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#81 Posted : Friday, June 3, 2022 11:21:37 AM(UTC)

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I also have a question about the nipple colour. Whatever option I chose when creating the materials the nipples are very dark, is that right? Is it just the way your product is, or is there a problem? I’m using Daz 4.20.

#82 Posted : Friday, June 3, 2022 12:03:43 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: vision1138 Go to Quoted Post

I also have a question about the nipple colour. Whatever option I chose when creating the materials the nipples are very dark, is that right? Is it just the way your product is, or is there a problem? I’m using Daz 4.20.



Ok, so it looks like my issue was because I was using a V8 model (Rebekah). I tried with a base G8 and the colour was lighter, so I guess it's derived from the base model and not an issue.

That said, I guess it would be nice to have more control over the colour, perhaps as an add-on? I have no idea how difficult that would be to achieve though :)



#83 Posted : Friday, June 3, 2022 9:01:13 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: vision1138 Go to Quoted Post

Originally Posted by: vision1138 Go to Quoted Post

I also have a question about the nipple colour. Whatever option I chose when creating the materials the nipples are very dark, is that right? Is it just the way your product is, or is there a problem? I’m using Daz 4.20.



Ok, so it looks like my issue was because I was using a V8 model (Rebekah). I tried with a base G8 and the colour was lighter, so I guess it's derived from the base model and not an issue.

That said, I guess it would be nice to have more control over the colour, perhaps as an add-on? I have no idea how difficult that would be to achieve though :)




This problem is usually related to SSS settings. HD Nipples fully inherit the character's material settings, except for textures. I'll go get the character and test it to see where the problem is.

#84 Posted : Monday, June 6, 2022 2:39:00 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: vision1138 Go to Quoted Post

Originally Posted by: vision1138 Go to Quoted Post

I also have a question about the nipple colour. Whatever option I chose when creating the materials the nipples are very dark, is that right? Is it just the way your product is, or is there a problem? I’m using Daz 4.20.



Ok, so it looks like my issue was because I was using a V8 model (Rebekah). I tried with a base G8 and the colour was lighter, so I guess it's derived from the base model and not an issue.

That said, I guess it would be nice to have more control over the colour, perhaps as an add-on? I have no idea how difficult that would be to achieve though :)




As I guessed, Rebekah used a strong SSS effect to get the dark red skin. Therefore, when HD Nipples are applied to such a character, its nipples will also appear very dark. Since HD Nipples completely inherit the character's material settings, in order to prevent obvious color difference between HD Nipples and surrounding skin, we cannot modify the material settings of HD Nipples. 

The only thing that can be modified is the SSS texture templates for nipples. Modifications to the SSS texture templates are simple. There are three subfolders under \Runtime\Textures\3feetwolf\HDNipplesforG8F-2.0\Templates, NoGlands, NotObviousGlands and ObviousGlands. In each subfolder there are SSS templates for different nipples colors (the ones you see in the Customize HD Nipples Textures window). 

If you want the color of your nipples to be pink then DefaultSSS_Color_1_L.jpg and DefaultSSS_Color_1_R.jpg can be found in these three folders. Then edit them in Photoshop (remember to back them up before editing), modifying their hue, increasing their saturation and brightness. In short, make them lighter and less "red". 

Then we just need to set the color of the nipples to pink in the "Customize HD Nipples Textures" window and regenerate the HD Nipples texture for Rebekah. 

#85 Posted : Wednesday, June 8, 2022 9:05:27 AM(UTC)

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Many thanks for taking the time to reproduce the issue. I’ll have a play with the textures to see what I can do!

I’m new to 3d work so it will be interesting to see if I can make it work!

Thanks again.
#86 Posted : Friday, July 15, 2022 12:21:01 AM(UTC)

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Hello, i've again a problem with texture. This time it's with the filament PBR rendering, around breast there is a small black circle :

i don't know where it come from. In texture shaded render all is ok

thank you


solved: in filament render parameters, simply deactivate the generate mipmap in optimization, if it can help someone

Edited by user Friday, July 15, 2022 12:30:56 AM(UTC)  | Reason: problem solved

When horror meets erotism
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3feetwolf on 7/15/2022(UTC)
#87 Posted : Friday, July 15, 2022 1:01:08 PM(UTC)

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I am happy that a solution has been found in this case but I find myself wishing that the issue had sparked a more general discussion.  I too have encountered the seam issue related to grafts and I believe related to G8.1 and PBR skin.  In my case it appeared in IRay renders with NGV8; but, I think I have also seen it with Breastacular causing me to suspect a common component to the issue.

