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#1 Posted : Wednesday, March 24, 2021 8:41:47 AM(UTC)

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This is a collective thread where I want to collect issues that have been reported to me by users. If possible I will fix them with the next updates, but for the meantime I will provide you workarounds.
If you find new issues or have problems to solve your issue with one of the workarounds, please make a post here in the forum or write me a pm or mail (you find my mail address in the readme file of your product)

Table of Contents:
- Female Genitals for G8F and G8.1F
- Strand Based Pubic Hair for Female Genitals for G8F and G8.1F


Female Genitals for G8F and G8.1F

01 Material of Female Genitals not shown correctly

- Issue: When using a G8.1F character with G8 surfaces, the materials of the Female Genitals graft are not shown correctly after running the "Copy Materials" script
- Reason: Seems to me like an error in Daz Studio - In this scenario it changes the UV-Maps of the graft to the shell maps. Haven't figured out if I can solve this via script.

- Workaround:

- Click on "Female Genitals" in the scene tab (1.)
- Click on the surface tab (2.)
- Click on "Female Genitals" in the surface tab to select all surfaces (3.)
- Then change the UV Set to "Default UVs" (4.)


Strand Based Pubic Hair for Female Genitals for G8F and G8.1F

01 Offset Issues
// Edit (21-04-13): Fixed in v02 - will be online in the next days
// Changes:
// Fixed the "Unparent Pubic Hair (Fix Pose Errors)" script.
// - Now it also unparents the strand based hair from the cap
// - It sets the transforms of "PubHairCap", "SBH_Abdomen" & "SBH_FG" to zero before unparenting, so you can reparent and unparent it multiple times without issues

- Issue: If the character is scaled the script "Unparent Pubic Hair" doesn't solve the offset issue
- Reason: SBH is not fully unparented via script - I will fix this in the next update

- Workaround:

- First, try to run the "Unparent Pubic Hair" script - It can solve the issue if the figure is transformed in it's position or rotation

- If this doesn't solve the issue, remove the pubic hair from your figure
- Click on your figure and search for the "Scale" transformation in General -> Transforms.
- Scale your character back to 100%
- Apply the pubic hair and make your changes
- Run the "Unparent Pubic Hair" script
- In the scene tab, right-click "SBH Abdomen" and click "Unparent SBH Abdomen..." and do the same for "SBH FG"
- Scale the character to your preferred scale again
!! You can not make changes on the pubic hair afterwards, until you reparent it. If you want to reparent, you should set the character scale to 100% again.

Edited by user Tuesday, April 13, 2021 11:18:03 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#2 Posted : Sunday, March 28, 2021 5:21:30 AM(UTC)

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I have an issue with the pubic hair product.

I cannot get it to load properly with 3Feetwolfs New Gens.

Other pubic hair products I have used with it without issue, even those designed for use with Meipe genetalia.


#3 Posted : Sunday, March 28, 2021 4:31:45 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Klutz Go to Quoted Post

I have an issue with the pubic hair product.

I cannot get it to load properly with 3Feetwolfs New Gens.

Other pubic hair products I have used with it without issue, even those designed for use with Meipe genetalia.




It's not supported for other genitals.

Technically you can use the sb pubic hair with any genitalia - Just ignore the warnings and right-click on "FG-SBH" -> Fit to...  and choose the genitalia you've applied to your figure.
But you will have to do some manual adjustments in the strand based hair editor, because some hairs will poke through the anatomy.

#4 Posted : Friday, April 2, 2021 12:19:35 PM(UTC)

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I'm very new to all this so apologies if this is an obvious thing that I've missed somewhere. I've been using the iRay preview view in Daz 3D with no problems, even with other content from third-party sites like Breastacular and Lickalicious. However, when I add Female Genitals and then the mats to G8F the iRay preview stops working. It goes smooth and silver and the yellow bar starts to load but after a couple of seconds it just disappears and the image stays smooth and silver. I have played around and identified that as the issue, if I delete the female genitals then iRay goes back to working properly. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there some obvious setting or step I haven't taken?
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