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#1 Posted : Saturday, May 26, 2018 3:23:01 PM(UTC)

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Hi there, maybe you can tell me what I am doing wrong here. I am using a nonstandard skin (Raw's male orc for G8 male)  I load in the Dicktator, then the mat copy and then the shell, like the instructions say to do, The Dick loads properly, but when I copy the texture, it looks  flat, with no detail beyond about a quarter up the shaft from the balls, (though it might  be how the  testure transfer works?) and then if I load the shell it  switches the texture to a normal human texture.  I have no idea if I am doing something wrong or what.

#2 Posted : Sunday, May 27, 2018 9:32:18 AM(UTC)

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To get a match on Dicktator with that character its going to take more work, you will need to use the Shell Choose Color fuction in the Dicktator material section. You will first slect the human color for the shell that looks closest to what you want then with the geo shell selected double click the color pallette and adjust the color (this will take trial and error) until you get it how you want.


Good luck.

#3 Posted : Sunday, May 27, 2018 3:26:08 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: sumigo Go to Quoted Post

To get a match on Dicktator with that character its going to take more work, you will need to use the Shell Choose Color fuction in the Dicktator material section. You will first slect the human color for the shell that looks closest to what you want then with the geo shell selected double click the color pallette and adjust the color (this will take trial and error) until you get it how you want.


Good luck.



really... Guess there is a hell of a lot more to using the thing than following the directions in the  content folders... time to dig out the tutorial and read that I guess... I just figured there had to be something wrong with it when it changed so drastically from  the green after I used the texture match, to the pasty white guy dick after loading the shell...

#4 Posted : Sunday, May 27, 2018 3:59:05 PM(UTC)

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If you have Photoshop or GIMP or something like that, you might try altering the hue of the dick texture to something more green, then loading it manually. Also try playing with the translucency levels in the surface tab, turning it down can make a drastic difference. Dicktator and Futalicious work great on human skin, but you'll need to get creative for anything else. All it takes is time. :)

#5 Posted : Sunday, May 27, 2018 4:43:21 PM(UTC)

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#6 Posted : Sunday, May 27, 2018 5:22:24 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Meipe Go to Quoted Post
There will be an add-on for monster skins, they are tricky because of color and heavy bumps, so they will deserve a good set of options. In the meantime, I recommend following sumigo and matt's instructions.

Thanks' I will, I will likely be asking a lot of questions though, because I just bought it  I think two days ago.  I got Dicktator futaliciousroasty and the texture wizard... because I have some plans I need to get to work on. (I think I got all the names right lol)

#7 Posted : Sunday, May 27, 2018 6:13:55 PM(UTC)

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Well I have tried to add even one material to experiment to see if I could find something I could work with, but once that texture is on the dick it refuses to be removed, even when I try toadd textures that come in texture wizard. I can't seem to change the texture at all, and yes I am following the directions that are given by the hits object in the library.

#8 Posted : Monday, May 28, 2018 3:51:05 PM(UTC)

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#9 Posted : Monday, May 28, 2018 9:35:11 PM(UTC)

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Well I bought the dicktator for m8 because the one for m7 has the best uncut morphs I have seen, and an ass for m8 that can really open is worth it. But I also bought texture wizard because I wanted to use my m4 textures. But I don't use iray for the m4 and I thought it can't be that hard to just switch the textures to 3dl once everything is converted. That is what I usually do, but boy was I wrong. I mean, I am starting to get it to work, but I don't know how I did it. THe problem is that the shaft and balls will look great, but where the shaft meets the base of the dick (surfaces torso front and torso middle) you can often see a line. part of it is my m4 displacements which I am having to adjust. If I can get it to work, great, but man it is work. And I hope it won't be this tough if I want to use the m8 gens in 3dl.

If there is information in the tutorial about what textures affect what, let me know. The good news is that if my figure has textures that are 3dl then the scripts copy that. But the shell is preset for iray. I suppose I could convert that to 3dl first then run the copy scripts?

I can make this work, I know it. And yes, for those who just use iray, this is probably really great. So apologies in advance if I end up with more questions.
#10 Posted : Tuesday, May 29, 2018 12:56:41 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: choppski Go to Quoted Post
THe problem is that the shaft and balls will look great, but where the shaft meets the base of the dick (surfaces torso front and torso middle) you can often see a line. part of it is my m4 displacements which I am having to adjust.

Can you post a picture of the problem?

Originally Posted by: c hoppski Go to Quoted Post
I want to use the m8 gens in 3dl.

(...)The good news is that if my figure has textures that are 3dl then the scripts copy that. But the shell is preset for iray. I suppose I could convert that to 3dl first then run the copy scripts?

