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#21 Posted : Monday, February 19, 2024 8:11:39 AM(UTC)

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To each their own, but maybe, just maybe... don't be a dick about it?

Have a great day!
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#22 Posted : Wednesday, February 21, 2024 1:00:46 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: evilded777 Go to Quoted Post
To each their own, but maybe, just maybe... don't be a dick about it?

Have a great day!


Can you show me at which point in my post I've been a dick ?? I am just expressing my opinion... If I say something sucks doesn't mean it does for everyone else.

You just said it yourself ''to each their own''...maybe you should follow your own advise.

#23 Posted : Wednesday, February 21, 2024 2:56:34 PM(UTC)

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I have seen the light! 

I refused to believe OP's comments about crappy products but as it turns out we have all just been proven wrong by our very own Chaosophia! 

Have you guys seen Chaosophia's latest Shitty product?!!


No... that's not an insult.. trust me...    It's a really "shitty" product there. 

I have never ever laughed so hard while checking this website... 


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#24 Posted : Wednesday, February 21, 2024 3:09:10 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Thegreattank Go to Quoted Post

It seems like the products have downgraded a lot in term of quality.  Now all I see are flood of Chaosophia products or comics.

I guess the days of good quality products are behind us.  The only seller that I look forward to his next product is Davo.

But even then Im starting to get disapointed into Davo's products.  They just seem to be recycled devices but with a slightly different look.


I agree, DAZ is the worst.  it is obvious that the company is run by snowflakes.


There, found them for you!

Funny how stating your opinion doesn't mean you're not being a dick. You started off this thread calling out content creators BY NAME and saying they sucked. Even with Davo you stated he just recycles things now. 3D modelling takes a TON of time and effort. You see two products that have a similar table. I see two very different hundred hour, time consuming tasks. They might be similar in the end but making a medival style table that looks like wood timbers moving with gears is a thousand times different than making a sci-fi table of alien metals that move with pneumatics.

If you don't care for the products put out make your own, and I hope you have fun with it.

If DAZ is the worst go to another. Or make your own rendering software. I hope you have fun with it.

There is a gross difference between negative feedback and constructive feedback. Here's some negative feedback: Your entire original post was said in a way to troll and inject vitriol in a grossly unneccessary fashion. You went above and beyond to condemn - not criticize - people who make a vast majority of the work just for your own ego. You are nothing more than a huge, gaping asshole. Just not the type we enjoy paying attention to on this site.

Just remember, I'm not being a dick. I'm just expressing my opinion, snowflake.

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#25 Posted : Wednesday, February 21, 2024 11:59:42 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: BigBlueProstatePoker Go to Quoted Post
I think it's a combination of lack of new blood with new ideas, no clear current leader for Genesis generation figure, and a lot of the young blood has switched to SFM and Blender. And in fairness to Davo, how many times can he make some permutation of the same thing? Quality in general just seems to be going down at the Daz store, especially with sets and props.

I feel like vendors aren't sure what figure to make things for. Daz is all Genesis 9 (naturally), but if you look here, *deleted*, and *deleted* there's more of a mix and a lot of times it seems there are more new releases for Genesis 8 than Genesis 9. Also Daz seems to be less popular with the younger folks. If you look at Twitter and other sites, everyone is doing animations in Blender, Unity, and SFM.

Throw in the economy and inflation....

This has actually been one of the biggest factors in why I'm not buying much at all anymore, but I'm probably in the minority because I switched over entirely to G9. Most of my favorite vendors at non-Daz stores are not supporting G9, and I realized that if I want to stick with the figure in the long run I should probably start learning to make my own content; I expect the G9 content life cycle to be fairly short and for them to go back to split-gender meshes. That's nothing against the people who are sticking with G8--a workflow change and extra compatibility concerns for a figure with mixed reception isn't something I expect people to want to deal with unless they actually like working with the figure, and vendors seem roughly as split on that as any other user. I do appreciate the support for G9 where it exists, because I know it's taking a risk.

