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#1 Posted : Sunday, May 22, 2022 8:35:09 PM(UTC)

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I have been posting a series of short stories inspired by some excellent images done by Snapshotz3d in this series;



 I suggest checking them all out, it’s beautiful work.

However,the only response I have been getting was from the artist, which is something, but the total lack of ratings and other comments makes me wonder if its all just junk, or what.

If anyone can give me any critical thoughts , the reactions will tell me if I should continue with this.



ONE; Leetah

Leetah remembered the sensation of a whirlpool, as if she was part of the flow of water or a bit of flotsam being pulled to a hollow center, and then down into darkness.

She thought she must have wept at the time because she would start to weep afterwards whenever she recalled it. Leetah had been in a better place, but this was all she recalled of the afterlife… an indescribable paradise. Trying to remember it with a mind of fleshy matter would always be like trying to hammer a square get into a round hole. Perhaps it was better to forget, let amnesia be a mercy from her Gods that would be in effect until she could return to them. But she would have to be careful not to be too eager to return, the only way back was for her to die.

Leetah knew instinctively that suicide was not something that would see her welcomed back into an enjoyable place to be.

Her fist physical sensations were of vibrations, terrible ones that she felt would shake her to pieces, Her body was horribly stiff, and with searing terror she remembered her death. There was nothing more brittle than stone, and it felt as if she would shatter under the terrible vibrations raking her entire body. The question was; how could she feel anything if she was still stone, and why should she even be here in it now?

Then the real pain hit her.

It exploded in agonizing waves, and from every cell in her. Even her hair seemed to burn with it. Her soul and body sang with a scream that deafened her when she could finally let it go, and at that instant she passed out. It was a blackness that her mind had not had to endure for a millennia that she slowly, oh so slowly, returned from in such tiny steps that she barely noticed when it began. Leetah could breath again, she could feel her heart beating and she could feel that she was being held, somehow. Not magically, but in someone’s (something’s) hands? Her skin…. her own skin!… was luxuriating in the feeling of having been stroked and massaged by someone that knew what they were doing.

Even more enjoyably, she felt herself being laid on a pallet of some kind, her arms and legs falling wide while warm hands (paws?) rolled over her breasts. She had always liked her breasts, full and firm, and so had many of the people she had known in life. Leetah new many kinds of touch, this was one of the better ones; a firm yet careful touch that sought to stimulate rather than abuse or take pleasure from her in some heavy-handed way.

‘heavy handed’? She had to smile at her own thoughts. She had never been very sophisticated in her own mind, but she had never had to be. Being honest and earnest had always served her, and those around her,very well. What else truly mattered?

She was about to try to open her eyes when she felt something lovely; a mouth at her crotch wafting warm air over her sex, and then a tongue darting all over, and then into, her sex. She moaned, and in that moment she decided that what ever place she was in, she liked being there. It may have seemed incredible, even to her, that she could feel so good so soon after experiencing pain like nothing else she had ever thought possible, and yet that was just the sort of girl she had always been. It was not that she had forgotten the pain, she doubted she ever could even if she lived for ten centuries. However, if Leetah had one outstanding trait, it was her unwillingness to indulge in self-pity. Wild animals never showed such foolishness, so why should she? And this tongue was doing such wonderful things for her, it would just be rude for her not to live in the moment that someone was making for her.

Leetah sighed in a way that should have been lusty, but her mouth was so dry that it came out wrong, as if she was dying of thirst. By some minor miracle, a water-flask was hovering hear her face, and she drank it dry

Hovering,,,,? Ah, yes, that meant magic.

Leetah was not surprised that there was magic here, but as she opened her eyes she could see very little. Just the flask drifting away after she drained it, and an indistinct ceiling. She could not make it out until its very irregularity told her it was the roof of a cavern. It was also at that moment that her fully awakened pussy felt what was probing her was not the sort of tongue she was familiar with.

It was a forked tongue!

With a yelp and a whine, she tried to sit up, and looked at the creature between her legs. Even in the dim light, she could clearly see that this master of touch and oral sex was more Dragon than any kind of Man.

Their eyes met, instead of of a scream Leetah let out a mewling sound that quickly became a high-pitched whine. The Dragon-Man prolonged this by pinching her clit between two of his teeth, and humming.

Danger and helplessness can intensify the female orgasm to almost painful heights, and Leetah was stunned by her own body’s reaction. She peaked almost instantly, and the Dragon man did not let up until she was drenched in sweat and laying sprawled and panting on the pallet. The pain she had felt at the moment of her re-birth was not merely gone, but exorcised by the flood of pleasure that coursed through her for so long that Letah could not tell if it had been moments or hours that she had been hitting one peak after another. That long, flexible tongue had never pulled out, and it could tickle her insides in two different ways at once.

Once he eased up, he let her push his tongue out and used it to lick her throbbing clit, and the rest of her as well. Leetah had never understood the concept of willing slavery until that moment, and she had endured wearing two different slave collars. This creature, be he man or monster, had mastered her body at just the right time and done a better job of it than anyone she had known before. While still in the haze of her after-shocks, she accepted her new place in the world. She was his from now on, no matter who he was or what he wanted. She might forgive him for taking her out of Paradise, but something made her doubt it had been his own doing. Even if he had, whatever he had done to get her back must have required something tremendous, some great sacrifice or maybe a transcendental triumph of willpower.

Why anyone would bother to do such a thing for her was a question she could not face, not yet.

A simple girl at heart, Leetah could not say what she meant, but as he rose up, becoming larger and more Dragon-like and less Man-like before her eyes, and his erection rubbed over her puffy nether-lips, she smiled up at him. It was the sort of smile that said “yes” to anything, and everything. She spread her legs, angled her hips to accept him, and lifted her hands to touch him.

That was when she noticed the cuffs around her wrists.

They were light, not made of any metal or ivory that she knew of, and they sparkled with some sort of luminous jewels. By reflex, she felt at her neck, and there was a collar there as well, and if felt as if it was made of the same material and adorned with bumps that were probably more jewels. She had returned to the world of the living as a slave, apparently. Her action surprised even Leetah, but she shrugged and smiled up at the Dragon, as if to say; Yeah? Okay, no problem.

The young woman had no experience reading a Dragon’s facial expressions, but she found that she was encouraged by what she saw. The eyes were inhuman and luminous, but much warmer and less frightening than any tale had ever told of. His gaze reminded her of looking into the embers of a fire as it cooled. He seemed surprised and a more than a little curious about her. No, more than that, and it took her breath away to see that he was concerned about her.

That did not stop him from mounting her.

He entered her with the same care and skill that he had shown her before, and took his time about it. Leetah was glad for that, he felt as large as her own fist and fore-arm, but with all the preparation she was able to accept him, even as he continued to grow in size from very large man to Crocodilian proportions. He mercifully stopped at that size (she would later learn that the Dragon had only grown large enough that his wings could support her weight in flight), while his member actually became the size it had only felt like when he first began.

In the strangest twist yet, once he was fully inside her, he stopped and did not move at all. She was glad for the chance to adjust to him, relaxing herself as much as she could and bracing herself for the hardest fucking of her young life, but it did not come. She looked up at him, forcing herself to stop panting and wondering if he thought there was something wrong with her. Instead of moving at all, he looked down at her, still concerned about something, as if he thought he was harming her. She opened her mouth to encourage him, and then Leetah could feel his voice inside her mind;

“Hello, precious one. Do you remember…. yourself?”

She almost fainted. This was proof that he DID know what she had endured, and sex was his way of helping her deal with it. There were a thousands questions she could have asked him, but all that came out was a nod and the words; “I am Leetah.”

“How do you feel, my little treasure?”

Leetah said the only thing that came to her mind at this point; “Wonderful. Thank you!”

“Thank… me?” Now Leetah sensed yet another strange thing; he was a little chagrined at what she had just said to him. Why? How? Weren’t Dragons supposed to be arrogant and proud to a fault?

He was also not moving inside her yet. She asked breathlessly; “What is wrong?”

“Nothing about you, Leetah-Lovely one. There are things that must be explained to you. Now that the moment is here…. I am sorry, but I find that I don’t have the words.”

Whatever it was, it must be bad, very bad, and Leetah felt herself contract around him. The Dragon winced, and a sigh came out of him that sounded almost like the sound a Horse might make, yet deeper and with more meaning. “Sorry.” She really was not, Leetah’s natural passion and impatience were both starting to rise. She glanced at one of the cuffs, and that was all it took for him to explain;

“Those are a part of the apparatus that brought you back. I will remove them as soon as I can find someone that understands them.” Leetah wanted to ask what he meant, but at second glance she saw that the gems were not gems at all. They were not reflecting light, they were glowing, and blinking randomly at her. “As you see, things are different now. As far as I can tell, you have been gone from here between one and two millennia.”

This was both bad new, and a relief. Leetah’s loved ones, and even her most vague acquaintances, were all dead and gone. They could not help her now, but whatever was wrong could not be their problem now. Whatever it was, she sensed it was something that had the power to hurt anyone, even this Dragon.

Sensing her thoughts, the Dragon continued; “I must show you. We shall fly, but you must hang on tightly. I may have to fly hard to escape, or even fight at any moment. Wrap your legs around me as tightly as you can, and grab me here….” He guided her hands to where she could get a firm grip on him.

Leetah was mortified for a handful of heartbeats. “Is THAT why you are …. inside me?!” What she had taken for sex was a way to secure her body to his? But…. but…. she was a hottie! A good catch, and not in the way a hooked fish was! An instant later she regretted that outburst. This time there was no mistaking the Dragon wincing. “I’m sorry, that’s so stupid of me! Please forgive me.”

“Of course, and all things in their time, I assure you. Ah, and since we are so intimately joined, I am called Merrin.” And after a moment of hesitation, he added; “Mekratrig Kirin.”

Leetah gasped, and on impulse she tried to kiss his fanged mouth. Then she recalled her lore, and nuzzled his throat instead.

This Dragon, Merrin, had just given her his True Name!

Testing her Lore to its limits, she attempted to speak into his mind with a thought. "Is this love?” she asked timidly, and then gasped. That was NOT what she had meant to ask, but in this manner of communicating, it was all honest and pure, as well as brutally honest. She would have to be careful at first….. NO! Leetah scolded herself, had she not already decided that she was his, before she had even seen his face? Yes, THAT was reality, and she would hold true to that.

“I am honored.” Merrin responded to thoughts that Leetah had assumed were only in her head. “And in answer to your question; I don’t know, but I sincerely hope that it is.”

His answer both warmed her heart, and chilled her bones. This Dragon was so brave to admit such things, certainly not the sort of vainglorious beast that Lore warned about ‘Oh Gods’ she was not thinking at that point, but praying, ‘please let me be worthy of this’. And a moment later, she looked him in the eyes and nodded to him. “Show me.”

It was easier than she feared it might be to hang on to him, and much less painful down below. Leetah braced herself, knowing that flying would be harder and far more dangerous. Before they had left the cave, Merrin was speaking to her again;

“The Gorgon is long-dead, you need have no fear of her. You and the rest of the victims stayed in place for centuries, forgotten, until that place as re-discovered and you all became curiosities…. for a brief while. Briefly, because as soon they heard of you, you all were claimed by the Zhrau.”

The fear and loathing that Merrin put into that word took her breath away. Leetah had never heard of such a people before, so she asked; “Who?”

“They came through Gates, and from above, at the same time.” He paused at the entrance of the cavern, a fine-shrouded hole in the face of a small cliff. “Brace yourself, dear Leetah.”

She knew he was not only speaking of her grip on him.

The rush of cool air was refreshing rather than chilling. It felt good, and gave her the nerve to take a good look around. She had been in an equatorial region, hot but not oppressively so thanks to the altitude. This first thing Leetah noticed was that she was still in familiar territory, Leetah thought she could have named this very place, if the condition of it had not been so alien to her. There were still some forests and rolling hills, that much was the same, but the differences were vast and incomprehensible.

Whole hills had bene torn away, stretches of forest many times the size of any city she knew of had been razed, and replaced by things she had no words for. It was night-time, saving her from the worst of it, but there was enough moonlight to show her more than enough. Lights from buildings and things moving down roads of stone …. or something like it …. showed her more than enough. The land was being crushed under the weight of things she could not understand. Machines? Living machines, and buildings made of metal, of all things?!?

“The Zhrau came, and did this. Leetah, we are conquered, defeated, we are… occupied.”

As amazing as it was to hear a Dragon refer to himself and all the little folk of the world as ‘we’, Leetah’s mind still fought for a way to frame what she was seeing. “But we can fight back, right? These Zhrau, what are thier numbers, thier limits? What lands have they taken, how big is this problem?”

“Lands?” Merrin was non-plussed for a moment. Then he sighed again. “ALL lands, dear one. This is the whole world now. I have to ask you to look up.”

Looking up seemed foolish to her, and a little like breaking a taboo. What flew higher than a Dragon? However, her Merrin had asked her to, so she did, and as soon as she did, she clung to Merrin so hard that all of her muscles bunched up, even the ones in her ass. Leetah hugged the Dragon, and began to work her sex over his shaft out of sheer desperation, to lose herself in something familiar and understandable, something warm and real.

There was a new star in the sky, larger and brighter than the rest. She was able to pick it out because it was moving, and Leetah sensed that it was moving of it’s own accord. Cruising about over their world like some gaudy Overlord, and an affront to the Gods, it horrified Leetah, yet is also offended her for no reason that she could understand at the time.

And, it was not alone.

One hundred leagues away, another building had been erected, one that she could see clearly because it was at least five times as tall as it was far away. The base was impossibly thin, the top mushroomed out into something the size of a large city. It was illuminated and from this distance Leetah could not make out any details. She did not need to, the message the simple fact of it’s existence was clear;

This is the abode of your Overlords, and we are watching you.

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Bumper2 on 5/23/2022(UTC)
#2 Posted : Sunday, May 22, 2022 8:36:40 PM(UTC)

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and just for the hell of it, the 2nd of the 6 I have finished. Was working on a 7th but the lack of feedback is making me run out of steam.



TWO; Ahktikmacht

A few days earlier —

In appearance, the Zhrau were said to be most similar to Elves, with their severe beauty, their back-swept ears and wiry builds. The differences were striking, and obvious in good lighting.

Their skin had a pearly sheen, and in most cases came in various shades of Purples, but could vary from matte-black to arresting shades of blue. Their hair was like finely drawn wire, Gold or Copper, and even Platinum. It was also verifiable that many of their women had three breasts, and that some of the men had that many (or more) testicles. They were also abnormally resistant to hostile environments and shrugged off poison gas and the effects of high altitude with ease.

As far as their demeanor went, it was whispered that they were more like Orcs with a University degree.

Under-Marshall Rakmon surveyed the scene before him as if inspecting every blade of grass. He did so to avoid speaking to the other Zhrau nearby, an exceptionally tall and sharp-featured member of their race.

It wasn’t working.

“Is it your admiration of the female form the thing that allied you to my project, Marshal? Even these … primitives?”:

Rakmon rolled his eyes, slapped his gloves against his thigh and turned to face his accuser. “Commissioner Ahktikmacht, so good of you to join us. How may this humble one be of service?”

Ahktikmacht did not react to the a man with the 3rd highest rank in the military establishment referring to himself as “humble”, or the “we” when they were alone in their particular glade. In the rambling collection of buildings, walled-in areas that had once been Gardens, and even a pool fed by a natural spring they were far from alone. Teams of Zhrau technicians and native coolies were hard at work, and the perimeter was guarded by battle-bots of various kinds. The low murmur of people and devices at work was reassuring for Rakmon, and distracting for the Commissioner.

“There seems to be an unusual concentration of…. artifacts, in this spot. Any particular reason?”

“Yes.” Rakmon gestured to the dozen statues nearby. “Most of these were slaves sent from the town nearby, to appease the Medusa.”

“A town was nearby? Then why did we not learn of this place sooner?”

Rakmon flashed a nasty grin. “That town was excised shortly after this region was pacified.”

Ahktikmacht nodded, and sent a slight grin right back at the Marshal. “Excised” meant punishment, the elimination of a community that did not measure-up to Zhrau standards. It was poetic justice that they could both appreciate; a town full of people that bought off a local predator by sacrificing such fine-looking breeders deserved its fate, and its residents sold off into servitude themselves. He did not ask where it had been. After 87 years of neglect there would be little left of such a backwards place left to the elements.

“Good riddance to a nest of cowards. And the creature itself?”

“Killed a prospector, one of our own people, perhaps a few decades before the town met its justice.”

Ahktikmacht stiffened and his jaw clenched as he asked; “One of our own, and it went unnoticed?”

“Yes, Commissioner. The prospector was a loner and did not file any plans. There is nothing left but ruble and old junk, we pieced the story together just yesterday from a memory core. It appears that the victim’s …. remains…. tumbled down a flight of stairs and broke apart. The Medusa was then set upon by the Prospector’s mining ‘droids. Once it was dead they did not report back, but spent their energy trying to re-assemble their master.”

Rakmon did not smile this time, but Ahktikmacht did. Mining droids were not large, and not armed with anything more deadly than drills and jack-hammers. It must have taken them some time to kill a beast like a Medusa. It was good to know that even dumb machines could meet out a fitting death to one who had dared to kill a Zhrau.

“So much for the past. Nothing like this has ever been attempted before, of course. We know the need fro un-polluted cells justifies the effort to re-vivify fossilized flesh, but your first effort was not encouraging.”

“There are always setbacks, Commissioner, and a certain amount of wastage was already factored into our calculations.”

“Wastage?” The Commissioner arched an eyebrow at Rakmon. Was he bucking for promotion, showing such a cold and calculating attitude? Well, that was easy to deal with. “These are the most valuable artifacts in this entire world… that we know of.” He walks around the fenced-in yard, stroking the nude statues in a way that seemed like fondness to anyone that did not actually know Ahktikmacht.

Rakmon knew him, and it was not fondness, a claim was being staked.

