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#1 Posted : Saturday, April 10, 2021 2:22:01 AM(UTC)

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I've been loading 3rd party content for about 9 months now and thought I had this cracked! Normally, the problem was solved by chunking up the content data/people/runtime as there was an additional folder in the way (This was the case for example with Meipe Golden Palace/Dicktator). Here everything seems straightforward enough, although the split of files under data into Daz3D and Kaluma, might be the issue that is causing the blocky grey blob to appear instead of the genitals. I wish there was simple way for 3rd party content to load akin to Daz Central as I just want to get on with creating renders and not get bogged down with this admin type issue. Your suggestions will be much appreciated, and Thanks for creating another cool product that opens up great new possibilities for creating even more diversity in my erotic  outputs. Many Thanks

#2 Posted : Saturday, April 10, 2021 2:49:54 AM(UTC)

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Some 3rd party products are zipped under a Content folder, and some others are not.

Don't unzip files directly into your library, just copy the contents manually (data/people/runtime) into your DAZ Studio library and you should be fine.

I use DAZ Connect myself, but for 3rd party products, this works. :)

#3 Posted : Saturday, April 10, 2021 5:26:49 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Hellboy Go to Quoted Post

Some 3rd party products are zipped under a Content folder, and some others are not.

Don't unzip files directly into your library, just copy the contents manually (data/people/runtime) into your DAZ Studio library and you should be fine.

I use DAZ Connect myself, but for 3rd party products, this works. :)

Cheers HellBoy. Thanks for your swift response. I always unzip files to a separate hard drive where I keep all my 3rd party items. I then copy them from that place as mentioned to my Daz Library, making sure they are copied exactly on one drive to the other, like for like. I am quite rigorous with this process and get most things working, so cannot understand why I am having this problem on this occassion where it says the .dsf file is missing. Just out of interest have you bought this product and loaded it successfully? I am having exactly the same problem with Laudanum - CockORama

#4 Posted : Saturday, April 10, 2021 6:37:43 AM(UTC)

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To be honest under data you don't normally see two folders (in this case Daz3D and kaluma), then when you drop down further two sets of female genitals folders...I'm confused by this. I've unloaded evertything and reloaded it again and then when trying to load onto a G8 figure in Daz studio getting the same grey box coming up where the genitals should be after two sets of dialogues opened saying a whole bunch of .dsf files are missing...
#5 Posted : Saturday, April 10, 2021 7:00:31 AM(UTC)

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Hi Orkadia

I can sympathise, it is a pain and it does get in the way of the creative process but you can't get all the content you want from DAZ right! and even then Connect sometimes gets things wrong, I've had to manually install one or two items to get them to work.

Sorry it's a big subject and this is just a brief note to provide some useful, I hope, pointers.

It sounds like you have installed to a registered DS path because you can get to the item loader but resources may not be in the right locations.

The grey blocks thing happens when DS can't find the resources needed to draw the item, usually because they are not in the same 'runtime' path as the content item's loader script.
You can have as many 'runtime' paths as you like as long as they are registered for the right content type in the Content Directory Manager - Edit > Preferences > Content > Content Directory Manager.
Don't mess with anything that exists already unless you know what you are doing, you could loose access to content you have installed already or presets you have created but you can check the paths here and add your own if you want.

One issue is the different content types: You can't manually install stuff to the Connect path DS does not like that and there are different folder structures for DS and Poser format stuff - DS stuff tends to have a /data folder (if geometries are required) the Poser type stuff will typically have a /Runtime/Geometries folder. Sometimes you can get content that is a mixture of types and this is not good form but can work as long as all resources for the product can be found in the same 'runtime' path as per the root registered in the Directory Manager. Poser paths have to point to a "runtime" folder, DS paths can start at any point as long as they have the right structure within.

It can be tempting to try and organise things your own way in the runtime path - don't. Just copy from the zip to the same folder structure as per the zip but matching up with the root of the chosen 'runtime' folder.
If you change the folder structure you may need to edit the loader scripts which is only good if scripting floats yer boat.

You probably won't find the stuff in 'Smart' Content unless you register it with the DB (a whole other subject) but finding it in the Content Library should just be a matter of browsing down the right DAZ Studio Formats or Poser Formats path.