The other factor is...well, I was planning to move into content creation eventually anyway, but I don't have a lot of confidence in Daz as a company at this point, and I don't really want to sell with or buy from them, even if I'd like to keep supporting creators. Daz has shown incredibly poor business sense, I think they've played games with their vendors' livelihoods, and they've pivoted so aimlessly in the past 5 years that I expect them to continue trying to get in on the ground floor of every investor-bait hype bubble with an oily tech-utopian sheen.

A lot of younger folks do not even know that Daz exists, and if they'd moved right I think they could have gotten interest from a lot of people in fandom and adjacent spaces who are interested in 3D art but intimidated by programs with a big technical learning curve. I got a ton of questions about my fanart; I've had younger people buy commissions and adoptable characters from me, and most of them had heard of Poser but never Daz. They assume Daz stuff is done in Blender. I used to never shut up about DS and trying to encourage people to try it, but I don't even talk about it anymore because most of the people I know who might otherwise be interested would take one look at the company's recent history and actively boycott it.

I'm not trying to say that it matters that they basically lost me as a customer; I don't think I'm representative of the average user or even of people who spent frequently. But even though I struggle with Blender's complexity, I would recommend anyone pick it up over Daz these days simply because the Blender Foundation is significantly less likely to spontaneously implode because somebody at the top invested half of the organization's funds into Bitcoin or virtual real estate or something. I've seen weirder stuff happen in the past few years, and I genuinely think this is a risk with Daz. And trying to move over means that "Can I make this work in Blender?" and "Can I already do this with Blender's native features?" are now big factors in my purchasing decisions. 

Edited by user Thursday, February 22, 2024 12:01:47 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#26 Posted : Thursday, February 22, 2024 3:57:15 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Ebonix115 Go to Quoted Post

If someone's only getting paid half of what they used to, they're not going to spend the same amount of time making it. They're going to spend about as much time making it as they determine they may get paid. That's how businesses normally operate. 

Side note - The release of G9, updates to Daz3D/Blender and now competeing with AI don't make the above issue any easier. 

I looked at the AI stuff and the hands look hilarious. It's a total turn off when it is all warped and weird-looking. The stuff I can do with Daz is way better than what they are currently doing with AI.

I am playing around with 3D porn for my own personal enjoyment. There has to be developers out there doing it for fun in their personal time. I would like to learn how to create geograft pussies for example. Might have to look into it. The existing pussies are very limited and don't bring the nasty factor. With 3D you're supposed to be able to do outrageous stuff that's not possible in real life.

#27 Posted : Thursday, February 22, 2024 12:15:28 PM(UTC)

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The Stable Diffusion take much time, Could the artists make some AI products? such as LORA or checkpoint meet the contents of renderotica?

I think many customers would like to pay for them.

#28 Posted : Thursday, February 22, 2024 12:36:52 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: cabriver Go to Quoted Post

The Stable Diffusion take much time, Could the artists make some AI products? such as LORA or checkpoint meet the contents of renderotica?

I think many customers would like to pay for them.

At this time, we are not looking at adding AI tools to our catalog. We are historically a 3D Graphic Artist's Community and have always focused on the Artist's skills with Rendering their art. In our opinion, AI takes the artistic soul out of the work even though it can create some very appealing images. The legal foundations of AI are also still very much in flux and until all the legal aspects of AI are resolved, we are not interested in getting involved too deeply. 

We have allowed some AI image sets and comics so far, but with the clear understanding to all involved that there is NO copyright protection available so it's a sell at your own risk adventure. There are AI communities available for anyone who is looking for these LORA tools to be able to train their own Stable Diffusion set ups. We will continue to support our 3D rendering community and recommend that anyone interested in AI creations should be looking for AI centric communities.


Renderotica Management
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#29 Posted : Thursday, February 22, 2024 4:25:47 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Bumper2 Go to Quoted Post

Originally Posted by: Thegreattank Go to Quoted Post

It seems like the products have downgraded a lot in term of quality.  Now all I see are flood of Chaosophia products or comics.

I guess the days of good quality products are behind us.  The only seller that I look forward to his next product is Davo.

