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#1 Posted : Tuesday, January 29, 2019 12:44:20 PM(UTC)

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*deleted* is dealing out the new base figure for poser called La femme and she comes with a full suport of clothing and textures


I looked over some of the products and they look pretty good,,  however I notice facial simularities on the many new Textures 

Not sure how this will play on the poser scene and the fact she is designed for P11   Just thought I post this

Since this is a product that does not compete with Renderotica Items I opted to post the link,  but if anyone feels this is no ok then delete the link

Regards   Shadoman

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#2 Posted : Tuesday, January 29, 2019 1:45:42 PM(UTC)

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Can't actually get her unless you add at least $3.50 worth of other merch to your cart. Probably an oversight. Should have put her in the free stuff section rather than make her a transaction.
Everything I know about jazz guitar I learned from Helen Reddy's version of "Where is the Love".
#3 Posted : Tuesday, January 29, 2019 4:40:15 PM(UTC)

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I'll bite.

I'll download and install P11 (using PoserPro 2014 Game Dev) and check her out.  Give me a couple days.

Probably no cunt though...  Something a Poser maker could do for here if not.

#4 Posted : Tuesday, January 29, 2019 6:30:24 PM(UTC)

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Good for them. I got the email and I can honestly say that's the best looking promo ad I've ever seen from Content Paradise. I hope they really are getting their game together and focusing on selling content. I don't think trying to get everyone to pay $200+ for their software is a solid business model. With the Christmas sale going on plus the birthday coupon they gave me, I got P11 Pro for around $40 and I haven't really touched it since.

As far as the figure, it looks pretty good, I just wish they would pick a name and stick with it. They need to take a lesson in product branding from Daz. Anyone who's touched this hobby in the last decade or so knows who Victoria and Michael are, they're like Mickey and Minnie or Barbie and Ken. Sure you may have other supporting characters come and go, but you keep those main characters and don't let anything tarnish their image - they represent your whole company. It's surprising that most of the content for Poser is a 12 year old figure(V4/M4) that belongs to another company. I hope they can fix that.

Is this model going to require entirely new clothes? I assume so, since the rigging is all new. Will there be converters to use clothes from V4 and others?

Edited by user Tuesday, January 29, 2019 8:30:03 PM(UTC)  | Reason: corrections

#5 Posted : Tuesday, January 29, 2019 6:35:09 PM(UTC)

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Although I have P-11 installed  I prefer to use Pro 2014  I might splurge for a package deal and see how she does..

My current Poser PC is getting a tad old now and I am about to move P-11 and Pro 2014 to a newer and faster PC Right now I am copying my Run time Library to External drives for the move

That in itself is sooooo slow..Will take just a day to do this.. The V4 files will take 8 hours on thier own so I will do that overnight..


Take care now and happy rendering



Who knows what lurks in the hearts of perverted artist....
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#6 Posted : Tuesday, January 29, 2019 8:03:50 PM(UTC)

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Just picked this one up, and I'm impressed. Blackhearted's girls always look great, and LaFemme is no exception. The base figure does come with a basic genital slit, and a bit more detail can be added with the HD morph set, but she'll definitely need some work from one of the resident pussy gurus here before she's porn ready.
#7 Posted : Wednesday, January 30, 2019 10:50:02 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: revbayes Go to Quoted Post
Can't actually get her unless you add at least $3.50 worth of other merch to your cart. Probably an oversight. Should have put her in the free stuff section rather than make her a transaction.

So that's the problem. I wondered why I'd be asked to enter credit card information to place an order for something that was supposed to be free of charge.
But now we know why Smith Micro was so lukewarm to Erogenesis' Project Evolution.

Live long and render
#8 Posted : Wednesday, January 30, 2019 5:34:05 PM(UTC)

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Amazingly I was able to download and install sooner than thought...

So far able to link old galleries to avoid huge double/confusion issue on HDD.

no "Content" tab but File--> Installfromziparchive command...


Superfly works good, save SSS skins, and overall is MUCH better for lighting/shadows.  I've had the previous go on all night (indirect lighting...) and not get the good effects of that.


Of course LaFemme - no prob buying a $3.50 item, lots in my wishlist going prime flash...  Good.  But "Where's the CUNT!?"

She's as tantalizing as a luscious Hustler cover when I was in my early teens...  So much could be done with her...  TO her...

But she's a precious little "Barbie Doll" and her holes are secret... Hers alone...


So - big opp for Rotica artists to make some labia and do some plunging. I posted with the wireframe, there is lots to work with here!  Needs ass too.  Morphs to really stretch and pull and distort.


No, I don't have Project Evolution but will probably get soon.

