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#1 Posted : Friday, March 31, 2023 8:48:31 AM(UTC)

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I've just started learning Daz Studio to make some renders just for the fun of it.

The only figures I have is the set "Young Teens 5 Julie and Justin". I need (of course) to add private parts. I looked in the Renderotica catalog, but I'm not sure what product will work.

Please help me!

#2 Posted : Friday, March 31, 2023 10:44:21 AM(UTC)

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I like Dictator and New gens for G8. If you want extreme morphs for Female genitals try Advanced Pussy, They are pretty easy to use and give good results
#3 Posted : Friday, March 31, 2023 11:29:04 AM(UTC)

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Hi gildeviant,

when buying "private parts" you need to be sure that they fit your models. Zeppelin's advice is good and also what I would have suggested - but I am not sure if these products would fit.

"Young Teens 5 Julie and Justin" are - as far as I know - no G8 / G8.1 or G9 models. Therefore, it might be difficult to get these special parts for the models.You should also keep in mind that you would never be allowed to upload pictures with these figures (showing "private parts") to the gallery.
#4 Posted : Friday, March 31, 2023 12:03:33 PM(UTC)

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gildeviant ,

You can get both G3 and G8 base figures for free at Daz. My personal preferences are Dicktator for male gens and New Gens for female. These both have G3 and G8 versions available for purchase. There are also other options available in the Marketplace here that may suit your needs.

#5 Posted : Friday, March 31, 2023 7:21:25 PM(UTC)

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Young Teen Julie 5 and Justen 5 are for the original Genesis figure. The store does have gens for these figures, but hardly anyone uses the original Genesis anymore. You should have the base figures for each version of Genesis: Genesis, G2F/G2M, G3F/G3M, G8F/G8M including the G8.1 versions, and now G9, which has gone back to being a single figure again like the original Genesis instead of being split into male and female figures. Keep in mind that there is no G4, G5, G6, or G7 -- DAZ jumped straight from G3 to G8, so you're not missing anything there.

For anything before Genesis 9, you would need to buy one of the Pro versions of a figure to get that figure's gens -- G9's gens are sold in one of the accessory sets, I believe. The base DAZ gens are functional but very limited -- they basically just keep your nudes from looking like Barbie and Ken dolls. You can buy add-ons to enhance the base gens, or you can buy entirely custom-built gens with all sorts of options.

Figure out which generation of figure you plan to work most with before you start buying assets, then you can focus your purchases towards supporting that generation. You can always buy stuff for different generations later if you feel like it.

Keep in mind, tho', that this can become an expensive hobby. An individual item may be fairly inexpensive, but to flesh out an entire scene can cost a couple hundred dollars for figures, characters, sets, hair, clothes, poses, lights, props, etc. Always try to buy stuff when it's discounted. I have paid full price for an item or two I simply had to have right this moment, but that's rare. Everything goes on sale eventually.

Hope that helps...
#6 Posted : Saturday, April 1, 2023 4:57:56 PM(UTC)

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Thank you very much for all the quick answers, that's a lot of useful information!
I have the base figures for all versions except G9. I suppose the newer versions are the best to work with?
#7 Posted : Saturday, April 1, 2023 9:53:13 PM(UTC)

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This is only my opinion - so certainly not universal:

I like to work with G8.1 models because some of them have a nice skin texture (at least compared to the standard G8 skin, which always looks a bit plastic).There are also lots of clothes, props, poses and other stuff for G8 / G8.1 - and it is possible to switch between G3 and G8 with freely available scripts.

I don't like G9, because these characters turn even a fast PC into a sluggish one. So I always curse when I have to create G9 promos and can barely create a good facial expression or pose because of the delays.

As I said, this is just my opinion. Others may have additional or even controversial advice.
#8 Posted : Sunday, April 2, 2023 1:50:58 AM(UTC)

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I've loaded a G8.1 figure in Daz Studio.
I've tried hair, clothes and poses. Most don't work.
Are those items specific to only one generation of figure?
#9 Posted : Sunday, April 2, 2023 2:18:16 AM(UTC)

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The mesh of G8 and G8.1 is identical. The biggest difference is the handling of the textures - but that is not important for now. I.e. you can use G8 clothes, hair etc. also for G8.1.

