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#1 Posted : Sunday, August 20, 2023 3:34:45 AM(UTC)

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Hi all,

Keep seeing this "The files listed below could not be found" dialog when opening scenes:

/data/Meipex/Dicktator_Genitalia_G8M/Dicktator_Genitalia_G8M_v3/Morphs/Meipex/Base/CorpusSpongiorum Inflate.dsf

I've been getting this message for some time now when loading scenes that include Dicktator, and I can't figure out why. It doesn't appear to have any effect on scenes, or cause an issue apart from needing to be dismissed before I can continue working. And checking the path (although as you can see, the path above is incomplete) to the Meipex install folders, the file is most definitely there! Although I do have two files with very similar names at the location (it's quite possible I renamed the file and put it there, and have forgotten I did so!). I even created a temp folder using the normal temp path, and stuck the file in that too. Anyway, the installed path to the files is:

D:\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\data\Meipex\Dicktator_Genitalia_G8M\Dicktator_Genitalia_G8M_v3\Morphs\Meipex\Base

So, in the path above I have these files:

Corpus Spongiorum Inflate.duf
CorpusSpongiorum Inflate.duf

As I say, I may have copy/pasted and renamed one of these myself while trying to solve the issue...

Is the issue that my install is on the D drive rather than C?

Any light on this would be helpful. It's not a major problem, more a minor irritation and puzzle.


#2 Posted : Sunday, August 20, 2023 5:39:12 AM(UTC)

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Not a full answer yet but just to tick off a couple of your questions.

No, the duplicate files are not something you did, both those files are present in the product zip as standard.
No, it does not make a difference if your installation is on C or D. Except, if you have content installed to both the data folders on both of the drives but only have one mapped as a Content Directory in DAZ Studio.

When loading a figure DAZ Studio will check the data folders of all Libraries mapped in the Content Directory and load all the morphs it finds in those Libraries.

All my content is on my F: drive and it loads fine with that morph also loaded fine so it definitely appears to be something to do with the specific pathing on your machine.

Obvious question, are you using the latest version? Maybe reset your download, download again and manually install to your D drive.

Pic01 below shows the files installed on my F: drive. Pic02 Shows the Content Directory Manager with the Libraries it has pathed. Also the location of the standard C; drive DAZ Library if you need to add it (I removed mine as I don't use it).

Edited by user Sunday, August 20, 2023 6:00:25 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

haruchai attached the following image(s):
Pic 01.jpg
Pic 02.jpg
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b0nny on 8/21/2023(UTC), Meipe on 8/23/2023(UTC)
#3 Posted : Sunday, August 20, 2023 7:03:18 AM(UTC)

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Thanks for the detailed and helpful reply haruchai, much appreciated.

"Obvious question, are you using the latest version? Maybe reset your download, download again and manually install to your D drive."

This is a very good point, and as I was composing the post this morning I thought to myself, "I guess what I really ought to do would be to reinstall Dicktator..." But it's been a busy morning with other stuff and I'm only just back at my PC. So thank you for the suggestion, and I'll try this now before reopening one of the scenes where this dialog pops up.

EDIT: I tried downloading the full Dicktator suite I have installed (Dicktator v3, Pumping Pole Palette and Cream Cascade) and updating my data, but it didn't make any difference. 

Edited by user Sunday, August 20, 2023 7:26:40 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#4 Posted : Monday, August 21, 2023 2:02:07 AM(UTC)

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You are not alone - I have the same message appearing from time to time. No idea why because the file is actually there in the correct place. The error is not easily repeatable and doesn't happen most of the time but, as you say, it just needs dismissing as I can't see anything missing in the viewport.
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b0nny on 8/21/2023(UTC)
#5 Posted : Monday, August 21, 2023 7:42:30 AM(UTC)

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When you dismiss the error does the load actually show as loaded?
Next time you get the error do a search in Parameters for 'Corpus' having Dicktator selected in the Scene tab. Is the morph present?

Pure speculation - having the same morph twice with only a space taken out of one makes me think 'bug fix file' but I could be wrong.
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b0nny on 8/23/2023(UTC)
#6 Posted : Wednesday, August 23, 2023 1:41:38 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: haruchai Go to Quoted Post
When you dismiss the error does the load actually show as loaded?

