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#1 Posted : Monday, May 29, 2017 7:27:04 PM(UTC)

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hello there guys!
it has been a while..
i'm kaku (well, i used to be), and i was only a 2D artist before who was dreaming of becoming a 3D artist someday...

and now i'm glad to announce that i'm finally releasing my very first project in 3D..
it's going to be a series of 3D fantasy comics..
so expect the mix of some sexy human females and some mythical creatures..
and of course, one of my fetish, high heels in action...

everything will be released now under my new and official brand name, GCX..
and i'm also hoping to improve my craft and to evolve as a 3D artist..
HINT: saliva + wet look

so if you guys are into comics, fantasy, myths, heels, and of course the R-18 stuff..
then maybe you can check out my work..

PS: the character profiles are already out in my blog as well (though i still have a problem in letting the readers view a larger version of them)...

here's the link to my store:
and for those who are curious now about my work, here's a preview:

Edited by moderator Saturday, January 16, 2021 11:08:51 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Removed link

please support the official GCX products...
store: https://www.renderotica....content-artists/GCX/1295
#2 Posted : Tuesday, July 18, 2017 7:18:04 PM(UTC)

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greetings again, Renderotica Community!

first of all, i would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported the release of GCX Episode 001!

GCX Episode 002 is already available..
so i hope you guys can grab a copy...

third, for those who can't access my Tumblr..
i have a folder here at Renderotica where you can find all the character profiles for my GCX 3D World..
i'll be releasing the latest batch by Sunday and Monday..
here's a direct link to that folder:
GCX - Character Profiles

and lastly, here's the preview of Episode 002:

Edited by user Friday, October 9, 2020 12:18:42 AM(UTC)  | Reason: to make it more appealing...

please support the official GCX products...
store: https://www.renderotica....content-artists/GCX/1295
#3 Posted : Friday, September 1, 2017 7:45:03 PM(UTC)

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hello guys!

i just want you to know that GCX - Episode 003 is already out here at Renderotica..
and as a way to thank those who have been supporting my 3D comics, i thought of doing an Early Bird Sale: https://www.renderotica.com/store/sales
this way you can grab a copy of the latest issue at a lower prize..
also i've included Episode 001 and 002 to the promo, since i was not able to offer them at sale before..
i understand that the patrons of GCX comics will no longer benefit from the sale of the first 2 issues since they already have copies of those, and i apologize for that..
but i'm hoping that i can also open the 3D World of GCX to other clients through this sale...

and remember..
Episode 004 will be a Halloween issue... :D

the link to my store is at the very first post..
plus here's the preview of Episode 003, i hope you like it:


Edited by user Friday, October 9, 2020 12:19:33 AM(UTC)  | Reason: applied advanced options...

please support the official GCX products...
store: https://www.renderotica....content-artists/GCX/1295
#4 Posted : Sunday, November 5, 2017 8:19:56 PM(UTC)

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sorry for the late submission..
i didn't make it last November 1..
but anyway, here's the very first Halloween issue of GCX..
it's already out here at Renderotica, and it goes with a GCX Early Bird Sale that will last until the end of November...

and just in case, you've noticed..
all the existing GCX issues are not present when you view it through Renderotique..
but they are always visible at the Renderotica counterpart of the website...

here's the preview of Episode 004:


Edited by user Friday, October 9, 2020 12:20:27 AM(UTC)  | Reason: did some advance editing...

please support the official GCX products...
store: https://www.renderotica....content-artists/GCX/1295
#5 Posted : Sunday, January 7, 2018 7:51:08 PM(UTC)

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hello, Renderotica community!

here's the latest release from GCX..
Episode 005, which was supposed to be a holiday issue, but came out late..
like my usual, i'm having it on an Early Bird Sale (until February 4, 2018) with 20% discount... :D

i hope you guys can grab a copy! :)

here's the preview of Episode 005:

Edited by user Friday, October 9, 2020 12:21:30 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

please support the official GCX products...
store: https://www.renderotica....content-artists/GCX/1295
#6 Posted : Tuesday, January 9, 2018 8:04:34 PM(UTC)