Note: DS displays the Poser format "Characters" folder as "Figures" in the Content Library and things don't always refresh straight away. There is a right click > Refresh option for Content Library folders but I find sometimes I have to click around on the Scene tab for a while before stuff shows up in the library.

There is a lot more to this subject but I hope this, err, brief note helps.
I'm just here by mistake, for a friend, for science... anyway you can't prove nuffin'.
thanks 1 user thanked Twisted_Pencil for this useful post.
orkadia on 4/10/2021(UTC)
#6 Posted : Saturday, April 10, 2021 7:23:44 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Digital_Mercury Go to Quoted Post
Hi Orkadia

I can sympathise, it is a pain and it does get in the way of the creative process but you can't get all the content you want from DAZ right! and even then Connect sometimes gets things wrong, I've had to manually install one or two items to get them to work.

Sorry it's a big subject and this is just a brief note to provide some useful, I hope, pointers.

It sounds like you have installed to a registered DS path because you can get to the item loader but resources may not be in the right locations.

The grey blocks thing happens when DS can't find the resources needed to draw the item, usually because they are not in the same 'runtime' path as the content item's loader script.
You can have as many 'runtime' paths as you like as long as they are registered for the right content type in the Content Directory Manager - Edit > Preferences > Content > Content Directory Manager.
Don't mess with anything that exists already unless you know what you are doing, you could loose access to content you have installed already or presets you have created but you can check the paths here and add your own if you want.

One issue is the different content types: You can't manually install stuff to the Connect path DS does not like that and there are different folder structures for DS and Poser format stuff - DS stuff tends to have a /data folder (if geometries are required) the Poser type stuff will typically have a /Runtime/Geometries folder. Sometimes you can get content that is a mixture of types and this is not good form but can work as long as all resources for the product can be found in the same 'runtime' path as per the root registered in the Directory Manager. Poser paths have to point to a "runtime" folder, DS paths can start at any point as long as they have the right structure within.

It can be tempting to try and organise things your own way in the runtime path - don't. Just copy from the zip to the same folder structure as per the zip but matching up with the root of the chosen 'runtime' folder.
If you change the folder structure you may need to edit the loader scripts which is only good if scripting floats yer boat.

You probably won't find the stuff in 'Smart' Content unless you register it with the DB (a whole other subject) but finding it in the Content Library should just be a matter of browsing down the right DAZ Studio Formats or Poser Formats path.

Note: DS displays the Poser format "Characters" folder as "Figures" in the Content Library and things don't always refresh straight away. There is a right click > Refresh option for Content Library folders but I find sometimes I have to click around on the Scene tab for a while before stuff shows up in the library.

There is a lot more to this subject but I hope this, err, brief note helps.

Thanks for all of the above points. I do load like for like, and don't try to mess with things. Just keep all my 3rd party content on a separate drive, because I have a lot of it. Probably the best way to learn the correct file setup is to start creating some content of my own to sell, then i will have to understand it implicity. Different vendors do load their content in different ways. But my assumption first and foremost is that all content sold on this site I am guess is rigorously tested before release. I am very motivated to get things working, like a 'dog with a bone' I am not satisfied til I sort it out. But I feel for the Vendor, because if this is a regular issue they will lose out on sales, as many people would simply give up and ask for their money back. I can see a lot of work has gone into these products and I value the outputs I can achieve through perserverance...

#7 Posted : Saturday, April 10, 2021 10:29:53 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: orkadia Go to Quoted Post
To be honest under data you don't normally see two folders (in this case Daz3D and kaluma), then when you drop down further two sets of female genitals folders...I'm confused by this. I've unloaded evertything and reloaded it again and then when trying to load onto a G8 figure in Daz studio getting the same grey box coming up where the genitals should be after two sets of dialogues opened saying a whole bunch of .dsf files are missing...


The two different folders is due to how Daz Studio is set up, for morphs and UVs to work, and load automatically with Genesis based figures, it is required they be in the Daz 3D folder structure ie Data/Daz 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/  


The other folder Data/Kaluma/Female Genitals/Female Genitals/ is set for the graft and it's morphs and UVs 


So while a lot of sets may not use the Daz 3D folder if they have morphs to be applied directly to the Genesis 8 figure (In this case JCMs) they will. 