The Commissioner paused at the statue of a smallish woman that had been backed up against a column, and assumed the same type of stone at the moment of her murder. He seemed to give lie to his own previous words when he stared breaking off the stone strands that had been a thatch of pubic hair. He broke every remaining hair follicles off, and ground his fingernails against the labia until it was perfectly smooth.

Rakmon rolled his eyes. “I wish you wouldn’t - “

Ahktikmacht thumped the smooth pussy and turned to Rakmon. “THIS, this is what is priceless to us. It is very possible that nothing else in the Dominion is this important.”

These Zhrau were two of less than a hundred in their star-spanning empire that knew why the stoned women were priceless to their Dominion.

Their race was advanced in many ways, and one of those was in their genes. As Tungsten will bond with a vast number of elements, the Zhrau reproductive elements would produce offspring with a staggering number of life-forms from other worlds. Combined with their virility (which could be frightening, even to other Zhrau) this meant that the species was headed for dilution and eventual obliteration from the moment other worlds began to fall under their Dominion.

In desperation, the Zhrau leadership turned to racism to stop this from happening. They created a social norm whereby the Zhrau looked down on all other sentient life, and even found ways to justify this bigotry … to a far greater degree than the Zhrau who dreamed up the cruel idea had ever intended. Sex with aliens was permitted, even encouraged if it degraded them, but offspring were forbidden to exist. Too late, they discovered that Nature never did things without a reason, and doom was creeping up on the Zhrau from within themselves.

“Inbreeding.” Ahktikmacht muttered as he gave the petrified corps of the little woman a last pet between her legs, and moved on.

Being born with three breasts or two cocks and five balls might be invigorating for those that received them, but it revealed that Zhrau genetic diversity was crashing, and crashing hard. The cult of racial superiority had become too deeply ingrained to be shrugged off in time, and forced out-breeding would only fragment the Dominion…. something that leaders like Ahktikmacht had to avoid at all costs. Once the Zhrau became unrecognizable to each other, and divided by alien bloodlines, they would next be at each other’s throats.

The key to their salvation had been found in this world, in it’s Elves and to a lesser degree in Humans. Locked away in their genetic coding was a non-invasive way to bring diversity back to the Zhrau gene pool with simple injections rather than cross-breeding. However, as soon as this was discovered, the magic vanished before the very eyes of Zhrau scientists.

Conquering a planet the easy way involved the use of a few Weapons of Massive Impact, as the Zhrau called them. The radiant poisons left behind were infinitesimal given the scale of things, but proved to be just enough to steal the manna from heaven that had been so briefly in their hands.

Now, incredibly, a treasure-trove of undamaged DNA had been found here, in this long-forgotten glade in the middle of nowhere.

Resurrecting fossilized matter would have been inconceivable to any other people, especially as a crash program with a Top Secret classification. One of the things that made the Zhrau so mighty that science and spiritualism were not seen in a mutually exclusive and opposing way. The Zhrua had learned both in harmony, and now had the means to bend both to their will.

The two Zhrau found their way to a Gazebo-like structure where there were just three statues, and triple that number of technicians working around them. Several were fitting mechanical devices around their limbs and necks.

“You are fixing the cuffs before transport?” Ahktikmacht asked.

“Yes. The process as modified will take some time. Days, perhaps. Why waste the hours it will take to get them to base? Never fear, we intend to be absolutely thurough this….”

“This time…. ?” Ahktikmacht finished for the Marshal, and enjoyed seeing the muscles in his neck bunching up.

“We learned so much from the test case, the reports proved it!”

“I’ve READ them.” There was nothing feigned about Ahktikmacht’s anger. “That girl died as soon as she became flesh again, and in agony. She died from PAIN, and it only took seconds. I didn’t think that was possible, but it is, and your own report proved it! You should have started with one of these ridiculous things.” Ahktikmacht jerked a thumb at the Centaur.

“What?” Rakmon blinked. “But the three we found here are all that’s left.”

The Commissioner shrugged. “What of it? Genociding them out of existence in a week was a master-stroke, and pacified the rest of the population for good.” He went to stroke the Centaur’s breasts and gazed at her terror-stricken face. “They made lousy insurgents but easy targets, and their pride would never have allowed any other solution.”

Rakmon sneered. “In that case it is just as well that they will be as babes in our arms when they awaken. The mind of a newborns in mature bodies. Those few of us with direct access will have an enjoyable time with them.”

Instead of criticizing his Marshall’s lasciviousness (a silly thing for any Zhrau to be critical of) the Commissioner grimaced. “You are certain of that? None of them will come back with memories intact?”

“Memories?” This time it was Rakmon’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “More than certain. The electrical energy holding memory engrams has long since dissipated. There is nothing of them left in there, a blank-slate. A pity, I believe. Some of these, at least half a dozen, were adventurers …. mercenaries if you will. You spoke of artifacts, some of them may have had valuable information about such things as still remain hidden from us.”

“Such knowledge is always a blade with two edges.” Ahktikmacht strolled past the woman made of white marble and commented; “Quite the artist, wasn’t she?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“The Medusa. Say what you will, she knew how to use marble. Hmmm, still finding no male victims?”

Rakmon shrugged again, observing his team at work. “No, we assume that if there were any, she consumed them, somehow. Everyone must eat, after all.”

“Naturally.” Ahktikmacht walked up to a woman of dark marble with an astonishing figure, and glanced down at the mirrored plate in her hands. He happened to see the terror-stricken look in her face, upside down, and it made him ask; “What about souls?”

Rakmon shook his head without turning around. “If we can be certain of anything, it is that Death’s door only swings one way. My Mystic Analysis squad has already checked for spirits that failed to pass into the beyond, and there is nothing tied to them. As I said, a pity, but there it is.”

“Indeed.” Ahktikmacht tapped the forehead of the dead women in front of him. “Reserve this one for my personal use, and the Elf by the pool. Babes… heh, you are right, this will be enjoyable.”

As the Commissioner stepped out of the Gazebo, a sudden gust of wind shook the tree branches and leaves. It sounded odd to him, strangely like a sound people might make. It bothered him even more to understand why, as an ancient quote came back to him;

If you listen closely, you can hear the Gods…. laughing.

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Bumper2 on 5/23/2022(UTC)
#3 Posted : Monday, May 23, 2022 10:23:41 PM(UTC)

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Hey AnchorSteam! I was going to send you a private message, but decided to post it here in case others could benefit as well.

These stories are fucking fire! I honestly mean that: these are perfect setup stories, an amazing prologue to both who the protagonists and antagonists in the story are. It lays out their understanding of their desires, their beliefs, and their wants wonderfully. Leetah was a slave - at least twice before - and is now an outsider in a world she once knew. Where very few things are like she knew. Dragons cowed? What the hell?! Merrin wants her. In multiple ways. Why? We don't know yet. Maybe he still has a sliver of pride. Sexually owning someone gives his an edge. But why her? She almost seems like a means to an ends, but who can truly know the mind and machinations of a dragon? Rakmon is a nefarious scientist, and obviously loathes Ahktikmacht. He wants to continue his race on his terms. Ahktikmacht is aloof, but interested. Rakmon is obviously the true antagonist.

If I may say, especially considering it's on a site like 'rotica, the hardcore sex parts of your story slightly detract from the narrative you're trying to tell. This is interesting, on a level above sheer lust and sexual want, as a science fiction/medival fantasy adventure. I'd honestly like to read a book (or series) set in a world like this. I'm kinda involved on what comes next.

Criticisms: It relies a bit to heavily on sex in the first story to make it grow, especially because it feels like you're tailoring it to to 'rotica's audience. This is a wide-picture release. If you want it here, WAY too long. I've found between 400-700 words are the sweet spot. When people stop caring about the story in favor of the wank and vice-versa. Third, where are your stories located? I've looked on snapshotz3d pictures and haven't seen them. I've also looked on if you had a blog on this site and haven't found them.

It's extremely hard to get views and comments on a 9 month old series. Especially as someone other than the artist. You've done EXCELLENT work, and you should be proud of that fact. Kudos to you, keep going.
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AnchorSteam on 7/5/2022(UTC)
#4 Posted : Tuesday, July 5, 2022 12:50:21 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Bumper2 Go to Quoted Post
Hey AnchorSteam! I was going to send you a private message, but decided to post it here in case others could benefit as well.

These stories are fucking fire! I honestly mean that: these are perfect setup stories, an amazing prologue to both who the protagonists and antagonists in the story are. It lays out their understanding of their desires, their beliefs, and their wants wonderfully. Leetah was a slave - at least twice before - and is now an outsider in a world she once knew. Where very few things are like she knew. Dragons cowed? What the hell?! Merrin wants her. In multiple ways. Why? We don't know yet. Maybe he still has a sliver of pride. Sexually owning someone gives his an edge. But why her? She almost seems like a means to an ends, but who can truly know the mind and machinations of a dragon? Rakmon is a nefarious scientist, and obviously loathes Ahktikmacht. He wants to continue his race on his terms. Ahktikmacht is aloof, but interested. Rakmon is obviously the true antagonist.

If I may say, especially considering it's on a site like 'rotica, the hardcore sex parts of your story slightly detract from the narrative you're trying to tell. This is interesting, on a level above sheer lust and sexual want, as a science fiction/medival fantasy adventure. I'd honestly like to read a book (or series) set in a world like this. I'm kinda involved on what comes next.

Criticisms: It relies a bit to heavily on sex in the first story to make it grow, especially because it feels like you're tailoring it to to 'rotica's audience. This is a wide-picture release. If you want it here, WAY too long. I've found between 400-700 words are the sweet spot. When people stop caring about the story in favor of the wank and vice-versa. Third, where are your stories located? I've looked on snapshotz3d pictures and haven't seen them. I've also looked on if you had a blog on this site and haven't found them.

It's extremely hard to get views and comments on a 9 month old series. Especially as someone other than the artist. You've done EXCELLENT work, and you should be proud of that fact. Kudos to you, keep going.


I don't get notices, or I would have responded sooner.
(is there some way I can fix that?)
Thanks for the kind reviews, and this was not even done with this site in mind, but yes the emphasis is on sex for the time being. Its really at the heart of the concept.

And, there is more, I will post more now and in the coming days.


#5 Posted : Tuesday, July 5, 2022 12:52:40 PM(UTC)

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THREE ; Merrin & Leetah


The rest of that night passed in a way that took both of them by surprise, even as it was happening.  It would have been impossible for anyone to believe had they not been there to see it happen, and there was not.

…. as far as the lovers knew at the time.


Merrin knew he had shown her too much once Leetah began franticly humping him in mid-air. He took her straight back to the cavern and made himself smaller and more flexible to complete their union in a way that would not harm Leetah. He peaked as quickly as she did, and while Leetah passed out right after, Merrin’s climax was not terribly satisfying. The danger they were still in was too distracting.

This dragon’s ability to shape-shift was so well-developed that he could make his wings vanish and his tail as bendy as he wished. He used his tail to wrap around them both, and hold Leetah to his belly as he retrieved a satchel and plunged deeper into the cavern network, deeper than any Zhrau would dare to follow,  far beyond the point where any drone could be controlled.

Climbing or trotting along on all fours without the aid of his tail was an annoyance, but Merrin was more annoyed at himself at that point, and wondering how he could un-do any damage he had done to this girl.  *no* he corrected his thoughts, *your woman, that is how she thinks of herself and you’d damn well better think so to!*  He was her lifeline, a fact born out by the fact that her pussy had not let go of his cock yet, even as it softened and he stayed in motion for the better part of an hour.

Telepathy was a gift that came at a price; a certain amount of empathy was always involved.

Concern for mortals had made him something of an outcast among Dragons, and saved his life when the last Great Conclave was “nuked”, as the Zhrau put it. Now, barely an adult as Dragons used to see things, he was one of the elders among his kind, and it had taken all his persuasion to get himself included in the ambush that had liberated the women of stone. In fact, given the unexpected resistance the Zhrau had put up, Merrin doubted the raid could have succeeded without his mentalist powers.



Merrin arrived at a section of tunnels that looked like any other, and reached up to tap out a pattern on a Glyph in the ceiling. Then he stepped through and illusory wall of basalt and into a chamber that had been prepared ahead of time.

This place was lit by a lantern of flawed glass designed to hide the magic that it held. Another bit of magic powered the spring providing clear water in the far corner, which fell into a pool and then drained away down a small fissure in the floor. There were also chests filled with needed things, and a luxurious pile of unused furs in the middle of the room. Merrin went straight there, and covered Leetah’s unconscious body with his own as he pondered what to do next.

He should never have allowed her to see the Beanstalk, that monstrous thing was meant to crush resistance and it might have done that very thing to this young woman, and he had already sent out a psychic broadcast to the others warning them about that. He had been thinking too much like a Dragon.

So, what to do now?

He unwrapped his tail, sat up and looked down at his naked prize in good light for the first time. She had been passive all the way down, but his pulling back even a few inches made her restless, pouty, but her eyes still stayed closed even as her vulva rippled, trying to tug his cock deeper inside her

Leetah had skin like honey, a mass of auburn hair that was coming undone from the complicated styling job that had wrapped it around the top of her head a millennia ago. Her face was “cute” with a little button-nose and full lips … but the set of her jaw hinted at inner strength.

Merrin could not see more, and he refused to probe the mind of the unconscious woman. The problem, was, he was seeing her with a Dragon’s eyes, one such as her was supposed to look like a nice lunch to his breed, so he gradually assumed the form of a human male, the one that came naturally to him. What he did worked more fully than Merrin himself was prepared for….


Leetah came back to herself when she sensed that HE might be parting from  her. Even his reassuring cock felt smaller, and she used her slave-trained muscles to get a better grip on him. As soon as she could make them move, she threw her arms & legs around him, and found a human body instead of the Dragon! Her eyes flew open and she saw him; a rawboned man in his 30s with a flowing mustache and a body made of sinew and heavy bones and eyes that…. were just the same as her Dragon!

She wept as she shook off her moment of doubt, smiling from ear to ear, and then yelping with joy felt his erection spring to life within her.

Merrin was seeing Leetah for the first time in good light, and in a way that he could truly appreciate. Treasure indeed!


They made love for the next 12 hours, with many breaks for food and liquid refreshment, or to bathe, or to turn the very messy furs over to replace them with fresh ones. During the whole time their bodies were in constant contact, even during Leetah’s brief naps. The naps were brief because she did not like the visions her mind was processing. Once the dream was so frightful that she peed in their bedding. Leetah never knew it because Merrin had already cleaned her up and tossed that fur away before she woke.

The sex went from being frantic and wild at first, to a more relaxed exploration of each other as the hours passed. Even so, Leetah found that Merrin sometimes lost his concentration, as he had in the cavern far above, and partly morphed towards his Dragon shape and size.  Leetah proved her inner-self was as lovely as her outer form when she took this as a compliment. Instead of wailing in terror, she gazed up at him in wonder, or giggled, thrilled that a common girl like her (she still saw herself this way) could make a being such as Merrin loose himself in her.

Leetah even asked him to transform while he was in her mouth, so that she could see, as well as feel, the difference it made in his astoundingly active cock.  She decided she liked what she saw, and was not shy about letting him know.

Merrin found himself responding over and over again to her, taking his time and learning to play her body like a fine instrument. He could be carried away with his passions too, and forceful. Once he underwent a partial transformation deliberately, and filled Leetah three ways at this same time with cock, tail and tongue.

For her part, Leetah did not feel worn-out or “dry” at all until the very end, and took an active part the whole time. Merrin would never forget the first time she convened him to let her be on top, and how she reared up and wriggled like a belly-dancer with him deep inside her. She made a fine sight, arms waving in the air and with her hair free and tumbling down to her hips, breasts leaping and dancing with her moves unless Merrin’s hands were on them. Leetah’s skin flushed in waves as she climaxed, and even as the orgasms shook her she never stopped working his cock until Merrin came too. Empty balls or no, his peak nearly made the Dragon pass out, and left him cross-eyed and gasping for air.


The passage of time meant nothing to them, indeed there was no sign of it in their burrow deep in the mantle of the world. Leetah lay sprawled out with her head on Merrin’s shoulder, ready for a third bath but not ready to break contact with Merrin just yet. Her labia was not just aching, but pluffy and tender like never before, she even seemed to be such a hot shade of pink that her sex was helping to light up the room. Leetah giggled softly; if they had to run any time soon her man would have to carry her. It wasn’t such a bad ache, not at all, and the pleasant ache was also there in her ass, her breasts felt a bit raw and swollen, perhaps half a cup-size larger for the moment, and even her jaw felt stretched. Every muscle in her body felt used, every joint a little out of shape,  and her throbbing nipples felt as big as her own thumbs.

She’d never felt better in her life.

Leetah rolled into Merrin’s prone body to tell him so, and saw that his gaze was distant and his face was slack. An eye-blink later she understood that he was in communion with other mentalists. An instant later, being the sort of girl she was, Leetah decided to help him.

Leetah put her forehead to his temple and whispered; “Mekratrig Kirin, allow me to serve you.

The wordless Hurricane of psychic communication swept her up instantly.

Leetah became aware that Merrin had been in contact with his allies at the start, back at the upper cavern. She had been the first to awaken, unexpectedly and with none of the experts that should have been there to help. Merrin had taken her revival into his own hands, and relayed his success to the others the only way he could. That was all fine and good, Leetah would not have hesitated to give her blessing to anything that could help others like her. However-

The link had never been completely severed, and for half a day they had been …. observable… to a good many minds.

Merrin’s status in the Resistance was not damaged by this, if anything there was admiration for him on several levels out there, they seemed to think something miraculous had happened as a side-effect of the re-vivification process. Merrin was having none of it *stop with that, I know that seven or eight times might seem - *

*eleven* a subdued voice corrected him.

*…. *

That stunned both Merrin and Leetah into silence, But there were other questions.

Would this technique work with all the rest? How could we tell? Would the extra treatment be required if the Beanstalk and other things were not revealed? What sort of spells were involved? And as soon as they were aware of Leetah another question was asked; Has Leetah been damaged or dominated somehow?

