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#21 Posted : Thursday, September 27, 2018 7:49:41 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: dbxxx Go to Quoted Post
I checked with CG bytes and as I thought we can't do that. If I include that then we can not sell it as it could then be used for CP. That characters body is little boys size. That's the law, sorry.

Well first off, that escalated quickly... 

As I am sure you are already aware, that character is an adult character. There are many characters that have been released by DAZ3D and *deleted* that have small frames but are none-the-less adults.

If the restrictions are in place to prevent people from using the products in an illegal or un-savory way, I can appreciate the sentiment. You and CG have the right to decide what content you produce and sell respectively; I would not argue otherwise. And I fully support preventing CP and prosecuting those who produce or propagate it. I just find the scale argument a little strange since that cuts out a lot of fantasy characters (like Dwarves and Goblins) but like I said that is your business as the product owner and CG's right as a storefront.

Also, if CG Bytes is not aware, there are other products sold on this site that work with that particular character and other fantasy characters with similar frames. They should probably look into that as I wouldn't want CG Bytes to get into trouble with the law.

Thanks for the explanation and for making this product.

#22 Posted : Saturday, October 6, 2018 8:07:27 PM(UTC)

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Hey, I added XY to a dark-skinned G8M character and cannot get the shell color to exactly match my character. As my name implies, I'm pretty new to Daz, so maybe I'm doing something wrong. I set all the surface parameters on XY to match my character's skin, and it's close, but not quite right.

Golden Palace requires I run a script to match the shell to the character. Am I supposed to be doing something similar here, or is it all manual? Perhaps I don't grasp the readme instructions that say "please apply included material presets."

#23 Posted : Monday, October 15, 2018 2:17:46 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Knarf Go to Quoted Post

Doesn't work for me. I use Daz/S and tried this gen on Michael 8 (No HD). When I click the second picture (Mat copy) I get an error. My log file only tell that the script failed to load. To be sure I did the download on Renderotica a second time in case of a corrupted file. So I also installed the XY a second time, without result... any solution for this?



I just picked up XY and was trying it out on a Base G8 M figure and I get the same script failure when I try to use the "db xxx-2. XY MAT copy script"

Log message"

2018-10-15 00:12:58.371 Loading script: F:/runtimes/Rendereotica/People/Genesis 8 Male/Anatomy/dbxxx-XY/db xxx-2. XYMATcopy.dse
2018-10-15 00:12:58.371 Failed to load script: F:/runtimes/Rendereotica/People/Genesis 8 Male/Anatomy/dbxxx-XY/db xxx-2. XYMATcopy.dse

unzipped file twice as well, not working.

Using DAZ 64bit so the earlier response from db xxx to the original post is not a solution.

I also purchased XXY and I am not having a problem with its material copy script.

I love the model and would like to use it, so any help solving this issue is much appreciated.

#24 Posted : Monday, October 15, 2018 5:38:02 AM(UTC)

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I'm still having trouble replicating this error for myself and DS log doesn't help much but I have a coder looking at it now.

For the time being anyone having this issue can manually copy "Torso" surface from G8M to XY's "Torso" surface and set "UV set" to "Base male".
#25 Posted : Tuesday, October 16, 2018 1:45:20 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: dbxxx Go to Quoted Post

For the time being anyone having this issue can manually copy "Torso" surface from G8M to XY's "Torso" surface and set "UV set" to "Base male".


Thanks for this work-around. It works for me and is enough to at least let me use the product 

#26 Posted : Tuesday, October 16, 2018 12:57:42 PM(UTC)

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I am a bit confused... What is the newest version of XY? I really love it ( the pervert in me loves it too)
#27 Posted : Tuesday, October 16, 2018 1:35:53 PM(UTC)

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The newest is XY 1.2. There will be another update soon.
#28 Posted : Tuesday, October 16, 2018 5:25:27 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: thedeadjester Go to Quoted Post

Originally Posted by: dbxxx Go to Quoted Post
I checked with CG bytes and as I thought we can't do that. If I include that then we can not sell it as it could then be used for CP. That characters body is little boys size. That's the law, sorry.

Well first off, that escalated quickly... 

As I am sure you are already aware, that character is an adult character. There are many characters that have been released by DAZ3D and *deleted* that have small frames but are none-the-less adults.

If the restrictions are in place to prevent people from using the products in an illegal or un-savory way, I can appreciate the sentiment. You and CG have the right to decide what content you produce and sell respectively; I would not argue otherwise. And I fully support preventing CP and prosecuting those who produce or propagate it. I just find the scale argument a little strange since that cuts out a lot of fantasy characters (like Dwarves and Goblins) but like I said that is your business as the product owner and CG's right as a storefront.

Also, if CG Bytes is not aware, there are other products sold on this site that work with that particular character and other fantasy characters with similar frames. They should probably look into that as I wouldn't want CG Bytes to get into trouble with the law.

Thanks for the explanation and for making this product.


I can't dispute that this site has every right to regulate the content it offers. However... I find the argument that something can be used in CP to be specious to the point of farce. Virtually every single item here that isn't just art could be used to one extent or another for that purpose.