The seam is uniform and on the margin between the graft and the target.  At first I thought it was an issue with the geometry and SubD/resolution (given the difference between G8 and G8.1 default res); but, this proved to be a dead end.   

I find myself contemplating an issue with a particular G8F (Aurore??) whose skin shader had settings outside normal parameters making it so that MAT Copy scripts did not produce a matching skin.  It was easy enough to fix once the problem was understood.  But the seam issue in this case seems less about the MAT Copy scripts producing a matching shader and more about blending or the seam on the margin itself.   Still, I have tried copying shaders and manually adding images to their corresponding channels without any improvement. 

It appears to be the geoshell that is producing the seam and not the graft per se.

Anyways, that's where I'm at.  My only solution was to edit my renders in GIMP 'cloning' a patch.  Not at all my desired approach. 

(I could root about for images if that might help...)

Thoughts/suggestions welcome.  Thanks.  

#88 Posted : Monday, July 18, 2022 9:19:48 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: s_j_gregory Go to Quoted Post

The seam is uniform and on the margin between the graft and the target.  At first I thought it was an issue with the geometry and SubD/resolution (given the difference between G8 and G8.1 default res); but, this proved to be a dead end.   

Sorry for the late reply. From your description of the problem, I'm guessing it might have something to do with displacement maps. I would like to know if this problem only occurs on some of your characters or if all characters have this problem?


#89 Posted : Wednesday, July 20, 2022 8:12:01 PM(UTC)

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Thanks for getting back.  I have not been ignoring your question but I don't know if I know the answer.  Seems like a million years ago, I was working through Adam Thwaites' 'tutorial' for creating genital textures for one of his characters.  If I recall, he uses displacement to create pours in the skin.  Again, if I recall, if you follow his tutorial you will introduce a seam with NGV8, and other grafts I think.  I am not sure if there is a fix for this but I want to say the problem is generated from a non-zero neutral - ie a basically grey image driving displacements.  Not sure if you could re baseline that to a mostly black image and resolve the seam issue.  I think I stopped using Adam's characters for this reason.

Fast forward and today I use a lot of grafts.  I often use Breastacular (for the displacement feature) and NGV8 because I like it.  I use other grafts as well so isolating issues might be difficult for me without some deliberate experiments.  Because of the issue with grafts and vein morphs, I sometimes use displacements for veins.  But this will create a seam as you mention - that will resolve sometimes by redoing the MAT copy script, sometimes by reapplying the graft and sometimes not at all.   I can use a hybrid approach and use morphs for veins in the character and displacements in the graft - and it works well enough but is a lot of work and is sometimes unreliable.  

I also enjoy tan lines: there are a range of products and approaches which are also complicated when using grafts.  MAT Copy scripts are slick here too when they work but also unreliable.  

The addition of G81 has added a new skin shader which has has added new approaches for tan lines and forced developers to create new MAT Copy scripts for grafts.  However, I believe what I am seeing is that creators are delivering G81 products with the legacy skin shader. the new skin shader, and/or the new skin shader with the old surfaces and images.  I think I am seeing that MAT Copy scripts, not surprisingly, return unpredictable results.  And they are unreliable.  

But what do I mean generally be the unreliable refrain.  Finally, if you save a scene and reopen it, or use Mesh Grabber or some other tool involving the geometry, or for no apparent reason what so ever UVs will change (reverting back to defaults?) and surfaces that had been turned off will turn back on reintroducing the white layers in the grafts.    (Maybe I should be saving a hierarchical MAT preset but I/m not sure what that is nor if it would span the character and the grafts....)

So my latest journey involved Milady 8.1 (by Muosso?)   Seams appeared in her for no apparent reason (after the file had been open a long while.)  Perhaps it had just gotten tired.  Unfortunately I do not save renders of fails as a rule so I don't have images to support my claims/observations.   I am trying to include an examle of what perseverance can do.    

s_j_gregory attached the following image(s):
G8FM Damp 3.png
G8F SASE Veda 7.png
#90 Posted : Friday, July 22, 2022 9:28:04 AM(UTC)

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Hi, first off, very sexy rendering. I have tested Milady 8.1 and had no problems using NGV8. Then I checked its textures and found that it doesn't use displacement maps. So it seems my guess was wrong.
I noticed that the veins of the character are very visible in your renders. Did you use this effect with Milady as well?
#91 Posted : Friday, July 22, 2022 1:52:01 PM(UTC)

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Thanks.  And thanks for getting back.  I'll try to be less wordy this time.  In a backwards sort of order, I am not surprised you couldn't reproduce the problem with Milady 8.1.  Most often neither can I.  That's what i meant by unreliable in my earlier post - perhaps I should have said inconsistent.  When this seam shows up sometimes all I need to do is re run the MAT Copy script and it resolves, sometimes I need to re add the NGV8 item and it will resolve, and sometimes I just cannot manage to fix it.  AND I don't know what I do to cause it.  I can imagine some MAT copy scripts getting confused if the shaders are not the same.  I can also see sometimes confusion arising with UVs with different characters and grafts and shaders and surfaces and addons - tan lines veins etc - ; but I do not think this is the case here.  