Leetah pounced on that line of inquiry with indignant fury; *my love would NEVER do harm to my body or my mind so stop offending us*

Not ‘my master’ or ‘my man’ or anything else like that. Even as she completed the thought, she wondered if it cam across as ‘my one true love’ which would have been true enough, and perhaps a fresh humiliation to pile on top of all the rest. Clearly, she was out of her depth here.

Merrin simply added; *you have all was mine to send you, and more besides, good luck and try not to be too dogmatic* before he severed the link firmly, and even erected a mental wall around the chamber to give them the one sort of privacy they had been lacking.

The link between them remained; *some of them are going to mock you as they would a star-struck child*

*fine by me* Leetah sent back. *as long as they are not mocking you I don’t care what they think*

Merrin gave her a deep, soulful kiss, something he had become very good at in the previous hours. Soon he was smiling into the kiss, and then laughed softly. “eleven” he muttered, to himself as well as to Leetah.

This was just one more thing outside Leetah’s understanding, but this time it was a GOOD thing and she clung to it the way she had been clinging to Merrin since her re-birth. “Carry me to the bath, please, love?”

“My pleasure, love.”

In the cooling waters they washed and massaged each other’s bodies, kissing and stroking each other well past the point where Leetah had been alive for 14 hours. They decided that what had happened between them might be a mystery, but if it was it was an entirely natural one, and not something to be obsessed about. They had a shared life to get started on, a relationship, and what is a relationship but one long conversation?

Their’s was just beginning.


Their little marathon was indeed natural, the most natural thing of all. While is was a verifiable fact that Leetah had “clung” to Merrin out of a desperate need for something to anchor herself in the material world, and that his acceptance of her lead to love, there was another force at work in their union.

Deep in a secret, silent part of their minds, they already knew the truth.  Leetah was in season, Merrin had sensed this and made her well & truly Pregnant, fulfilling a soul-deep desire they had both had since getting their first good look at each other.

There was no mystery about any of it, from a Naturalist’s  point of view, or that of the Gods.

#6 Posted : Tuesday, July 5, 2022 12:53:39 PM(UTC)

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FOUR; Rakmon


“The Gods can go fuck themselves.”


While Merrin & Leetah were having the time of their lives, the Zhrau occupation authority was in an uproar.


“Fuck themselves to death, ALL of them!”

That was just the latest of his curses as Marshal Rakmon stomped around the wreckage of the transport liner.

These ground-effect transports were supposed to be the best & safest way to transport heavy things, and twenty marble statues in their crash-proof crates were certainly in the ‘heavy’ category! They might fly low and relatively low, but they had a low energy signature, high efficiency, were solidly built and could use a variety of flight-paths as they barreled along at tree-top hight. “What the hell could have gone wrong?”

Rakmon was standing on a grassy knoll, the only bit of ground that offered a good view of the crash-site. Nearby were eight or nine officers that hovered about waiting to do his bidding or answer some very unpleasant questions. The one that answered his latest one was a female Zhrau Colonel who happened to be in charge of local security; “Marshall, it appears that it was not a case of anything going right on our part, but of everything going right in the part of the enemy. In this case, an unusual alliance of several enemies.”


“Confirmed.” This came not from the Colonel, but from an aide standing nearby. This female was human, one of the growing yes still small number of collaborators serving the Zhrau on this world.  Her very presence irked Rakmon at a moment like this, but with only a quarter of a million Zhrau to control half a billion natives living here, he needed all the help he could get.

The Colonel nodded to confirm what her aide has just said; “Merrin himself was here, where we are standing now.”

The Marshal’s eyes went wide, and he could not help glancing at the ground beneath his feet. ‘Shadowness’ was the term used to describe Merrin’s ghostly network of psychic spies and saboteurs, a group that specialized in doing harmful things to the Zhrau that could not be retaliated against in the usual ways. After all, how could one justify punishing the population at large for a mechanical failure that might have been caused by defective equipment, or the theft of items that were not technically supposed to exist?

Items like statues of women that were in fact the victims of a long-dead Gorgon….

“Merrin’s image was captured by the drone escort. We now have proof that his psionic version of invisibility does not work against electronic imagery.”

“Enemies, you say, plural. Who else, Phaing and her band of maniacs?”

The aide nodded, eyes fixed on her comp-tablet as they had been from the start. “Platoon-strength, at least.”

This was no surprise to Rakmon. Phaing was a half-Zhrau renegade who’s origin was not even on this world, an opponent of the ruling regime said to be abnormally violent and brutal, even by Zhrau standards. But something like this… Rakmon shook his head at the thousand-ton ship laying halfway over on it’s side and cracked open like an egg… “Its too big, too much, for either of them.”

The Colonel bit her lip and looked at Rakmon, and then the others standing within earshot. He nodded for her to continue, the others were mostly the leaders of the security detachments that would soon be hunting for the people who had done this. They would need to know everything, even theories.

“The ground collapsed just as the transport was over it, a large enough area to suck it in with the air rushing in to fill the void. Explosives would have been detected and avoided, this was done with Spellcraft, a massive amount, and it was well shielded.” The Colonel paused for a deep gulp of air. “Only one being is known that could have done such a thing. Thal.”

“The Lich?” Rakmon smacked his right fist into his left hand and brought them up to his  forehead, as if he had a sudden headache. “The Undead, renegades from our own side, and that damned Dragon!” He did not have to ask if such an alliance had never happened before, it had never even been conceivable until this moment. The proof was the wreckage strewn before them; ever since the Zhrau had used poison gas and artificial Earthquakes, nobody but the Undead had dared to make much use of what the natives called ‘the Underdark’. The resistance had hit them from above and below at the same time. “They learned that from us, damn them. They got all 20 crates?”

“Twenty one” the aide said in a voice nearly as mechanical as her tablet. A moment of cold silence encouraged her to add; “Nine left behind at the Medusa compound because of complications due to size or delicacy, two flown straight to Commissioner Ahktikmacht, leaving 21 out of a total of 32.”


This needless correction of the Marshall caused Rakmon to focus his attention on the aide. This human woman was olive-skinned with sharp features and a blade-like nose that Zhrau found familiar, and the little bit of raven hair visible under her service cap was exotic to them. What irked Rakmon was not her appearance, but her attitude. This young Captain had her head buried in her data-pad as if her technical skills and fact-checking ability entitled her to not notice that she was in the presence of the highest-ranking military commander of this region, and alter her behavior accordingly.

He knew the type, and the more he looked at her, with the scrolling data reflected in her cheap little spectacles and her tight little mouth ready to spout more data, the more inflamed he became. The Colonel saw this, and with a wince she stepped back half a pace. Yes, the Captain was valuable, but not so much that the Colonel wanted to put herself in the way of what was coming.


“Triple the guard at the Compound, and send a Sentinel-class Mech.” Rakmon ordered.

“There are only four -“

Rakmon took two swift steps forward and slapped the aide in Zhrau fashion; he used both hands to slap both sides of her face at the same time, and hard enough to make her ears ring and her spectacles go sailing away.  Hoping that she was too stunned to react, he barked; “Grab your ankles!”

This order would sound strange to anyone not familiar with the Zhrau. Young officers (especially collaborators) had been briefed on this eventuality, and spent their careers dreading it. Smacked out of her smugness, this Captain named Ryya stifled a whine and complied instantly, as if her life depended on it… and it did.

On the back of Ryya’s uniform, really just a close-fitting jumpsuit, were two catches designed for moments like this. One detached her utility belt, the other opened the jumpsuit just above her ass. Rakmon deftly freed both at the same time, and yanked the jumpsuit open across the hips. His thumb hooked Ryya’s underwear and he yanked her trousers down past her knees and her top up over her breasts with one smooth motion. Then he lifted her up in the air and up-ended the woman, dumping her ass-first onto the grass his feet. Her light footwear and her cap went with the rest of it and she wore no undershirt, leaving her sprawled out as naked as the day she was born, not 10 seconds after Rakmon had first touched her.

Rakmon paused to look the frightened woman over. She was slender with breasts that were on the smallish side, but curved and jutting forth in a deliciously vulnerable way now that they were freed from her uniform. Her belly was concave and her ribs showed as she struggled to prop herself up on one elbow. Ryya had the presence of mind to use one hand to rub herself franticly, trying to moisten her pussy before he pounced.

Knobby knees and somewhat narrow hips aside, she was a good catch. Rakmon liked the way her hair spilled free once her cap way gone, and the way her broad aureolas were already puffing up in the cool night air. He decided not to do anything that would seriously harm or cripple her. A second time, with a suitable build-up of tension before hand, would be something for him to look forward to.

Rakmon freed his erection with the flick of his thumb. Unlike a few of his kind, he had normal genitals with just 2 balls and one large cock. His skin was the common shade of purple, but his cock was night-black with a large electric-blue tip that he allowed Ryya to see as he knelt, and yanked her right ankle. He twisted that ankle to her right, and Ryya compliantly rolled that way, hands going up to her shoulders in a reflexive gesture of surrender. Rakmon yanked her other leg straight up and then back, and plunged right into her cunt.

“Ga-HAH!” Ryya yelped, and whined as Rakmon worked his way into her. She was wet enough that she was not harmed, but this clearly was not something that had happened to her yet, not in such a harsh and sudden way. She yelped again as he bottomed-out inside her, but this ended as more of a groan, just as hot and helpless as her body was.

“Could it be that I am fulfilling some secret fantasy of yours?” Rakmon asked, sarcastically and not quietly. “Well, don’t hold back, Captain. If you do, I’ll have to make it something… else.”

The six Zhrau and one other human on the grassy knoll were frozen in place. To turn away from witnessing this punishment would have invited the Marshall’s wrath, and the Colonel glanced at them to remind them of this. There were also no cheers or other forms of encouragement; this entire matter was between the Marshall and the Captain, not to be commented on now or at any time in the future.


Rakmon worked Ryya’s pussy for his own enjoyment, and he most enjoyed watching her squirm and whimper under him as her body responded in ways that she could not hide. She didn’t try, and his command to let it all out had been needless. Ryya threw her arms out, arching her back and moaning as her climax approached, breasts thrust high and giving Rakmon something to slap and squeeze as he watched Ryya being mastered by his cock. But if she came too soon…. no, not acceptable.

There was a small bit of pubic hair on her otherwise smooth mound, as if her crotch was an inverted exclamation point. Rakmon amused himself by plucking those hairs out in twos and threes, and then blowing them in her face as Ryya yelped and wailed under him. It was a distraction that slowed her peak, and made it even more intense when it hit her. Rakmon could feel the rush of her juices around his cock, and her inner walls shudder as she peaked. Ryya’s moans were loud and unmistakable, making Rakmon smile and say; “A pain-slut, too? Ah, and you didn’t even know until now. Well, you might not have the breasts that your species is famous for on this world, but you certainly cum like they do!”

The after-shocks made Ryya’s body shake from head to toe, her nipples were red and at full size for all to see as she panted and fought for breath with his ramrod still filling her and battering her cervix. She could not focus her eyes, but she turned her face to him and whispered; “Please… my mouth…?”

Zhrau not using protection rarely spilled their seed into a non-Zhrau vulva. Rakmon was setting a public example, and there was another option.

Without any warning or preparation, and nothing but Ryya’s juices for lubrication, he forced his cock into Ryya’s ass.

She screamed loudly, body arching up and her hands clawing at the grass. It got even worse once he was halfway in, Rakmon rose to a standing position with Ryya’s upraised left leg held to his chest by one hand. Gravity and momentum forced his cock deep inside her, stabbing her bladder out of shape and making Ryya’s screams double in volume.

It was music to a monster like Rakmon, and he had so master his urge to cum at that moment.

Once he was fully standing Ryya clawed at his belt, desperate for something besides her asshole to bear the weight of her own body. Her left hand found his belt, the right pawed at Rakmon in a way that looked almost as if she was petting him fondly to the onlookers. Ryya was past humiliation at this point, the pain was too intense for her to think of anything other than a prayer that the Marshall would cum soon…., hopefully before he tore the rim of her asshole too badly.

“If you want me to cum, work that ass of yours.” Rakmon said, as if reading her thoughts. He was not, but this was far from his first time at this kind of Rodeo.

Ryya tried, swallowing fresh screams she did her best, but with one leg dangling, the other leg’s ankle hooked over his shoulder there was little she could do with them. One hand kept pawing at him and the other pulled a bit at his belt, but that was all.

“Here, maybe I can help.” Rakmon’s free hand went to her tenderized pussy. His fingers slipped in deep enough to stroke her G-Spot, while his thumb rubbed her clit. He also cheated to make sure Ryya would dance to his tune; his fingers slipped a pea-sized device into Ryya’s pussy that emitted a frequency meant to trigger a female libido.

Ryya shrieked, and struggled like an animal caught in a trap. Her athletic body was covered with sweat and her hair flew as she jerked his cock with her ass. She made a fine display of herself, body shining and every muscle rippling as another orgasm raked her nervous system, and made her loose her grip on him.  Her screams were equal part pain and orgasmic, just as her rapist had intended.

“RAAAH!” Rakmon came right after she did, and sent her tumbling to the ground with one last buck of his hips. The last few spurts of his bluish-white seed decorated her body he watched her sprawl out, arms and legs thrashing and head all the way back as she gasped and gulped for air like a fish out of water. The Marshall used Ryya’s cap to clean himself off  before stuffing his cock back into his pants, instead of her mouth. He did not want to risk a bite because Ryya was twitching and writhing on the grass uncontrollably, and he knew why. The pea-sized device in her pussy was now sending out a few shocks at random strength and type, some pleasant, some not. Ryya would remember this night for a long time, certainly longer than it would take Rakmon to get around to a 2nd visit.

Ryya might not have started the night as a “pain-slut”, but this self-absorbed little social climber (Rakmon had been more spot-on with his estimation of her than he could have known) was well on her way to becoming one.


He stepped over her shuddering body to resume his conversation with the others, ignoring the trickle of blood and semen that would be trickling from Ryya’s ass for hours to come.

First he said quietly to the Colonel; “If she requests a transfer, let me know before granting it.”

The Colonel nodded quickly, she and the others were more relaxed now. Rakmon’s mood had improved noticeably and he addressed them all as a comrades, rather than the tyrant he was; “There are searchers out there already, but not the sort of experts you are. Go as soon as the Colonel has completed her briefing and relieve those who went before you before they do too much to alert your prey. And before any of you ask; NO, there were no tracking devices built into the bands that are reviving the stoned women as we speak. Our techs did a masterful job of making them but the need for this was not anticipated. Not when they were only supposed to be used for a couple of days, and turn themselves off at the end of one cycle.”

“High one?” It was the Colonel herself that asked the question. “Is there a way to detect them? Do you have a frequency for us?”

Rakmon sighed. “Yes, but it is weak. I will give it to you, but it is focused inwards and can’t be detected at any range unless a large number of them are grouped together. Given the variety of the terrorists involved, I’d say it is obvious that they divided the booty amongst themselves before they even left this place.”

#7 Posted : Wednesday, July 6, 2022 12:47:48 PM(UTC)

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FIVE --  Mirabella , and Taras Kuldar


“Mirabella …  hello ….Mirabella? Can you hear me? Mirabella …. if you want to return, you must FIGHT for it!”

Lost in the haze of memories, this time of rainy mornings, Mirabella did not know if she wanted to at first. She felt herself slipping, as if she was on a horse that had lost it’s footing on an icy road, and it frightened her. Besides, who in the hell called her by her full name? It was always Mira because soldiers did not have time for more than that, or sometimes Bella in more friendly situations. And what right did this fellow with the voice of a Drill Instructor have to holler at her and pull her from a nice dream about …. what? What was it that had -

“Mirabella!” The voice was more strident this time, and it truly was pulling at her. “If you want to rejoin the battle, you must awaken and come to me! You are not a coward, are you?”

The rain turned to a violent storm, thunder crashed and it did not frighten Mirabella at all. Rather, it suited her mood perfectly. Battle was her way of life, and if this man with the gruff voice dared to question her willingness to return to it, she would rush him and show him a thing or two about what real warriors were all about.

PAIN. It smote her,  white-hot agony, excruciating and everywhere at once. Mirabella might have retreated, the pain was so intense that she had no idea what the way back could even be! But that voice that sounded as if it was bellowing at her from inside a wine barrel never stoped calling, guiding her, and telling her what to do.  It offered the quickest way past the pain, and that was good enough for her!

True awareness flashed into her mind before the pain was truly over. Mirabella lost her grip on…. something…. and fell backwards.  She was caught by arms so strong they could have been carved from Ironwood, and whoever owned them eased her down until her wet ass hit the floor and she was half-sitting with her aching legs stretched out before her. Wet, because she was covered with sweat, and from the smell she had pissed herself as well. Had she also soiled herself? No, thank goodness, she didn’t smell any of that!

The cuffs around her ankles were something she saw without really noticing them.

Mirabella’s breath rasped in her throat as she was eased back into a reclining position, and a hairy hand pushed a full dipper of water to her lips. It wasn’t the best water in the world, a bit stagnant and no cooler than the air around her. She drank every drop and asked for “more?”

Two dippers later Mirabella felt more like herself again and scanning her surroundings. She was in some sort of Dungeon room, lit by torches here and there and barren of almost anything but dust and cobwebs. Not very deep in under dark then, nobody used torches where breathable air was precious. For all she knew she could be above ground on a dark night, in a room made of exceptionally large stones. She looked up, and saw her little shield dangling from a bit of twine. Why?

Oh, is that what she had lost her grip on? Must not have been much of a grip if the twine was still holding it.

She swallowed several times to prepare her mouth to speak, and felt a collar around her neck. That gave her a chill, and she turned to look at the man cradling her. At the moment she looked at him, he spoke with a voice that was even deeper, more powerful and resonant, than it had seemed when she was elsewhere.

“What do you remember-“

That was as far as he got before she rolled away and sprang to her feet. Her heart was hammering in her chest and her face flushed. Mirabella raised her fists and took a fighting stance. “You woke me only to collar me!  ME!. How dare you, you damned dirty ORC!”

