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#21 Posted : Saturday, November 16, 2013 5:57:54 AM(UTC)

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I am a member of a site for photographers and models which runs a weekly contest. Each contest has a 'theme' which can be interpreted however you want (for most entries this involves a naked woman in some way). Each contest is open for entries for 1 week then open for voting for the following week. There is a rule that entrants who fail to vote are disqualified so ensuring some participation in the vote. It does seem to suffer to some extent from the 'top down' voting problem and although entries are anonymous logos are allowed so most entrants can be identified.
The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.
#22 Posted : Saturday, November 16, 2013 11:40:09 PM(UTC)

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Forgive me, this might be a little OT...
but it regards contests and what I'd like to see here.

"How about ideas for a RL movie project?"

---In a nutshell----

1.  1 year long contest, users propose an idea for a RL movie.  Scripts are voted upon and of course the final decision is what is most produceable and entertaining.
2.  A "Kickstarter" or rather alternative "Crowdfund" project is launched.  We advertise it on other erotic sites also to get the $ raised.
3.  If enough $ is made, we make the movie, the 'winner' gets 3% from sales after it breaks even (if it does) but the writer retains copyright to his stories, characters.  Renderotica keeps the rights to make $ off the movie (if it uses it) but the author can make action figures, t-shirts, new novels, etc.


If I made a proposal it'd likely be around my "Dungeon of the Marquis" storyline.

IMO it could be made for $100K-$300K, using modern Green Screen and a handful of Kink.com actresses and one good male actor, plus some props and extras.  I'd even make a movie plot variable, each actresses first scene would be her 'execution' so if she got lost, drugged out, arrested, tried to extort for more $, I could just do an edit on the fly and some other person would take over what critical plot elements had to take place.  It'd end with a bloodbath so no torture scene is wasted!  But the filming would be a machine gun battery of filming so the cost of hiring actors minimal, then I'd be doing the editing, assembly pro-bono.

Oh, and FYI in advance, if Davo reads this.  Anything using your props for the action figures absolutely I know I need to work something out with you or re-do with my own stuff, but I'd prefer the former!  As I understand it, say I use these scenes for illustrations in a book I sell that's OK since I paid for the models.  But a prototype for the sweatshop in China for a toy (Aurora Models eat yer heart out!) that's another issue.  I'm good at RL sculpting and practicing 3D so if it comes to that I could do without V4/any DAZ issues and might have to.
#23 Posted : Sunday, December 1, 2013 10:30:31 AM(UTC)

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We're discussing/complaining about the number of times you have to click to get to free porn.  Welcome to the First World.  When I was your age, you tykes, we had to go to a stash in the woods for our porn.  In the snow.  And we were happy to get it.

I love the idea of being given stuff to work with.  In improv theater there's a game where you draw a location and two props from a box and make a scene with that.  Rather than getting vendors to give up stuff, I'd suggest just grabbing a few things off *deleted* or somewhere.

I like the idea (whoever had it, I can't find it now) of doing something from a written scene.  We could first have people write a bunch of scenarios, then pick perhaps three of them and contestants would use one.  A bit involved, but it would be a great creative stimulus.

I also vote for more rallies than contests.  The holiday contests are a fine tradition, though next Halloween I think we've seen enough sexy witches to last us a while.  I vote against a "best tutorial" contest though, only because I'm working on a Poser For Noobs comic that is rapidly turning epic.

As for prizes: light sexual favors are a good motivator.  angel
#24 Posted : Sunday, December 1, 2013 10:45:25 AM(UTC)

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Sutut, that's as great an idea as it is ambitious.  My pitch would be for a "Cool World" type scenario, where someone gets thrown into an alternate universe.  Sex scenes between live actors and 3D models would be a challenge, but if it could be pulled off it would make a mint.  But we do have to look carefully at the legalities of using any "off the shelf" meshes, textures, etc.

Writing a script would be fun, anyway.  Any collabs?  KristinF?

