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#21 Posted : Thursday, December 6, 2018 7:08:06 AM(UTC)

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I feel that much of the piracy is simply down to "Because we can." It's generally easy to grab stuff off torrent sites and the Poser and Daz stuff is openly shared on the aforementioned sharing sites. They use Mega.nz to host the files which makes downloads, fast and bullshit-crapware free. After reading the number of complaints in some brokerage sites (*deleted*), getting stuff from the pirates is sometimes faster and easier than getting it legitimately.

There are some people who feel (as you mentioned) that it's not a crime and that the creators time isn't worth anything. I spent a lifetime in the industry and would hate to be working privately these days because of this. I've been kicked out of numerous pirate sites because I would ask if anyone there had ever created anything. I dared them to spend a few hundred hours learning to make shit then a few dozen hours on an item and see how they liked seeing it shared openly on numerous sites. Usually I just got banned because the kids and punks couldn't accept that someone's time was worth anything. I'd also ask if they worked for free. There's the ones who say that they wouldn't have downloaded it anyway (how do they know?).

You can't argue with them or make them see reason. The only thing you can do is fight them, and that's where the brokers come in because they have the resources. Unfortunately they seem unwilling to do anything. I've screamed at Rendo and Daz to get off their collective arses and send out takedowns like the Doc used to. All I got was banned.

...and brokers wonder why some artists just disappear...*sigh*
#22 Posted : Thursday, December 6, 2018 8:14:11 AM(UTC)

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Well put Brookes. In my view, the brokers should make an effort but rarely do - yes, Microsoft etc couldn't stop it but the film and music industries made a fair effort and eventually made streaming legit and mainstream - call that one a draw!. The musicians get paid peanuts by Spotify et al but at least they get something, whereas piracy was killing the industry and new artists were being cut out.

I did a freebie as an experiment but where I see it worthwhile to add something to a sold product (extra morphs for instance) then I will continue to do so. Shame about the jerks who feel they deserve something for nothing but that's life.
#23 Posted : Thursday, December 6, 2018 8:54:04 AM(UTC)

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Our hobby is small beans and the sharing venues are limited. I believe that fact would make it easy to keep the piracy volume down. Just taking the one main site offline, or sending a flurry of takedowns to their host, Mega.nz, would eliminate the bulk of it.
#24 Posted : Thursday, December 6, 2018 2:41:34 PM(UTC)

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Well just to say I am kinda the A,B guy myself. I do some tracking for some daz poser artists, and yes it is time consuming and takes a lot of patience, I have even done some of the removal requests for said artists, I find the Russian, and Chinese sites basically tell me as the aforementioned artist rep that I can go F__K myself literally, at least that is how my translators read it. I could be wrong. but when I check back they are still there. And yup Davo I have seen it where they put in a request for one of your items and it shows up in a few days. One site that I was on had another site (aforementioned Chinese site) and she charged for people to enter this site. She is actually making I suspect more from your work than you are. And that discusses me to no end. Having myself been the victim of not being paid for my work when I was still working with someone who had me make parts for their models because I was good at it, and then never pay me and make a bundle of cash from my work. Ok enough of that.

Also hope Doc recovers soon.
I'm here for the donuts.....
Where are they??
#25 Posted : Friday, December 14, 2018 12:58:51 PM(UTC)

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As a vendor here I am in the habit of tracking the "most popular" list several times a day. I do see a trend that "free" items will float around on the top of the most popular items list for weeks or even months, even though the products they require may not be in the top 300.

I have no doubt that the majority of people grab free stuff for no other reason than because it's free, and that's fine, that's what free stuff is for! Some qenuinely plan to buy the paid product but forget about it over time, and I'm sure some grab the free stuff because they already stole a pirated copy.

But I wouldn't worry too much about that. As a vendor I have to keep things in perspective. Without the help of a great broker like Renderotica, I wouldn't be making 1/10th of the sales I make every week. I'd have no visibility at all, hardly any sales, and piracy wouldn't even matter because 50% of nothing is still nothing. I'm able to make money here, even with the added annoyance of piracy, that I could not make without the broker.


I will say this about piracy,

I have seen my sets on a couple of the pirate sites and have thought of trying to do something about it, but I would much rather spend that time making new products for the honest customers who support and appreciate my work. I'm not saying nothing should be done, but I also don't think it's healthy to spend too much time worrying about things you can't control at the expense of things you can.

To anyone who is justifying downloading my  products by saying "they're just poses"  or anyone elses products by saying "it's just software", I will counter with the following:

Making high quality, market ready pose sets is not "easy work". I spend on average 10 hours a day for 8-9 days in a row hunting down photo referrence, creating each pose, alpha testing, product production, QA Beta testing, fixing/tightening poses, QA re-testing, then all the marketing renders and depending on the set there may be other special additions, all before it even gets submitted to 'rotica testing. That's typically over 100 hours spent making a pose set so that my customers don't have to spend an extra 100 hours on their renders. I'm sure that most vendors put in the same time and effort, some even more than that. And all we typically ask is around $7 to $15, even less on sale.

That's $15 spent on a prop that would take the customer weeks or months to make for themselves. $10 spent that saves honest customers hundreds of hours of pose work. All so they can concentrate on doing what they love, making awesome renders.

It's not just software.

Edited by user Friday, December 14, 2018 1:05:03 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

thanks 3 users thanked Thunder-3D for this useful post.
billyben on 12/14/2018(UTC), banditcameraman on 12/14/2018(UTC), Hamer66 on 12/15/2018(UTC)
#26 Posted : Saturday, December 15, 2018 2:57:31 AM(UTC)

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Well said Thunder-3D. I know how time-consuming pose-making is! And as for clothes, characters etc.... None of this is quick and easy.
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