What I would do is next time you load it up, copy to a document the path errors, and compare where the pop up says things should be compared to where they are installed and keep track of any discrepancies, my guess is somehow your install is being altered from the path it should be at. This can happen with as simple a change as a space being added or deleted in a folder or file name. (I have even seen where sometimes it can be the unzipping program used that alters the folders and file names spacing) Keep in mind that the way Daz Studio is set up some differences in paths are ignored (capitalization) while others are not (spacing) 


Another thing, usually unless there is an error it is best to leave the Data folder alone as it gets set up how it needs to be to work, and if you, for example, delete a folder you see as unnecessary (Such as a second Female Genitals folder) it will break the paths that the item load file tells Daz Studio where things are, which in the case with mesh or geometry items if they are not where they are supposed to be you will get the gray boxes. Just trust that the content creators know what they are doing and have reasons why they set the folder structure under Data the way they have.



thanks 1 user thanked BrotherHades for this useful post.
orkadia on 4/11/2021(UTC)
#8 Posted : Saturday, April 10, 2021 12:30:13 PM(UTC)

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Sorry I was generalising a bit in my previous post but I have just tried those gens on G8F and the work fine for me.

The user guide does mention the 'My Library' folder which DS creates under c:\Users\<user>\Documents\DAZ 3D or c:\Users\Public\Documents - Not sure if this changed with DS versions or install options. Either way that should work if the path is registered in the Content Directory Manager.

Like you I have my content on a separate volume and manual installs to that path registered as a DS content path in Directory Manager work just fine. Scripted installs and DAZ Install Manager content that still look for the 'My Library' under c:\Users can be an issue but it's usually just a case of dragging it from there to my own path.

Brother H is absolutely right on those data folders - Morphs for any of the DAZ figures need to go in the relevant /data/DAZ 3D folder, I believe. The /data/Kaluma folder is for the product specific resources but being related may well have identical sub-folder names. Just copy the stuff as per the folder structure in the zip to a registered DS content path.

It is easy to mess up the paths when doing a manual install so double check and as Brother H says the error messages should shed light on it.

I'm just here by mistake, for a friend, for science... anyway you can't prove nuffin'.
thanks 1 user thanked Twisted_Pencil for this useful post.
orkadia on 4/11/2021(UTC)
#9 Posted : Saturday, April 10, 2021 3:31:46 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: orkadia Go to Quoted Post


Thanks for all of the above points. I do load like for like, and don't try to mess with things. Just keep all my 3rd party content on a separate drive, because I have a lot of it. Probably the best way to learn the correct file setup is to start creating some content of my own to sell, then i will have to understand it implicity. Different vendors do load their content in different ways. But my assumption first and foremost is that all content sold on this site I am guess is rigorously tested before release. I am very motivated to get things working, like a 'dog with a bone' I am not satisfied til I sort it out. But I feel for the Vendor, because if this is a regular issue they will lose out on sales, as many people would simply give up and ask for their money back. I can see a lot of work has gone into these products and I value the outputs I can achieve through perserverance...


Let me preface this by saying I do not use the standard set up, and like you my content is on a separate drive. 

A key for Daz Studio is it is very flexible in how the folder structure is set up overall, however there are two exceptions the data folder and the textures folder.

Those two must be where Daz Studio says they must be. For Most this would be C:/User/Username/Daz 3D/Studio/My Library/Data and C:/User/Username/Daz 3D/Studio/My Library/Runtime/Textures (For me I use D:/Studio/Content/Data and D:/Studio/Content/Runtime/Textures) those two folders are needed to be where Daz says they should be because those folders and their various subfolders are what will contain all the geometry information and texture maps that are referenced when a file loads.

So if you end up with an installation where for example your Data folder ends up nested in the main Data folder then things wont work because when you have My Library/Data/Data or even My Library/My Library/Data Daz doesn't know to or how to read the data folder nested like that.