But even then Im starting to get disapointed into Davo's products.  They just seem to be recycled devices but with a slightly different look.


I agree, DAZ is the worst.  it is obvious that the company is run by snowflakes.


There, found them for you!

Funny how stating your opinion doesn't mean you're not being a dick. You started off this thread calling out content creators BY NAME and saying they sucked. Even with Davo you stated he just recycles things now. 3D modelling takes a TON of time and effort. You see two products that have a similar table. I see two very different hundred hour, time consuming tasks. They might be similar in the end but making a medival style table that looks like wood timbers moving with gears is a thousand times different than making a sci-fi table of alien metals that move with pneumatics.

If you don't care for the products put out make your own, and I hope you have fun with it.

If DAZ is the worst go to another. Or make your own rendering software. I hope you have fun with it.

There is a gross difference between negative feedback and constructive feedback. Here's some negative feedback: Your entire original post was said in a way to troll and inject vitriol in a grossly unneccessary fashion. You went above and beyond to condemn - not criticize - people who make a vast majority of the work just for your own ego. You are nothing more than a huge, gaping asshole. Just not the type we enjoy paying attention to on this site.

Just remember, I'm not being a dick. I'm just expressing my opinion, snowflake.


Whats the issue with calling out sellers ? You need to chill, clearly you have no idea what you're talking about.
And what's your point of telling me to create my own assets ?? Your remarks are completely useless, if you don't like certain food are you going to become a cook ? No ? Well shut up then !

Glad I made you this mad, just by reading your reply it seems like the truth hurts you bad lol.

Keep lying to yourself by believing in your own bullshit that there is nothing wrong with the quality of the products being released lately.

#30 Posted : Friday, February 23, 2024 1:55:24 PM(UTC)

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Conduct Warning!!!

Keep these comments civil. I'll put out this one warning that we are monitoring and these posts are getting VERY close to breaching the Community Policies that will get someone banned or suspended. For everyone's review, the Member Conduct section of the policies is posted below.


Member Conduct
Renderotica is here for the enjoyment of its Member community and staff. We offer public forums and encourage you to post your views and questions at Renderotica. Respectful behaviour will be expected and monitored.The following are the rules of conduct: 

  • No Personal attacks on past or current members
  • No messages that could be construed as threatening, libelous, or defamatory
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  • Members are prohibited from purposely sabotaging the normal day to day operations or features of this website. Any activity which results in a denial of service to other members, such as using off-line readers to cache the entire site is prohibited. Site administrators will take whatever actions are required to restore service including immediate banning of such members.
  • Members are encouraged to submit Abuse Reports if they see anything that they feel violates any of the above policies

Members found to be in violation of these rules will usually receive one warning. If the situation continues to occur, their membership may be suspended or terminated. Depending upon the case, site administrators reserve the right to express to other members of the Renderotica website the reasons for the membership being revoked. In extreme cases, banning may be immediate and without warning.

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#31 Posted : Friday, February 23, 2024 3:31:58 PM(UTC)

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Once again, there is a vast difference between negative feedback and constructive feedback. You started this discussion trying to denegrate the people that spend an incredible amount of time making products.

Hey, you don't like the food you're eating? THEN MAKE YOUR OWN DAMN FOOD. Even Seinfeld did that. You don't even do anything. There is no intrinsic need to share your art, none whatsoever. Your gallery has only two pictures and that's perfectly ok. The problem arises when you say that the people that make the things you want aren't doing enough. This is their living. Full stop. I don't even care if you asked for items they didn't make (which you didn't, according to your last 10 posts, it's just you bitching about things): if it's not worth them spending time to make it then they don't have to. Hell, none of them have to make anything. Your money is the key to what they make. Unless you're willing to hire a personal chef to make you lasagna don't complain about the restaurant that offers high-end lasagna that isn't how your mother made it.