The Orc, for indeed he was, calmly stood up, making a dusting motion at his lap as he did so. If he meant to taunt her that way, Mirabella was already too angry to care. His weapons harness was hanging on the far wall, and he wore no armor, which meant that she had a chance to win!

She flew at him as the Orc opened his mouth to speak, and landed a combination of kicks and punches that should have felled an ordinary man, or almost any Orc. They were the last hits she landed.

The Orc smiled through his little tusks and blocked her follow-on strikes with arms that were anything but little. He was quick, and getting quicker by the second! Her fists began to ache just from his blocks, and yet he did not strike back at her, other than an almost playful slap on her ass when a roundhouse kick went wide.

Mirabella knew she was out-classed, as incredible as that seemed to her, so why was this Orc toying with her? If he trying to wear her out before pouncing, he needn’t bother. The human woman had pushed herself too far, too soon after awakening. Mirabella was already breathing harder than she ought to after a minute of fisticuffs. She couldn’t allow herself to give in, not until the Orc caught her wrist and held it there, his murky red eyes meeting her own.

“Is it enough?” he asked, sounding more like a Drill Instructor than ever. He had not dropped his guard, patently waiting for her counter-move. Mirabella has been wrong, she’d never had any chance at all. So, instead, she spoke to gain enough time to get her wind back.

“How do you know my name?”

The Orc flicked a glance at her little shield, a buckler like hundreds of others. However, this one was special, it was her’s, so Mirabella had her name engraved on the inner side. Oh…. duh!

“It was why I chose you. I could only call you back if knew your name.”

“Back, from….?”

“The dead.”

Mirabella would have wilted then, fallen halfway to her knees, had his grip not remained strong enough to hold her in place. “Dead, the Medusa, I remember now… oh gods!”

“Yes, you went the the Medusa’s lair there knowing what lurked in that place, and had killed all those people?” She nodded, and the Orc went on; “But, there are no creases on your skin to indicate you were waering armor, or anything at all. Did you go to fight a Medusa naked, on a dare perhaps?”

At least his questions were letting her mind forge it’s way into the present. It also embarrassed her. Mirabella’s people made their home far to the north, in a colder area where clothes was the cultural norm. So normal that they continued to wear them in this region  whoever possible, even as they suffered with the sub-tropical heat. “No armor or anything else, just the buckler and my sword, dedicated to shift with me when I go into Ghost-form.”

The Orcs’s eyes went wide. “Enkanno? You? A Shadow-Warrior!” He smiled and began to relax, and also… was he preening, just a little bit?  “You are just what we needed, precious one! I must treat you well, and explain…. hrrmmm…. a great many things.”

Mirabella was not ready to strike back yet, and the Orc’s cool grip never slackened. To buy a little more time, she asked; “And who are you, aside from the strongest damned Orc I ever heard of!”

There was no imagining it, he actually was preening when he said “Taras Kuldar.”

Mirabella barked out a short laugh right into his face. This was the same thing as telling a Roman that Attila the Hun had been sighted coming down the road…. about 1,000 years after his death. “You say that as if you are him, the one, and not just named for warlord that caused the Time of Troubles.” He just nodded. “How?!”

“You really are in need of a good rest, lady, if you need to ask.” The Orc was speaking the Mannish tongue more smoothly than any Orc could have learned to do in just one lifetime, and Mirabella felt like an absolute moron when his red eyes took on a light of their own, and his fangs doubled in length, his mouth just inches from her trapped wrist.

Mirabella cringed. A veteran of a hundred battles, skirmishes and raids who could turn herself to mist form when she was at her best (certainly not now!) turned an even whiter shade of pale and could have been forgiven a much more extreme reaction, but something happened inside her that was, to someone like her, so much worse.

“Shit …. shit…. shit….. ah!” Panicked eyes looked back at Taras’s dreadful red ones, and yet this panic was not solely caused by him. She whined; “I can’t hold it!”

Taras instantly knew what she meant, and demonstrated his true speed and strength by swinging her around and placing her in a crouched position straddling a small trench that had been built into the stone flooring. It had been built centuries before, and for just this purpose.

When Mirabella had said “shit” she’d meant that literally. It was not exactly in the league of ‘explosive diarrhea’, but it was close. Her bowels voided their contents in a loud, messy and exhausting way that left Mirabella trembling and clinging to Taras. The sound she made was mortifying, Mirabella could hear the echoes of it going down the hallway. This was the supreme humiliation, and she had to cling to a Vampiric Orc to get through it because there was nothing else to grab!

Oh please, dear Gods, please let there be nobody to witness this but the most horrible Vampier that ever existed!

The fact that Taras was holding her too, gently, only added the crushing embarrassment. She had never imagined such intimate contact with anyone at such a degrading moment, and Mirabella was sincerely wishing that she could just DIE right then and there.

But curiously,  Taras did not even smirk. When she dared look at him, there was no mockery when he asked; “Done?”

“Yes.” she admitted, feeling and even sounding like a little girl.

“Hold on.” He said, shifted his grip with one hand and used the other to rip a handful of fabric out of his tunic. He used it to wipe her ass for her.

Mirabella’s skin crawled, and she was so baffled that she almost asked what he was doing. Taras seemed to know very well what he was doing, not being rough at all, and even wiping upwards to keep the mess away from her labia. What the hell, was he treating her like a pet? WHY?

She bit her lip when she looked at the Orc’s face again. Taras Kuldar, conqueror of half a continent in his day, looked as if he would very much rather be anywhere else, doing anything other than this. He tore a 2nd bit of cloth and repeated this task, even more carefully and completely this time. He caught her look, and rolled his eyes before she could question him; “My time as a mortal was an age of plagues, we did what we could for each other. Oh, and thanks so much for bringing THAT memory back to me!”

And instead of snorting in her face, as she had done to him, Taras winked at her.

Something broke in her at that moment. Instead of trying to kill or even resist this creature, she knew she had a debt to him. Undead as he was, with one foot in the world of the living and the other in place she had just come from, he had been able to bring her back here with a minimum of pain and psychic damage. Now he was caring for her in a moment of distress as he would have for any of his blood-brothers & sisters in wartime.

How could anyone with even a shred of honor ever hope to repay a debt like that?


Taras hauled Mirabella to her feet, and she did not resist at all as he backed her into a standing position against the wall. She even put her hands up, willingly grasping the hook overhead that she thought she would soon be chained to. After enduring the supreme humiliation, she felt so far beneath his undead Orc that there seemed to be only one place left for her in this world.  “I deserve to be a slave” she muttered to herself, too quietly for an Orc to hear, but not a Vampire.

Taras had wet another cloth and was using it to clean her sweat-covered skin. “In fact, that reminds me…. yes, I see now.”

Mirabella had never taken a good look at her cuffs and collar, and she barely had a chance now as Taras used his talons to unlock them all and hurl them unto the same stone trench that Mirabella had just…. used. It was certain that he never wanted to see them again, and hurled them hard enough to break them. “Those  were the devices used to turn your body of dead stone back into flesh. You did the rest yourself…. ah yes, with a little help from your’s truly.”

Taras stepped back to preform a little bow with an aristocratic flare, the first Vampire-like thing she had seen him do so far. It allowed her to get her first good look at him.

This Orc must have had a lot of something not-Orc in his bloodline. He stood tall, erect and proud, inches taller than Mirabella, and she was nearly tall enough to look a Centaur in the eyes. Or, the mouth to be more honest, but at any rate…. Taras wore a kilt of embossed leather and an embroidered tunic of some combination of silk & wool that had looked new until he began shredding it for her sake.  He also wore a sash of fine chain-mail that must have been enchanted to withstand the ages if it was his. This was where Orcs of his time and Clan had hung decorations symbolizing their victories. Mirabella was not ignorant of history and she could have learned much about him at that moment, but she could not get past one item in particular. Proudly displayed was a tiny skull that came from a Fairy Dragon.

The man (orc! she warned herself, he’s an orc and one of the undead!!) himself showed the scars of many battles and was missing the little finger of his left hand and half his right ear. His skin was a sort of grey-green that was not repulsive, becoming a Vampire must have smoothed out many imperfections, and his hair was red like blood. So were his fingernails, for those were what they were, not talons.   The red was distracting, and if not for those and his eyes, Mirabella thought that his coloring could have served as good camouflage, especially at night. His physique combined with his sheer presence made her acutely aware of her own femininity and how she was displayed to him. The feeling was not entirely unpleasant… and the woman’s head felt the prickly heat of violently conflicting emotions.

At any other time or place, it would have crushed her to feel herself aroused by an Orc, even one that could be called handsome in the roughest meaning of the word. Mirabella was already crushed, and the power & passion of the being before her put her at his mercy before he had to do anything aekse

The breath caught in her throat when she saw that was looking her over as well, and he liked what he saw.

Mirabella let her arms drop but did not use them to cover herself up.  Why? He had hugged her through the worst moment of her life. She would look like an idiot if she tried to shield herself with her hands, especially if he’d already seen how large her nipples had become.

A brave fighter in her previous life, the statuesque woman faced the Warlord of Legend and boldly asked; “Very well. So, will it be blood, or sex?”

Taras actually blinked at her sudden display of nerve, and then smiled at her with the kind of approval that Mirabella had never thought to see from anyone, ever again. “Well,” he drawled, “I was thinking… both!”

He as on her in a flash.

Mirabella’s arms went up to defend her throat, but Taras’s arms were already diving between her thighs and forcing them apart. Taras took a from grip on her buttocks, which felt as if they were suddenly in a pair of mechanical vises, then lifted and swung her away from the wall.

“Hey, whoa…. HEY!” was all Mirabella could say as she fell back, arms windmilling with her torso now parallel to the floor. She tried to close her legs, but Taras’s head shook back and forth to push them aside as his face pressed into her labia. “What the HELL, are you motor-boating my thighs?!” An instant later his large, strange and cold tongue speared past her labia and into her depths. Mirabella shouted, it felt dry against her nether lips, so it should have hurt her insides, but it didn’t. Taras sank into her like an arrow hitting mud. “Ah NO! No…. I’m that wet? Seriously?”

Taras nodded, she could feel it from the way his tongue worked the gates of her womanhood open, and the way his head rolled her thighs. Mirabella had to keep a tight grip on his head or else he’d have to grip her butt so tightly that she’s be badly bruised…. or simply topple backwards and hit the stone floor head-first.  Taras solved the problem by shifting one hand to the small of her back, palm up right at the center of her mass, and then started to massager her ass with the other hand. She relaxed her grip on his head and Taras’s mouth went into overdrive.

“Oh GODS, …. huhuu…. oh fuck….what are you…. gnnnhDOING in there?”

A better question would have been; what wasn’t his tongue doing. That long, rough, terrifyingly alien tongue was everywhere at once, a tentacle that had been in many women and knew exactly how to play a woman, any woman. As long as it stayed inside her, it remained just cool enough to reminder her that she has a Vampire’s mouth right up against her pussy and making her dance in mid-air like a puppet.

But, why? Her whirling mind could still form thoughts, and this was was a real puzzler. If he wanted to play a dominance game, she was the one who should be between his legs sucking away for his pleasure…. OH!

She felt she had the answer when she felt his lips seal against her pussy lips, and began to apply suction to her womanhood. If this was how he wanted to drink from her body, well, who was she to question it?

Taras held her like that for a quarter of an hour, working her up to a peak so gradually that Mirabella wanted to beg  him to make her cum when he finally tipped her over the edge. Her flow was impressive, and he certainly did drink it all down, with relish, and with the lewdest sounds Mirabella had ever heard. She was making a fine spectacle, she knew, her body still in the air, arched backwards and twitching as Taras deftly manipulated her body with just his hands and his mouth.

The flow of sexual juices were even better than blood, certainly more tasty to him. It was like candy, and once he had her in an orgasmic state he kept her there for many more minutes, just to get his fill from her. Taras even spun about on one heel, whirling her around and round to make her head spin even more, her arms and hair swung outwards gasped and twitched at his command. Mirabella was glad she had such short hair, if it was any longer, half of it could have wound up in her gaping mouth with the way he was swinging her around.  It went on until she moaned; “I’m dry, sorry, but I …. ooooh!…. I think that’s all there is.”

It has been good and plentiful, but candy was not a meal, and Taras needed was greedy for more. Without taking his tongue out of the honey-pot, he opened his mouth wide and bite down, driving his fangs into Mirabella’s mound.

Mirabella screamed at the top of her lungs. It was more from terror than pain, he had her sex in his mouth was drinking her essence now, not just her sexual juices. Pain there was, and it soon turned into something else, a different sort of erotic wave that made her arms and legs go straight out and a different sort of scream come out of her. His tongue was still working its magic too, and her body spasmed as if instead of a tongue, it was an electric Eel inside her. These screams would go on until her throat was raw and her breath came like a horse blowing through it’s nostrils after a hard run.

And Taras could not seem to make himself stop.

Taras thought he wasn’t really taking all that much, andhe was savoring the taste of the woman in the most total way she could ever heard of, even in the strangest tales. But, how much could she spare? A little more, certainly, the Vampire side of him decided.

Mirabella was getting dizzy, and she had never recovered her full strength to begin with. “Taras… Il-Khan, please stop. I am begging you…. please?” she croaked, and was almost at the point where she would have declared herself his bitch when she saw something right over her head.

It was her Buckler.

Her pose in stone had been with that little shield held high over her head, and Taras had  tied it to the ceiling to prevent it’s weight from damaging her hand as she revived. Mirabella plucked it and snapped it free of the twine, and used both hands to bring it down on the top of Tara’s head. “ENOUGH!”

Taras pulled his head up and looked at her in a way that would have been horrifying, were it not for two things; Firstly, his eyes were crossed by the shock of the impact, that buckler was enchanted and very solid, more than enough to make his ears ring. Secondly, his long, ropey tongue was still lodged in her pussy.

Mirabella dropped the buckler and started giggling like a schoolgirl, falling back as the last of her strength left her and her up-thrust breasts danced before his eyes.

Taras knew right away what he had done wrong. “Mirabella, I -“

She laughed again. “Oh, I think just ‘Mira’ will do now, all things considered, don’t you?”

Was she loosing her mind? Taras carried her to the water bucket that he has no use for, dumped a potion he had been saving into a cupful of that water and held it to her mouth, cradling her with his other arm like a Prince. “Drink, please, I think you need this.”

“No shit, tough guy.  You always like this on the first date?” She drained the cup in seconds, and motioned for another. Before he could put it to her lips, she liked her lips and asked; “Healing potion… plus, a curative?”

Taras gulped, and nodded. He hadn’t wanted her to know, and was trying to restore her as best he could. He had over-stepped his bounds with her, with Mira, a person that could be precious to the resistance as a whole and his personal responsibility. If Thal ever found out….

The Orc part of his mind sneered at that idea. He had something on her that Mira would never want to be known. Of course she would never speak of his own indiscretions. Taras sighed as Mira drained the cup, whispered “bedtime” and passed out. One of the side-effects of the curative made to clear out any lingering poisons in her body was drowsiness. It was enough to make her pass-out in his arms.

Taras carried her to another room in this abandoned Keep, a much smaller one where he had rigged a Hammock, and a camp stool for himself. Carrying a crate filled with 500 pounds of marble statue had been simpler than carrying Mira’s supple yet limp body around. Her now-living body was slippery and highly distracting as he cradled her like a babe in his arms and laid her out in the hammock carefully. There was a blanket, but the pair of oil-lamps in here had made the air warm and stuffy. Maybe later he would cover her, but for now he sat and watched over her, studying her.

The Enkanno were a rare breed, able to shift into a Ghostly form that allowed them to pass almost invisibly, sequeeze through small openings, and drift along in total silence… much the way a Vampire could. The best part was that Mira was mortal, not undead, and could pass through barriers meant to keep Taras and his kind at bay. They could hunt together, not for victims, but for villains called Zhrau.

Mira and her fellows, who were probably extinct by now, were excellent Scouts, superb Raiders, and while they hotly denied it, they could function as assassins. “Hunting the head” was their term for it, something that was acceptable to them and it involved killing Generals and other high officers who were very much in the war and ought to be just as much at risk as any of the foot-soldiers.

Taras smiled at Mira’s sleep-slackened face, and looked forward to the day when he could introduce the Zhrau to this concept, first-hand.


Mira’s mind was also busy while she slept, or appeared to sleep. Even her sub-conscious was amazed that she had called the one and only Taras Kuldar a ‘dirty Orc’ and somehow survived. The image of him with crossed eyes and lolling tongue caught in her pussy helped her get past that, and even made her smile in her sleep.

She had actually done that, Mira…. but she must be as an infant to him, shouldn’t she? He must be a millennia old, or older! Why the hell was he being so kind to her, why hadn’t he devoured her when he had the chance? And why had he not exploited her most deplorably humiliating moment in the way an Orc would…. or Half-Orc, or …. whatever the hell he was?

The answer came to her as she awoke; “it was a time of plagues, we did what we could for each other.”

Yes, as soldiers should. Orcs? Maybe she was wrong about them, but a soldier was what Mira was, and she could relate to that, and to him, in that way.

She certainly owed him that much. That, and more.



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Mira awoke to a cool breeze, and opened her eyes to see Taras hovering over her, shirtless and fanning her with a blanket. She was sweating again, and Taras seemed to think it was his fault.

“I should have just put the lamps out, but I didn’t know what would happen if you woke up in darkness.”

“I am fine.” Mira sat up, struggling a little in the Hammock, and feeling anything but fine. She was still nude, and had already spent more consecutive hours that that way than at any time before in her adult life. She was so over-heated that she felt a little feverish, he must have laid that blanket over her and left it there, lacking a mortals’s sensitivity to temperature. Her back ached, Mira had never slept in a hammock before, but that wasn’t the immediate problem. “Il-Khan, I am hungry, starving. Is there something that I can cook?”

There is no more Khanate, and no more Khans. Certainly not any great ones. As for your food, it is already taken care of.”He left her for a moment, handing her a bowl of nuts from a cupboard and then fetched a plate with a slab of ham on it that had been just heating up over one of the lamps. And, of course, there was more tepid water.