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my apologies!
i checked out my store just a few minutes earlier..
and for some reason i noticed that my current GCX Early Bird Sale promo is not showing, even though it is ACTIVE in my sales control panel... :(

i don't know why it happened..
so what i did was to stop, edit, and restart the sale via Renderotique..
and now it is up again...

kindly note, the current sale for GCX Episode 005 should be until February 4, 2018..
so if you notice something wrong, please contact me before you make a purchase...
please support the official GCX products...
store: https://www.renderotica....content-artists/GCX/1295
#7 Posted : Friday, March 30, 2018 8:16:46 PM(UTC)

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hello, Renderotica!

sorry for the late update (i attended to some personal matters back in the month of January, that's why)..
and now i'm finally releasing GCX Episode 006, of course, with the usual GCX Early Bird Sale for 20% discount..
it's my very first comics issue without Katie..
here's a link to my store page: https://www.renderotica.com/content-artists/GCX/1295

here's a peek:

in addition..
i also thought of releasing bundles..
and i'm thinking of doing it everytime i complete a set of 5 GCX issues..
it is meant for those who are new to my story, but would like to catch up to the latest chapters..
i decided to provide a 30% discount for the bundle, but NOTE that customers will always have to wait for 5 issues to complete before they can grab a new bundle..
so it is up to you whether you'd like to grab your copies the sooner or the later..
i'm not familiar with Renderotica's credit system for bundles, but i think it's a way for buyers to get a bundle without having to pay for the product(s) which they already have...

PS: i'll post the additional character profiles on Monday:

Edited by user Friday, October 9, 2020 12:22:16 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

please support the official GCX products...
store: https://www.renderotica....content-artists/GCX/1295
#8 Posted : Sunday, June 24, 2018 9:06:41 PM(UTC)

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hello, Renderotica!

i just want to inform you guys that GCX Episode 007 is already out, and with the usual GCX Early Bird Sale for 20% discount (approximately for a duration of 1 month)..
also the GCX Catch Up Bundle is always out there, plus no need to pay for those issues which you have already acquired before..
here's the link to my Renderotica store page:

plus, check out the updated GCX character profiles:

here's a preview of Episode 007:

Edited by user Friday, October 9, 2020 12:23:20 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

please support the official GCX products...
store: https://www.renderotica....content-artists/GCX/1295
#9 Posted : Sunday, June 23, 2019 8:18:36 PM(UTC)

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hello, Renderotica Community!

so i'm back with my GCX comics series (after almost a year)..
GCX Episode 008 was already released last week, and i hope you can support it..
here's the quick link to my Renderotica store page:

plus you may view the other GCX sample pages here (up to GCX Episode 005 as of the moment) :

by buying the GCX Bundle, you can purchase the GCX Episodes that you still don't have at a lower price, and without having to pay again for those issues that you already have..
it's a good way to complete your GCX collection... :)

here's a preview of what you can expect from GCX Episode 008:

Edited by user Friday, October 9, 2020 12:17:40 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

please support the official GCX products...
store: https://www.renderotica....content-artists/GCX/1295
#10 Posted : Sunday, September 1, 2019 8:42:11 PM(UTC)

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hello again, Renderotica Community!

so GCX Episode 009 is finally out here at Renderotica..
GCX Episode 008, too, has been released earlier for those who didn't notice it..
you can check them out at my store page:

for the entire month of September, both GCX Episodes 006 and 007 will be on sale..
so that means you can grab a copy of Episodes 006 to 009 for only USD 8.00..
not to mention that Episodes 001 to 005 are always available in a bundle for only USD 7.00 per issue...

i would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone from here who supported my reboot..
especially those who have supported the earlier GCX Episodes from before..
i believe i haven't mentioned it yet, but my Tumblr is already down..
but there are websites where i post regular updates about my work, like in Twitter and DeviantArt..
and for now, i'm already working on GCX Episode 013...

by buying the GCX Bundle, you can purchase the GCX Episodes that you still don't have at a lower price, and without having to pay again for those issues that you already have..
it's a good way to complete your GCX collection... :)

here's a preview of what you can expect from GCX Episode 009:

Edited by user Friday, October 9, 2020 12:16:34 AM(UTC)  | Reason: fixing the images' links...

please support the official GCX products...
store: https://www.renderotica....content-artists/GCX/1295
#11 Posted : Tuesday, September 3, 2019 12:12:47 AM(UTC)