Am I angry? Yes and no. No because I don't personally make content on the catalog. I have never created the things you're deriding. Yes, because this is a very small community does an awful lot to facilitate ANY type of sexual rendering. 'Rotica is THE place for what people want to render in a sexual manner. You do not contribute to this community but get your rocks off by trying to bully it. I do not care for that. So many content artists, not just on this site but every single one, spend a long time learning how to make something, anything. You say there's a drop in quality. There's not. If anything there's a drop in customer imagination. Supply and demand. You have not asked for anything at all. There is no demand for other items. Chaosophia, who you've decried, is literally the opposite of what you're mockingly saying. Bondage poses? What type are you looking for? They've got capturing, tossed, knocked out, ON A BUS. How about aliens, or monsters, or zombies? They've got that too. Expressions? Dozens of lesbian poses? Masturbation? THEY DO IT. They do it all and yet you call them out. If it was free you'd eat it up with a smile. Your problem is that people that spend hours of their life making a product wants paid for that time. Boo fucking hoo.

Davo is prolific. Layla is prolific. Godless8, Matteo IO, lightBLUE, Vunter Slaush. They are all prolific. Why? Because they dedicated time and effort into creating the things people want. Making it easy for us. 

Your truth is actually just an opinion. It's also a fart in the wind. It befouls the air for a moment and then it's gone. Just like you.

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dsv4600 on 2/24/2024(UTC)
#32 Posted : Friday, February 23, 2024 4:51:34 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Thegreattank Go to Quoted Post

Whats the issue with calling out sellers ?

The way you're doing it. Obviously.

What are you trying to achieve by all this I wonder? Because if you ask me then my opinion is that you're only trying to stir trouble.

I quote: "I agree, DAZ is the worst"

I base this on the fact that I see you complaining but I fail to see any arguments or suggestions to make things better or to argue your case. I recently decided to go blog and in my first I specifically called out Davo for what I believe to be re-using assets. The difference here is that I don't accuse him nor do I make it personal. Just mentioned that.. yah: in several of Davo's early products you got the same cuffs.

I mentioned it. 

Here's my problem: If you buy into a LOT of Davo's assets you may conclude that this is bad. But... what if you don't buy into all his assets but grab just one product?

What if you specifically bought that product because of the various assets that were included?

There are nuances in place, which you obviously totally ignored.

And yah, then we learn you think nothing of Daz Studio which has a reputation of being a favorite of all fans of the genres, and erotic genres..  and here we are. On a place devoted to erotics.. Daz is the worst.

Please explain to me how I should take any of this seriously from here on out instead of treating it for troll bait?

Way to go to try and play the victim.

Sorry, but that's my 2 cents.  Now.. if you guys & girls will excuse me?  I got a shitty story to share soon :P

(yah...  I went there... I did it..  all for the "greater good") :P

Darn you Chaos :P   Blog incoming! 

#33 Posted : Friday, February 23, 2024 5:12:11 PM(UTC)

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Ahoi fellow smutsters,

Well from my point of view the quality is still there but it is being drowned in a lot of quickly put together products. On top of that I concur with those that say some stuff kinda gets repetitive, as Davo and others mentioned. I myself have asked for items which where then put up for sale. Be it the cum products by several artists or the equine genitalia for G8/9(?) or the various morphs for the male genitalia by Meipe or the milking station by Davo. As the latter said, it has to be bought by someone.

I for example miss a lot of realism in a lot of products. Why is no one recreating things from real life. I still get requests for my freebies I put up years ago and those things are made off of primitives. I want proper Bdsm furniture, like the horsebank by Synfulmindz, I want a variety of latex clothes and harnesses etc. And I know I am not alone. But a lot of times the products in the shop look gimmicky and lack realism. For example I have a freebie harness from Jepes website that has been made for M4 way back. I still use it even though it’s a pain to work with, but it looks like a thing from a fetish boutique and that’s why it is still being used over and over again.