I'm not sure I understand you... you want to fully convert the M8 shell IRAY preset to 3DL or set a M8 preset of your own using the script? In the second case:

1- load a Dicktator 3dl preset from Dicktator v3/1_3dl v3 folder (it will be used for the anus)

2- From the Texture wizard 2_Genesis UV set/G8M Tools folder load the G8M ghost gen, and a 3Delight M8 texture on it

3- Execute the script. It will copy 3DL M8 textures on all surfaces except in the anus area

If you want to keep to 3DL, the vein displacements will have to be loaded manually from the Runtime\Textures\Meipex\M_Dicktalicious\Genitalia_v3\G8M\Displacement folder.


Originally Posted by: c hoppski Go to Quoted Post

If there is information in the tutorial about what textures affect what, let me know.

I kept everything on one texture set, that is applied on all surfaces (for each of the 3 UVs). You can change the settings on each surface to get a custom look on every area.

If you import M4 or G8M textures they will be applied on the Glans, Shaft, Testicles, Torso Front and Torso Middle surfaces. For the Rectum and Torso_Back, you'll have to use one of my textures from the Genesis or M4 UV sets.

The Torso surfaces is where the blending happens (Back for the Rectum, Middle for the Testicles, Front for the Shaft), you need the trasparency maps there.

Shaft, Testicles and Glans areas are separated in order to allow using different displacement sets and amounts.

#11 Posted : Tuesday, May 29, 2018 8:44:19 AM(UTC)

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If I can point something out that may help others. If you have the Texture Wizard expansion and you're NOT using displacement maps, you can forgo the shell entirely and just manually load the textures onto Dicktator itself. Or what I do is load up the gen that the material was designed for originally, load the genital material preset onto the original gen, and the copy/paste material settings onto Dicktator's surfaces. You'll have to adjust Dicktator's UV to match the source material's UV. That won't paste correctly.

The "only" thing this will not work with is Meipe's displacement maps, he uses the shell and an opacity map at the hips to get the displacement maps to work only on the genitals and not on the hip where you would see a huge disconnect between the seams of dicktator and the figure. Meipe, you may want to redo those displacement maps so instead of black as the neutral color, it has 50% gray. That would fix that.

But again (and this helped me out immensely) if you don't need Meipe's displacement map, you don't need to use the shell.
#12 Posted : Tuesday, May 29, 2018 1:24:05 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: SnarltheWerewolf Go to Quoted Post
If I can point something out that may help others. If you have the Texture Wizard expansion and you're NOT using displacement maps, you can forgo the shell entirely and just manually load the textures onto Dicktator itself. Or what I do is load up the gen that the material was designed for originally, load the genital material preset onto the original gen, and the copy/paste material settings onto Dicktator's surfaces. You'll have to adjust Dicktator's UV to match the source material's UV. That won't paste correctly.

The "only" thing this will not work with is Meipe's displacement maps, he uses the shell and an opacity map at the hips to get the displacement maps to work only on the genitals and not on the hip where you would see a huge disconnect between the seams of dicktator and the figure. Meipe, you may want to redo those displacement maps so instead of black as the neutral color, it has 50% gray. That would fix that.

But again (and this helped me out immensely) if you don't need Meipe's displacement map, you don't need to use the shell.

I will play with it some more, but I tried loading my m4 textures just to the dicktator. It worked in that the dick portion looked great, but the part that connects to the body and the rectum did not. At least with m4. I imagine for an M8 or m7 it would work fine.

I wonder though, if the issue I was having is that my m4 dick textures have displacements I created, and if I am applying that to the part connecting to the body that likely created the seam.

I also think I was not using texture wizard but the tools under G8m anatomy. I suspect that also might have been an issue.

#13 Posted : Tuesday, May 29, 2018 1:33:42 PM(UTC)

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I kept everything on one texture set, that is applied on all surfaces (for each of the 3 UVs). You can change the settings on each surface to get a custom look on every area.

If you import M4 or G8M textures they will be applied on the Glans, Shaft, Testicles, Torso Front and Torso Middle surfaces. For the Rectum and Torso_Back, you'll have to use one of my textures from the Genesis or M4 UV sets.

The Torso surfaces is where the blending happens (Back for the Rectum, Middle for the Testicles, Front for the Shaft), you need the trasparency maps there.

Shaft, Testicles and Glans areas are separated in order to allow using different displacement sets and amounts.

Thanks for the entire reply, but THIS last part helps a lot. I also know now that I was not using the wizard. I was just using the tools under M8 Anatomy.

BTW the flaccid foreskin on this dick is great. If there were any way to get wrinkles that would be awesome, but I cannot figure out how. not sure how a dformer morph would work or how displacement maps would. But that's a quibble given all of the options.

#14 Posted : Tuesday, May 29, 2018 6:16:25 PM(UTC)

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Hey Choppski,

I should have mentioned that I was doing mine with g3m uv and textures. You are correct about the anus area not taking the textures. I should have mentioned that.