Another issue like mentioned before, if a space is added or subtracted in a folder or file name it will throw off the paths, so say the file says the mesh is at Data/Kaluma/Female Genitals/Female Genitals/file, but on your system it was placed at Data/Kaluma/FemaleGenitals/FemaleGenitals/file Daz will not see it where it should be because the path it installed to omitted the spaces in the folders.


Outside those two folders things can be put pretty much anywhere so for example some vendors use Lights others use Light Presets (What I will often do if Light Presets is used, I'll locate them in the older Lights folder, with additional sub folders for 3Delight and Iray so I know which engine the lights are built for) Same thing for Shaders and Shader Presets. 


Hope this is helpful.

thanks 1 user thanked BrotherHades for this useful post.
orkadia on 4/11/2021(UTC)
#10 Posted : Saturday, April 10, 2021 4:42:03 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: orkadia Go to Quoted Post

Cheers HellBoy. Thanks for your swift response. I always unzip files to a separate hard drive where I keep all my 3rd party items. I then copy them from that place as mentioned to my Daz Library, making sure they are copied exactly on one drive to the other, like for like. I am quite rigorous with this process and get most things working, so cannot understand why I am having this problem on this occassion where it says the .dsf file is missing. Just out of interest have you bought this product and loaded it successfully? I am having exactly the same problem with Laudanum - CockORama

Sorry, I don't have the product. It's weird you are having the same issue with two products from here. Wish I could be of help.

thanks 1 user thanked Hellboy for this useful post.
orkadia on 4/11/2021(UTC)
#11 Posted : Tuesday, April 13, 2021 7:03:02 AM(UTC)

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I'm sorry for the late reply. For some reason I didn't get a notification mail for this threat.
Thanks to Hellboy, BrotherHades & Digital_Mercury for the answers!

If it helps, in my readme files there always is a full list of the product files and the folder hierarchy - so you maybe could use it to find out where the error is.

If you want to do a reinstall you should delete following folders:

data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/kaluma/Female Genitals
People/Genesis 8 Female/Anatomy/Female Genitals
Runtime/Textures/kaluma/Female Genitals


I hope this helps.

#12 Posted : Monday, May 17, 2021 4:07:51 PM(UTC)

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Hi i have never been able to change the material on this product

2021-05-17 22:06:09.652 Loading script: E:/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Genesis 8 Female/Anatomy/Female Genitals/4 Pubic Hair/Materials/Material 17.dsa
2021-05-17 22:06:09.653 WARNING: Script Error: Line 38
2021-05-17 22:06:09.653 WARNING: TypeError: Result of expression 'SBH_Abd' [null] is not an object.
2021-05-17 22:06:09.653 WARNING: Stack Trace:
    <anonymous>()@E:/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Genesis 8 Female/Anatomy/Female Genitals/4 Pubic Hair/Materials/Material 17.dsa:38
2021-05-17 22:06:09.654 Error in script execution: E:/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Genesis 8 Female/Anatomy/Female Genitals/4 Pubic Hair/Materials/Material 17.dsa

#13 Posted : Monday, May 17, 2021 6:12:36 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: scapegoat Go to Quoted Post

Hi i have never been able to change the material on this product

2021-05-17 22:06:09.652 Loading script: E:/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Genesis 8 Female/Anatomy/Female Genitals/4 Pubic Hair/Materials/Material 17.dsa
2021-05-17 22:06:09.653 WARNING: Script Error: Line 38
2021-05-17 22:06:09.653 WARNING: TypeError: Result of expression 'SBH_Abd' [null] is not an object.
2021-05-17 22:06:09.653 WARNING: Stack Trace:
    <anonymous>()@E:/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Genesis 8 Female/Anatomy/Female Genitals/4 Pubic Hair/Materials/Material 17.dsa:38
2021-05-17 22:06:09.654 Error in script execution: E:/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Genesis 8 Female/Anatomy/Female Genitals/4 Pubic Hair/Materials/Material 17.dsa

Hi scapegoat.

I can reproduce this error if I delete the strand-based hair from the scene. If you add the pubic hair to the scene, do you have "SBH Abdomen" and "SBH FG" in your Scene tab?
If not, please make sure you have the newest version of Daz Studio and try to install the product again.