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I believe your images are too large for what the forums allow.  They have a habit of throwing things off and although there might not be any documents involving size in forums,  the matter has been brought up before.  You are better off reducing the images or just supplying links to your store and let folks look at the samples

Just thought I'd mention it

Regards  Shadoman

Who knows what lurks in the hearts of perverted artist....
The Shado Knows
thanks 1 user thanked shadoman for this useful post.
kaku6040 on 9/14/2019(UTC)
#12 Posted : Saturday, September 14, 2019 9:23:30 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: shadoman Go to Quoted Post

I believe your images are too large for what the forums allow.  They have a habit of throwing things off and although there might not be any documents involving size in forums,  the matter has been brought up before.  You are better off reducing the images or just supplying links to your store and let folks look at the samples

Just thought I'd mention it

Regards  Shadoman

and sorry for the late reply...

my apologies for that, Shadoman..
i attach the images for immediate appeal, as compared to links..
i thought it was fine since the image attach option allows such full dimensions, unlike in other forums where they automatically resize images to the size that they allow...

anyway, i already resized all image attachments and just activated the links to the bigger images..
if there are other posting rules which i am unconsciously violating, please kindly let me know...

kind regards,

please support the official GCX products...
store: https://www.renderotica....content-artists/GCX/1295
#13 Posted : Saturday, November 30, 2019 8:43:01 PM(UTC)

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hello again, Renderotica Community!

now, GCX Episode 010 is finally out here at Renderotica..
and i'll be needing your help again guys, so i can continuously work on my adult comics series..
you can check them out at my store page:

it will take some time before i come up with the bundle for GCX Episodes 006 to 010, though it is already available through my production site...

in addition, i'm also near in reaching a certain achievement..
so i came up with a few image to reward those who made it possible..
the safer version will be released on my gallery here: https://www.renderotica.com/artists/kaku6040/Gallery
while the explicit material will only be made available through my production site...

by the way..
i'm already working on GCX Episode 014, and it will feature some transformation (body size) theme...

by buying the GCX Bundle, you can purchase the GCX Episodes that you still don't have at a lower price, and without having to pay again for those issues that you already have..
it's a good way to complete your GCX collection... :)

here's a preview of what you can expect from GCX Episode 010:

Edited by user Friday, October 9, 2020 12:15:14 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

please support the official GCX products...
store: https://www.renderotica....content-artists/GCX/1295
#14 Posted : Sunday, January 19, 2020 9:21:24 PM(UTC)

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regarding the release for online stores..
i'm making a new condition because of the intensifying level of piracy...

since the last attack against GCX was made as fast as 15 days after the release of GCX Episode 010..
and because of the rapid attacks even against new artists..
that only shows how bad the situation is for us, the small 3DX artists..
with the eyes of the pirates watching the updates on different online stores daily..
with the pirated copies of various digital content coming from the same sources..
and with the piracy websites promoting their entrusted file hosts..
these are not fans or supporters..
these factors make me think that there must be an organized group behind most of the attacks..
that the 3DX industry, as well as other digital-based industries, are only being used for other organizations' benefit...

before, i thought of doing pre-orders..
but that would be hard if the schedule of release is dependent on when the quota would be reached..
those who pre-ordered might only get impatient..
and so now, i thought that the release of the next chapter would be dependent on the chapter which is ALREADY available on the store..
i'll be requiring that a certain number of sale be reached, before i can release the next chapter..
and the status of that would be regularly updated through my production site...

i won't ask for too much..
but i do need the finance to survive daily..
it's just hard to see how our sales fall, while the pirates earn more from our projects..
so at least, by having the quota, we (the artists) might still get enough support, even if the pirates attack so rapidly..
in my case, i can only wait for the action of large companies, to be able to stop the big pirate groups..
and so i hope that the supporters of GCX from Renderotica will understand my decision...

please support the official GCX products...
store: https://www.renderotica....content-artists/GCX/1295
#15 Posted : Sunday, March 8, 2020 8:09:35 PM(UTC)

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GCX Catch Up Bundle - Volume 2 is already available at my store page..
it includes GCX Episodes 006 to 010, and provides as much as 27% discount...

