Artist Studio - Crom131> Setting/Genre > None (Non-Sexual or Just Plain Sex)> "In Store Now"Ecstasy Circuit Pleasure Android Kit.

"In Store Now"Ecstasy Circuit Pleasure Android Kit.

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Ecstasy Circuit Pleasure Android Is In storeNow,
two styles models to work with, Xta-C model and NC.-12 for V4 and the Ecstasy Circuit Pleasure Android Kit product comes with gen support mats and fix's for Darkseals Pleasure Box and Arduino's V4.2 WWG UPDATED

compatiblity statement:
Poser 4 and Up and has been tested in Poser 2012
This product is ment to be used V4 Base Figure for Victoria 4, But can be used with any figure that has size and proportion value similar to the V4 injection that is included within product.
DarkSeals Pleasure Box and Arduino's V4.2 WWG UPDATED Not Included. but product can still be used without them but without gens*

Film Strip