Eliminating the ability to scale items is not just stupid, it pisses me off. I scale virtually every single character I create. l scarcely ever use (currently) anything but G8, but when I create a realistic character I use real people as templates. Most women I know are between 5' 2" and 5' 6", with some coming in around 5' 8". There are some outside that scale, but as a rule I don't just use the default figure scale as there aren't many supermodels or pro basketball players running around in my circles. Or giant boobs for that matter. I rarely see women walking around with balloons under their shirts in real life and I make an attempt (however amateur) at realism.

Ollie 8, for the love of God, is an adult. In a great many of his iterations he isn't even very young. Now if you said it was because of some Thorne figure I'd give some credit to the viewpoint. But, and this is crucial here, Ollie 8 Pro comes with Genesis 8 Male Anatomical Elements, so DAZ clearly doesn't feel he's a child/teen/toon figure. That alone should win any argument.

#29 Posted : Tuesday, October 16, 2018 7:01:58 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Dareshiranu Go to Quoted Post

I can't dispute that this site has every right to regulate the content it offers. However... I find the argument that something can be used in CP to be specious to the point of farce. Virtually every single item here that isn't just art could be used to one extent or another for that purpose.

Agreed 100%. It like saying that people with children aren't allowed to own a camera because they could possibly make CP....

#30 Posted : Wednesday, October 17, 2018 10:32:37 AM(UTC)

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Every company sets their own policies.... I really only care about the great products that are offered. How people use them is up to them but I certainly respect the company for wanting to protect themselves.....

#31 Posted : Thursday, October 25, 2018 6:14:36 AM(UTC)

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I just purchased the XY from DB XXX, and I can see I'm not the only one experiencing problems with the MAT copy stage. I don't get an error notice though, but I do get a problem. I have gone through the 3 stages. 1st and 3rd seems to work, but I get black patches around the pubes area, which is from the 2nd stage, the MAT copy.  My Daz version is for Mac.


Tebota attached the following image(s):
#32 Posted : Thursday, October 25, 2018 9:49:31 AM(UTC)

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Did you load "MAT copy" with your Genesis 8 Male figure selected in the scene pane? Which character are you using?
#33 Posted : Saturday, December 8, 2018 10:51:25 AM(UTC)

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Yes, I did it in the order as instructed, 01. XY, 02. MAT copy, 03. XY Shell. The figure is Genesis 8 Basic Male.
#34 Posted : Sunday, March 3, 2019 7:56:50 AM(UTC)

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Since I purchased this, I've been unable to use it as the image with the white "torso" area showing white, mine shows... something... like it but... some kind of texture is almost nearly loaded... I would say.

I've tried all sorts of things to test why it's not working and, grown tired.

MAC DAZ3D ver Pro

Any suggestions?

#35 Posted : Sunday, March 3, 2019 9:14:11 AM(UTC)

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Hi, I am new here and I am trying to decide whether to pick up XY or another prop. I have a fairly decent library of M4 skins that I can use with G8. How easy is it to match skintones with XY? Does anyone have any pictures or art they have done with XY?

#36 Posted : Sunday, March 3, 2019 10:42:44 AM(UTC)

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5ive9ine2wo - That is the wrong UV set for torso, just go to surfaces-XY torso-UV set and change it. You are using Mac? I must check with my programmer to see why that happens on Mac and not on Windows. I'll update the MAT copy script when we figure it out.

skeetz88 - With XY HDM it should be easy to match the color but I did not test it with M4 maps.
#37 Posted : Monday, March 4, 2019 4:52:32 PM(UTC)

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Well, perhaps the answer is to produce a version of this that is a conforming figure, not a geograph. It seems that the geograph are creating problems. I remember the Satanica Real M3 gens, and the M4 gens with its many morphs, and they were conforming figures. Or, they could also be parented to a character's hip. And the M3 gens could be used with M4s. Why go with geographs if they cause these problems?
#38 Posted : Monday, March 4, 2019 7:23:01 PM(UTC)

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I'm not exactly sure what problem do you think it would solve.

Scripts for Daz studio for some reason work differently on Mac, not sure why cause I don't use any Apple products at all but my programmer friend is looking into it, anyway that would still be a problem if it wasn't a geograft. And texture blending wasn't better either, we now use shells for blending which allows us to layer color effects making color blending easier. As I remember, back in the olden days, everybody was customizing diffuse maps to achieve correct color blending for their custom character and that is still the case, it's just a bit harder to locate the color map if it's first time your meddling with Iray shaders but once you find the map once you know how to find it easily for any other model.

What we do get with geografts is seamless geometry blending which in my mind is a huge step forward, the only drawback is that it needs to be updated for different base figure.
#39 Posted : Tuesday, March 5, 2019 4:23:37 PM(UTC)

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OK, thanks for the info. I don't know much about it. I do also work on a Mac. It seems to me that there's a problem with the morphs of the character imposing themselves upon the geograft. Is there a way to prevent that? For example, with the basic DAZ gens, this doesn't happen, does it? And that's a geograft. How does DAZ prevent the distortions from occurring on its gens?
#40 Posted : Tuesday, March 5, 2019 5:38:06 PM(UTC)

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You can try selecting XY and under "parameters" - "hidden" find a dial with your characters name followed by FBM and set it to 0.
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