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#41 Posted : Monday, March 18, 2019 1:07:18 PM(UTC)

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I have bought the DB XXX XY, but Daz Studio doesn't load the texture and the object appear only in clay version. How can I have support for this problem? 

#42 Posted : Monday, March 18, 2019 6:23:27 PM(UTC)

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Did the "XY Shell" load properly? Which platform are you using, Windows or Mac?
#43 Posted : Tuesday, March 19, 2019 10:41:35 AM(UTC)

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My PC configuration is:

CPU 2700X


GTX !080TI

Windos 10 Home 64Bit


The object is loaded pefctly, but there aren't textures. I checked on Runtime Texture folder and the files are inside.

Thanks for your help

Edited by user Tuesday, March 19, 2019 10:43:43 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#44 Posted : Tuesday, March 19, 2019 11:13:45 AM(UTC)

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Could you please upload a screenshot of the problem?

That sounds like the shell is missing, if you loaded all 3 parts(1. XY, 2. XY MAT copy, 3. XY shell) with genesis8male selected in your scene tab it should show the correct colors.
I must add that XY's materials are not entirely visible in viewport, some aspects can only be seen in your renders but you still should see color changes when you load the shell.
Anyway a screenshot would be of great help, one that shows your scene tab too.
#45 Posted : Tuesday, March 26, 2019 10:53:50 PM(UTC)

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Well, I tried using this product for the first time today, but it either takes an eternity to render...or I'm doing something wrong. Michael by himself only took 5 minutes to render. But when I add the XY and just to the first 4 items, it seems like Daz Studio goes out to lunch. I never see a preview and the panel never even starts to show those iterations that it does. And if I try to cancel, it doesn't want to do that either so I end up crashing Daz Studio.I even tried a small window so see if I could get it to start to render.

I tried another product from the store that works similar to this one and Michael and that product renders in a few minutes.

#46 Posted : Wednesday, March 27, 2019 9:09:35 AM(UTC)

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XY, especially XY HDM, is a little heavy on rendering but it's not heavier then michael8 on which it was based. Bonus cum on the other hand is very heavy for rendering.

Can you post your system specs? It's hard to tell what's causing that without them.
#47 Posted : Wednesday, March 27, 2019 7:04:55 PM(UTC)

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Hi. Thanks for the reply. I have an

XP 8920
16 GB Ram
Windows 10 Pro 1809
Nvidia GTX1080

I did try a scene with just M8 and then a I rendered a scene that 1000 x 680 (not sure about the exact pixel dimension of the second number, but it changed automatically by whatever I set the first number to.). It rendered in 5 minutes. Then I added the XY and did the first four steps. I think they were add the model, copy the texture, add the shell, apply texture to the shell. Then I tried to render the same scene.

For M8 only, I got the checker board and then it started showing iterations and then a picture in less than a minute.

With M8 and the XP, I got the checkerbox and the render panel only showed rendering and the time going up. But it said nothing about any iterations and no image in 15 minutes. I tried several smaller renders, but always got same result. I even rebooted once and tried it again with the same results. Every time I tried to cancel, I just got the spinning dial and I had to crash DS so that I could try a smaller image for example.

If I do a preview render with that Nvidia preview in Daz Studio. It all looks fine. I get an image in a very short time.

I did install the files manually since the files weren't from the Daz Store. But I do that all the time and have been doing it for years. Your file structure started off different than mine. But I don't think that should matter.

My libraries are on my Z drive (Fixed letter assigned).

Z:\Daz Content\Daz Studio DIM

all the folders like data and people are under Daz Studio DIM

I think your files started with My Library. I went into the folders where they said data, documentation, etc. and then dropped everything in Daz Studio DIM where those exact same folders live. So your files in the data folder went into my data folder, etc.

There was the original XY product that I bought. I installed it first. And then I installed the update. When it asked me if I wanted to over write the existing files with the same name, I said yes.

I'll check the log and see if there are any errors.

I did try another product from this store that seems to work about the same and it rendered fairly quickly. It was installed the same way I described,.

Thanks again.

Edited by user Wednesday, March 27, 2019 7:07:38 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#48 Posted : Thursday, March 28, 2019 9:35:06 PM(UTC)

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I never heard of that problem and never had any issues with rendering. Your system is more than enough for XY to render quickly.
I must point out that you should have removed all old files before installing the new version, not overwriting them, but even that shouldn't impact your rendering time.
And check your DazStudio version and update it if it's not the latest.
If you remove XY files and reinstall XY 1.5 and your DazStudio is the latest version and you still have this issue please try loading Genesis 8 male and only the first XY file then try rendering, if it's OK load the second XY file (XY MAT copy) and again render and so on until you find out which one causes this. That will give us more to go with but it should render normally with that done.
#49 Posted : Thursday, March 28, 2019 9:38:41 PM(UTC)

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Also please check if your GPU is used for rendering (under Render settings-Advanced). You should have both CPU and GPU checked in yellow.
#50 Posted : Friday, March 29, 2019 8:31:28 PM(UTC)

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Well, I'm happy to report now that it works.

