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#1 Posted : Saturday, March 13, 2021 7:56:09 PM(UTC)

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Ey everyone!

I know, I know..  there's already a (sticky) topic about this but with all due respect I think it's a bit outdated and there are better (and easier) ways to do it these days. Instead of "whining" on the thread I figured I'd share my own contribution, hopefully this can help some of you out as well.

So...  At the time of writing I'm enjoying a lot of nice Renderotica goodies and I wanted to share how I'm using these in my setup, hopefully this can also help some of you guys & gals out there.

The problem

By default there are 2 main locations where Daz Studio saves its stuff. First you have the main library; this is where all the stuff you may have bought on the Daz3D website get installed to. This is the library which we want to leave alone because... it only clutters things up if you add things manually in there, why bother?

The second library is usually in your home directory. This is where Daz Studio will save your own work to, so if you create scenes, sets or character presets and you save them then they end up here. Theoretically this can be a decent place for your naughty goodies but...  if you value your renders and your work you'll make backups. Why would you want to backup all the stuff you bought together with your own work? I like to keep those things separated in my backups, also because it makes it easier to retrieve things if I need to.

And of course... you may also want to keep your naughty goods hidden from plain sight (shhht) :-)

Fortunately there's a very easy way to do this thanks to the changes in the recent versions of Daz Studio.

Setting things up

Start by making a folder somewhere. You read that right: anywhere will do, though I do recommend not using system stuff like "program files" and such. In my example we'll be using "D:\media\Daz Renderotica", but of course you can use whatever you want. This will be the folder where you'll be extracting your Renderotica downloads to from now on, so make sure it's somewhat easily accessible ;)

Next, fire up Daz Studio, press F2 to open the 'Preferences' screen, select the 'Content' pane then click the "Content Directory Manager" button at the bottom:

I marked it for you above, hopefully that image is going to look better in the final post ;)

In the new screen you'll see several sections: "CMS Cluster Directory", "Daz Connect Data", "Poser Formats" and... "DAZ Studio Formats", that's the one we need. Click on it, optionally expand it by clicking on the arrow in front of it, and then click the "Add" button on the left, as shown here:

Now browse to your folder with the "Renderotica naughty bits" and select it. After you're done you should see it being mentioned like in the example above. Click 'Accept' and you're good to go! Congratulations, now your stuff is avaialble in Daz Studio.

But.... how do we access our digital goodies and add them to our scenes?  

Good question! 😁

Accessing your Renderotica stuff in Daz Studio

While in Daz Studio make sure to dock the "Content Library" pane somewhere. You can do this by right clicking on the viewport edge and then using the "Add Pane (tab)" option. But to keep things simple for now: if you don't have this pane docked or available then just use the 'Window' menu, open the "Panes" section and click on "Content library" to open it:

Once open select the "Daz Studio Formats" section (this is the section where we added our new folder to), then your new Renderotica folder should show up as I'm demonstrating above. Here you see the awesome "Cock-o-Rama" which I grabbed from Renderotica (seriously... if you want to add some real dicks then this is a seriously good way to start!).

Maybe good to know: this pane (content library) can be used both horizontally (as I'm doing) and vertically. So if you prefer to dock this to the side of the screen then that won't be a problem. If you want to change orientation then right click on the pane header (which I marked above), open the 'Preferences' section and either select "View as List" (this is what I'm using) or "View as tree" (then things are shown vertically).

After this things should be easy... Add your stuff as you normally do (I assume you add most using the "Smart contents pane") and when you need to get to the naughty bits just open the folder using the content library.

Of course.. in my example you don't see the viewport anymore which could be a problem if you want to drag your items to a specific location.

Another possible issue is that it can be a bit tedious to get to your stuff. For example... in my Renderotica section I have two gorgeous new females ("Barbbara" (G8F) and "Azumi" (G2F)). If I want to add them to my scene and then work some more to perfect Cock-o-Rama (to add some matching color for example) then I have some serious clicking to do.

Fortunately there's also a solution for that: adding these characters (and their support material) to your smart contents pane.

But I'll be explaining that in a possible later post. First things first ;)

Thanks for reading, I hope this was useful for some of you.

Edited by user Saturday, March 13, 2021 7:59:18 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Fixing a few small typoes & emphasizing on "extract to this new folder".

thanks 5 users thanked ZenMaster3D for this useful post.
matt on 3/13/2021(UTC), EvilSteve on 3/14/2021(UTC), VirgoXTC on 2/24/2022(UTC), k_shiro on 2/28/2022(UTC), Fremmen on 12/22/2023(UTC)
#2 Posted : Saturday, March 13, 2021 8:30:32 PM(UTC)

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You'll never hurt my feelings by showing a different or better technique. Nicely done! Hopefully the mods will sticky this one, too.

thanks 1 user thanked matt for this useful post.
ZenMaster3D on 3/13/2021(UTC)
#3 Posted : Saturday, March 13, 2021 8:55:42 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: matt Go to Quoted Post

You'll never hurt my feelings by showing a different or better technique. Nicely done! Hopefully the mods will sticky this one, too.

I appreciate you sharing that, thanks! Yah, I have to admit that I wasn't sure about this but on the other hand I also really wanted to share... Anyway, now I can stop worrying and get back to my Minotaur :)

thanks 1 user thanked ZenMaster3D for this useful post.
matt on 3/13/2021(UTC)
#4 Posted : Thursday, September 9, 2021 9:08:51 AM(UTC)

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Yea! Any other tips and Tricks I would greatly appreciate...Thank Agagin and again.
thanks 1 user thanked popshot11 for this useful post.
ZenMaster3D on 1/28/2022(UTC)
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