#9 Posted : Thursday, January 31, 2019 1:16:08 AM(UTC)

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There is nothing better, than a sophisticated post. baaa crazy facepalm
#10 Posted : Thursday, January 31, 2019 3:33:23 PM(UTC)

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I got the body kit and free LaFemme figure and tried her out this morning. I'm actually pretty impressed with the potential for this figure. She bends very well in my opinion.  What she is lacking is, as mentioned before, some good genital/anal morphs. She could also use some excellent breast and ass morphs, facial morphs for blowjobs, etc.  I'm really hoping that the talented vendors such as Xameva, Meipe and Erogenesis will be bringing us some new goodies.  This is big news for Poser Users.


thanks 1 user thanked davo for this useful post.
Sutut on 2/1/2019(UTC)
#11 Posted : Friday, February 1, 2019 5:43:00 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: davo Go to Quoted Post

I got the body kit and free LaFemme figure and tried her out this morning. I'm actually pretty impressed with the potential for this figure. She bends very well in my opinion.  What she is lacking is, as mentioned before, some good genital/anal morphs. She could also use some excellent breast and ass morphs, facial morphs for blowjobs, etc.  I'm really hoping that the talented vendors such as Xameva, Meipe and Erogenesis will be bringing us some new goodies.  This is big news for Poser Users.


I'm checking with someone else for a neat quick morph kit.

She is pretty versatile with the morph pak but plenty of 'room' for improvement...


Should be obvious who but haven't got permission yet so won't say out of politeness.

#12 Posted : Friday, February 1, 2019 5:50:56 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: davo Go to Quoted Post

I got the body kit and free LaFemme figure and tried her out this morning. I'm actually pretty impressed with the potential for this figure. She bends very well in my opinion.  What she is lacking is, as mentioned before, some good genital/anal morphs. She could also use some excellent breast and ass morphs, facial morphs for blowjobs, etc.  I'm really hoping that the talented vendors such as Xameva, Meipe and Erogenesis will be bringing us some new goodies.  This is big news for Poser Users.

Hey Davo, happy to see you looking at her!  Huge fan of your stuff in Poser, so always glad to see folks looking at characters like this.  That being said, I have my doubts Ero would be interested in making gens for her.  I know he's the best, and he's an awesome dude, and I will ask, but he's working hard on his new comic, and this is direct competition with his own figure.  He may be cool with it, but I am thinking someone else may be the one to give us proper gens.  She also needs a LOT more morphs and clothing, but I am talking with Blackhearted about a way to open up all of V4's dynamic clothing to her, which would give her a HUGE head start.

So, let's start getting some naughty poses for her, and new characters for her as well as good skins, and maybe we can get her to finally take over V4 in the Poser market and give us Poser users an awesome, and well rounded character on par with Genesis!

#13 Posted : Friday, February 1, 2019 7:19:09 PM(UTC)

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As far as genitals goes, the real problem is Poser's lack of Daz's geografting capability. Pity Poser's switchable geometry died with the addition of weightmaps, although it was always pretty flaky.
#14 Posted : Saturday, February 2, 2019 5:14:28 PM(UTC)

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As I suspected, Ero is pretty busy with his comic and is a little burned out on figure making after Evolution.  Creating a new figure like that is bound to take a lot out of you.  So, who's really good at that kinda thing.  Sledgehammer?  His male gens are pretty damn good, never played with his female ones.

#15 Posted : Saturday, February 2, 2019 5:38:31 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Nephanor Go to Quoted Post

Originally Posted by: davo Go to Quoted Post

I got the body kit and free LaFemme figure and tried her out this morning. I'm actually pretty impressed with the potential for this figure. She bends very well in my opinion.  What she is lacking is, as mentioned before, some good genital/anal morphs. She could also use some excellent breast and ass morphs, facial morphs for blowjobs, etc.  I'm really hoping that the talented vendors such as Xameva, Meipe and Erogenesis will be bringing us some new goodies.  This is big news for Poser Users.

Hey Davo, happy to see you looking at her!  Huge fan of your stuff in Poser, so always glad to see folks looking at characters like this.  That being said, I have my doubts Ero would be interested in making gens for her.  I know he's the best, and he's an awesome dude, and I will ask, but he's working hard on his new comic, and this is direct competition with his own figure.  He may be cool with it, but I am thinking someone else may be the one to give us proper gens.  She also needs a LOT more morphs and clothing, but I am talking with Blackhearted about a way to open up all of V4's dynamic clothing to her, which would give her a HUGE head start.

So, let's start getting some naughty poses for her, and new characters for her as well as good skins, and maybe we can get her to finally take over V4 in the Poser market and give us Poser users an awesome, and well rounded character on par with Genesis!

I seem to remember ERO posting a note saying that with all the figure enhancement creations he has created, he is looking forward to going back and creating comics

So don't hold your breath as it might be a while is what he posted is true..

Regards   shadoman 

Who knows what lurks in the hearts of perverted artist....
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#16 Posted : Saturday, February 2, 2019 8:52:38 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: shadoman Go to Quoted Post

I seem to remember ERO posting a note saying that with all the figure enhancement creations he has created, he is looking forward to going back and creating comics

So don't hold your breath as it might be a while is what he posted is true..

