Artist Studio - Crom131> Sexual Orientation> Crom131 Present's Ancient Loathsome Denizen's" In Store Now"

Crom131 Present's Ancient Loathsome Denizen's" In Store Now"

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"In Store Testing Now"
The Sumerian Tablets of the creation epic of Man foretell when only the gods existed and they depended solely on themselves and their lesser servants the Igigi known as Loathsome Denizen's to toil
and plunder the world of KI for their nourishment and Greed at that time KI was the pre-dawn of man name for the Planet Earth and KI had all that was needed by the gods.The three highest-ranking gods known as
Anu the king of gods and his two sons Enlil, and Enki decided amongst themselves who would rule over the environments on ki. Anu ascended to heaven, Enlil remained on Earth with the help of a few Anunnaki
and the Igigi who served the ruling Overseer Anunnaki and the royal family of Enlil and Enki, Enki went down beneath
the Earth and under the ocean to manage and create New forms of life .As for a creation of man myth epic, it is fitting that the story focuses primarily on the path of Enlil on Earth who was overseeing
the laborious efforts of the lesser Anunnaki gods with the assistance of those who served the ruler Anunnaki known as the Igigi. The Igigi who took to the task of the digging of irrigation channels and mining of
minerals for the ruling Anunnaki to take back to Anu the king of gods, after some time the Igigi had Grown restless to the fact that they could not serve the Anunnaki like they were accustomed to, many Igigi rebelled and refused
to keep allegiance to thier Anunnaki rulers and began to oppose by force the established ruling authority of the Anunnaki and placed in power several their own kind.The ancient Sumerians tablets then skip ahead 40 "periods"
to a time when the lesser ruling Anunnaki gods had set fire to destroy their tools and mutinied between themselves because of the lack of help they had in keeping the multitude of Igigi under their rule. it was at
that time that lesser ruling Anunnaki gods had devised a plan to surround the house of Enlil and demand the easing of their efforts to place the Igigi in order, The lesser ruling Anunnaki gods who placed pressure
on Enlil wanted thier servants the Igigi back to performing the tasks of Serving them like they did once before , And Enlil enraged by the misconduct demanded that the instigator of the riots be punished by death
of its physical form and to be placed into the land of ancient Sumer within the deepest part of the ocean to Sleep the sleep of the dreaming till the time of judgement.The wise Enki then stepped foreword and proposed
Man be created with the assistance of the mother goddess Ishtar to take over the burden of the gods.They agreed unanimously, and, using clay, Enki and Mami- Ishtar created Man, who were then born to 14 birth goddesses
after a ten-month gestation period.In The end We have the Ancient Loathsome Denizen's and Proto Man

all morphs were made in Z-Brush 4 and corrected in C4D
Important compatiblity statement:
M4 Morphs+++ Not Required
Poser 4 and Up and has been tested in Poser 2012

Crom131 Ancient Loathsome Denizen's for M4 PDF Instruction Manual included.
you will need Adobe Reader 9 and up
you can obtain it at:

Film Strip
