Artist Studio - Crom131> Sexual Orientation> Bisexual> """In Store Now""" Crom131's Erotic Asphyxia

"""In Store Now""" Crom131's Erotic Asphyxia

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Updated Info: 11/03/2011 02:32 AM I Have just added as a Bonus a M4 Conforming Breather mask to the Crom131's Erotic Asphyxia Kit,
The V4 Breather mask that is in the kit is conforming and now so is the M4 Breather mask as well.
It can be used wtih Crom131's Gimp Human Toy For M4 Human Toy Starters Kit".
and Plastic Shader Mats will be Included.,as well M4 Breather mask will take on V4 Breather mask mat injects.

Film Strip
