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#1 Posted : Wednesday, November 6, 2013 1:18:58 AM(UTC)

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As the new community manager for Rendeotica, one of the things I will be starting up is more contests for all of our members to participate in.

As I get myself acclimated to the forums I want to come to YOU and ask...

What sorts of contest would you like to see in the future?

What kinds of prizes would you like to see?

If you are a vendor what types of prizes would you might like to donate to future contests?

Speak up!  This is YOUR Community and this is your chance to add your two cents ;)

Stay Tooned!

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#2 Posted : Wednesday, November 6, 2013 2:59:47 AM(UTC)

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From my point of view, this community needs some life injected back into it:

1) Lots of smaller competitions with just kudos as a prize (or a few points that don't expire at the end of the month?).

2) Maybe someone can either donate an object or room etc, and people have to come up with ANYTHING for that prop or room. If the item isn't donated, there are countless free items on *deleted* (Also if you can bring back the freebie forum here, there would be lots more).

3) Description competition. You describe a scene, and let everyone model that scene. Personally I'd like to see 30 different versions of the same thing from 30 different viewpoints. My renders would always be quite litteral because that's how my mind works (pedantic), but I'm sure many of the people here would put their own twist.

4) Random word generator. Throw 2 or 3 random words together and force people to be creative. "Lesbian, Blue, Pancake"  Is that going to be a couple of girels covered in blueberry pancake syrup? Is it two girls putting on blue makeup? Is it a lesbian pancake?   "Chair, Cloud, Rifle"  etc etc. Obviously I'd like every one to be "Lesbian, Suspension, Whip"

5) Similar to #2, but just say "Using any chair prop, what is the most erotic image you can do without showing a nipple, vagina, cock, etc".  OK so that one is a bit vague.

6) Recreating a famous film scene? Or famous picture? I'd like to see everyone try to recreate an image from google images etc. It wouldn't be very creative, but might be interesting to see everyone working on the same thing but in their own style.

Regarding prizes: For the halloween contest, I think I had all the prizes allready, but that wouldn't have stopped me from entering. I didn't enter because I just wasn't feeling Poser at the time. The problem with offering prizes from the catalog is that everyone has different tastes. Would a voucher/coupon/gift certificate from the catalog be better? For smaller competitions, is just kudos enough? They get on the front page of Renderotica and draw people to their work. Or a few points that don't expire at the end of the month.

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thanks 1 user thanked Floor13 for this useful post.
lalverson on 5/19/2015(UTC)
#3 Posted : Wednesday, November 6, 2013 3:19:13 AM(UTC)

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Ok, note to self,  we need to add a "LOVE" button next to the "LIKE" button  but for now ya deff got a like from me.

I agree 1,000,000,000,000% that there needs to be more life on the forums,  which is one of the reasons I am here ;)

as for your contest ideas, I LOVE THEM!  and those were exactly the types of things I was looking / hoping for.

Seasonal contests are great and all,  but let's face it... been there done that right?

Prizes, I'm wondering if maybe points would work better then catalog items,  and MAYBE if I can figure out a way to have it work without making too much more work for EhJay and Co.  take an average price from the catalog and award that in points,  the winner picks out the item they want from the catalog and the points are removed and the item is put into their account.

I'd need to look into this since at the moment you can only use points for half your purchase correct?

But, LOVE these ideas for sure!  and everyone else reading this...   LET'S HEAR YOUR IDEAS!!

Stay Tooned...
#4 Posted : Wednesday, November 6, 2013 12:00:34 PM(UTC)

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I'd like to see a little (read:LOT) more variety in the prizes.  It's one of the reasons I don't participate in many contests.  Contest prizes are typically pose sets for Victoria, leather wear for Victoria, genital props for Victoria, underwear for Victoria, fetish boots for Victoria, etc..

I'm gay.  I hardly use female figures, and when I do it's often in a G rated setting..  I don't have much need, if any, for those prizes.  I've heard the same from other gay artists and I myself have actually encouraged them to participate if only for the creative challenge and to be social.

A gift certificate to the store might be nice.  Or how about having a vendor design a clothing item for the male figure of your choice.  Or how about doing a PG rated cover image (so as not to offend sensitive eyes)  to be used on the site for a month or two.
#5 Posted : Wednesday, November 6, 2013 1:19:53 PM(UTC)

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4-5 Vendors supply items for free, as promotional freebies (This is where you come in, contacting people from *deleted* to fill the gaps of people that just don't contact you out of the blue to supply items. This might also increase vendors that participate on the site to sell goods). Those vendors get some added love to the promo blasts sent out (vendors need love too), or premium for a month, something to let them know their items are appreciated... These items can be anything from pose injections with a pose (for a free figure), back drops, clothing, full 3rd party figures, furniture,  plants, etc... sky is the limit.

