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#1 Posted : Tuesday, June 2, 2020 3:04:55 PM(UTC)

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DMCA Protection and Compliance in the Renderotica Galleries

One of the greatest challenges for online marketplaces is the copyright protection of the original artwork and files that are being created and sold.

The content artists that sell their products on CGBytes and Renderotique work many hours to develop incredible original 3D assets, comics and image sets and have come to find them on file sharing sites, or warez sites where they are being distributed for free (or even sold as original art).

To help protect the work of our content artists, we have now become DMCA Protected and Verified. By doing so, we are taking steps to monitor, report, and attempt to take down any artwork or products that are exclusive to our content artists and vendors we find on other sites or that have reported to us.

In doing this, we must also work to become DMCA compliant with ALL the imagery on our site – including the community galleries. Our team is has been going through all the community galleries and removing any image that uses copyrighted characters, logos, graphics or images - and this includes "fan art".

We know this may be very upsetting for many of you who have a passion for fan art (erotic or otherwise), but this is a step we must take so we can protect our exclusive content artists and vendors.

If we remove a gallery image that was posted after January 1, 2019, we will contact the member who posted the image by email to let them know that it was taken down. If that member continues to post copyrighted material we may need to take firmer action including suspension or banning. We will not notify members of the removal of images if they were posted prior to January 1, 2019. 

Please refer to our Community Policies and Terms of Service.

Here is a link to a video of the Copyright Lawyer from Deviantart who spoke at a ComicCon convention. Please take some time to watch this video. 


CGBytes Management /
Renderotica Management
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#2 Posted : Wednesday, June 3, 2020 12:40:37 PM(UTC)

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do you really think DMCA protection will help?

Femur from TGComics is fighting since years against these sites which are stealing premium comics from TGComics, with no success, because these sites are hosted in countries which don't care about DMCA or any copyright.

#3 Posted : Wednesday, June 3, 2020 2:43:58 PM(UTC)

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If the sites and their hosts won't comply then you go to upload sites like rapidgator.  If you can prove your copyright, they will remove the comics to be uploaded and replace them with a 404 file not found page.

It's tough I know unless someone can create a digital file number and match it to the number on the comic it was sold to.

The tech should be out there by now.

Who knows what lurks in the hearts of perverted artist....
The Shado Knows
#4 Posted : Wednesday, June 3, 2020 4:05:25 PM(UTC)

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There‘s a very popular warz site, let‘s call it 42muses (name changed, because I don‘t want to do advertise for them).
They have an own forum where people can upload comics and host them later also in an own gallery on their own web server.

You can ask them how much you like, they will take nothing down and you can‘t do nothing against it.
That‘s realitly. DMCA helps there zero.
#5 Posted : Wednesday, June 3, 2020 4:25:20 PM(UTC)

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I know the site and they openly say they will not honor any DCMA   Also anyone who submits a comic gets invited to the inner sanctum of this site for better D-load options.  Some of my stuff is there as well

Nothing will happen to this site till some international copyright organization goes to bat for all comic artist and takes them to court on Russian soil.

Regards  Shado.

Who knows what lurks in the hearts of perverted artist....
The Shado Knows
#6 Posted : Wednesday, June 3, 2020 4:30:51 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: shadoman Go to Quoted Post

The tech should be out there by now.

The "DriveThru" sites (comics, games, RPGs) sell by .PDF - these aren't locked but do have watermarks and hidden marks in the document.  This is done by software PER sale.  Yes, they handle other than .pdf - some things have said files and seperate images (say the map that comes as an insert if it was a physical RPG adventure)  Thus if some item they sell ends up on a fileshare site they can re-download it (having the copyright to do so as does the seller) and check out the hidden tags to see who bought it.  Granted someone might get hacked or lose a computer/flash drive somewhere - but not every single issue including new ones regularly even after the 'theft'.