To use G3 Clothes/Hair/whatever with G8, it needs to be converted - as far as I know. Try a search like "daz 3d clothes g3 g8" to get some tips or even a free script.

As Katsuyaki said (see above), you can't do a lot if you only have the basic model.

Even poses might not work if the required additional features (which then have to be purchased) are not available.
#10 Posted : Sunday, April 2, 2023 2:28:16 AM(UTC)

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most of those where created for specific genesis figures. Daz has an automatic system which tries to adapt these to other (newer) figures. Sometimes this works great, other times not.
Make sure you have the figure (genesis xyz, not head or hand or something) selected before applying clothes.

I have a lot of assets for g8 and g8.1 and there are really good characters with impressive textures ready to buy. But if you're just starting I'd recommend this:

Load the G9 figures from Daz (they are free, just load them over that Daz content installer thing (the newer one, not the old one) . You get the G9 figure and 4 male and 4 female textures for free. With that you can experiment.

Then dictator 9 and as soon as it's out Golden palace G9. If you like big tits, meipes breastacular.

You can download a lot of free stuff from deviantart - most for g8, but a few G9 freebies are also available.

G9 is relatively new - so the content is a bit limited at the moment.

Why G9 and not g8?
1. You don't own a lot of g8 and G9 is the future. There will always be new content for g8, but at some point G9 will surpass ist.
2. Uniform figure! That's the most important point. With g8 you have to buy stuff for g8 male and g8 female. You can try to convert the items - but this is tedious and not always successful. With an uniform figure you simply buy hair x and use that one for male and females. Or you use dictator on a female base figure or dictator with breastacular on an androgynous figure or...

Just my 2cent ramblings.
Greetings and happy rendering :)
#11 Posted : Sunday, April 2, 2023 10:17:07 AM(UTC)

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Most of what you said is correct - but you forgot to mention a small - or not so small - problem: you need a Quantum computer (and the people who program DAZ for that Quantum computer) to use G9.

OK - is maybe exaggerated (a bit) ... but as I said above: even with a reasonably fast PC on which G8 handles well, working with G9 becomes a pain ... especially if you don't want to use only prefabricated poses and facial expressions, but want to control everything on the basis of your own intention.

The main specs of my PC are:

Nvidia GeForce GTX 3080
Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10900K CPU @ 3.70GHz

.... and it's just terrible to use G9 ... and it gets worse with every additional G9 model you add to the scene.

I.e. even if G9 is the future (I'm not quite sure about that), you have to keep in mind that you not only have to buy clothes, hair, etc. .... but also always the latest hardware in order not to despair with more ambitious ideas / scenes.
#12 Posted : Sunday, April 2, 2023 1:10:22 PM(UTC)

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Thanks for this useful information!
I've loaded a G9 actor on my computer and it works, but I made only basic tasks on it.
For genitals, I've found "Dicktator for Genesis 9" by "Meipe", I suppose it's the right product to get?
I also found "Male Genitals for Genesis 9" by "kaluma", does it work?
#13 Posted : Sunday, April 2, 2023 3:38:02 PM(UTC)

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They both work well, the Kaluma gens are probably simpler to work with initially but the Dicktator gens offer greater versatility and authenticity, IMO, once you master the controls and options.

I'm just here by mistake, for a friend, for science... anyway you can't prove nuffin'.
#14 Posted : Sunday, April 2, 2023 5:22:43 PM(UTC)

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I've never noticed any slow down in the viewport when posing G9 figures. That said, I always set the scene sub-d to 1 and up the render sub-d to what ever I'll need. Posing figures with a high viewport sub-d is a pain.

My main hesitation against switching to G9 (aside from the utter crap-ton of G8 content that I own) is the unsatisfactory bending behavior. Until this is fixed, or at least patched with vendor products, G9 has limited utility for me.