plus here are some teasers..
GCX Episode 014 will feature size shifting for a female character..
while GCX Episode 015, which is currently at 27% completion, will feature genital shifting...

so for those who would like to support the GCX comics series, just visit my store page:

NOTE: when purchasing the bundle, buyers don't have to pay again for those Episode(s) which they already bought before..
so it's a good way to complete your GCX comics collection while saving more...

please support the official GCX products...
store: https://www.renderotica....content-artists/GCX/1295
#16 Posted : Saturday, July 11, 2020 9:40:59 PM(UTC)

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greetings, Renderotica community!

i just want to formally inform you guys that GCX Episode 011 is already out here at my store page:

here's a little preview:

my apologies if it took so long, a little more than 7 months actually..
but like i said before, i need to reach a certain quota in order to somehow secure my craft...

right now, i'm currently working on GCX Episode 017..
while the current support for GCX Episode 011 is already at 20%..
so please, support my comics...

when purchasing the bundle(s), buyers don't have to pay again for those Episode(s) which they have already bought before..
so it's a good way to complete your GCX comics collection while saving more...

there seem to be some problem with the displayed images..
i just hope that the issue gets fixed soon...


please support the official GCX products...
store: https://www.renderotica....content-artists/GCX/1295
#17 Posted : Thursday, October 8, 2020 11:54:43 PM(UTC)

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greetings, Renderotica community!

i just want to formally inform you guys that GCX Episode 012 is already out here at my store page..
it's the first half of 2 very related Episodes..

here's a little preview:

i was hoping to try a new method or schedule on releasing my comics..
but unfortunately, it immediately failed..
so once again, i'm asking you guys to legitimately support my work..
i'm hoping to release GCX Episode 013 by the end of this year, but it depends on whether i can recover on my quota...

right now, i'm currently working on GCX Episode 018..
and it is already about 17% complete...

when purchasing the bundle(s), buyers don't have to pay again for those Episode(s) which they have already bought before..
so it's a good way to complete your GCX comics collection while saving more...


Edited by user Friday, October 9, 2020 12:13:09 AM(UTC)  | Reason: i'm having problems attaching images...

please support the official GCX products...
store: https://www.renderotica....content-artists/GCX/1295
#18 Posted : Saturday, January 16, 2021 4:07:42 AM(UTC)

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greetings, Renderotica community!

Happy New Year to all of you!
i just want to formally inform you guys that GCX Episode 013 is already out here at my store page..
it's the partner chapter of Episode 012..
so please support this latest release:

here's a little preview:

when purchasing the bundle(s), buyers don't have to pay again for those Episode(s) which they have already bought before..
so it's a good way to complete your GCX comics collection while saving more...


Edited by user Sunday, April 11, 2021 8:28:34 PM(UTC)  | Reason: attached image disappearing

please support the official GCX products...
store: https://www.renderotica....content-artists/GCX/1295
#19 Posted : Sunday, April 11, 2021 8:49:44 PM(UTC)

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greetings, Renderotica community!

so i'm here to inform you guys that GCX Episode 014 is already out here at the shop..
it features BBW and size transformation theme..
here's where you can buy your official copy:

here's a preview:

when purchasing the bundle(s), buyers don't have to pay again for those Episode(s) which they have already bought before..
so it's a good way to complete your GCX comics collection while saving more...

plus, i want to take this opportunity to thank all of my supporters from this website..
because after the attack against Episodes 001 to 007 back in 2018..
and after i started expanding my market..
somehow it seems that no more attack is coming from here, at least based on my observation..
meaning, only legitimate customers have been supporting me from this channel starting from GCX Episode 008..
so thank you so much, and i hope it stays that way...


please support the official GCX products...
store: https://www.renderotica....content-artists/GCX/1295
#20 Posted : Sunday, July 11, 2021 9:32:05 PM(UTC)

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greetings, Renderotica community!

i just want to formally inform you guys that GCX Episode 015 is already out here at my store page..
it's the very first chapter for a sort of long GCX arc..
so please support the official copies of my comics so we can make each release become faster..

here's a preview:

when purchasing the bundle(s), buyers don't have to pay again for those Episode(s) which they have already bought before..
so it's a good way to complete your GCX comics collection while saving more...


please support the official GCX products...
store: https://www.renderotica....content-artists/GCX/1295
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