If Renderotica's distributor's don't have this they should talk to them...  I'm sure they'd give an IT guy tips/pointers how to do it or maybe help directly if it's a legit digital store needing help.  Comics of course would be easy to tag, pure image digital files.  Since for "Toys" we have things in Poser/Daz format a script could easily look for expected files like Jpeg, Tiff, bmp  and easily insert a code into it.  (out of a range of millions of colors easy to say stretch a serial # ABC123548 ... big and 'write' it in slight variants of color 1/1000 hue shift that bounces around - or just a few dozen binary "Dots" spaced right in the right way (again in slight hue shift) the same way a desktop printer does find makers of Kiddie P... and Counterfeit...(oh, not tracing radicals like Communist countries did)  People that "hack" focus on breaking copyright protection/DRM stuff - but rarely anything beyond that.  Major movies when they 'negotiate' with advertisers go "The hackers who'll steal this film and show it in living rooms and downtown Calcutta won't remove your soda pop's label from the background..."  No way is a hacker going to spend weeks looking for if/where a bunch of dots hidden in jpegs are - might even be able to interpret them from images rendered with it depending on situation even if invisible to the eye...  Like holding up a sheet from your printer with a magniffying glass as someone did checking for perfection on their laserjet printer and finding the same dot pattern here and there years ago...


Now, yes someone could buy from a stolen credit card over the internet from "Former Glorious People's Republik of Krokodil" and post them on "Friendly Free Server of Digital Goods" - which is what they do now.  However, buying with a stolen credit card alone is a felony, not petty theft regardless of the issue of how many 'sales' putting something on a grungy buggy site full of viruses is.  Something a lawyer should be raving police and LEOs to go after.  Tracers in the files would provide a good trail to trace and confirm guilt when a suspect was caught.

Edited by user Wednesday, June 3, 2020 4:34:25 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#7 Posted : Friday, December 4, 2020 8:16:29 AM(UTC)

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Hi! Follow the e-mails from the sites that the shit pirates host the files. Copy the link of your product (s) and send it to the server email informing if it is a pirated / illegal copy being distributed without authorization, and put in the email the link to sell the original product. Some servers take an average of 24 to 48 hours to drop the links:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

for files in google drive, you must open a formal request ( click on the 3 point in top right side of the screen to report abuse ) and put the request datas in fields

Turbobit request DCMA page:

Edited by user Friday, December 4, 2020 8:24:06 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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shadoman on 12/4/2020(UTC)
#8 Posted : Friday, December 4, 2020 11:19:17 AM(UTC)

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This list is very nice to have and to what was said  they will in most cases comply within 24-48 hours, 

However.  When these sites do comply and and shitfaces that click on the link to get the down upload site and see the 404 error message, they complain to the pirates Moderators and all they have to do is change some names in the files and repost. 

One place did that t me by simply removing my pen name and withing a week a file that as shadoman's xtra credit was now simply extra credit.. and you have to start the process all over again.

So be vigelent and go back on occasion and check from time to time.. 

As to the russian site that does not comply to DCMA's  Fansoradox must have taken them to court inside Russia and won their case as all of their 400 comics are now gone..  

Regards  Shadoman


Who knows what lurks in the hearts of perverted artist....
The Shado Knows
#9 Posted : Friday, December 4, 2020 12:11:57 PM(UTC)

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Correct, pirate sites need to be monitored every day by each creator. I myself usually check twice a day each one I know. I always request the dropping of links to the servers, and I will not stop while these suckers steal and earn from my work.
In fact, I am developing a "PIRATE HUNTER" campaign where I will offer free DAZ products (characters, clothes, etc.) to any user who requests the removal of ROM FX products that find on any pirate site!
I am developing the rules, but among them I'll request that in addition to ROM FX product, the user send in the email another 15 random products from other sellers, which in the future will make the pirate think twice about posting again, because in addition to the ROM FX product, another 15 will be dropped together.
If you or other sellers are interested in participating, just make contact by sending msg on facebook.com/romfx

By the way, months ago, I kindly asked 3 sites to remove my products. 2 I took it out, a third one that the owner must be finding very "macho", he didn’t remove it, I spent months monitoring everyday and always dropping the new links, until he didn’t replace it anymore.
However, today the son of a bitch put on another ROM FX product, I commented on his own website about the alert I had previously given. And, as he thinks he is a badass, I took about 100 links to his other products on rapidshare and novafile and requested the drop.
As I warned the sucker, I'm going to do this for a week (it was fast, I spent just about 10/15 minutes, I'll even send another 50 in a little while).
As I sent the orders today, tomorrow or the day after they will all go offline, and I will do this for 1 week, every day about 100 product links from his website. If that sucker put something from ROM FX back again, I will do it for 1 month.