I deleted the XY product and then installed only the XP update. Then I went in to the latest version of Daz Studio. (Not the beta) and I loaded M8. Did a test render of a smallish image. Rendered quickly. Then I added the XP a step at a time and did a test render. All steps worked. Then I even added some of the add ons and it all works now.

Thanks for your help.

#51 Posted : Friday, April 5, 2019 5:05:27 PM(UTC)

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Hi, dbxxx, great products! Unfortunately I'm having a slow render issue with XXY. I deleted all previous XXY files and redownloaded the latest version available.

GTX 970
16 GB Ram
i7 processor

I had selected victoria 8 selected and applied the steps in this order, trying a render each time:

Step 1 only:
2 minutes render
Step 1+Step 2:
2 minutes render
Step 1+2+3:
11 minutes render

It seems the shell is the issue. Any help would be appreciated!

It's worth noting that I don't have his same issue with the latest version of XY.

Edited by user Friday, April 5, 2019 5:18:52 PM(UTC)  | Reason: XY info

#52 Posted : Saturday, April 6, 2019 3:27:00 PM(UTC)

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I'm sorry to say that the shell is the heaviest part and your GPU is significantly slower then GTX1080 so 11 minutes sounds about right considering shader layering and transparency.
That being said please check if your GPU is used for rendering by DazStudio as stated above and if it is the latest version.
#53 Posted : Saturday, April 6, 2019 10:17:05 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: dbxxx Go to Quoted Post

I'm sorry to say that the shell is the heaviest part and your GPU is significantly slower then GTX1080 so 11 minutes sounds about right considering shader layering and transparency.
That being said please check if your GPU is used for rendering by DazStudio as stated above and if it is the latest version.

It is, but I find it odd how XY doesn't have this same issue for me. Is there a significant difference between XY and XXY that warrants this difference in rendering time?

#54 Posted : Sunday, April 7, 2019 7:11:19 AM(UTC)

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At the moment they are different, XXY is due for update which will make it like XY.
#55 Posted : Wednesday, April 10, 2019 11:48:17 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: dbxxx Go to Quoted Post
At the moment they are different, XXY is due for update which will make it like XY.

Great, looking forward to it

#56 Posted : Friday, April 19, 2019 2:19:43 PM(UTC)

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Great realistic model. Cudos.
I can see however a big issue with foreskin texture.
Looks like it was created for foreskin pulled away. And if you don't move the foreskin, you get it very stretched, with weird normal map behavior. Because the seam is visible (it's on top, not underneath for some reason)
Wouldn't it be better to create it for "default" foreskin, and shrink it if you use foreskin morph. Instead of stretching the foreskin for default state?
Otherwise it's unusable in default state with this stretching.

#57 Posted : Saturday, April 20, 2019 3:42:18 PM(UTC)

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Is it possible to use this without the geoshell? iClone, the software I'm using for animation, doesn't like geoshells (it sees them as a separate, independent mesh, although it may actually be more of a problem with the Daz FBX exporter than with iClone itself).
#58 Posted : Sunday, April 21, 2019 8:00:18 AM(UTC)

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I purchased this product today. It looks really great. This is exactly what I've been looking for.

BTW I'm having a trouble to figure out how to apply the material to this model.

Though it might be a bit troublesome, do you mind to explain about the step-by-step procedure?

I'm not a DS novice but not an expert neither. I'm still having a trouble about the surface tab settings, DB, and Smart Content things of the application.



-I purchased both XY and XY HDM.

-All the files are extracted and located as they're instructed.

-I own Michael 8.

-My DS version is Pro (Windows 7, 64bit).

-I can load XY model from Content Library tab.
Content Library>DAZ Studio Formats>My Library>People>Genesis 8 Male>Anatomy>DBxxx-XY

#59 Posted : Sunday, April 21, 2019 10:43:23 AM(UTC)

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quazaque- I didn't notice that, I'm looking into it now.

FredSavage- The shell has all the material details. You can use XY without the shell but it will be blank unless you copy materials from shell surfaces to XY ssurfaces but you will have a seam.

goldgorot- No problem. Load your character ( Genesis 8 Male, Michael 8...) select it in your "scene" tab so that it is marked yellow and then load all 3 XY parts in marked order ( 1. XY, 2. XY MAT Copy, 3. XY Shell). When you got them all loaded select "XY Shell" in your scene tab and with the shell selected load any part of XY HDM you want.
#60 Posted : Sunday, April 21, 2019 6:37:31 PM(UTC)

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Thank you very much for your quick reply.

It turned out really well and now I can see the texture.
I think the problem I had was that I didn't load M8 first because I just wanted to see how XY looks.
Loading M8 first and following your instruction, now it is working smoothly.

Again, I really appreciate your help.

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