Yeah, I fully expected that, as I have talked to him, being one of his beta testers.  He actually just posted in his blog about this, and said pretty much what I expected, that he's not going to look into it, because he wants to focus on comics and Evolution.  Can't blame him.  He wanted to get his figure off the ground, being the unifying figure for a new generation of Poser, but it didn't work.  Honestly, if they take some of what was in Evolution and put it in La Femme, it would be fantastic, but I doubt they will.  Apparently I wasn't the only one who messaged Ero though.

Not surprised, a lot of people like this figure, and a lot of vendors are getting behind her.  I know of at least two that are making a LOT of clothing for her, converting some of their dForce stuff for her, others converting some of their older stuff as well as making new ones.  With a good solid set of morphs, a couple good MRs, and some good clothing, we can REALLY get this figure to take off, and get some realistic renders on the poser side.  I think this one helps that many of the people involved are already well known in the Poser community (Nerd & Blackhearted are both VERY well known, hell, Nerd used to be in charge of Poser at Smith Micro, so yeah) . That kind of weight helps get vendors making things for her, which helps more people to switch to her, which gets more people making things for her.  Dawn was a similar deal, but she wasn't as much of an improvement as La Femme is, which helps a LOT.

#17 Posted : Sunday, February 3, 2019 8:24:22 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Nephanor Go to Quoted Post

Originally Posted by: shadoman Go to Quoted Post

I seem to remember ERO posting a note saying that with all the figure enhancement creations he has created, he is looking forward to going back and creating comics

So don't hold your breath as it might be a while is what he posted is true..

Yeah, I fully expected that, as I have talked to him, being one of his beta testers.  He actually just posted in his blog about this, and said pretty much what I expected, that he's not going to look into it, because he wants to focus on comics and Evolution.  Can't blame him.  He wanted to get his figure off the ground, being the unifying figure for a new generation of Poser, but it didn't work.  Honestly, if they take some of what was in Evolution and put it in La Femme, it would be fantastic, but I doubt they will.  Apparently I wasn't the only one who messaged Ero though.

Not surprised, a lot of people like this figure, and a lot of vendors are getting behind her.  I know of at least two that are making a LOT of clothing for her, converting some of their dForce stuff for her, others converting some of their older stuff as well as making new ones.  With a good solid set of morphs, a couple good MRs, and some good clothing, we can REALLY get this figure to take off, and get some realistic renders on the poser side.  I think this one helps that many of the people involved are already well known in the Poser community (Nerd & Blackhearted are both VERY well known, hell, Nerd used to be in charge of Poser at Smith Micro, so yeah) . That kind of weight helps get vendors making things for her, which helps more people to switch to her, which gets more people making things for her.  Dawn was a similar deal, but she wasn't as much of an improvement as La Femme is, which helps a LOT.

I think the problem with La Femme is the facial structure, too smooth with little definition and if you look at the other texture packages they faces look almost alike

I have to believe there are morphs that come with it to alter facial structure but someone should have displayed that with some of the texture sets.When you buy a texture for V4 and load a facial morph,  some things change, Cheekbones ate higher or eyes are slightly sunken in,, but with La Femme I do not see that

On the plus side there seems to be quite a bit of support items with clothing Poses and hands and I did like what I say but it would have been nice to see some lacy under things as well and maybe down the road that will come to be

I have to say I see many of the same default features in the faces of the textures for  of ERO's Base figure and that may be the main reason I did not buy it and clothing support has dropped or become items I feel are not that attractive enough to pay money for.  Ero did something awesome,  no doubt about that but after taking a hard look i kept my $$ in my wallet and for now will do the same for La Femme.

Regards   Shadoman



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#18 Posted : Monday, February 4, 2019 1:18:35 AM(UTC)

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OK, here's what I'm able to do with her so far...


Now - I got the morphs - but the real good - and I mean really REALLY good parts is that her breasts have control handles as does her cunt have three.  Now, with the mouse you can play around with them...  BUT - with the XYZ dials you can pull, push, etc.  Combine this with using the finger tool and some simple text editing I'm quite satisfied with what I managed...  Note used finger to A - make gaping hole in cunt I then folded over the flaps to look 'normal' till open.  B - make puffy the skin around it for camel-toe effects.  C - Puff out the Aureole/Nipple area.  D - Put some bumps on the belly for "Egg Pregnancy".


The extra $ morphs are good - you could easily make her a fat lady, normal lady, hyper petite...

Anyways I think she does deserve a XXX morph pak - for even more variants on boobs, hips, cunt that I can't do with the finger tool. - I'll note with who I'm conferencing the need for some facial morphs for different ethnic, and skins other than shades of pale pink if feasible.

#19 Posted : Monday, February 4, 2019 12:06:11 PM(UTC)

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well done on the pic...  but Damn I just ate breakfast....

Good to know that there are options  Now if Davo can include morphs and pose sets for her in his next products release.. I would be tempted


Regards   Shadoman

Who knows what lurks in the hearts of perverted artist....
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#20 Posted : Tuesday, February 5, 2019 8:57:17 AM(UTC)

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Thank you to all the early adopters. Is there any muscle goodness yet? I like my toys fresh from the gym. Limited to my phone for the next couple of days and can't even get into *deleted*.
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