Mira devoured it all, trying to block out the mental image of Taras’s mouth clamped down on her pussy. Her eyes roamed his muscular chest as she ate, not terribly like a man’s chest but also not ugly. Like the rest of him, it was undeniably powerful. Also like him; far more interesting than any Lore could have prepared her for.

He caught her looking, and Mira put her bowl and plate and cup together so that she could rise, and clear it away on her own. A flash of pain in her back made her drop everything on the floor and fall back into the treacherous hammock.

“Muscle spasm?” Taras asked.

“Yup!” Mira nodded and blushed, it was just another show of weakness that she could have done without at this point.

“Right.” He rolled her from her side to where she was laying on her stomach. “It was long ago, but when you get to my age, you remember the beginning and the recent past far more clearly than anything that came in between. Trust me Mira, and relax every muscle in your body.” He waited a moment, and then wrapped his hands around her just under her armpits from behind. “I am going to lift you now, relax.” He repeated that last word several times, and Mira did her best to do exactly that has he lifted her free from the hammock and stood her up against the wall, facing it.

Taras pressed her against the cool stone gently, gaging the pressure he put on her by watching the way her breasts billowed out to either side. “Don’t try to stand yet.” Still supporting her with his hands, Taras pressed his forehead to her back and needed her muscles with his skull.  It worked very well, and when he said “Can you stand?” she found that she could without any pain. He continued, using his hands to kneed her flesh from her shoulders to her buttocks.

At last, Mira turned her head to look at him, this dread Warlord who treated her as if she was his dearest possession, and found the nerve to ask; “What is going on? Why….. everything, and what is so important about me?  What the hell happened while I was dead?”

Taras sighed, continued with the massage just to have something to keep his hands busy, and began to tell her. “Our world is no longer our own…. “


(see chapter 2 if you have not already)


When Taras was finally done, they were sitting on the floor facing each other with legs crossed about a yard apart, too far for him to reach out and steady Mira when it looked like she was swaying. 1300 years had given him the wisdom to know when someone needed her space. Mira struggled to process it all, and asked many questions. One of the first was “What about my weapons, clothes, my Sword!”

“I am sorry, but I have heard that all the weapons and armor were carried off by the first of the scavengers that found that place. I suppose we should be glad that the Zhrau arrived when they did, it was only a matter of time before they started to take the …. statuary as well. You would have been among the first, I believe. I know you might not want to hear this, but you, your pose, the way you looked, it was just magnificent!”

Taras could have added that her’s was the most dazzling statue of them all, and that finding her name on the shield simply gave him the excuse to claim her that he had been looking for, yet he did not. He was right, this just wasn’t the time for that.

For her part, Mira knew that the ancient Orc had meant to complement her, so Mira said “Thank you.” However, the fact that the Medusa had kept her around like a lawn ornament after killing her filled Mira with a cold rage. “Are we sure she is dead?” Taras nodded. “Pity, I would have loved to have been there, and helped make it hurt.”

“You were one of the last to be stoned. Can you describe the other victims? Most of us are afraid we did not get all of you away from the Zhrau.”

She did, as best she was able, and Taras took some notes on cheap-looking parchment with an odd stylus. Once she was done, Mira had another question; “You all, the rescuers, scattered so that if the Zhrau caught up with some of us, they would not catch all of us, yes?”

“Yes, and most of the stoned ones went with teams of one sort or another. I became separated from mine, which is why you had to go through this with just me here.”

“The hell do you mean by that, ‘just’ you? I could never have endured this in front of an audience! And these Zhrau, they rule over this whole world, powerful people?” He nodded. “Powerful enough to do all that, and you still would have fought them if they found us, found me?”

Mira did not wait for an answer, she sprang to her feet, when to Taras and kissed him on the forehead before giving him a hug. “Thank you. I am not sure I understand the rest of it, but this… thank you!”

She backed off and knelt before him, wiping her eyes and smiling crookedly. When she cleared her eyes there was something there that the Vampire in him had no experience with, and the Orc barely remembered. What could it be, he wondered, some sort of hero worship?

A moment later he realized that Mira had noting more to say, and Taras cleared his throat. “Yes, well, all for the cause, and it is a good one. Now we just….”  Taras stood, and glanced down at himself. Standing revealed that he had a full erection, his Orcish cock flipping back his kilt in a most blatant display. He stood still a moment, as if he couldn’t fathom what he was seeing. “That …. is not…. supposed to …. happen.”

Mira had put her hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh, but when he said that she bounded to her feet. “And just what the Hell  do you mean by that!” she almost shouted at him. Taras looked up to see her standing indigently before him, one hand on her hip and the other pointing at her crotch. “You chowed-down on my cunt last night, and now you are acting like I’m not good enough to fuck?”

“You don’t understand.” Taras shook his head with a rueful grin. “This,” he pointed at his own crotch, “has not happed in a very long time. Since well before you were born, I think.”

Mira’s jaw dropped, along with both her hands. She had never considered how even the most carnal acts could become passé over time. He was more than 50 times her age and… and…. yeah, that was one hard-looking cock there.

Suddenly, Mira did not feel so small and insignificant next to this Legend come to life.

She smiled and licked her lips. “Well, it would be a shame to waste it then, wouldn’t it?”

Taras tilted his head at her and opened his mouth to say something, but this time Mira was too quick for him. She did a backwards flip and darted out of the room, headed for the chamber across the hall. “I feel like sparing again. This time let’s keep it friendly. This time, it is for position!”

“What a woman!” Taras muttered warmly as he cast his kilt aside and followed her to the chamber where she had awoken. His erection bobbed as he approached, eyes glowing in a very different way than they had before.

Taras was fast, but Mira had a strategy. She allowed him to corner her as they traded blows (or in Taras’s case,  playful slaps that made Mira’s breasts tingle and her ass sting) and soon enough, he had his hands around her upper arms. However…. Mira was still able to brace her legs against the wall, and pushed herself into him with all her strength.

Taras was far stronger, but he hand no leverage at all. A heartbeat later and he landed hard, flat on his back, with Mira straddling him. “Position, MINE!”

“Yea fucking gods, what a woman!”

“You betcha!” Orc, Vampire, or whatever, Taras was male to her now, and Mira meant to reward him for everything, most of all his willingness to be blasted to atoms for her sake.  She sat up and took his cock hand to guide him to her pussy, and almost hesitated when she got a good grip on him.

In her time, there had been a saying; “Its not the length of Orc cocks that gets you, it’s the girth.” the old wives weren’t kidding, could she really do this? Mira felt the heat rising from her rejuvenated pussy, and just had to give it a try.

Mira rubbed him over her slit, then spread her lips wide and started working her way down him. It really was almost too much, she felt as if she was trying to force a Beer bottle into herself, the wrong way first! She shook that ridiculous and slightly inaccurate thought out of her head, and let her hunger for him guide her.

Taras watched her sway and twist above him, Mira’s eyes closed as she made her pussy relax and obey her needs, not unlike the way her whole body had obeyed back at the hammock. It was a fine show, and he was especially fond of watching her mound swell around his cock-head. When she was stretched like that, he could see the fang-marks he had left on either side of her clit. He had thought that the potion would have taken care of that, but this was even better. His fossilized passion blazed just seeing that, and Taras reached up to fondle and stroke the warm body struggling to please him.

When she was halfway down his shaft, Mira had to pause, shuddering from her knees upwards with her arms dangling at her sides as let out throaty moans. “mmmrrrh…. gaah! Oh gods, promise me; if you ever try to fuck me in the ass with that thing, kill me first!”

“Your ass? Oh, you lusty Amazon, I’m afraid that ship has already sailed.”

His casual reference to the most absolutely humiliating event in her life made Mira shriek, and slap his chest, and then across the face. Taras retaliated by slapping her across both breasts, but he did it the same way she had; playful roughhousing among soldiers. Then he went further by grabbing her nipples and pulling her down for an open-mouthed kiss.

Taras made sure she would scream into his kiss with one sharp thrust of his hips, seating his cock all the way inside her.

Mira was overwhelmed, she could not think of anything but her vulva wrapped highly around a stunningly fat cock. They did not buck and slap hips with wild abandon, there was no need. She was so tight and hot that Taras was afraid that he could not make himself last longer, Mira made him tingle almost unbearably just by being there. Taras found that he could feel her pulse through his cock! For her part, the tall, superbly fit woman’s every move made that cock stroke her interior as if she was loosing her virginity all over again, but in a much more enjoyable way. Mira even felt shock-waves just from swirling her hips around in tight little circles.

Mira climaxed a few minutes later, shouting and twitching, blasting her hot breath into him with a hearty wail. Taras flexed and roared, his cock throbbing and swelling as he felt his first orgasm in centuries, and it was a hell of a good one. He gave her no seed, his balls were as hard and dry as stones, but at least they had come alive enough to tell him it was just like old times.

Old times? Had he EVER fucked a woman like this before, a tough & proud beauty of a human woman that looked at him as if he were some kind of Goddamned hero?

No, not ever.

Taras lifted Mira up by her shoulders and looked her over. She shook her head, and incidentally her breasts too, making her short blond hair fly as she cleared her mind just enough to return to the here & now. Mira’s body was marvelously flushed and dappled with sweat yet again. Slightly dazed, she smiled down at him in a beautifully lewd way, even sticking her tongue out at him. “No no, don’t pull out yet!” She seemed to be chiding him. “Not until you are soft, might turn me inside-out if you leave me too soon!”

Merrin’s people had been right; it was intense sex that brought the un-stoned women fully back to life.

Taras felt himself wondering; could it ever do the same for him….




That was too much for this site in one go, but that was the longest and maybe the wildest chapter so far.... whew!

#9 Posted : Saturday, July 23, 2022 3:10:08 PM(UTC)

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SIX -  Lilly, Ryya, and others on the Beanstalk;


Returning was different for everyone, and once the pain and shock wore off Lilly found that she was slightly deaf and her vision was blurry.

Her transition a much softer landing than for others, she was surrounded by the rest of the Zhrau machinery that was supposed to be part of the process. Lilly was held in a suspension-field that had her floating free in the middle of a room that seemed very bright to her, and she was surrounded by a small crowd of people who were all talking.

Their speech was just as fuzzy as their outlines, Lilly could not tell if they were talking to each other or at her, so she tried to clear her ears as soon as she could make her hands work. She brought both hands to her face, pressed her nose between her palms and went “mah, muh, mwwwwAH” and then clumsily rubbed her ears. Lilly also curled into a fetal ball as she did so, a natural thing to do while she was basically weightless.

Lilly did not know she was being lowered onto a platform until she felt her ass meet with something smooth and hard, and since hands were guiding her now, she obligingly laid her body flat on a fat surface that had a vaguely ceramic feel to it. She was nude save for the cuffs and collar, and the first thing those hands did was remove them. She was not bothered by this, nor by the fact that everyone around her seemed to be fully dressed. Lilly had too many questions for them to think much of that… but when her eyes focused on them the sight took her breath away.

Dark Elves was her first thought, one of them had the black skin and silvery hair that she had been told about. The others were different, shades of dark purple, and the ones with golden hair were the most attractive combination as well as the majority. Their eyes were also different from Elves; black or midnight blue… and a much colder sort of gaze than she had ever seen from Elves.

There were three of them on each side of her, and somebody that she could not see working her hair free of the complicated do-up that she had used to keep it out of the way. Lilly heared an explanation when the person freeing her hair found out why; her raven locks had grown as long as she was tall, an abundant flow that these people did not seem to know what to do with. This was no surprise to Lilly, there were two females in sight and neither of them had much hair of their own.

The words they exchanged sounded like no language that Lilly had ever heard in her life.


Her life,  she remembered now. She had been dead, and now she wasn’t.  The usual “How, what, why” and more flashed through her mind while seven pairs of hands roamed her body in curious ways. Her extra-large breasts blocked much of her view of what was happening to her, but she could see one of them pass a wand (that was the only way she could understand the device) over her limp arms

and study  the way it blinked and flashed.

A clinical inspection of her womanhood made Lilly look down, and the view between her breasts allowed her to see a Human woman down by her feet. She was dressed in the same way the aliens were; with a simple yet finely-fitted body-suit that covered everything but her head and hands. She has a mass of raven hair like Lilly’s own, but her’s about shoulder-length. This Human had a face that was almost bird-like, or if someone was being rude they might exaggerate and call it Ferret-like, but Lilly found it cute. This woman wore spectacles so brief that they were barely noticeable and was making notes in a tablet using only her fingers.

Lilly would have tried to say something to this non-alien person , but before she could figure out what she wanted to say, the Human exchanged a few words with the others. It was in the same clipped, consonant-heavy language they were all using. Lilly still might have tried, but the human glanced down at her and then quickly looked away… as if something about Lilly was distasteful to her, or even embarrassing.

Embarrassment can be contagious, and Lilly’s desire to communicate died immediately. Being nude was nothing new to her, but being the ONLY one not fully dressed, and at the mercy of so many of them stroking, prodding and inspecting her was a bit much. Of course, her breasts began to receive more than their share of attention, and these people seemed delighted that with only a moderate amount of attention they could coax some milk from her.

Lilly sighed and let her head loll to one side, and she caught a glimpse of something that made her heart swell and a smile come to her face.


A few paces away from Lilly there was another woman undergoing the same treatment that she was!

This woman was full-Elf, rather than Lilly who was Elf only on her father’s side, with pearly-white hair and luminous aquamarine eyes. Her skin was pale like Moonlight, and from what Lilly could see her figure was just as lush as Lilly’s own. This Elf had a dignified quality about her, even as he endured the same treatment that Lilly was getting, that made her wonder; could this be one of the High Elven?

Lilly would have called out to her, but this woman blew her a kiss!

No, wait, there was no wink to go along with it, and in those Elfin eyes Lilly thought she could see a warning. That wasn’t a kiss, it was a “shush” without a finger pressed to her lips.

Lilly nodded just enough to let the other woman see it, glad that she had been too muddled to say anything before. Alright, don’t speak, but why?

She was trying to put that question into a facial expression when she felt her legs being parted, and something mechanical started working it’s way into her womanhood.

Lilly did not resist, but she raised her head by reflex to see what was going on down there. The valley between her breasts kept changing as Zhrau on each side of her gave her mammaries a very thorough massage, but Lilly could see one female slipping a device into her with some care, and a male was holding her lips parted while teasing her clit at the same time. She whimpered, more loudly when she saw the Bird-like woman staring at her pussy with a combination of fascination and dread. Lilly might have blurted out her protest despite the Elf’s warning, but what came out instead was; “Whuuu-aaG-GUH! oooOOoooo…..” when the device was activated, and began to whirl and vibrate inside her.

Her hips lifted and rocked of their own accord, fucking the machine as if it were a person. Lilly didn’t think twice about getting the most out of the moment. If this was what they wanted, why the hell not?

Half an hour later, instead of why not?, she was just wondering why?

The Zhrau experimented with dozens settings and triggered three climaxes, the last of them made Lilly’s eyes water. She could hear them laughing, commenting, and could feel and see them toying with her body in some un-professional ways, and the only thing that made it bearable was the noise from the Elf that told her the same things were happening to her. Lilly put a little extra volume into her own outbursts, even the lewdest ones, to remind the High Elf that she, too, was not alone in this.


When they were done a section of the slab Lilly was laying on was folded away to let her head fall back. She was panting open-mouthed, so it was easy for them to insert something into her mouth. What felt like a ring-gag held her jaw open, and a couple of things that felt like small, half-hard dicks entered her mouth just a few inches.

Lilly groaned in disgust. Was she to orally pleasure a couple of little mechanical cocks now?

They were mounted on some sort of turntable, and when it started to rotate the things went round and round in her mouth, slowly.  Annoyed, Lilly tried to stop them from swishing around in her mouth the only way she could; by trapping one of them against the roof of her mouth with her tongue. Something squirted out, water ran over Lilly’s tongue and down her throat. It wasn’t a cock, it was a nipple!

She drank eagerly, not aware of how thirsty she had been until just then. When she was done she let the other one come around to give it a try. It was delicious! Soft, nothing more solid than a little fruity pulp, but it was just what she needed. Lilly had never tasted a Banana Split, and that was what the nutrient-rich mixture was designed to taste like.

While she was still enjoying that, her legs were lifted and spread wide. It was no surprise to Lilly when her anus was teased open and yet another device wormed it’s way into her down there. What did surprise her was the sudden flood of frothy liquid that surged round and round inside her ass. Lilly whined into her complicated gag, and the nipples withdrew so that she would not gag on them. Her nose was held shut around some small pipe, but she hardly noticed it. She flexed her ass and was allowed to push everything surging around out of her bladder. As soon as she was done with that, a thing with many tentacles invaded her ass, and it felt as if it was scrubbing her out, every nook and cranny was swept clean and all but one of the tiny tentacles withdrew with what they had found in there.

It was all done very thoroughly, and the samples were sent to a lab. No Zhrau had ever had a chance to study what people had been eating half a millennia ago.

Lilly sighed with great relief; the thing in her pussy was still there, measuring her somehow, so it had been awfully crowded down there. Now something large and not really cock-like was entering her mouth, forcing her tongue down … Lilly found that she could breath through it just as her nose was closed around something that was becoming more noticeable as it probed deeper.

The beautiful 1/2-Elf was being probed 4 ways at the same time, and she had a moment to wonder at the strangeness of it all before it became horrible.

The one tentacle-like thing still in her ass probed deeper, heading up her intestines without any anesthetic other than a numbing frequency that only took effect as it passed. If that wasn’t enough, the thing in her pussy was tickling the entrance to her womb, and pushing something tiny in there too. Lilly could not have imagined it, but what the thing in her nose started doing was even worse; it had plunged past her nostrils and was headed straight for her stomach!