1 Person, ie. 3dLoki, or someone else on the renderotica staff, or a volunteer, puts those items together in a scene file.

That scene and items (complete with their runtimes and readmes etc...) is distributed in a link by the site, available for free, for contestents to render.

Nothing in the scene can be moved. Only the point of view, lighting (if the freebie is a light set then we say no to editing lights), render engine, settings, materials, and post work is allowed (optinal if you want to include, must state if yes or no).

This type of contest can be Themed (sci-fi, horror, X-mas, etc...) , random (here is v-4 with a pose and a jug of milk, etc...), and very versitile, and the totally different points of view, materials, lighting, and render engines (firefly, octane, lux, mental ray, v-ray, etc...) will supply tons of different results, while keeping it "fair" for people with smaller runtimes. This keeps it "free to play" not "pay to win"

At the end of each contest a winner will be selected, upon which they might get the "PRIZE", another item supplied by vendor donation, points for permium, a 50% coupon that the site "eats" or straight up credit in the store .....dealers choice....

The winner then writes a very small Q&A on what they did, how they did it, settings, etc... so people on the site can learn their rendering techniques and work flow to get a great looking image. This would be required to obtain the final winning prize.

People get freebies, the vendors get promoted, winners get premium goods, the site gets traffic. WIN WIN. Maybe there could be a section where people are encouraged to post wips as well........

Just a thought. I could probably come up with something else later............
#6 Posted : Wednesday, November 6, 2013 9:01:50 PM(UTC)

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ManOfSteel wrote:
I'd like to see a little (read:LOT) more variety in the prizes.  It's one of the reasons I don't participate in many contests.......

No arguments here from me,  this is actually something I'm looking intopretty heavy,  a wider range of prizes, and not just the typical "this, this and that only"  cause as you said, if you have no use for the prizes OR if you already own them why enter the contest.

I'm also looking to add more diverse types of contests so we are not excluding any of our members,  so instead of just "make an image"  maybe we have contests like "the best tutorial on _____"  or "best short story"   or "best caption"  etc etc

#7 Posted : Wednesday, November 6, 2013 9:03:54 PM(UTC)

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Darkseal wrote:

4-5 Vendors supply items for free, as promotional freebies ...........

Great stuff Dark,  and much of it is laid out / on my to do list :)

I do love the idea of everyone getting the same package and see what they can do with it,  I think that might produce some very interesting results for sure!

If you come up with more deff pop them here!


#8 Posted : Thursday, November 7, 2013 2:35:47 PM(UTC)

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Floor13 those are all great ideas! And ManofSteel makes a valid point. The prizes offered have never been an incentive for my participation, it's always the opportunity for a new  creative challenge that gets my attention.
Some of us are just trying to get through the day without breaking something.
#9 Posted : Thursday, November 7, 2013 2:42:27 PM(UTC)

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As for more life on the Forums, two things would help a lot. One, make them easier to get to. It takes four clicks just to get to the table of contents. I should be able to get to a good table of contents in one click.  Two, the bold white text on very dark gray is so contrasty, so obnoxious, that I can't stand reading. At least give us the option to have a readable page.

I'll think about your contest questions and try to reply soon.

Thanks for asking.
#10 Posted : Thursday, November 7, 2013 2:55:14 PM(UTC)

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Mat wrote:
As for more life on the Forums, two things would help a lot. One, make them easier to get to. It takes four clicks just to get to the table of contents. I should be able to get to a good table of contents in one click.  Two, the bold white text on very dark gray is so contrasty, so obnoxious, that I can't stand reading. At least give us the option to have a readable page.

I'll think about your contest questions and try to reply soon.

Thanks for asking.

Not sure how you're getting to the forums, but it's 2 clicks for me, and the 1st click gets me to the hottest / newest threads.

you could always just goto the main forum page,  and bookmark it,  then just click the bookmark for a 1 click entry to the forums

#11 Posted : Saturday, November 9, 2013 2:07:03 PM(UTC)

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teronsuke wrote:
Mat wrote:
As for more life on the Forums, two things would help a lot. One, make them easier to get to. It takes four clicks just to get to the table of contents. I should be able to get to a good table of contents in one click.  Two, the bold white text on very dark gray is so contrasty, so obnoxious, that I can't stand reading. At least give us the option to have a readable page.

I'll think about your contest questions and try to reply soon.

Thanks for asking.