In any case, I'm in SF, so if this happens I'm on the scene to help out at Kink, doing craft services, handing out moist towelettes, whatever.  Do hire Chloe Camilla in any case.  I like her.
#25 Posted : Saturday, December 7, 2013 12:25:32 PM(UTC)

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Don't force people to have to use specific props or figures! It dimishes the true artistic nature of being at artist. You restirct freedom of expression when you say " You have to use X prop by X creator!". A theme in one thing, but being forced to use something is really not allowing freedom.

A voting system ( or even a simple Poll ) where members could vote for whom they think is the best and why would be great!
Amazed Minion  
#26 Posted : Thursday, January 30, 2014 6:03:18 AM(UTC)

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I'm new here to Renderotica and I just had to add my input here;

Contests... contests and more contests!!!...!!!...cheeky

I agree with others here when they suggest smaller prizes, or even just a “gold star”. Perhaps a major contest from time to time where big prizes are offered. Some time in the near future I plan on uploading content to sell here at renderotica and I will be more then happy to donate to the community prize vault.

Any who... I'm not greedy... make some kind of “Kick Ass Contest Winner Award” badge for the forum or something like that would be great for simple day to day contests. Or a wall of fame kinda thing... the possibilities are endless really.

#27 Posted : Thursday, January 30, 2014 7:13:14 AM(UTC)

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Amazed Minion wrote:

I'm new here to Renderotica and I just had to add my input here;

Contests... contests and more contests!!!...!!!...cheeky

I agree with others here when they suggest smaller prizes, or even just a “gold star”. Perhaps a major contest from time to time where big prizes are offered. Some time in the near future I plan on uploading content to sell here at renderotica and I will be more then happy to donate to the community prize vault.

Any who... I'm not greedy... make some kind of “Kick Ass Contest Winner Award” badge for the forum or something like that would be great for simple day to day contests. Or a wall of fame kinda thing... the possibilities are endless really.

JUST in case you missed it....

We currently have TWO contests going on right now ;)

a "Caption this" contest, which is on the 4th week,  for the last four weeks we've put up a diff image for everyone to caption and enter.

Our 2014 Valentines Day Contest Which runs till Feb 14th.

And of course I have A LOT more stuff coming soon!!

Amazed Minion  
#28 Posted : Thursday, January 30, 2014 7:56:28 AM(UTC)

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Teronsuke wrote:
Amazed Minion wrote:

I'm new here to Renderotica and I just had to add my input here;

Contests... contests and more contests!!!...!!!...cheeky

I agree with others here when they suggest smaller prizes, or even just a “gold star”. Perhaps a major contest from time to time where big prizes are offered. Some time in the near future I plan on uploading content to sell here at renderotica and I will be more then happy to donate to the community prize vault.

Any who... I'm not greedy... make some kind of “Kick Ass Contest Winner Award” badge for the forum or something like that would be great for simple day to day contests. Or a wall of fame kinda thing... the possibilities are endless really.

JUST in case you missed it....

We currently have TWO contests going on right now ;)

a "Caption this" contest, which is on the 4th week,  for the last four weeks we've put up a diff image for everyone to caption and enter.

Our 2014 Valentines Day Contest Which runs till Feb 14th.

And of course I have A LOT more stuff coming soon!!


I have a network render going at this very moment to enter into the Valentines Day Contest... Can wait to get some feedback... good bad and the ugly !! Bring it on
#29 Posted : Saturday, February 1, 2014 6:10:06 AM(UTC)

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I would like to see a contest / reward "chain letter"...where the artists render 3 images per the instructions of the moderator/ whoever.. and the winner then creates 3 scenes for the next leg of the contest.
I imagined a short story sequence, an action scene with movement, etc
#30 Posted : Wednesday, April 2, 2014 10:48:29 AM(UTC)

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I don't have a lot here but I am willing to donate a product for a prize.  Happily.
I have all the demons of hell in my head, my only salvation is to vent them on paper. MarquisdeSade
#31 Posted : Monday, April 7, 2014 12:57:45 AM(UTC)

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One contest idea I have suggested at other forums has been implemented a couple times, so I'll mention it here...