In all candor I kinda forgot because I tried Dicktator after the Texture wizard came out, was happy with the textures matching, but after playing around with Dicktator I just decided it's too limited and cartoony for my needs :-/ I then started real buckling down and trying to figure out how to make TAB work on my custom figures (I could write a book on how to debone that thing like a fish at this point)


I really want to use Dicktator. You make great products and you're also a really good vendor who supports his products. I cannot thank you enough for that. I would hold you up as a shining example of a great vendor versus say the guy who made TAB who doesn't respond to forum posts or even e-mails :-/ I love nothing more than supporting vendors like you with my $$. And I've bought both your centaur gens, dicktator and the texture wizard.

That being said, Dicktator is just too cartoony and flat to use as a realistic penis. I've thrown everything at it and and the end it basically looks like a shiny plastic dildo on my characters :-( While it does have double the polys of the default g3/8m gens, there's not enough polys in the shaft to do any type of hand made morphs for veins or other details. Since this product isn't on daz, it cannot have HD morphs. And to Choppski's earlier point about the foreskin, I agree. I find the foreskin rolls are way too big and there's too few of them. Again, I think it's a great prop if you're doing more toonish renders, It's just not working for me for more realistic renders.

I would love it if you made a more hi rez version. You don't need the 27K of TAB (though I wouldn't say "no"), but even bumping it up to 10K and putting more polys in the shaft/foreskin/head would give us more room to work on it.

Please don't take this as a slam, because you're a great artist/vendor and make great and unique products that a lot of people love. I'm just discussing the shortcomings I see with Dicktator for my uses.


#15 Posted : Tuesday, May 29, 2018 10:40:49 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: SnarltheWerewolf Go to Quoted Post
Hey Choppski,

I should have mentioned that I was doing mine with g3m uv and textures. You are correct about the anus area not taking the textures. I should have mentioned that.

In all candor I kinda forgot because I tried Dicktator after the Texture wizard came out, was happy with the textures matching, but after playing around with Dicktator I just decided it's too limited and cartoony for my needs :-/ I then started real buckling down and trying to figure out how to make TAB work on my custom figures (I could write a book on how to debone that thing like a fish at this point)l

Snarl, I mostly use TAB and for using my M4 textures I will likely continue (though I hate the full foreskin morphs). The balls on TAB are the best anywhere IMHO. However, one thing I like about this one, in addition to a more realistic foreskin, is that the displacement maps can be used to create veins on the matching skin surfaces. I tried with tab to match the veins, but they are morphs, so you have to sort of wing it until you get it right. i think I made 12 vein textures once just to match the D vein on it. I kind of like veins that look like they have blood in them. In any case, I also LOVE the anus on the dicktator. So if I could have the nuts from the one and the anus and displacements from the other, I would be a happy camper. LOL. Can never hurt to have several dick options.


#16 Posted : Wednesday, May 30, 2018 2:24:53 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: SnarltheWerewolf Go to Quoted Post

there's not enough polys in the shaft to do any type of hand made morphs for veins or other details. Since this product isn't on daz, it cannot have HD morphs. (...)

I would love it if you made a more hi rez version. You don't need the 27K of TAB (though I wouldn't say "no"), but even bumping it up to 10K and putting more polys in the shaft/foreskin/head would give us more room to work on it.

As you know, there is a logic in 3D sculpting (Zbrush, etc): you start with low-poly and define the general shape, then subdivide and add detail, etc. If you skip this workflow and start with high-poly, the general shape is much more difficult to control. I decided to keep to low-poly because I need easy control... not only for the actual content, but for many other morphs I have under cisels now, that would be hard to achieve with an highly-subdivided mesh.

So yes, I rely on displacement now... and I am aware of the limitations, especialy on the foreskin that would deserve more sculpting. I was planning to test a HD version of Dicktator with all morphs of the low-poly DCK transfering to it. As we can't rely on HD morphs, it's quite a hack ( my favourite ;) ), but as I'm not sure of the result I can't promise it for the moment.



#17 Posted : Wednesday, May 30, 2018 2:28:21 AM(UTC)

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#18 Posted : Wednesday, May 30, 2018 8:12:48 AM(UTC)

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I would definitely open both my arms and walltet for something with say 10K polys + and detailing options. Better foreskin, something to adjust the shape of the frenulum when the foreskin is up all the way (on bigger dicks that area really blows up and it looks unnatural).

I noticed you put a lot of polys into the internal anus. I wouldn't mind more morphs in general for the anus, like doing location adjustments. If you look at poison's last morphs for g3m, he has a ton of option for making adjustments to the anus.

Thank you, as always, for being open to suggestions and thoughts :-)
#19 Posted : Thursday, May 31, 2018 4:55:09 AM(UTC)

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#20 Posted : Thursday, May 31, 2018 6:16:47 AM(UTC)

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Thanks Meipe :-)
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