I also noticed that some people here have taken inspiration from my images. Be it my use of piercings (primitives), ball stretchers, cock rings (both also primitives) etc. I had searched for that stuff for ages, couldn’t find it, made them myself and shortly thereafter vendors came up with products. Why? Because it makes sense to offer stuff from the real world. Sure we go overboard in our images, but I myself like to keep a sense of reality and that’s what people ask for when they order an image. It makes them think it’s possible and makes their mind go boioioioiiing. (Sorry… I’m a Beavis and Butthead fan)

I don’t know… I guess I’ll post another reply when I get home from my business trip with various products and stuff I have used and or experienced myself. Last time I did that, at least in my mind, there was an uptick in great products.

E 2 da Z

#34 Posted : Friday, February 23, 2024 8:44:07 PM(UTC)

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My basic iron and scifi cuffs are here to stay... forever!   Muahh haaa haaa!! 

I take no offense being called out on the cuffs, I admit it.  The cuffs are, well, basic and generic. They have 4 connection points which makes it easy to fit front, back and sides depending on the pose.  They come in an old medieval style metal and a more fetish or scifi look and feel. They can be used in all my sets and pretty much are.  I have other cuffs that are sometimes added to specific sets. That being said, there are a lot of awesome cuff or hand restraints by other vendors that can be used with my sets. I purchase other vendors cuffs for some of my renders, no shame in that. 

I have taken on some requests from customers, a lot of my sets are their requests if I have the modeling capability.  I have to decide if it would be a seller and I've turned down many requests because they were so niche I would only sell 1 or 2.  This is my day job, so I have be be as profitable as I can with what I have the ability to make.


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#35 Posted : Saturday, February 24, 2024 5:44:17 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: davo Go to Quoted Post

My basic iron and scifi cuffs are here to stay... forever!   Muahh haaa haaa!! 

I take no offense being called out on the cuffs, I admit it.  The cuffs are, well, basic and generic. They have 4 connection points which makes it easy to fit front, back and sides depending on the pose.  They come in an old medieval style metal and a more fetish or scifi look and feel. They can be used in all my sets and pretty much are.  I have other cuffs that are sometimes added to specific sets. That being said, there are a lot of awesome cuff or hand restraints by other vendors that can be used with my sets. I purchase other vendors cuffs for some of my renders, no shame in that. 

I have taken on some requests from customers, a lot of my sets are their requests if I have the modeling capability.  I have to decide if it would be a seller and I've turned down many requests because they were so niche I would only sell 1 or 2.  This is my day job, so I have be be as profitable as I can with what I have the ability to make.


One thing I like about your products, are that they are not resource intense and modular.  So, I can use whatever I want from each set, change materials, etc. Don't ever stop that.

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ZenMaster3D on 2/24/2024(UTC)
#36 Posted : Saturday, February 24, 2024 5:58:45 AM(UTC)

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Davo makes a valid point on "what" to create.  I am sure vendors get a lot of requests from a lot of people.  Just look at the Meipe suggestion thread...LOL...Some ideas the vendors to take on, and as Davo stated, some are so niche, they have to ask themselves, would they sell enough to make it worth their time.

#37 Posted : Saturday, March 2, 2024 8:38:02 AM(UTC)

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About customers not buying as much, here's my absurd reasoning for why I don't buy as much these days.


I'm getting back to being a little more active after too many years but even before I semi-dropped out for a while I had drastically cut back on buying since I just don't like anything other than the cr2/obj format because I use Carrara and duf format is so wildly inconsistent importing to that program that I gave up.  The dson and other solutions were hit or miss, and I wont buy something not knowing if it will work.  When Genesis was first released they drove me out of their forums over at DAZ because I refused to stop referring to the figure as Genocide (it killed ALL future cr2/obj stuff!) and when I was told I'd be banned if I didn't stop I just left voluntarily so I didn't burn any bridges  (their forum, their rules - I didn't like it, so I left with no hard feelings).


But anyway... I only buy "poser" products intended for Gen 4 figures and even below.  So naturally the options for me to buy are limited.


