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#21 Posted : Friday, December 7, 2018 7:51:09 AM(UTC)

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Social Justice Warrior.


#22 Posted : Friday, December 7, 2018 9:24:29 AM(UTC)

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Which is, obviously, a very sarcastic term. Aimed at people who totally deserve it.
"That was fun. Let's do it again."
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falco669 on 12/7/2018(UTC)
#23 Posted : Friday, December 7, 2018 2:24:33 PM(UTC)

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I think back to 15 years ago when they went after Insex.. we were talking about a very different group of people back then.. nature abhors a vacuum.
I personally don't use Tumblr for, well, anything. But the story is pretty familiar nontheless. As much as I have no respect for "the bear" it used to be they had their own swamp. Anyone who tried to get a toe hold on twitter with that kind of content was asking for a visit from the masks. (Twitter has been more my sm platform of chice, including for NSFW.)
Then the Feds drained that swamp. And no surprise, the rodents found whatever hole they could crawl into. Including Tumblr it seems.
I pretty much only post here.. occasionally I'll dump some pics on DA. Both these sites have proven to stand the test of time to me. That's the thing about most cyber gettos; they are way too beholden to advertisers who way too beholden to their fear of certain pressure groups. This sort of interdependence always broods a tyranny of the agency with the least to lose.
sobbing fight hulk mad rage
Ponyplay covers a wide range of activities.. but at its core there are two types of ponyplayers: Those that prance and those that pull. These are not mutually exclusive.
#24 Posted : Friday, December 7, 2018 4:14:04 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: mjw Go to Quoted Post
Incidentally. What is 'SJW'????

Social Justice Warrior

thanks 1 user thanked TechNoirotica for this useful post.
mjw on 12/9/2018(UTC)
#25 Posted : Friday, December 7, 2018 10:05:30 PM(UTC)

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SJW += "Social Justice Warrior." Urban slang dictionary has a pretty good non-profane description.
thanks 1 user thanked StrongFang for this useful post.
mjw on 12/9/2018(UTC)
#26 Posted : Sunday, December 9, 2018 1:25:24 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: smallville14 Go to Quoted Post

Social Justice Warrior.



Thanks to all who explained. Can't see what is social about it....

#27 Posted : Sunday, December 9, 2018 7:08:13 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: mjw Go to Quoted Post
Incidentally. What is 'SJW'????


Social Justice Warrior. Mostly used as an insult.

thanks 1 user thanked ProtocolZero for this useful post.
Sutut on 12/10/2018(UTC)
#28 Posted : Monday, December 10, 2018 11:51:38 AM(UTC)

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This doesn't really surprise me. I don't have or use that site for anything. Just never had a reason to.


I think a few more sites may go this way soon as well. DA might be one of them. I keep reading about that place removing art that's been up for years. I'm really surprised another 'money making site' changed their policy to allow adult content.



In this world all some people do is whine, cry, and ban anything they don't like. SJW and even Snowflake have become more widely used 'terms' these days then ever before. Deservingly so IMHO. The tissues are in isle 3 and the diapers are in isle 7, don't forget to pay with daddy's credit card.




#29 Posted : Saturday, December 15, 2018 9:25:20 PM(UTC)

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I'm eagerly awaiting to see what actually happens over the next few weeks.  As has been pointed out previously, their algorithm/bot's not doing a very good job and I've successfully appealed all bar one image.  Tumblr are probably expecting people to simply delete their blogs and accounts on or before d-day, thus making less to clean up.

It's also going to be interesting to see which of the new imitation tumblr sites turn out to be dodgy and takes advantage of the wannabe porn tsars - neither of the two sites, with names similar to tumblr, have any company information nor do they list policies for copyright, content, privacy, etc.  Imagine how many adverts, pop-ups and spam emails someone could unleash onto an unsuspecting account holder.  Maybe I'm being overly skeptical.





How much can a Koala bear?
#30 Posted : Sunday, December 16, 2018 11:25:30 AM(UTC)

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I would imagine unless a clear winner comes out immediately, it's going to become highly fragmented again like it was for years. Which is sad to see. I've tried all the major, non-sketchy replacements and they all feel lacking.

Originally Posted by: butchsl Go to Quoted Post

I'm eagerly awaiting to see what actually happens over the next few weeks.  As has been pointed out previously, their algorithm/bot's not doing a very good job and I've successfully appealed all bar one image.  Tumblr are probably expecting people to simply delete their blogs and accounts on or before d-day, thus making less to clean up.

It's also going to be interesting to see which of the new imitation tumblr sites turn out to be dodgy and takes advantage of the wannabe porn tsars - neither of the two sites, with names similar to tumblr, have any company information nor do they list policies for copyright, content, privacy, etc.  Imagine how many adverts, pop-ups and spam emails someone could unleash onto an unsuspecting account holder.  Maybe I'm being overly skeptical.





#31 Posted : Sunday, December 16, 2018 12:08:08 PM(UTC)

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Tumblr was fine with adult content, until Version’s toxic greed bought Yahoo out. This is what happens when corporate consolidation and mergers go too far. Basically Yahoo gulped up Tumblr and then Verizon gulped up Yahoo, which still had Tumblr in it’s stomach.