The poor girl thrashed in panic, and the Zhrau made a game of holding her down. Two on each side pressed her tightly-bent legs down flat against the pallet on either side of her body, and her arms were treated the same way. Lilly was lucky that the one that had been working on her hair was able to put a clamp around her skull before she could have bent her neck in a way that might have hurt her. The large tube in her throat worked it’s way down to prevent Lilly from gagging or choking on the nose-probe. Too much movement might have hurt her badly

Filled with cold little machines that seemed determined to meet somewhere inside her, Lilly bellowed like a branded Cow, her wails coming out through that tube in loud howls. They were soon answered with softer and equally desperate howls from the table nearby.

The High Elf was suffering the same things, and had been trying to do so in silence. Now, she answered Lilly, trying to do the same as Lilly had done for her.

You are not alone, we will face this together.


They did get through it, but being handled like animals did not end there.

The probes finished their work, fertility was verified, samples of intestinal flora and cells from the stomach linings were taken, and they withdrew.  The mouth-gags were also removed so that their teeth could be examined, and cleaned with yet more tiny machines.  While they were still held down like Frogs pinned to an anatomy-student’s table, the girls were treated to a sponge-bath and their first experience with air-drying. New cuffs were fastened around their ankles and wrists, and both girls were lifted and carried to a different corner of the room.

This place had softer lighting and a wall made of glass, but Lilly did not even glance at the view yet. The cuffs were larger, and more solid than what she had known before, and she soon found out that they were so well-padded that she could hang from them without any discomfort.

She learned this because she was soon hanging by her ankles, head-down with her wrists together behind her ass.  Her wrists were soon hauled  up until she was hanging in a position that she had experienced before -




- with a couple of differences. Her hair was combed out and tied into a pony-tail. Care was taken so that her hair could be pulled without tearing any out, high enough that Lilly could not look anywhere but straight ahead, and away from her body.

Lilly tired to resist this by looking sideways at her companion. She could just barely see her out of the corner of one eye that the High Elf was being treated exactly the same way, her breasts were swinging freely, now the lowest part of her body. Lilly was the same way, she could feel the blood rushing not to her head, but to her breasts.

She could also see what the aliens were doing to the High Elf’s breasts, and were about to do to her own, and she bit her lip.

Suction devices were fixed to Lilly’s nipples, very sophisticated ones with cilla that stroked her aureolas. There were also little rollers on armatures that stroked and massaged their mammaries, encouraging the flow of milk downwards.  When the machine turned on, Lilly cooed like a Dove. It felt good, the machine started slowly to tease her generous breasts until she wanted to let her milk out, to let the flow start for the pleasure it would give her, and to ease the swelling.

*milked like cows, and they never told us or warned us about anything, this whole time* Lilly thought, still looking at the High Elf. it much be so much worse for her, who would ever treat a High One like this?

But the Elf wasn’t looking at her, she was looking at the view with wide, startled eyes.

At first, Lilly had no idea what she was looking at. Whatever it was, it was vast and lovely, like a painting coming to life. There were greens, blues and tans in random arrangements, and also swathes of white that had a pattern to them that her mind could almost understand.

One bit of it started to look familiar to her. oh look, that’s almost like a map of-

Lilly gasped, and went completely rigid. She realized that she was looking down at her home, her entire world, suspended before her eyes like an ornament.

The fact that she was the one that was suspended and hanging in mid-air made Lilly’s fear almost uncontrollable, and she felt as if she was falling from an impossible height. The veines stood out on her forehead and throat as she mewled like a frightened kitten.

A light slap to her labia brought Lilly back from the brink of a panic-attack.


The other difference from the way she had been hung as an offering to the Frog-Men was that Lilly’s feet were held far apart, making a broad V of her legs and leaving easy access to her pussy, should it been desired.

Ryya had stayed after the others had left, curious and with issues of her own to resolve.

She slapped each of the women on the labia and parted the lips to have a quick look. “Non the worse for wear, I see. The boss will be so proud.” Ryya walked between the two of them and looked down at her Home-world, it was quite the view, and she had no idea how it would look to the pair sharing it with her. Without really thinking of it, she switched from Zhrau to the language she had been born speaking; “Don’t panic, you poor little animals. If we’re safe anywhere, it’s gotta be here.”

They understood her, despite the unfamiliar contractions and the clipped way she snapped out the words. While Ryya’s back was turned, Lilly looked to the other Elf, who shook her head as best she was able; no, not yet!

Lilly said nothing.

Ryya turned and leaned back on the glass wall, not even looking at them yet. This was an awfully large room for anyone on the Beanstalk, and it was only a part of the space kept in reserve for visiting high officials. Fantastically, this was just the foyer of the suite of rooms now at Ahktikmacht’s disposal. “Six-million tons of material for docks, hangars, engineering and incidentally;  three hundred thousand people …. but look at all this for just one man!”


The “Beanstalk” was not a new or unique idea, the Zhrau had merely perfected a design that worked. Described as a slowly spinning donut at the end of a long thread of dental floss, it was a bit more substantial than that. The thread was massive, and constructed of cables that would contract or loosen depending on what electrical current was pushed into them. This meant that they remained flexible and would adjust to any buffeting form the restless atmosphere. The Donut itself spinning not only helped to stabilize everything, but also gave the Zhrau cheap gravity. The real genius was that the station was not in a geo-synchronous orbit, it was just a little to far out and a little too heavy, so it exerted a slight but decisive pull on the cable, and would remain perfectly stable for as long as the Zhrau felt that the upkeep was worth while.


Ryya had arrived here only a few hours before.

Twenty minutes after Rakmon had finished with her, Ryya had picked herself up off the ground, done what she could for herself without any help from the Zhrau, and reported for Duty in a fresh uniform (she had burned the old one) ready to pretend that Rakmon’s punishment of her had never happened.

Nobody said anything, as per Zhrau custom, but the way her co-workers had looked at her and spoken among themselves convinced Ryya to apply for a transfer within the hour. By midday she was on her way up here, the nerve-center of all Zhrau activity in this world.

“Well, there it is, Pan-Ztossh.” She jerked her thumb back over her shoulder at the planet below. Thanks to the spin, they stood parallel to the surface. Looking “down” at it meant looking in a straight-ahead direction, where the only other thing to see was the tiny-looking thread that anchored them in place. Ryya pulled a plastic roll out of her satchel and popped a pill into her mouth, and then looked at the dangling Elves. On impulse, she took two more pills out and offered them to each woman’s mouth. “Take them. Believe me, you don’t want to get knocked-up by the Zhrau.”

Neither of them knew what “knocked-up” meant, but since Rya had already taken one, they took them, and so allowed themselves to be fed like animals. This made Ryya smile, it gave her a needed boost to her ego. If she had been hanging next to them, no man would have given her a second look, or so Ryya thought at the time.

Yet here she was, and of the three of them she was the only one capable of caring for the others, and also the only one likely to ever wear any clothing for the rest of her life.

Ryya could not feel any envy for them, not on any level. She also could not feel any of the contempt that the Zhrau had shown these poor air-heads. .. and that may as well be their literal designation. She knelt to look at the machines, there was another 10 minutes to go in this cycle, a short one for samples and to prep them for what was coming. From now on, they would spend an hour at a time, three times a day, being milked like this.  *better you than me!* Ryya stood up and flipped the rollers back into their stowed positions so that she could wrap one hand around Lilly’s left teat and the High Elf’s right one.

“I hope this works out for you the way Rakmon says it will. Still gotta take an ovary, but if your milk is as rich as they say, we won’t have to take any marrow out of you.” Ryya was barely whispering now, still taking to her self. She gave both breasts a light squeeze, doing the job of the rollers in a much warmer and intimate way. “Feels so alive, so  vital….”


Lilly was sucking the pill, keeping it in her mouth to have something to do, and to keep herself from being able to speak, even by accident. It did not melt, but seems to effervesce and just seem away into her. Odd but not threatening, just like this woman that Lilly had come to think of as the “Sparrow Lady”. It was better than Bird or Ferret, and Lilly started to like her because she didn’t even have a mean way of touching them. Her words, on the other hand, were chilling. Did she mean bone-Marrow? how could they get that without cracking my bones open? Lilly tried to focus her body on producing the best, the richest and the most tasty  milk she possibly could, and enough for someone to drown in, hopefully!

Lilly’s mind wandered while she was being fondled. Where were those feeder-tubes? So far the meal she’s had were all that Lilly had received from all this… besides a couple of forced and painful orgasms.


Ryya gave the girls a last squeeze before letting go, and taking an involuntary step back.

Marshall Rakmon was less than 10 meters away and coming straight at her with quick and silent steps. He barely glanced at the hanging cows, giving lie to what Ryya had thought earlier and sizing her up and down with an impish grin on his face. “You have recovered with remarkable aplomb, for a human. You never even asked for any help after I was done with you.”

It had never even occurred to Ryya to ask for any,  and now Rakmon could see it in her eyes.

“Good, and I have also learned that the first thing you did wen returning to duty was to make certain that a Sentinel had been dispatched to the Medusa Compound. Thanks to you it will be there by nightfall. Commendable, so you are now part of my staff.”

Ryya took two more steps back, and now the two Elves hanging there could see the stricken look on her face, and how her hands trembled. The language was strange, but they could see the Sparrow Lady was certainly not in charge now. Something dreadful had come into their lives.

“Why?” Ryya blurted out. “I thought, I thought-“

“That I hated you? No, I hated your behavior, so I changed it.  And here you are, last to leave, double-checking that everything is in order rather than wander off with your new comrades. I may have to put you in for a promotion to Major, but first you will have to put these two to bed. This will be the last time you will be in this place at this hour. Since you have taken a liking to them, you will have the morning shift. Everyone should be so lucky as to have a familiar face greet them every morning, don’t you think?”

“Familiar?” Ryya protested weakly. “I’m not even an Elf!”

“No, but your secondary specialty is Nursing, is it not? Primary, before you switched career paths to management.” He grinned at her crotch. “No doubt you gave yourself some special treatment right after you got back on your feet last night, else you’d not have been able to walk around like a normal person.”

he checked my records? when?!

Ryya tried to stand her ground, coming to the position of “full attention”, standing perfectly straight and staring at Rakmon’s hairline. The Zhrau did not go in for bowing, or kneeling, or any of that nonsense. To them, a Kow-tow would have looked lazy, and far too restful a pose for official duty. “I hear and obey, Marshall! What are my orders?”

“You can stop trying to sound like a raw recruit, for one thing.” Rakmon was smiling, still not looking at the hanging beauties to either side of him, only at Ryya. He took out a dagger the Zhrau called a Kandra that was fully functional despite its ceremonial nature . It has one razor-sharp edge, the other side was blunt and thick. The saying was that a Kandra could slice fingers off with one side, or break them with a sharp rap from the other side.

“Yes sir… sir?!” Ryya was not taking any more steps backwards, there did not seem to be any point, so Rakmon prodded her with the tip of the dagger, and with one hand on her shoulder pushed her back until she was backed up against the glass wall. Her composure began to break and her fear showed again, making the Marshall smile even more.  if he wants to see me frightened, I don’t dare hold it back! Ryya whined softly with her arms to  either side, palms flat on the glass. “Please….”

Ryya’s modest breasts caused enough of a swell to make the uniform material between them lift away from her body, the dagger flashed upwards and caught between the uniform and her flesh. The hanging women squealed, but it was the blunt side that was against Ryya’s skin. Ryya did not look down to see if she had been cut because the chisel-like tip of the Kandra was not very sharp, it was meant to punch through body armor.

The blade sliced a vertical cut almost all the way up to her collar, and then down a few inches below her breasts. Then the knife vanished as if by slight-of-hand, and Rakmon asked; “Why, you are trembling, what did you think was going to happen?”

Ryya did not answer him, she couldn’t because Rakmon’s fingers were tracing her face, everywhere at once. He wanted to go from being her rapist to seducing her, and Ryya allowed it because she very badly wanted an improvement in their relationship. He seemed to be especially fond of her pointed chin and her round cheeks, and even started massaging her there lightly. “Relax, here, and here, let your lips have a more natural set. There you go. Yes, I thought of you as having a tight little mouth, but that was only because you clench it so tightly. Stop doing that.”

Rakmon was right, Ryya had a wide, sensual mouth with soft lips. In recent years she had been clenching her lips to avoid drawing attention, and obviously had been doing the wrong thing. “I—“

As soon as she opened that mouth to speak, Ramon forced a kiss on her. It was wickedly aggressive, the Zhrau sealed his lips to her’s and sucked the air right out of her lungs,  and then blew his own back into her.  Ryya was being claimed, inside and out. She surrendered to him with a moan and forced her bulging eyes closed.

Instead of exploiting Ryya, Rakmon let go of her and stepped back. His gaze went to her chest, and he stroked her newly bared skin. “This is a good look for you. If it had been one of them,” He tilted his head to the hanging cows without looked at them, “it would just be two globes of flesh pressed together. With you, the place where your breasts begin to swell is visible. Much sexier, and classy at the same time. And you won’t have to pin your hair up anymore, it isn’t long enough to justify that in any case.”

Ryya knew without having to ask that she would have to modify all of her uniforms the same way. A claim was being staked by the Marshall, so this little bit of exposure would be her best protection from other Zhrau… for  as long as it lasted. Would it also end her career? Now that she was his little —“

“Oh, after you are done putting those two to bed… ” Ryya’s heart skipped a beat, but what he said had nothing to do with that she expected;  “… pack a bag with a set of essential items, you have to be ready to travel at any moment from now on. And start wearing a sidearm.”

With that, Rakmon turned on one heel and marched out of the room.

“I hear and obey.” Ryya said with a throaty warmth that surprised even her, but the Marshall only acknowledged her with a casual waves of his hand as he disappeared into the elevator.

The fear that her career would hit a dead-end as the Marshall’s doxy was kicked right out of Ryya’s head. If she was to prepare a go-bag and get used to being armed at all times, then there was more in store for her than she could imagine.

Ryya remained against the glass, breathing deeply and running her fingers over her exposed cleavage as her mind worked at assimilating what had just happened, until a beeper sounded and the suction cups dropped from the two nearly-forgotten women. She blinked, and then smiled at the wide-eyed and inarticulate Elf-babes, beads of milk still forming at the tips of their throbbing nipples.

Ryya shook her head, and slipped back into her mother-tongue as she said; “Whew! Let that be a lesson to you, girls.” Ryya’s hand traced up and down her exposed cleavage. “Never underestimate the Zhrau.”

#10 Posted : Sunday, July 24, 2022 7:59:39 PM(UTC)

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It is kind of tedious to read a WOT on the forums. Add to that that the forums here are kind of a ghost town. You might get more traction if you broke your story down into bite sized chunks that you can post on the forum, along with an image for each "chapter"

#11 Posted : Tuesday, July 26, 2022 6:01:45 AM(UTC)

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I have to agree with wurger. I come to the forums to look for something specific, whether it's to find out what's comingup from an artist, or to ask a question, or to make a request. I don't come here to read stories.

I think the galleries would be a better place to post your stories, along with the image. I can't tell you how many times I have seen serial art without a story, only a "thanks for looking", and it's obvious there is a story behind the series. But do break down your story into manageable chunks (something in the 5-10 minute range maybe?).
#12 Posted : Tuesday, July 26, 2022 9:22:51 AM(UTC)

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Well I hate to say this but I found them difficult to read, they are clunky, It seems you have some good Ideas but run into difficulty describing them. I read parts from each section, to see if maybe it was just my interpretation of what you were getting too. The sex scenes are cliché at the least. (Example: Mira was overwhelmed, she could not think of anything but her vulva wrapped highly around a stunningly fat cock.) Here is my take, hope it helps: (Mira was destroyed, she could not think of anything else, but her always tight vagina wrapped around his thick shaft.) Vulva Definition: The vulva is the outside of the female genitalia. You can’t stick anything into a vulva. You are not keeping your characters in mind when writing for them.
I'm here for the donuts.....
Where are they??
thanks 1 user thanked rbug02 for this useful post.
AnchorSteam on 7/30/2022(UTC)
#13 Posted : Thursday, July 28, 2022 12:31:39 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: AnchorSteam Go to Quoted Post

I don't get notices, or I would have responded sooner.
(is there some way I can fix that?)

Just checkmark the box down below that says 'Watch this topic and receive notifications of activity via e-mail?'! It can be done on comments you make with pictures as well. I didn't realize this until I'd posted over half my gallery, and to this day I still go back through them sometimes to see if there's any new comments. Now it just sends me an email saying "People wrote on your shit!"

Just kidding, the email will be titled 'Topic Subscription New Post Notification (From Renderotica)'

I'll send this to you in PM as well!

Edited by user Thursday, July 28, 2022 12:34:05 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Won't upload the screenshot

#14 Posted : Friday, July 29, 2022 2:35:50 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: kanshinin Go to Quoted Post
I have to agree with wurger. I come to the forums to look for something specific, whether it's to find out what's comingup from an artist, or to ask a question, or to make a request. I don't come here to read stories.

I think the galleries would be a better place to post your stories, along with the image. I can't tell you how many times I have seen serial art without a story, only a "thanks for looking", and it's obvious there is a story behind the series. But do break down your story into manageable chunks (something in the 5-10 minute range maybe?).

I agree with Wurger and Kanshinin.  When I post images to the Gallery, sometimes OldPornDog writes a short story consistent with the image.  That tells me that the image has stimulated some sort of viewer reaction, which is what art is all about.  It also tells me that what I thought the image was may not be what the viewers think.  

#15 Posted : Friday, July 29, 2022 4:13:54 PM(UTC)

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I'm going to disagree with all of you, unfortunately. As I said in my first comment, getting responses, even by the artist, on a nine month (now eleven month) old series is extremely rare. I first started this journey making fanfic of pictures I liked on a rule34-type webpage. I never got a single response, either with praise, criticism, or both. This forum (the writer's guild) is specifically built for things like this. New writers should feel comfortable placing their stories here - or placing it on the picture and adding a hyperlink to it. None of us get better at writing without constructive criticism. I look at my old stories and cringe. However, I'm perfectly happy to read what someone has written, whether it's good, bad, or average, in the Writer's Guild forum. If anything, one of the reasons this community is a ghost town is because we don't support each others' work. Or attempts. I know for myself that if I'd written a story and one of the artists I admired told me not to post something in the Writer's Guild when I first started out I may have never posted anything again.