You are correct that the veins are aggressive - they are exaggerated for sure.  Sometimes I use morph based veins - usually - but other times I use displacements.  Recently I was struggling with HD morph based veins and grafts so set about using displacements in the graft and morphs in the character and it worked with no seam??  The images included above are older but as best as I can deduce the veins are displacement-based (at least in part because they appear in the grafts) - and no seam???

I would suggest we just park this observation from me for now.  When it happens again, and I can be more precise in describing it, perhaps we can come back to it and determine what is going on.

Thanks again. 

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3feetwolf on 7/25/2022(UTC)
#92 Posted : Thursday, August 4, 2022 9:10:49 AM(UTC)

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Do you guys know how to make it work with Wet and Tanned Skins for Genesis 8.1. When applied, it covers the whole body except for the nipples/chest area.

Edited by user Thursday, August 4, 2022 9:24:53 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#93 Posted : Friday, August 5, 2022 12:27:03 PM(UTC)

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To build on User89's question, is it possible to apply a LIE overlay to the chest area? For example:


#94 Posted : Sunday, August 7, 2022 2:32:38 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: User89 Go to Quoted Post

Do you guys know how to make it work with Wet and Tanned Skins for Genesis 8.1. When applied, it covers the whole body except for the nipples/chest area.


I will test the Wet and Tanned Skins 8.1 and reply to you when I get conclusion. 

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User89 on 8/7/2022(UTC)
#95 Posted : Sunday, August 7, 2022 2:33:55 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: montyblue88 Go to Quoted Post

To build on User89's question, is it possible to apply a LIE overlay to the chest area? For example:

It is doable, I guess. You can go to the temp folder of daz studio and copy the temporary textures generated by LIE and save it as  new textures. Then create a new scene and load the character again, instead of using the LIE, replace the original textures of the character's Torso/Body surface with the new textures you just saved. At last, use HD Nipples' script to recreate HD breast textures for this character. 

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montyblue88 on 8/7/2022(UTC)
#96 Posted : Sunday, August 7, 2022 8:56:48 AM(UTC)

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Got problem after dforce simulation : nipples got strange disortions , any way to fix that ?

#97 Posted : Monday, August 8, 2022 3:50:39 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: User89 Go to Quoted Post

Do you guys know how to make it work with Wet and Tanned Skins for Genesis 8.1. When applied, it covers the whole body except for the nipples/chest area.


Unfortunately, this product will replace the Iray Uber/PBRSkin Shader of the character skin with the Shader made by it's creator.

According to its help documentation, it is not compatible with any third-party geo-grafting gens other than daz3d's official genitals props.
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User89 on 8/9/2022(UTC)
#98 Posted : Monday, August 8, 2022 4:15:03 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: MODEI Go to Quoted Post

Got problem after dforce simulation : nipples got strange disortions , any way to fix that ?


This is caused by too dense polygons in the nipple area, and I have not been able to find a solution yet. 

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MODEI on 8/8/2022(UTC)
#99 Posted : Monday, August 8, 2022 8:22:56 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: 3feetwolf Go to Quoted Post

Originally Posted by: MODEI Go to Quoted Post

Got problem after dforce simulation : nipples got strange disortions , any way to fix that ?


This is caused by too dense polygons in the nipple area, and I have not been able to find a solution yet. 


What a pitty to such a amazing work . Maybe you can take a look to HS dforce breast V2 , the V1 version of it  also got problem in breast shape distortions , and everything just fine in V2 . Hope you can solve this problem soon.

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3feetwolf on 8/10/2022(UTC)
#100 Posted : Wednesday, August 10, 2022 11:00:18 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: MODEI Go to Quoted Post

What a pitty to such a amazing work . Maybe you can take a look to HS dforce breast V2 , the V1 version of it  also got problem in breast shape distortions , and everything just fine in V2 . Hope you can solve this problem soon.

Thank you very much for your encouragement. 
I've been trying to correct this problem by improving the script for the past two days without success. 
But I will keep trying. 

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