It’s all about advertisement revenue now and it’s exactly what YouTube went through with the Adpocolype. Greed is everywhere and tech sites are being purged clean for the cash. We need an “Internet 3.0” and that “internet 3.0” is the “decentralized web”.
#32 Posted : Monday, December 17, 2018 8:09:43 AM(UTC)

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There are several sites with good intentions ( https://piunikaweb.com/2...nds-pillowfort-and-more/ ) and I'm also hoping that one quickly becomes the clear favourite. I just loooove Tumblr blogs and am presently on a download mission to grab everything I can before it goes 'nice'. It's Monday morning here and so far, nothing's changed.

Blood-PawedWerewolf, what's this "decentralized web" you speak of? Sounds interesting.
#33 Posted : Monday, December 17, 2018 11:42:46 AM(UTC)

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It’s using the same technology as Bitcoin uses, and everyone becomes their own “server”. Meaning if you want to take down content, you will have to arrest and prosecute everyone in the world at once.
#34 Posted : Monday, December 17, 2018 1:47:42 PM(UTC)

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Aaaah, I see. It looks somewhat like the Tor network (I give them a bit of my daily bandwidth and keep it running on my computer). This will be a welcome addition to the structure of the net but I can see the 'big' guys wanting to ban and/or control it since it'll take control away from them. I'm sure that the first groups to jump on it will be the pirates in the name of freedom and democracy. The media companies will hate it....oh wait, that's us isn't it.

And at 2:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, Tumblr's filters finally kicked in and I can't access any of my porn blogs.  The 'nice' one's still work though.   Damn.


#35 Posted : Monday, December 17, 2018 2:35:45 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: brookes Go to Quoted Post
.....And at 2:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, Tumblr's filters finally kicked in and I can't access any of my porn blogs.  The 'nice' one's still work though.   Damn.

After seeing your post I went and checked out our official Renderotica Tumblr page and low and behold it was 'gone'  I mean still there but now totally hidden from the public, they also stripped out our header and post icon (header literally only being the Renderotica logo and the posting icon being the "R" from the logo)

F****** lovely considering I spent close to 40 hours last week deleting over 7,000 'offending' posts one by one, till I finally snagged a nice javascript that allowed me to delete 100 posts at a time, but none the less, ALL nude posts were removed, and the blog was submitted AND PASSED and marked as no longer explicit.

Somehow from Thurs till now someone or something over there decided that our blog with ZERO nudity was now 'explicit' again :(

I put in another review request, and reminded them that someone cleared the site at the end of last week, and nothing has changed on our end nor would it since then.

Fingers crossed, was a great source of traffic for the site

#36 Posted : Monday, December 17, 2018 4:50:26 PM(UTC)

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I get the feeling that anyone looking for naughty stuff is going to ignore Tumblr from now on, if for no other reason than the bad press. It might be worthwhile to put basic blogs on the replacements listed and see what the traffic does. SnarltheWerewolf made a spot-on prediction regarding the stumbling around. Because of the popularity created by Tumblr, I feel that there's some push to replace it quickly.
#37 Posted : Tuesday, December 18, 2018 12:20:57 AM(UTC)

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renderotica.tumblr.com is definitely still there. It's very "nice" :)  

I found the appeal process frustrating.  Appeal two almost identical images, one would be ok, the other classed as adult and you get told you can't appeal again. 

But, my tumblr still has plenty of penis's flopping around - someone will notice them there, eventually. 

How much can a Koala bear?
#38 Posted : Tuesday, December 18, 2018 12:25:52 AM(UTC)

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Compare the appeal process to Youtube’s Appeals for demonetized videos. The main thing about algorithms is you gotta teach them. The more you teach algorithms what’s allowed and what’s forbidden, it’ll get much better.
#39 Posted : Tuesday, December 18, 2018 1:21:05 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: butchsl Go to Quoted Post

renderotica.tumblr.com is definitely still there. It's very "nice" :)  

I found the appeal process frustrating.  Appeal two almost identical images, one would be ok, the other classed as adult and you get told you can't appeal again. 

But, my tumblr still has plenty of penis's flopping around - someone will notice them there, eventually. 

Yeah right after I made the post here I went back and filed for another appeal on the blog itself, reminded them that I spent all last week deleting all of the nude images, had manual reviews on all remaining content and the blog was already removed from "hidden" as well as removed from being marked "explicit"  an hour or two later everything was back up and running and visible again.   and yeah lol it's "nice" all "PG" content with no nudity, it's damn near a clone of our CGbytes Tumblr now lol.

Side note, my oldest child pointed out that ALL 'hidden' blogs and porn posts are STILL active via the mobile apps right this very moment,  try to view those same accounts via the web itself and they are blocked with the "sensitive content" warning with your only option being to go to your own dashboard.

#40 Posted : Tuesday, December 18, 2018 1:22:54 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Blood-PawWerewolf Go to Quoted Post
Compare the appeal process to Youtube’s Appeals for demonetized videos. The main thing about algorithms is you gotta teach them. The more you teach algorithms what’s allowed and what’s forbidden, it’ll get much better.

While nowhere near as bad as a YT appeal,  I had to re-request the same image FORTY times before it was finally marked "okay"  and get this...

winter shot, fully clothed girl with long hair, standing in the snow with presents on the ground,  39 times HUMANS swore it was an explicit image, 39 times HUMANS said "sorry that DOES contain nudity"  SMH

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