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#1 Posted : Tuesday, March 19, 2024 2:35:17 AM(UTC)

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Hi all,

I bought these pose packs by screwt:

Damp 8 for V8.1 and M8.1 (SKU# 67595)
Damp 7 for V8.1 and M8.1 (SKU# 67509)

But have had absolutely no luck with them. I've tried selecting the model, the hip. I was using characters with custom morphs at first, so then as a control test I loaded a completely vanilla Victoria 8, limits off, Golden Palace installed, wearing the Daz bunny costume, in the Daz kitchen living scene, all exactly as used in the product promo, but nothing makes any difference. Every time I try to load a pose, I get this message: 

Error opening file
An error occurred while reading the file, see the log file for more details

The log file says: 
2024-03-19 07:17:05.957 [INFO] :: Begin asset load (merge): /People/Genesis 8 Female/Poses/screwt/Damp8/Bunny Girl/13 V8.1d.duf
2024-03-19 07:17:05.964 [INFO] :: Determining missing assets...
2024-03-19 07:17:05.973 [WARNING] :: Invalid hierarchy for selected node(s) and "preset_hierarchical_pose" type; no root(s) found.

screwt's instructions aren't the clearest in places:
1.Load the character into the scene, select Hip,choose limits off in pose tool,if you don't see pose tool, you can open it in the "Displays the Viewport Options menu",Genesis 8 Male Genitalia also need to set Limits off;
2.load Pose you wish from folder for characters;
3.The file type in this product is H.pose,these poses doesn't require simulation, H.pose will automatically load character poses and clothing Morphs,but sometimes there are errors, when there is an error, you can load the corresponding Zero file, these files are in the root directory of damp 7, and then reload the pose.
4.H.poses only Victoria 8.1,if you want to find it, please select the Clothing, parameter Tab---->Actor---->Damp8.

I really don't know what's going on. I've been using Daz for around 3 years almost daily, have hundreds of models, poses and scenes and this is a new one on me!

If anyone could give me some further hints or even better, explain clearly the process involved in getting screwt's poses to load, that would be fantastic!


#2 Posted : Wednesday, March 20, 2024 1:28:18 AM(UTC)

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Yeah, sounds like you got Screwt. J/K

I'd say check you are using Victoria 8.1.
... and turn all limits off.
I would test the default loaded in as Victoria 8.1.

Problem could be with Hierarchical Pose a bone label, or clothing bone label. So that Genesis 8.1 with Victoria Morph Dialed in wont be found because it look for specific text name on figure and then bones same for clothing and if it has a different outfit it might not be recognized.
This also could apply to any additional grafts, that would be changing the labeled bone structure hierarchy.
thanks 1 user thanked TheBitterGent for this useful post.
b0nny on 3/20/2024(UTC)
#3 Posted : Wednesday, March 20, 2024 2:21:05 AM(UTC)

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Hey TBG,

Thanks for your reply - much appreciated!

Funnily enough, I'd literally just this moment loaded a Victoria 8.1 to check whether these poses require V8.1 (contrary to all those reports that V8 or G8 should "just work" - except for expressions), as I'd woken this morning with the revelation that I really ought to try the exact model specified (even though the notes say G8 is also supported..!). XD

Aaaaaaaaaaaand of course the poses work perfectly with v8.1. She doesn't even need the clothing.

Which is unfortunate, as all the figures I'm working with are based on G8. It's not the end of the world though - I'll just run through the poses saving them as pose presets so I can use them with the G8 models. I just don't also get the benefit of screwt's built in clothing morphs... but they're easy enough to reproduce (and I'm sure I'll want to do my own anyway).

Thanks again for the helpful input!

#4 Posted : Friday, March 22, 2024 2:09:51 AM(UTC)

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Pretty sure the figures bone labels are the same with the exception of the figure label.

Cant say what the files look like.
However, there's a possibility you could duplicate the .dufs.
Then, if they are unencrypted (and you're comfortable trying it), edit them with a code editor.
Find and replace, or manually copy/pasta change, (if my assumptions are correct) just the Figure Name from "Victoria 8" where it appears, to "Genesis 8" to have it work for Genesis.

May still have the problem of direct use of H.Pose on G8 once grafts are added,
*BUT has the potential to save you time on the saving Pose Presets workflow with default figures. (Depending on your method of transfer).
Same for the clothing poses. (*additional adjustment depending on how said clothes follow G8)

Just food for thought.
thanks 1 user thanked TheBitterGent for this useful post.
b0nny on 3/22/2024(UTC)
#5 Posted : Friday, March 22, 2024 2:50:51 AM(UTC)

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Thank you for the follow-up thoughts BitterGent!

That sounds an interesting alternative way to approach it, and I'll definitely take a look into it - if only to learn a little more about how things work in Daz File World.

I set up a simple scene with floor plane and five 8.1 Victorias (I don't own Michael!), loaded each scenario in the series and saved the pose presets. It was quick and easy and because I approached it in a surprisingly well organised way for me, loading the poses into the scene with my G8 figures was a breeze. But still, it's more time consuming than simply loading the poses direct, so next I'll try the .duf editing.

Fortunately I can't permanently break anything... :)

Wish me luck, and thanks again!

EDIT: Well that didn't take long to test! And IT WORKS! Brilliant! 

I uncompressed one of screwt's .DUF files, did a search and replace of "Genesis8_1Female" for "Genesis8Female", saved and tested it on a G8. Lo and behold, it worked perfectly! 

EDIT EDIT: And it also worked absolutely perfectly on a G8 with Lickalicious and Golden Palace - and the clothing morphs load too. Awesome!

The process was made a little more long-winded due to 7-zip removing the .DUF suffix from every file while uncompressing them (as each file has 8.1 in its name so 7-zip assumed .1 was the suffix!). I reinstated the .DUF by a command line: 
for /f "tokens=*" %a in ('dir /b') do @ren "%a" "%a.duf"

With the files all renamed I batch opened them all in Notepad++, search-replaced "Genesis8_1Female" for "Genesis8Female" and... job done! 

Interestingly, while doing this I discovered that the Male files are Genesis 8 version agnostic, as they contain no specific reference to Genesis 8.1 and so work fine with a G8 male. If only screwt had followed this wisdom with the females too..!

So another Daz lesson learned... Once again, thank you TBG!

Edited by user Friday, March 22, 2024 4:27:16 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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