How about a "New Smiley" Contest?

Just make a small image, either animated or not  (Forum admin decide the image pixel dimensions and maximum size in kb), and the winning entry gets added to the forum's Smileys! 

A great badge of honor to the winner, and a no-cost prize for the forum to give out.

#32 Posted : Wednesday, April 9, 2014 12:38:31 AM(UTC)

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I like the idea of a few random words (to be honest, the 'Valentine' or 'Alien Invasion' get old fast!). So an image about toast and steroe-headsets and new shoes?

The idea of the free-random freebies also is great. I remember when DAZ3D was doing the 'out-of-the-box' series, so taking 5 or 6 near-random items worth maybe $30 and bundling for $5 and asking people to make a render will all.

Another different style, take a 'classic well loved image' (free or prem) and ask folks to make ... err, what. fan-Art? An alternative version? So we end up with dozens of the same idea all different.

Although I woundn't mind a $5 gift cert at renderotica, I agree that the main pull of a contest is AN EXCUSE to create a new image! cheeky
#33 Posted : Sunday, May 25, 2014 4:32:58 AM(UTC)

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I don't care what the contest is about, nor even if there is a prize. I like the competition because it pushes me to surpass my previous standards and in doing so I invariably learn something new, if not several things, and become a better artist as a result.
#34 Posted : Tuesday, May 27, 2014 4:22:24 PM(UTC)

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Dungeons and Dragons is releasing its new edition on July 15th (or August for an Advanced version).  A DnD contest in July/August would be fun...

#35 Posted : Sunday, October 19, 2014 9:49:33 AM(UTC)

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Shiny, sweaty, glistening, dripping, spattered, splashed, sprayed, doused, soaked and sopping.

Oily is nice too.
#36 Posted : Monday, October 27, 2014 11:16:24 PM(UTC)

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The thing about holiday themed contest (Or any broad theme for that matter):

I can render the image I was going to render and then slap a santa hat, or pumpkin as needed to make it fit the theme.

Of course if it is terms are defined to narrowly it may deter interest.

I propose a contest to determine the contest smiley

Maybe a box with a few predetermined or randomly genereted (As suggested previously) themes or props or facial experesions, lighting whatever.

Somthing like for our next contest or rally would you prefer x or x (One vote per person - But only with voter ID cheeky )

#37 Posted : Friday, October 31, 2014 8:48:20 PM(UTC)

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If you've never heard of "tableau vivant," it's where people dress up and "re-enact" famous paintings; Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, etc.  (It's not a rule that it has to be a famous painting, but they try to reproduce the look of the original as faithfully as possible.)

So, how about a rally to pose 3D models as a famous/favorite painting, or in the style of a favorite artist?  Either as the original, or with a Renderotica twist.  It'd be a great way to exercise our technical chops.

Probably one rule should be that submissions include a link to an image of the original, somewhere on the Internet but not to include the image in the post.
#38 Posted : Saturday, November 1, 2014 1:18:28 PM(UTC)

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I would like to see a beauty contest.Best male or female character 4 shots 1 front 1 back 1 face close up and 1side profile shot.
#39 Posted : Saturday, November 1, 2014 2:30:45 PM(UTC)

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emilhoff wrote:
If you've never heard of "tableau vivant," it's where people dress up and "re-enact" famous paintings; Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, etc.  (It's not a rule that it has to be a famous painting, but they try to reproduce the look of the original as faithfully as possible.)......

I second this ^   And of course I would expect it to be 'rotica-ized, but to mimic lighting and feel of the image would be fun too.

#40 Posted : Saturday, November 1, 2014 4:28:32 PM(UTC)

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Darkseal wrote:
emilhoff wrote:
If you've never heard of "tableau vivant," it's where people dress up and "re-enact" famous paintings; Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, etc.  (It's not a rule that it has to be a famous painting, but they try to reproduce the look of the original as faithfully as possible.)......

I second this ^   And of course I would expect it to be 'rotica-ized, but to mimic lighting and feel of the image would be fun too.

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