On the subject of posting artwork with stories: I'm currently working with a writer who's had over 43 erotic books published in the last 30 years. He doesn't do pictures, and by his own admission doesn't want to learn to do them. Make no mistake, there's a huge learning curve just to be proficient. We take it for granted, the things we've learned, but it's not so simple and easy for some. It can very easily die on the vine. Some people just want to write stories as well. PuseyGalore has written several on my art, even though most have stories already. As Blir said, "It also tells me that what I thought the image was may not be what the viewers think." And I appreciate that more than I can say.

We make art. Writers make art. The world makes art of all kinds. The Mona Lisa and the poster of the weed leaf in Spencer's are both art. Some is good, some is bad, but someone MADE it. went out of their way to create something that hasn't been before. That is admirable. The worst thing for a new artist is to pour their heart and soul into something, spend time and energy, only for it either to never be shown or to be told that they wasted their time by making it. Criticisms of the work are ok, as are compliments. Telling people not to post is not.

This is the Writer's Forum of Renderotica, home of smut and love. Let it remain as such.
#16 Posted : Saturday, July 30, 2022 2:12:43 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Blir Go to Quoted Post

Originally Posted by: kanshinin Go to Quoted Post
I have to agree with wurger. I come to the forums to look for something specific, whether it's to find out what's comingup from an artist, or to ask a question, or to make a request. I don't come here to read stories.

I think the galleries would be a better place to post your stories, along with the image. I can't tell you how many times I have seen serial art without a story, only a "thanks for looking", and it's obvious there is a story behind the series. But do break down your story into manageable chunks (something in the 5-10 minute range maybe?).

I agree with Wurger and Kanshinin.  When I post images to the Gallery, sometimes OldPornDog writes a short story consistent with the image.  That tells me that the image has stimulated some sort of viewer reaction, which is what art is all about.  It also tells me that what I thought the image was may not be what the viewers think.  

Well, I don't do Poser images, this is related to a set of images done by someone else, as said at the start.

And I would also have to disagree with the posting of stories under the pics. When I want to look at pics I do, when I have the time & brain-cells for reading, I read stories. That's it.  I think these are way too long for posting in a Gallery in any case. I did ask for critique and will take what I can get but when people say "I don't come here to read stories" I have to wonder why this even caught their eye.... or why bits & pieces are the basis for judgement. 

#17 Posted : Saturday, July 30, 2022 2:17:47 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: rbug02 Go to Quoted Post
Well I hate to say this but I found them difficult to read, they are clunky, It seems you have some good Ideas but run into difficulty describing them. I read parts from each section, to see if maybe it was just my interpretation of what you were getting too. The sex scenes are cliché at the least. (Example: Mira was overwhelmed, she could not think of anything but her vulva wrapped highly around a stunningly fat cock.) Here is my take, hope it helps: (Mira was destroyed, she could not think of anything else, but her always tight vagina wrapped around his thick shaft.) Vulva Definition: The vulva is the outside of the female genitalia. You can’t stick anything into a vulva. You are not keeping your characters in mind when writing for them.


Okay, seems like I went too fast with some of this then. Total of ten chapters with ideas for many more, and not enough hours in the day.

As far as word-use goes... no, I am not going to say "love tunnel", not even if cash is involved.

"Clunky", okay, good, that actually gives me somethng to work on. Good to know. 


I probably should have kept a closer eye on this thread, but after all that time I thought this was a dead issue. 

Edited by user Saturday, July 30, 2022 7:53:22 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#18 Posted : Saturday, July 30, 2022 2:25:26 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Bumper2 Go to Quoted Post
We make art. Writers make art. The world makes art of all kinds. The Mona Lisa and the poster of the weed leaf in Spencer's are both art. Some is good, some is bad, but someone MADE it. went out of their way to create something that hasn't been before. That is admirable. The worst thing for a new artist is to pour their heart and soul into something, spend time and energy, only for it either to never be shown or to be told that they wasted their time by making it. Criticisms of the work are ok, as are compliments. Telling people not to post is not.

This is the Writer's Forum of Renderotica, home of smut and love. Let it remain as such.


Well, thanks for saying so!

I had already given up, and was re-considering commenting on art too. Okay, just for that, I will post another one  here (still trying to find that box to check, it's at the bottom?)


Lilly & Linvella, and a gathering


Ryya’s day was not over until she had ‘the cows’ cleaned up and tucked in for the night, and she’d better get it done to the Marshall’s satisfaction if she wanted make the rank of Major. She’d also better get it done quickly if she wanted to get any sleep tonight, morning duty meant getting up at least half an hour early.


“Alright you sexy beasts, let’s get you upright again.” Ryya freed their heads first, and then lowered their hand to where she could get the cuffs off.  Ryya could have released the angle-cuffs while the girls were still hanging upside down, but instead she sighed and lowered them first and sent them scurrying  over to the glass wall with a few slaps to their rumps. She was a little surprised to see both of them standing there with heir backs to the glass and hands out to either side, just the way that Ryya had been a moment before.

“Huh, look at that. Well, at least I don’t have to teach you how to walk.”

Ryya put it down to muscle-memory or some such thing, her training in medicine had not gone very deeply into his field before she had abandoned it, and there was something else she wanted to try.

“Look at you, such sexy beasts…” Ryya walked right up and slapped her hands to their pussies. They gasped and looked at her with wide eyes, but did not move as Ryya started working her middle-fingers into each of them. “Why they did to you on the tables were not very much fun, was it? Consider this your reward for being so cooperative.”

Ryya worked them up smoothly and easily, just the way she would like to be handled herself. The helpless looks she was getting only fired her up, soon she was working two fingers inside each of them and stroked their clits with her thumbs.

What the hell am I doing? she thought for a moment, and then it came to her; Enjoying the power of my position, just like Rakmon does!

That idea made her smile, and she bent forward to suck one of Lilly’s big nipples into her mouth. Ryya kept it between her teeth and leaned over sideways to take one of the Elf’s in as well. She looked up at her victims as she sucked hard enough to get a taste of their milk, and saw that they were still watching her, only now they were begging with their eyes for her to keep going. Ryya pressed her palms into the girl’s mounds and clamped her hands down, giving the bimbos a good shake to make them cum as hard as she could make them. She straightened back up and let their nipples drag free thought her lightly clenched teeth.

Both girls climaxed at about the same time, yelping and mewling as they leaned into each other and slid down the glass wall. Ryya let them go, watching them slump down and cling to each other. The panting girls made a pretty picture, but now they would have to be showered before she put them to bed. One quick pat on her own crotch told Ryya that she was moist down there too, and might need one herself.

So be it, why not use this chance to show them how to use the facilities?

Even the bathroom at the lower level of suits was lavish, with several toilets and a separate shower area. Ryya showed them how to use a toilet by doing so. She had no trouble doing this in front of what she considered dumb animals, and for their part both woman did not have to pretend that they had never seen a flushing toilet before.

The best part for Ryya was that she had an excuse to use the shower, a room the size of a small bedroom with programable features. She stripped, set the controls and then said “Kneel” to the girls, in the Zhrau language. They naturally had no idea what to do, so Ryya pushed them down, kicking at their knees until they got the idea. Ryya said the word several more times as she positioned them sitting on their heels, heads up and shoulders back. “There, and you’d better not forget it. Here is another world for you; watch!”

Ryya then stepped into the shower area. The floor was divided into several pads, and the water flowed in different ways according to where she was standing. True luxury, especially compared to the little water-booth she shared with 3 other officers.

Oh, scratch that! she thought, happily. I am a major now, I won’t have to share anything once that promotion goes through!

Ryya thought of other things while in the shower, like the girls watching her. It had been stimulating watching them, and how they reacted to the various things being done to them. Her hand drifted to her crotch, but Ryya made herself stop before she even got started pleasuring herself. She was willing to do a lot in front of the two milk-cows, but not that!

Stepping out of the shower towards the air-dryer, Ryya snapped her fingers and jerked her thumbs over her shoulders as she passed between the kneeling girls. “Get in there you two, and get it done.”

She did not see the looks they had been exchanging since she had entered the shower, so it came as a surprise to Ryya when they both rose, grabbed her arms and hauled her right back into the shower without making a sound.

“Hey! No! Wait, what are you…. mrrrph!”

Ryya could have fought them off, but she was too surprised, and what they did could have been interpreted as …. friendly, perhaps? The smaller one with the ash-blond hair dove between Ryya’s legs and soon had a lip-lock on her very human and (lately) hairless pussy. The taller, darker one kissed her face and then  bent Ryya gently backwards, so far that she was helpless and very much dependent on the brainless girls to support her weight. Once Ryya was looking at the world upside down, her face was between Lilly’s breasts while the 1/2 Elf held her with one arm, and used her free hand & mouth to massage and tease Ryya’s tits artfully.

Smaller breasts generally meant more sensitive ones, and Lilly exploited this to paralyze Ryya while watching the Elf work her magic on Ryya’s pussy; her tongue fluttered like a Butterfly’s wings as she drove their arrogant instructor to one, two, and then three climaxes in just a few minutes. They worked like a team that had known each other for years, and soon had the human woman passing out and sliding to the floor between them.

Lilly pulled Ryya out of the pads where falling water might get in her mouth, She had been afraid that she might smother the woman with her breasts for a moment, but she seemed fine. Then she went back to the Elf and embraced her. “I am Lilly. Should we make a run for it?”

“Linvella.” There was no time to remark on the fact that they both had different versions of what was basically the same name. “No, they think we are dumb, lobotomized or something. I don’t want to find out what they will do to us if they discover we are not!”

“Right.” Lilly glanced at Ryya, who was already starting to stir. “Thank you for being the brains here.” and she kissed Linvella to keep her quiet when the human woman took a deep breath.



Ryya came back to herself sprawled on the floor, watching the girls hug and kiss each other under simulated rainfall just a few feet away.  She smiled, until she realized that she had indeed been helpless with them, and she had no idea how many minutes had just passed that way. Ryya sat upright sharply, and then leapt to her feet, head swimming with evil thoughts; it would have been easy for them to tie her up with her own clothes or even strangle her, so…. what the fuck?

The girls responded by kneeling, facing her, heads down and seeming, somehow, to be wondering if they had done the right thing.

Well, of course they didn’t rebel, their whole life experience started just a few hours ago. This is all they know. Ryya shook her head and nearly slapped herself for her carelessness. Just because they were dumb didn’t mean they did not have self-will, or the ability to learn, and Elves…. oh, yes, Elves, even the half-breed! What were they known for; spontaneous, sexually shameless, affectionate beings that never took anything too seriously. That was probably a key to why they lived so long, and rarely did anything maddening like trying to take over the world.  So, were the trying to get on her good side?

In her life Ryya had exactly five sexual partners (not counting Rakmon) to look back on, three of them were one-night stands and one of those had been her only lesbian encounter, so she had very little to go on. “I am going to assume you were being nice, but don’t let it happen again. And get up, there is no more slavery on this world, not the kind you knew.”

Ryya clapped her hands, hoping this would be taken more seriously than snapping her finger-snapping had been , and spoke Zhrau again. “Up! Come with me.”

Determined to regain control, Ryya lead them to the air-dryer and made them stand on the wooden grating while they were literally blown-dry by hot air. This was another new thing that they had no idea how to deal with, so Ryya had to grab them and make them move around to let the air do its work. “Hair too, come on! There isn’t room for me too.”

That was a fact, and Ryya soon shooed them away so that she could take her turn, sending them to a counter with brushes that they could use to un-tangle their ridiculously long hair. Hair like the taller one wore was a dead give-away that she was either from the past, or maybe some sort of country-bumpkin that no modern person would look at twice. Ryya watched them take care of each other’s hair as she dried herself off, and approved of the way the 1/2 Elf quickly put her long locks into a style that put almost all of it on top of her head.

“Just like you had it before…” and a strange, chilling thought hit Ryya, but it was one so absurd that she filled it away before she could think of it twice. “… so ridiculous.”

Once she was dry and dressed Ryya opened the door and clapped her hands for them to follow her. Back in the main room, she lead them to a section of the wall that seemed to have a couple of benches set along it. Ryya tapped a code into her hand-set and they both opened up to reveal a couple of floor-level  bunks. “Alright, sleep-time, you lucky bimbos.” She turned to the shorter one and nodded at the Elf. “In you go.”

Linvella quickly got in and laid down just as she ought to, and before Ryya could turn to Lilly the 1/2 Elf had already followed Linvella into the same bunk.

‘Wait….” Both of the pointy-eared girls looked at Ryya, eyes begging and arms wrapping around each other as if they meant to hang on no matter what she did. “Well, fine, damnit. Looks like I have to be the one to reward good behavior. I’m just glad I will be having morning duty instead of this from now on.” Ryya closed and locked the bunks, and hurried off to get to her own bed on a different level of the station.


It was dark in there, but with elfin eyes the would soon be able to see each other.

“We can talk now?”

“Yes, I think, until I run out of breath!”

Lilly was larger and massed more than Linvella, so being on top would be a problem eventually. “Okay, roll with me.”

There was no room to actually roll in the little box, but working together came easily to the two of them. After much wriggling and intimate rubbing, Linvella was on top and happy to be there. Their generous breasts made it hard for them to whisper in each other’s ears or even kiss, so Linvella settled in using one of Lilly’s breasts as a pillow and spoke very softly; “Thank you for being here! I think I would have lost my mind if I was here alone!”

“Same here, you have been wonderful.” Lilly did her best to make her body a comfortable place, waiting for the infa-red image of her bunkmate to become clear. “But, I don’t understand any of this. Did you see… that view? Where ARE we?”

“Clam, please, we are alive, and that’s better than where we were yesterday. As for where, I don’t understand it either, but I think it is some kind of ship that sails the sky instead of the sea.”

“Oh.” That made sense to Lilly, once she had a chance to think about it. “And that tether, like an anchor chain keeping us in place?”

“I think so, but it looked so thin, I could not see where it met the ground… if it even does.”

“And these people? What kind of Elves are these?”

“I are they elves, really?” Linvella was lost in thought for a moment. “They don’t even smell right, and they don’t act like any folk I ever heard of;  they treated us like they have never seen anyone like us. It makes me feel so strange, to be treated like an object … like a machine or an artifact.”

“Yes, but this one…. I think they call her Ryya?” Lilly felt Linvella nod. “A human, a servant, I think we made a good impression on her.”

“Yes, but what is that worth? You saw how that other one treats her, and terrifies her more than what we saw should have.”

“Maybe that could make her an ally of ours? If you have a safe place down there-“

Linvella shook her head. “Did you see how much things have changed? Time has passed, my sweet friend, I don’t think we can count on anyone down there still being alive, let alone being able to help us. But still…. I don’t think time is on our side now. Did you see the way she looked at us when we did your hair up?”

“Yes, but Ryya does not like to think too deeply, I think. Or, there is some kind of Faith they follow here, something that tells them not to believe in certain things.” Lilly kissed the top of Linvella’s head, and the Elf responded by kissing Lilly’s breast.  “This is probably better than being dead, not that I can remember it now, but that is mostly because you are here. I have never tried to pretend to be a new-born baby before, do you have any suggestions?”

“Its too late for that, this Ryya has already seen us learning. Our best break is that language they speak. We don’t understand it, yet, but try to learn it. Repeat what you hear, especially if it is senseless to you, but don’t react to it. Ryya is the most dangerous one as far as we are concerned, she keeps lapsing into something that sounds like Common. Just give her that big dumb look whenever she does that.”

“Yes.” Lilly sighed.


“I don’t think we have met the most dangerous one yet. I don’t know why, but I really have that feeling.”


An hour later both girls were sleeping soundly, and Ahktikmacht’s shuttle returned him to the Station.

He did not bother to look in on the girls, he had read the reports, all positive, and there would be plenty of time for him to make their acquaintance in the days ahead.

Currently, he had more important things to worry about, such as the nine statues yet to be revived, and what the resistance might be preparing to do about that….

#19 Posted : Sunday, July 31, 2022 12:19:20 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: AnchorSteam Go to Quoted Post

Originally Posted by: rbug02 Go to Quoted Post
Well I hate to say this but I found them difficult to read, they are clunky, It seems you have some good Ideas but run into difficulty describing them. I read parts from each section, to see if maybe it was just my interpretation of what you were getting too. The sex scenes are cliché at the least. (Example: Mira was overwhelmed, she could not think of anything but her vulva wrapped highly around a stunningly fat cock.) Here is my take, hope it helps: (Mira was destroyed, she could not think of anything else, but her always tight vagina wrapped around his thick shaft.) Vulva Definition: The vulva is the outside of the female genitalia. You can’t stick anything into a vulva. You are not keeping your characters in mind when writing for them.


Okay, seems like I went too fast with some of this then. Total of ten chapters with ideas for many more, and not enough hours in the day.

As far as word-use goes... no, I am not going to say "love tunnel", not even if cash is involved.

"Clunky", okay, good, that actually gives me somethng to work on. Good to know. 


I probably should have kept a closer eye on this thread, but after all that time I thought this was a dead issue. 

Hell no this thread is just getting started. And no I would not use love tunnel either, and cash has been involved. I learned from one of the best writers of what used to be called smut books, and that was just to help me explain some images that I did. I figured if she could write about sex in soooo many different ways, then I could learn a thing or two. Her first suggestion to me was read what published writters wrote, even if it is not smut. Read Read and then Read some more. But I can see that from your work that you enjoy writing the smutty stuff, Good do not give up and do not let anyone dissuade you from what you want to do. Just take your time. It took me a week just to come up with the little bit I had in an image posted here, it is just called Edith. But most of all have fun with it. Best advice I ever got.