#14 Posted : Saturday, May 22, 2021 9:02:29 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: kaluma Go to Quoted Post

Originally Posted by: scapegoat Go to Quoted Post

Hi i have never been able to change the material on this product

2021-05-17 22:06:09.652 Loading script: E:/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Genesis 8 Female/Anatomy/Female Genitals/4 Pubic Hair/Materials/Material 17.dsa
2021-05-17 22:06:09.653 WARNING: Script Error: Line 38
2021-05-17 22:06:09.653 WARNING: TypeError: Result of expression 'SBH_Abd' [null] is not an object.
2021-05-17 22:06:09.653 WARNING: Stack Trace:
    <anonymous>()@E:/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Genesis 8 Female/Anatomy/Female Genitals/4 Pubic Hair/Materials/Material 17.dsa:38
2021-05-17 22:06:09.654 Error in script execution: E:/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Genesis 8 Female/Anatomy/Female Genitals/4 Pubic Hair/Materials/Material 17.dsa

Hi scapegoat.

I can reproduce this error if I delete the strand-based hair from the scene. If you add the pubic hair to the scene, do you have "SBH Abdomen" and "SBH FG" in your Scene tab?
If not, please make sure you have the newest version of Daz Studio and try to install the product again.

Cheers I have no idea why it only happens to the female genitals of yours, it works on GF8 baisc gens despite warning it might not work at alla and the material worked :)

#15 Posted : Sunday, December 11, 2022 12:56:06 AM(UTC)

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I know this is a really old thread, but I was hoping to get an answer as to how to fix this problem.

G8.1 fig and keep getting the error to choose a gen 8 figure or genitals. Clicking genitals returns this:

2022-12-11 00:36:44.490 WARNING: Script Error: Line 36
2022-12-11 00:36:44.490 WARNING: TypeError: Result of expression 'SrcMat' [null] is not an object.
2022-12-11 00:36:44.490 WARNING: Stack Trace:
<anonymous>()@D:/Daz3D/Applications/Data/DAZ 3D/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Genesis 8 Female/Anatomy/Female Genitals/02 Copy Material.dsa:36
2022-12-11 00:36:44.492 Error in script execution: D:/Daz3D/Applications/Data/DAZ 3D/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Genesis 8 Female/Anatomy/Female Genitals/02 Copy Material.dsa

The gens load and look great but I can't get the materials to load onto it.
#16 Posted : Sunday, December 18, 2022 1:53:23 PM(UTC)

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Hi DasAmazin!

Sry for the late reply.
I think this is a deprecated script. Please download the newest version of the product (kaluma_femgens1-g8f-g81f_v04.zip) and overwrite all existing files. This should fix the problem.

Thank you,
have a nice day!
#17 Posted : Monday, December 26, 2022 8:35:57 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: kaluma Go to Quoted Post
Hi DasAmazin!

Sry for the late reply.
I think this is a deprecated script. Please download the newest version of the product (kaluma_femgens1-g8f-g81f_v04.zip) and overwrite all existing files. This should fix the problem.

Thank you,
have a nice day!


Thanks Kaluma! I thought I had the right version, but I guess not. Now the other problem is that the gens appear slightly sunken into her body. This may or may not be a morph problem on the model's end, but if you have any advice on how to possibly fix it, I'd appreciate it!  THANKS!

#18 Posted : Wednesday, December 28, 2022 8:04:18 AM(UTC)

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Hi DasAmazin,

hm. Shouldn't be like that. Does it look normal on a default G8F or G8.1F figure? Could you please send me a screenshot to my mail (you find it in the readme) or as a pm?
#19 Posted : Friday, December 30, 2022 11:23:31 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: kaluma Go to Quoted Post
Hi DasAmazin,

hm. Shouldn't be like that. Does it look normal on a default G8F or G8.1F figure? Could you please send me a screenshot to my mail (you find it in the readme) or as a pm?


NM. Was doing the wrong thing. Will send you a pic.

Edited by user Friday, December 30, 2022 11:31:10 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#20 Posted : Saturday, December 31, 2022 6:59:13 AM(UTC)

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Female Genesis for Genesis 9

i have some corners and edges in the mesh after posing and after add materials there are some errors that pics "body-paint.png" are missing...

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