get him jailed somehow "Mike Diana" style and at least ruined financially because his smutty "Underground Comix" style of his and his father degrade THEIR copyright/trademark on the "Wizards" property they now own.  Anyone knowing thing one about this will shudder how unfair and untrue it is, but they'd win with a pile of lawyers and Mickey Mouse opening a fire-hose of money to shop for a friendly to them judge.  No it does not matter they were first and published, protected.  Disney's lawyers would overwhelm it.

Not an art style, but a collection of commissioned images then used FOR an "AI Module"...!  That CAN be protected.  Artists DO have a legit whine if someone scans their stuff in to use and sell - but they could do it with theirs and use it on their own computer for their own works.  Frankly - in their own non-AI training module is it all Public domain or work used with permission?  They whine about computers doing what they do and far faster even with wonky fingers.  "Good Artists create, great artists steal" - Picasso.

Furthermore - as I said in a reply in this section - you can protect AI artworks by :

A - putting your own stuff in the module and/or reference image and be ready to prove it.  The reference image or - as above - the sourced art for training.

B - keep a top layer of your corrections and modifications, even a tiny tree painted in or finger - that's YOUR art a thief would steal on top of AI - the legal claim would be for stealing your art not AI

C - Adding additional work above it in other ways, again such as myself using it for quickie backgrounds but the characters from my own art or from artists who do work from me is top of it and carefully drawing black over them to go "Hrrr Hrrr Hurr" well I don't think that's a threat. (not counting might steal an extra tree or dab of paint that is nearly invisible per B)

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Darkseal on 11/1/2023(UTC)
#9 Posted : Wednesday, November 1, 2023 10:39:18 AM(UTC)

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TY for the input Sutut, I know it seems to be a can of worms for protection, which is what seems to be stopping the hosting of ai products, the ability to dmca remove assholes who come buy the product and the post it up on sites to be leeched, legally. Without the copyright protection on the model itself (probably .ckpt, .safetensors, etc... at large) the site is lacking the legal standing to demand takedown, is what I am reading here. It's not about art output or dataset input.

Sad days. I guess I'll go back to what I was doing....
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Sutut on 11/1/2023(UTC)
#10 Posted : Wednesday, November 1, 2023 2:52:24 PM(UTC)

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For the time being, a Federal US Judge has ruled that AI art cannot be copyrighted. Here is a link to the article that talks about AI and copyright dated October 3, 2023.


The Judges ruling can be seen here. https://cdn.patentlyo.com/media/2023/08/THALER-v.-PERLMUTTER-et-al-Docket-No.-1_22-cv-01564-D.D.C.-Jun-02-2022-Court-Docket-1.pdf

There may be some gray areas around what percentage of the work is the artist compared to what is AI, but we aren't prepared here to start looking into being able to determine that proof. Right now, AI art is free to use. People can try to sell it, but most people can generate their own. Selling the tools to use with Rendered art may be another avenue to explore, but again, that's outside our scope support here at CGBytes / Renderotica / Renderotique.  

Renderotica Management
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Sutut on 11/1/2023(UTC), Darkseal on 11/1/2023(UTC), ContentModerator on 11/2/2023(UTC)
#11 Posted : Wednesday, November 1, 2023 6:54:44 PM(UTC)

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Thanks RangerRabbit. The end part of that IS my question. You say, "Selling the tools to use with Rendered art may be another avenue to explore, but again, that's outside our scope support here at CGBytes / Renderotica / Renderotique."

I would just like to know if Renderotia could / would explore that avenue, making it a part of their scope here.


Edit: The keywords in the judgment are "absent any human involvement", ie.... You should always do post work on images you want to copyright.

For the foregoing reasons, defendants are correct that the Copyright Office acted properly
in denying copyright registration for a work created absent any human involvement"

Edited by user Thursday, November 2, 2023 12:46:31 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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