#10 Posted : Saturday, December 5, 2020 11:17:22 AM(UTC)

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I'm confused. Are we now, somehow, going to have a computer reviewing all of our artwork now and determining if we've stolen/used someone's copywritten material? Like Lightsabres and R-2 units and Mickey Mouse ears?

#11 Posted : Saturday, December 5, 2020 2:08:01 PM(UTC)

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What you said has nothing to do ... here's talking about pirate sites, where a thief user buys the original product and puts it "free" on your site for anyone to download. Where he earns money for the amount of downloads paid for by the hosting service (rapidgator, megaupload, etc) or clicks on the link redirector, money stolen from the creators.
I saw some owners of sale sites saying they are going to take action, but the same pirate sites have been around since 2013, others 2016, and they do nothing ... so, as I love to screw a pirate ... from yesterday to today I broke about 150 links hosted in the "novafile", products that are on the site of the fag that had put my character.
And this pirates guys are so shit, they are waiting for someone to buy and put them on the "master" site and then the second-tier pirates copy the file and put it on their other sites... they are crap they are sucking each other .
These sons of bitches must go hungry, or they are punks who don't have the courage to work and want to earn by stealing someone else's work.

However, I am not a babysitter, nor am I getting paid to use my time protecting products from others sellers.
But, if the fagot returns to upload my products again (mine I broke both from novafile and from rapidgator), then I'll brake 300 others links from the pirate, and every time he repost something of mine, I will double the amount. Let's see if the son of a bitch is willing to upload gigabytes of files again.

#12 Posted : Tuesday, April 6, 2021 9:58:32 AM(UTC)

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Tutorial for removing pirated links

If you are a seller and your products are being inserted by these motherfuckers on pirate sites, follow the steps below:


1) Create an account at https://www.dmca.com  (its free, your cheapskate!!)
2) Next, create a protection seal https://www.dmca.com/Protection/ManualAdd.aspx
3) After, copy and do not miss the urls (because you will send them to the hosting services)
4) Send an email with the following text to the server where your pirated files are:



1 - I (Insert your real name), affirm to anyone of interest that the material hosted by INSERT THE HOST NAME in the link provided, DOES NOT have rights or authorization from me, that I am the creator of the products / models, to be distributed in free and illegal.
2- I declare that all information is accurate and truthful, under penalty of perjury. And, being the creator of the work / model, I have all the rights under it, so I state that I DO NOT authorize the distribution.


INSERT YOUR SITE / PAGE (if you have it)


I again affirm that the link below contains material distributed illegally, WITHOUT MY authorization. Thus, I request the immediate removal of the links:


HERE YOU PUT THE PIRATE LINKS (attention, do not put the link of the pirate motherfucker page, insert the HOST link, megaupload, rapidshare, mediafire, etc ...


My original product links:
HERE YOU PUT YOUR ORIGINAL PRODUCTS LINKS, cgtrader, rendererotica, daz, etc ...
And insert also the DMCA Links!!!!



5) Pick on the list the email of server to send it
[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


Turbobit (only by this contact page) https://help-turbobit-ne...en-us/conversation/new/8


If hosted on google drive, you will must open a formal request (click on the 3 point in top right side of the screen to report abuse) and put the request dates in fields, will appear a page similar like this:
(or translate this one for your language)




I suggest that you are not sloppy, and think that it’s over... I suggest that you keep monitoring the pirate sites every 1 or 2 days, as the suckers usually repost new links, but in any case it’s up to you, after all it’s up to you your work, mine I monitor every day!
Do not be fooled by the help of the owners of the sale sites, as they do nothing about it! Do yourself your job, unless you don’t care thieves to earn money at the expense of your work, and your sales decrease

#13 Posted : Saturday, January 22, 2022 4:37:26 AM(UTC)

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if I buy stuff here can I use it to make NFT ?