Not sure how you're getting to the forums, but it's 2 clicks for me, and the 1st click gets me to the hottest / newest threads.

you could always just goto the main forum page,  and bookmark it,  then just click the bookmark for a 1 click entry to the forums


I think you're right, it just feels like four clicks. My bookmark is to the Gallery, which is my main interest. Then I click on Community, then Forums, then the Forum I'm interested in. Now I have a ToC and can pick a post. Besides the clicks there's some scrolling. And some clicks to get past the first page.  Maybe there's a quicker way.
#12 Posted : Wednesday, November 13, 2013 10:52:44 AM(UTC)

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I don't see an issue with the number of clicks.... I get to the site, click the discussion tab to see new posts and click View All.... thats 2. If you feel like it's too man you could make a bookmark. Once you do, you start to type in the name "renderotica" and in your url bar it will give you your bookmark. If you name your bookmark, something like "renderotica forum" you could type in the url "forum" and that would be the bookmark that pops in your url... then you would have no clicks....


Again, I would distribute a scene file, with a FIXED Camera, ie the one you must render from. The contest would revolve around making lights only and rendering the scene...

that's all for now >_<
#13 Posted : Wednesday, November 13, 2013 11:19:06 AM(UTC)

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Darkseal wrote:
I don't see an issue with the number of clicks.... I get to the site, click the discussion tab to see new posts and click View All.... thats 2. If you feel like it's too man you could make a bookmark. Once you do, you start to type in the name "renderotica" and in your url bar it will give you your bookmark. If you name your bookmark, something like "renderotica forum" you could type in the url "forum" and that would be the bookmark that pops in your url... then you would have no clicks....

I count that as three, and that doesn't drill down to access to posts, but it doesn't really matter: the thing is you have to have some reason to go there. I doubt that I'm alone in that my main interest here is in the pictures. So I have a bookmark to the Gallery. I don't mind taking part in discussions of all kinds, but I'm not likely to seek them out unless I have a particular issue or I'm made aware of an issue. So it might well be that a contest is over before I'm even aware of it. One possible solution it to put a notice of special events (with a useful link) at the top of all main pages.

I think I'd also prefer have all the entries available for viewing at one time.

I'd probably be more interested in contests if I had a vote.

#14 Posted : Wednesday, November 13, 2013 12:51:45 PM(UTC)

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Mat wrote:

I'd probably be more interested in contests if I had a vote.

Mat,  can you explain this a bit more please :)


#15 Posted : Wednesday, November 13, 2013 12:58:33 PM(UTC)

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teronsuke wrote:
Mat wrote:

I'd probably be more interested in contests if I had a vote.

Mat,  can you explain this a bit more please :)


If all the entries were available at one time in one place, members could vote for their favorites. Perhaps the voting would occur over a period of a few days. Perhaps in the intiial selection each member could pick three favorites. The ten pictures getting the most votes would be the finalists, and the members could now vote for the grand winner.  I think that kind of think would lead to more involvement.
#16 Posted : Thursday, November 14, 2013 11:23:43 AM(UTC)

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I agree ^

There needs to be a voting system to detrmin winners. ALSO, very important.... They need to go from left to right, or get randomized on the page. I see (on another popular art site) people tend to vote #1 for top position, #2 for the second from the top, etc... sometimes people "vote" but don't look at the bottom most posts.....
#17 Posted : Thursday, November 14, 2013 4:33:01 PM(UTC)

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I COULD get behind something like a user voting system IF and ONLY if the voting was totally blind...

Meaning that no one knows who made which piece and artists could not tell which is their's.

This would/could keep the votes pure and not turn contests into 'popularity contests' or 'whichever artist gets the most friends to vote wins'

I do believe this is why voting is done the way it is now ;)

#18 Posted : Thursday, November 14, 2013 10:11:10 PM(UTC)

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I don't think that would always work.  For instance, I can tell just from the thumbnails which image is made by Choppski, ProfessorRedBottom, Hellboy, Nemain, Rubbermat (usually), and probably a couple of others.

And let's see......if you see a signatureless image featuring a huge, handsome, hairy-chested bodybuilder with black hair and blue eyes......gee, I wonder who did that?
#19 Posted : Friday, November 15, 2013 1:20:56 PM(UTC)

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I agree, no names. Maybe voting is locked for people who submitted? (if that is possible on this site).
#20 Posted : Friday, November 15, 2013 1:35:01 PM(UTC)

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Darkseal wrote:
I agree, no names. Maybe voting is locked for people who submitted? (if that is possible on this site).

I'm running a mini contest now: THREAD HERE  that will run as your normal contests have run in the past AND also use it as a test run for a community vote...

1st - 3rd place will be picked by a team of super secret judges held up in an undisclosed location monitored by armed guards and rabid attack dogs with kille rbee's in their mouths.....  ok so no dogs lol.

Those judges will also pick the top 10 images and tose 10 will be brought to the community to vote on.  the image out of those 10 that get the most votes will be the community choice winner.

This will be a mini test run of community voting, and will either run nice and smooth OR make me tear some of my lovely locks out of my head (I pray it's NOT the later)


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