I'm here for the donuts.....
Where are they??
thanks 2 users thanked rbug02 for this useful post.
Bumper2 on 8/2/2022(UTC), AnchorSteam on 8/5/2022(UTC)
#20 Posted : Wednesday, August 17, 2022 10:39:14 PM(UTC)

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Sorry, getting away from sex for a while now, gotta get the Resistance rolling


rom far overhead the river was a brown & sluggish gash in the vivid green jungle. Closer in, and the red-brown of several roads and paths converged on a village made of white rectangles and a dock running along the river’s edge. Close in even further and people & animals moving about could be discerned, as well as a long base tied to the dock. An observer might have seen two people wearing common rain-proof cloaks make their way aboard the barge, and enter the covered aft section of the barge. 

A few minutes later, cloaked figures left again, carrying baskets and going their separate ways. It was a scene calculated to bore the pants off anyone that might actually be observing the area, and for good reason.

Leetah watched the woman saunter off into the village wearing the cloak she had just given her, the very one she had been wearing when she’s stepped under the awning. Merrin had given his own to a man that was his same size and build, and Leetah did not even either of them despite the fact that she was wearing nothing underneath. The heat was pretty raw here when the clouds broke up, and she was glad to be rid of the damned thing. 

“This way, if you please.” A Goblin neither of them had seen before snapped his fingers and showed them both to a hatch in the bottom of the hull. He opened it before Leetah could shout a warning, but instead of water rushing in there was just a dark passage that he rolled a little rope-ladder into. “The last of ‘em, we cast off in 5 minutes.” the Goblin called down the dark shaft, and to Merrin he said; “They are waiting for you, good luck & God’s blessings be upon you both.”

Leetah had no idea how to answer that, the Goblin had been gruff and … well, very Goblin-like, so a hug was out of the question. “Thank you.” was all she could manage while he stomped his way out into the sun-blasted deck, which the operative of the resistance waved off without looking back. 

It was almost as if he was staying in character, just in case there was someone watching.

“Wait here.” Leetah turned back in time to see Merrin climb down. A moment later he called up to her in a busted voice; “It’s alright, come down now, dear one.”

Leetah climbed down as quickly as she could, through a shaft made of bent wooden bracing and barely water-proof canvas. It looked fragile and temporary, and was only a few feet deep before she passed through a very solid-looking hatch made of stone and brass, and the next thing she knew Merrin had plucked her from the ladder and set her down on her feet in a small room. 

It was cooler down here, but more damp and dark enough to make her eyes strain to adjust. The first thing she noticed was a rather short female Elf that was smiling in a reassuring way up at her that was as naked as Leetah was herself. Merrin spoke with a touch of asperity in his voice; “Hello Fang, this is Leetah.”

“Leetah! Is so grand ta’ finally meet ya’, how’s the feels? No lingerin ‘fects?”

She had never heard, or heard of, and elf that spoke that way. The instant familiarity was one thing, but Leetah could not fathom her accent at all. Perhaps it was simply a lack of aptitude for speaking properly, and her voice was deeper that someone of her race and size should have had. Another former slave, perhaps? “Thanks, and no, I am perfectly fine, thanks to Merrin.”

Leetah could not help flashing an adoring look at her Dragon lover who was holding his man-shape with ease, and Fang caught that look. She smiled as well and said; “Well, good on you, I reckon.” Fang winked at Merrin, and before he could start to bristle at her, she turned to the wall where there were some pegs with clothes hung from them. “De’ rest be wearin’ things, so I’s thought you’d want some too?”

“Yes, good… but, I see things of yours on the other wall.” Merrin said, trying not to sound too suspicious. “Why did you choose to greet us naked?”

“Cause I’m tryin’ ta’ be more aware of other folks’s feelings, ya know? Like someone hereabouts told me to work on, yeah?”

Leetah could not help smiling, and it was an interesting gesture. This ‘Fang’ person must have heard they would be arriving naked, and met them that way in an attempt to make them feel less out-of-place. As for herself, Leetah had gone straight from being a lowly Peasant-girl to a mainly ornamental Slave-girl with very little in between. She had been naked for at least three-quarters of her life, and had the calloused feet to prove it. 

Just to show her appreciation, Leetah selected a gauzy skirt and a very loos-knit shawl that almost came down to the bottoms of her breasts, which was all she could feel comfortable with in the clammy room. She noticed that the stones had been sealed in place with lead, and so was the flooring. She looked to Merrin, who was putting on a pair of shorts with many pockets and a pair of sandals. “Water-proof… this isn’t our new home, is it?”

While they had been talking, the rope ladder had been hauled back aboard the barge, and now the hatch in the ceiling slammed shut. Leetah cringed, and a barely audible rush of water told her that the canvas shaft was collapsing… hopefully be design. 

“Home? Only until the next ship comes along, right Fang?”

“Got it in one.” Fang wore a leather skirt and boots, but was still bare from the hips upwards. She slung the rest… halter-top, sunhat and a belt festooned with a strange array of weapons… over one shoulder and said “Dis way.” as she stepped into a tunnel leading to the next room.

The place they had been was only an ante-chamber, the main room was over 10 meters across and the domed ceiling was almost half that high. There were already a dozen people there of all sorts, and the lighting was much better thanks to an enchanted glass globe hanging from the apex of the dome. 

In the center of the room was a triangular table of modest size, and with few chairs. The people were either standing around or sitting on stone benches built into the walls. When Leetah and Merrin walked in a very rough-looking half-Orc grunted “Took you long enough.” and claimed one of the chairs at the table. He was flanked by a tall human woman that was as bare-breasted as Fang, but also sported vambraces, greaves and a steel shoulder-guard that complemented her buckler very well.

“Traveling in the open takes time, if you want to be discrete about it.” Merrin answered and took a seat. “It has been tiring…. ah!” He used telekinesis to slide a stool across the room for Leetah to sit in. It has indeed been a long walk, and Leetah sat down with her back to Merrin’s left side, leaning into him for support. 

“That’s your Lieutenant?” the woman standing by the Orc asked.

“No, he is. Manfred, say hello.”

A man who looked like a Paladin fallen on hard times (Leetah later found out that was exactly what he was) stepped out of a shadowy entrance to yet another tunnel and marched to Merrin’s right side. Manfred said nothing as he took his place, standing with feet parted and hands clasped behind his back in the classic “parade rest” position. 

It surprised Leetah a little when Fang sat down in the remaining chair, to show that she was the leader of the 3rd faction of the Resistance. “Oh, so… you’r that Fang?”

The Orc guffawed. “Oh, lass, how many Zhrau have you heard of with a name like that?”


Leetah took a closer look at Fang, and saw things in this light that she had missed before. Fang’s skin color was darker than any tan would make most surface Elves, and lighter than any “Dark” Elf. Her hair was also odd; a sort of “dirty blond” with mahogany streaks, but when Fang looked at her the real difference showed; her eyes were such a dark blue that they were nearly black. No Elf had eyes like that….

Half Zhrau.” Fang corrected. “An’ ya’ll can leastways learn ta’ say ‘Phaing’ right-ways.”

It sounded exactly the same to Leetah’s ears, and she had to bite her lip hard to keep from giggling at Fang, of all people, asking someone to say something the ‘right’ way. Then she blinked as a black Panther padded up behind Fang, and smoothly transformed into a 1/2-Elf woman who apparently was familiar to Fang. “This be Jhaquileen, guess you be callin' her Jacky."

"Razzmussen?" The Orc asked.

"Lost him." Fang looked at Merrin. "You got the true-tell from yer' seers?"

Merrin nodded; "He was cornered. The Zhrau did not take him alive, nor his charge. He shot her in the back of the head, and then shot himself."

"His charge?" The tall woman asked, and then her eyes grew wide. "One of us?!" She was looking at Leetah when she said that, and that was when Leetah realized that she was also one of the un-Stoned. "You would kill us to keep us from falling into the hands of the Zhrau?"

"Yer' damned skippy." Fang said in a way that sounded like a confirmation. "My best man won' let the bastards win, not -"

Merrin held up a hand. "Stop!" and something about the way he said it made even Leetah, who had no intention of saying anything, freeze and remain silent. "Fang, you just started doing something that we all need to finish."


"Introductions." He waved his hand around the room. "There are a good many people here that don't know each other. Hello Jhaquileen, I am Merrin. You are a Were-Panther, I presume?"

And so it went around the table, until they had all made sure everyone in the room knew who they were dealing with. Leetah assumed Merrin was doing this to let tempers cool a bit, but she most of all appreciated the chance to learn more.

The 1/2 Orc was also a legendary Vampire; Taras Kuldar was a name that had been famous in Leetah’s time. Mira-Bella was indeed one of the un-stoned, and was determined to fight the Zhrau by the Vampire’s side… and she was not the only one. 

There were also a trio of un-Stoned warriors that called themselves The Skylarks, lead by Tylara who must be a battle-mage if the dark shades around her eyes meant what Leetah thought they meant. Fornis and Sharinda rounded out the trio, and both of them were bandaged about their heads, wrists and legs where their armor had been removed by treasure-hunters. Removing the valuable antiques had left small gouges in their skin, or chipped their ears.

There was also a pair of fighter-types named Verusha and Otavis. Big, dark-skinned and very athletic, the two of them gravitated towards each other rather than any member of the various faction members. This made Leetah noticed that she and Mirabella were the only two of the un-Stoned that seemed to be enjoying a close relationship with the people that brought them back. The rest of them had come through the traumatic event in a less sympathetic way. She had no idea why, but what had happened for her and for Mirabella seemed to be the exception here. “How sad for them…”

She had not meant to say that aloud, but Leetah nearly re-ignited the arguments. 

“It was inevitable that the Zhrau would catch one, or some, of us. But the rest was unnecessary.” Merrin said as Leetah took one of his hands in her own. 

“We agreed that none of them should fall into Zhrau hands.” Taras grated, his eyes going redder. “Not alive, not to be carved up alive or whatever other cruelty the Zhrau have in mind for them.”

“Wait!” Fang leaned into an intense glare focused on Merrin. “Why ‘uness-a-sary’?”

“Word reached me a short time ago that a pair of them were flown directly to Ahktikmacht’s headquarters.” Fang pounded the table, incensed at the pointless death of her associate, so Merrin repeated; “A short time ago, this message reached me while I was entering the village.”

Fang looked down at the table, shaking her head, but Mirabella had the nerve to ask; “Where is that?” Merrin nodded upwards, and that must have seemed like a dismissive gesture. 

“Hey! We all volunteered to fight at your side instead of go hide with the others at that sanctuary, didn’t we?” Mira looked at the other five warrior-women who had been stone just three days before. She also looked at Leetah, and asked. “I assume you are not going to King Vunkar?”

“I…. no.” Leetah had not given it much thought, so she looked to Merrin. “Am I?”

Mira continued as if Leetah’s option was no longer of any interest to her. “Where is that Headquarters?”

“Up the Beanstalk.” Taras said, and help up a hand to keep Mira from saying anything more. “We can’t do anything about them, for now,” he shot Phaing a look, “… but the of the transport of the nine still at the Medusa’s compound is still being delayed. It now appears that re-vivification will be attempted on-site. What do you suggest we do about that?”

Nine of their fellow victims were still within reach! Leetah sat up straighter and wondered if she should think of these none as sisters, or something like that. “What can we do?”

“I have some notion of what is there, but….” Merrin reluctantly looked to Phaing, “… but not a good way to explain the information I have. I can put it straight into your head, but-“

“Hit me.” Fang said, looking right into Merrin’s eyes.

Taras blinked. “You are just going to open your mind to him, to make a briefing easier?”

“I ain’t shy.” Fang said out of the corner of her mouth, still looking at Merrin. “Or proud.”

Leetah decided that she liked Fang and wanted her has a friend at that moment. 

What might be called a ’data-dump’ only took seconds, thanks to the fact that Fang had no sense of shame or personal space. She did have to sit back and take a few deep breaths as she took it all in, eyes a bit unfocused as she muttered “Well, that was a hell of a thing!”

Merrin took up the satchel that he had been carrying for three days, and slid it across the table to Phaing. “I’ll be wanting those back once you are done with them.” Inside were several data-pads that Merrin had taken from the crash-site. Fang handled them with greedy yet careful fingers. 

Taras grumbled, and gave Merrin a scathing look. Leetah was getting the feeling that the two of them despised each other, and neither one thought highly of Fang. A moment later, she wondered why such a thought had occurred to her. Everyone seemed to be behaving themselves better than she could have hoped for. An Orcish vampire, a Dragon and a half-breed Elf were not being arrogant or even as snippy as such a diverse, aggressive and powerful collection of creatures would have been in the stories, or even in a reality that Leetah would have expected. Why?

She closed her eyes to ponder this while Fang brought one of the data-pads to life. Soon Leetah could feel the answer; All of these people, the ones that had been confronting the Zhrau while she had been stoned, all of them were in awe of their situation. Locked in a deadly shadow-war with powers they barely understood, their own audacity mystified them, and the odds against them were so bad that they had no energy or enthusiasm for any internal drama.

But how could simple little Leetah, of all people, know that?

The answer made Leetah’s blood quicken; she was becoming psychically aware.

*yes, you are.* Merrin thought to her. *I hope you don’t mind, but during our time together I found a spark within you, and I breathed some life into it.*

*I am going to be like you?!* Leetah was smiling so widely that it hurt a little. Now, she wasn’t just a girlfriend, she was going to be powerful and useful in her own right! *Best… gift… ever!*

“Ah’m so happy fer’ both a ya’s, but you might wanna to pay ‘tension to dis.”

*why does she talk like that?* Leetah thought to Merrin.

*Taras told her to stop using spells and start learning our language last week.*

*Last WEEK?*

*Maybe the week beforeIt wasn’t just her heritage that got her a seat at this table, that one has a mind like a steel trap… as they say.*

Fang used a spell based on Illusion to do something no technology could; and created a holographic display of the Medusa’s compound, complete with the locations of the remaining statues and the Zhrau present there. 

“That is why I gave it to her.” Merrin said to Taras, and to Fang; “Nice use of that spell. I think that for this part you can use another.”

Fang took the hint and her diction instantly improved; “The nine women left behind involved complications that prevented their movement, without any risk of damage. One is riding a horse, another a Centaur, and one has her hards wrapped around metal bars that never rusted away for some reason. The list goes on…. and now there are about 80 Zhrau there. They brought some interesting hardware, too.”

Even the people that had been sitting silently on the benches got up and crowded around the table to get a better look.

“What, by all the Gods, is that thing?” Manfred asked, pointing to a huge white thing that looked like a gigantic mockery of a Centaur. It was so large that the torso was above tree-top height.

Fang read from the data-pad in a clipped tone; “Sentinel-class heavy mech. Heavy…. 200 tons. 18 meters tall, designed to take on many times it’s number of enemy armored vehicles and destroy all of them without taking any damage to itself. And, this it can do, if it is used intelligently. That box you see on it’s rump is a turret for four 20-centimenter cannon, and they are capable of rapid-fire. The torso would seem to block it’s line of fire, but there is a missile system in there with 40 racks and plenty of re-loads. The armor is …. rally thick, the only weakness is a low speed, like 20 kph, tops. Here we see it in it’s secondary occupation; a mobile fortress.”

“Terrifying.” Mira said slowly. “But it does not look like much of a threat to people running around down below it, especially if we can get in among the Zhrau on the ground. It would be like an Elephant trying to deal with Rats.”

“There is generally a machine-gun in one arm and a flame-thrower in the other.” Fang sighed and tapped the pad again. “They REALLY want to discourage us from even trying, a planetary garrison only has about 6 of those things, or less. They are not even for fighting ragamuffins like us, but to react to an invasion from another space-faring Empire.”

“What else have they got there?”

“There looks to be about 50 trained killers and about half that number for support, plus whatever is waiting to spring their trap.”

What trap?”

Fang gave Manfred a look that Leetah hoped she would never be on the receiving end of. “There is always a trap with these Brotherfuckers, when they have time to set one up.” She spun the 3-D map around and pointed to a spot about one klick away from the compound. It appeared to be unguarded. “That would be my bet, that is where two of our statuesque ones are, and no obvious guards.”

“So much the better.” Taras chuckled, which brought an angry reaction from Merrin.

“Your words should be coming from the leader of your faction. This is supposed to be a meeting of faction heads!” Merrin’s hand tightened on the edge of the table, and the wood squealed as just the pressure of his fingers dented the tabletop noticeably. “Where is Thal?”

“Why, right here, Dragon.” Taras turned his head, and now both Leetah and Merrin could see that while one of the Vampire’s eyes was it characteristic red, the other projected a cold blue light that sparkled as if it was being reflected by a diamond. “If you suspect me of foul-play-“

“Who in their right mind would not?” Merrin snarled, a genuine and much more frightening snarl than even the Were-Panther would have been capable of. Part of Merrin’s frustration dealing with this faction was that his mind-magic had no effect on the Undead. “Not being here means we have to suspect you of setting a trap of your own for us.”

“Now now,” the Litch-Lord said in his best fresh-from-the-crypt voice, “without you all, who would I have to do all the Donkey-work?”

“I knew it! You mean to set yourself above the rest of us, and you cow-“

Hey, YO!” Fang raised her hand and snapped her fingers. “I still have an equal voice here, yeah?” She focused on Taras’s blue eye. “You are interested enough in this map here to get a look for yourself, so I assume you want to do something about this?”

“Yesss.” Thal hissed through Taras’s mouth. “All of you are now too far away to get there in time, not without giving yourselves away somehow. Tis’ a good thing I am not there, you must now admit.”

Fang shrugged casually. “Fine, what do you need from our people?”


“Wait!” Fang leapt to her feet and shouted. “No! We agreed on joint effort, what is one Bag of Bones gonna do against all …. that….” The blue light faded from Taras’s right eye. “Fuck me to tears, he’s gone again?”

“Yes.” Taras rubbed his eye, and then his forehead. “And he hates it when you call him that.”

“He can tell me himself, then.” Fang flounced back into her chair and glanced at Merrin, then Taras again. “What a great team we make, sheesh. So, Taras; will you be able to take over your faction if Thal does not make it back?”

Merrin arched an eyebrow at Taras, the same question on his mind.

“You keep telling us not to underestimate the Zhrau.” Taras said calmly. “I think it’s time for you all to stop underestimating a fellow that one such as I could call ‘master’.”

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