#14 Posted : Sunday, January 23, 2022 6:21:00 AM(UTC)

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never mind I will contact owners and copyright holders of Stan Lee's (Mick) estate  and the film studio that owns copyright for Smeagol (Gollum) from *deleted* and see if I buy them it ok to use for NFT. wish me luck !  

Edited by user Sunday, January 23, 2022 6:24:52 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#15 Posted : Monday, January 24, 2022 8:04:55 PM(UTC)

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NFT's are just the newest scam

Edited by user Monday, January 24, 2022 8:11:12 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#16 Posted : Tuesday, January 25, 2022 1:47:35 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: dandan Go to Quoted Post

if I buy stuff here can I use it to make NFT ?


Generally speaking products here are for use as components in derivative 2D images. The 2D images (or video series of images) YOU create can be used Commercially in any way.

The products CAN NOT be used in 3D works (ie: video games, 3D Model prints, secondlife, or interactive media like metaverse VR chat) whereas the mesh, product, or product components are shareable or stealable.

Some artist may release extended licenses for use cases like videogames but may also require that meshes are downgraded, shaders are baked in a certain way, and usually the product is also protected against 3rd party theft with encryption measures. 

Edited by user Tuesday, January 25, 2022 2:01:26 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#17 Posted : Tuesday, January 25, 2022 1:57:58 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: dandan Go to Quoted Post

never mind I will contact owners and copyright holders of Stan Lee's (Mick) estate  and the film studio that owns copyright for Smeagol (Gollum) from *deleted* and see if I buy them it ok to use for NFT. wish me luck !  


However, unless you live in China where the government is cool with copyright theft, or you got a good laywer to prove your work is far enough to original and parody. Then I VERY HIGHLY doubt anyone will allow you to use their copyrighted characters to sell as NFTs. If they do you will loose a giant cut and if they don't or later you cant prove they did, then you could be sued into your next 5 lifetimes. 

#18 Posted : Tuesday, January 25, 2022 12:03:17 PM(UTC)

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They have not got back to me yet and I don't think I understand correctly if I make 2d render I can't make into NFT unless I have copyright ? I not selling as 3d product just 2d image .  Does Romfx not have the copyright to the products ? very confused how it is working dmca copyrights grrr.

Edited by user Tuesday, January 25, 2022 12:07:29 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#19 Posted : Tuesday, January 25, 2022 12:08:56 PM(UTC)

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The 3D products on this site are licensed for rendering into a flat image. If the product is to be used in something like a video game, then the extended license is required. If you are creating NFTs, they must be of original works, that's the point of them. So long as the NFT is a rendered, flat image, then you are free to do with it what you will. If you create a copy of a copyrighted image, then you make yourself liable to prosecution. The license for our products here are simply meant for rendered, flat, original works of art. Anything else beyond that, we would recommend checking with a lawyer first.

We would like to thank the other members who have already commented on this as it would appear that they have a good understanding of this topic.  

CGBytes Management /
Renderotica Management
#20 Posted : Tuesday, January 25, 2022 6:03:39 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: dandan Go to Quoted Post

They have not got back to me yet and I don't think I understand correctly if I make 2d render I can't make into NFT unless I have copyright ? I not selling as 3d product just 2d image .  Does Romfx not have the copyright to the products ? very confused how it is working dmca copyrights grrr.


The problem isn't copyright, as copyright is set to cover a particular work, it says the artist of said work has rights to determine how and when their work can be used or under what circumstances the work is allowed to be copied. So in using a character like Mick in a render you will have copyright to the render, however with Mick being a digital clone it does bring with it some limitations due to likeness issues and Rights of Publicity (Basically stating a person has say over how and where their image or likeness is used) So while you own copyright to your render, Stan Lee or his Estate have say in how his image/likeness is used. This is the same type of situation with photography. Where the photographer owns copyright of the image, but due to publicity rights of the subject, may be limited in how the photographer or photographers assignees may use the images. This is why most photographers use Model Releases as they act as a release/permission for the photographer or the photographer's assignees to use the images.


So while you are within rights to use the Mick character in a Render, commercializing said render could result in a suit dealing with Publicity Rights violations, usually in the form of a defamation suit if the actor or their assignees see the work as Defaming the Actor's name.  

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