If people are wondering what to create and have a large catalog, there are ways to rework things to make them fresh and not seem so much like more of the same.  I got started doing 3D Art making silly scenes and animations for a Dominatrix who hired me to make her website (and who I almost married, but that's another story) and spent a lot of time reworking BDSM Poses to swap the V4 figure for an M4 and vice versa to make Femdom scenes out of the stuff I bought.  There's a lot more work than it seems on the surface switching them around in an animation like a spanking scene I bought.  So maybe just offering pose sets for old stuff with the roles reversed could both be new and welcome and even possibly bring renewed attention to old sets.


But I have never sold this sort of content and assume it has not been done because nobody but me cares.  That's OK if it is, but it seemed on topic so I said it.

#38 Posted : Thursday, March 7, 2024 5:10:21 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Thegreattank Go to Quoted Post

It seems like the products have downgraded a lot in term of quality.  Now all I see are flood of Chaosophia products or comics.

I guess the days of good quality products are behind us.  The only seller that I look forward to his next product is Davo.

But even then Im starting to get disapointed into Davo's products.  They just seem to be recycled devices but with a slightly different look.


I think you should define better what you think is wrong with the quality and what you would expect to see, so that creators can take it as usable feedback. 

I didn't buy stuff for quite some time now on DAZ or anywhere else, because my dayjob keeps me busy and I can not spend several days on creating a scene to render (or even think about creating a new pose pack sadly) In addition, I'm not very happy with the G9 situation. I simply don't like the figure, I played around with it of course but it doesn't really convince me.

#39 Posted : Thursday, March 7, 2024 6:25:51 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: davo Go to Quoted Post

I have taken on some requests from customers, a lot of my sets are their requests if I have the modeling capability.  I have to decide if it would be a seller and I've turned down many requests because they were so niche I would only sell 1 or 2.  This is my day job, so I have be be as profitable as I can with what I have the ability to make.

Your comment on niche requests has to be the most 'on target' comment in this whole thread.  I'm sure I've made a couple requests like that myself.
What turns a person on is sooooo personal and can be seriously sick, twisted, disgusting and creepy to everyone else.  I used to hang around in AoD and Vod but found the art there to be way too hardcore for me.

So where does that leave us?  So much has already been done.  I love the old campy bondage/torture stuff and 'gizmos' from artists like Eric Stanton, Gene Bilbrew, Georges Pichard, and Bishop but I would imagine that it's appeal is pretty narrow.  I love to watch the Peril's of Pauline on occasion as there's a fun scene with some neat torture/bondage devices that are ridiculous but fun.   Prior to the big purge, there where a few people on Pixiv making some items I would have loved to have, but they're gone now and haven't resurfaced anywhere else.

Perhaps we could have a 'suggestions' section and allow folks to vote on the suggested items.


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ZenMaster3D on 3/8/2024(UTC)
#40 Posted : Wednesday, March 13, 2024 3:19:04 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: CDDVD Go to Quoted Post

Originally Posted by: davo Go to Quoted Post

I have taken on some requests from customers, a lot of my sets are their requests if I have the modeling capability.  I have to decide if it would be a seller and I've turned down many requests because they were so niche I would only sell 1 or 2.  This is my day job, so I have be be as profitable as I can with what I have the ability to make.

Your comment on niche requests has to be the most 'on target' comment in this whole thread.  I'm sure I've made a couple requests like that myself.
What turns a person on is sooooo personal and can be seriously sick, twisted, disgusting and creepy to everyone else.  I used to hang around in AoD and Vod but found the art there to be way too hardcore for me.

So where does that leave us?  So much has already been done.  I love the old campy bondage/torture stuff and 'gizmos' from artists like Eric Stanton, Gene Bilbrew, Georges Pichard, and Bishop but I would imagine that it's appeal is pretty narrow.  I love to watch the Peril's of Pauline on occasion as there's a fun scene with some neat torture/bondage devices that are ridiculous but fun.   Prior to the big purge, there where a few people on Pixiv making some items I would have loved to have, but they're gone now and haven't resurfaced anywhere else.

Perhaps we could have a 'suggestions' section and allow folks to vote on the suggested items.


Are AoD and VoD forums? I searched online but did not find a central hub. Or are those creators like Animo Pron? Can you message a link?

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