#15 Posted : Monday, April 3, 2023 3:51:17 AM(UTC)

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All your information is much useful to me.
OK, I've decided to play with G9 figures.
I've installed "Dicktator for Genesis 9" by "Meipe", maybe I did it wrong, because I can't use it.
I've loaded a G9 actor but when I select it I can't find anything like "Dicktator" in the "Anatomy" section.
#16 Posted : Monday, April 3, 2023 4:28:57 AM(UTC)

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I finally found it in the "Content library" menu!
I'm not yet used to all the menus and panes of Daz Studio... Not very clear to me!
#17 Posted : Monday, April 3, 2023 6:00:28 PM(UTC)

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It's a learning curve but stick with it.
I'm just here by mistake, for a friend, for science... anyway you can't prove nuffin'.
#18 Posted : Monday, April 3, 2023 8:52:51 PM(UTC)

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Look up WPGuru on YouTube. He has a ton of tutorials. He's kind of folksy and frequently can drift off topic, but will help you figure out DS. Every 3D software has its own way of doing things, and DS is no exception.

#19 Posted : Wednesday, April 5, 2023 4:57:54 AM(UTC)

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Interesting comments but you guys overlook one very important detail, probably the most important one of them all...

When it comes to erotics it doesn't really matter too much what figure(s) you use, as long as you can arouse those erotic vibes. I mean.. people still enjoy erotic comics to this very day, and when we're talking about a source of rather explicit stuff, Japan, then we're also talking Manga. Many comics aren't even filled out, merely drawn out. And yet it gets people excited and interested.

Genesis, first gen is still as hot as it was 8 years ago. Or can be. Many (not all) of my renders focus around G1 and I managed to gain a decent bit of attention. 

And if you think G1 is hot you're going to love G8. More detail, more control and... easier on your wallet.

This hobby is an expensive one. You definitely want to keep your eyes peeled for sales and such, but why stop there? As people mentioned above: G9 is "modern". As a result assets for G8 and earlier generations are priced much lower. Oh, did you know that you can easily apply clothes and such for G1 onto newer Genesis generations? I more than often use G1/G3 assets with my G8 figures.

When G8 and G9 got released I had a field day with G1 assets ;)  When G9 came out I managed to snatch up a lot of G8 assets which got heavily discounted. But at the same time...  it's also interesting to see how more than often G8 assets still sell full price. I'm not too sure that the acceptance of G9 is going as strongly as Daz Studio had visioned it. I'm not touching it, and many people I know feel the same.

And as for those old assets that don't work properly with modern standards? Think 3Delight vs. Iray? => Substance Painter. Optionally with Substance Designer, both available for purchase on Steam. Its "easy" (sorta) to re-texture stuff. 

The thing is: don't start using something because it's "the norm" and "the future", those are shallow arguments. Use something because you think you can get results with it. And like I said: when you just stated you want to make sure to get the best deals. This hobby can be helluva expensive.

Just my 2 cents.

Oh...  for the record: there are no anatomy assets for the Daz Studio teen series, most definitely nothing official from Daz Studio themselves. That's a very tricky path right there, most people don't bother with that but focus on the regular figures. Even if they're all of legal age. But yah..  I definitely wouldn't limit myself to just G9. Get what works best for you.


In the mean time I looked into this since I also have the "Young Teens 5 Julie/Justin" bundle and I overlooked something. This can be done if you also have the "Genesis Female Anatomical Elements" product. The only problem: I have no idea how I got that, my assumption is that I bought a Pro bundle once which featured a Genesis model. Either Victoria 5 or Stephanie 5. But yeah, if you have that you'll also be able to apply those gens to Julie.

Edited by user Thursday, April 6, 2023 7:11:51 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Fixing a mistake!

thanks 1 user thanked ZenMaster3D for this useful post.
Firefly79 on 4/5/2023(UTC)
#20 Posted : Wednesday, April 19, 2023 7:52:11 AM(UTC)

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Thanks for all the information.
I'm trying to use Dicktator with a G9 figure. I followed the instructions to load Dicktator on the actor. It works but there is a big "bump"on the lower belly of the actor. Maybe I did something wrong?
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