Thanks for continuing to ponder on this one haruchai. I checked this, and no, I can't find the morph in the scene.

#7 Posted : Wednesday, August 23, 2023 6:32:51 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: b0nny Go to Quoted Post


Thanks for continuing to ponder on this one haruchai. I checked this, and no, I can't find the morph in the scene.

But all the others are? If you search 'Corona' do you see the Corona Fold-Forward-Inflate morphs?

If so it is not a pathing issue on your computer and I will look deeper at the files themselves.

#8 Posted : Wednesday, August 23, 2023 10:38:52 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: haruchai Go to Quoted Post

But all the others are? If you search 'Corona' do you see the Corona Fold-Forward-Inflate morphs?

If so it is not a pathing issue on your computer and I will look deeper at the files themselves.

Well I'm not sure what happened last time I opened the scene - because the search for Corpus with Dictator selected definitely didn't result in any hits. This time, after dismissing the error message, before I even did the search I saw the morph right there in the morphs list! And yes, all the others are there too. So to correct my earlier reply - yes, the morph is there even though the message is reporting it missing!


#9 Posted : Monday, September 4, 2023 4:30:49 PM(UTC)

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Just to add to the information here, I have noticed that once this error has appeared in a scene and that scene is saved, it will appear every time. Not only that but loading that scene and/or saving it again takes several minutes instead of seconds.DAZ Studio seems to stall while it is looking for the files but eventually the scene is saved (or reloaded) but this is a major inconvenience when working on a scene repeatedly.

Another note - these errors appeared in files I happened to be animating although I'm not sure that is always the case.

I do hope @Meipe follows these conversations because those affected will appreciate a fix.

Edited by user Monday, September 4, 2023 4:52:21 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

marble51 attached the following image(s):
inflate error.jpg
inflate Warning Log.jpg
inflate error log file.jpg
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b0nny on 9/4/2023(UTC)
#10 Posted : Tuesday, September 5, 2023 8:27:16 AM(UTC)

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Thanks for adding your thoughts marble51, and I hate to contradict you, but I have a recently made scene that doesn't behave the way you're describing - i.e. the error doesn't appear consistently. Sometimes I open Daz and open the scene and get the message, and sometimes the message doesn't appear.

Nor does this error being present result in the scene subsequently taking several minutes to save. There's no noticeable difference to the (pretty fast) time the scene takes to save, whether the message has appeared on loading or not.

As an aside - I only have one Daz scene that exhibits really slow save times, and it's one where I took a scene element (a dentist chair), exported it, edited the export in Max (I separated the chair elements so it became realistically articulated, so I could pose it in different positions) and loaded the edited chair into the scene. Due to what I assume is my own ignorance, the new chair causes scene saving to take forever!
#11 Posted : Friday, September 8, 2023 3:14:41 AM(UTC)

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First glance I thought .duf vs .dsf.
After read, could it be that in a scene where the morph is applied DS reads the "Space" as text "%20" and tries to apply it as a morph value?
Fix would be remove the space or replace with an underscore, but would need to be done on both the Morph File Title/Name as well as in all morph linked files links, no?
thanks 2 users thanked TheBitterGent for this useful post.
b0nny on 9/8/2023(UTC), Meipe on 9/11/2023(UTC)
#12 Posted : Friday, September 8, 2023 1:03:47 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: TheBitterGent Go to Quoted Post
Fix would be remove the space or replace with an underscore, but would need to be done on both the Morph File Title/Name as well as in all morph linked files links, no?

Thanks for the suggestion, appreciated! It does however go a little beyond my current Daz knowledge, as I wouldn't know where to start changing the file title/name "in all morph linked files"!

#13 Posted : Monday, September 11, 2023 3:42:21 AM(UTC)

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Sorry, I tested it briefly but couldn't recreate your error message.
I would advise
Double check the path is to MeipeX vs Meipe and also inside the "base" folder.
Redownload and reinstall, replacing any existing files in case of corruption or install error.

If you're still having issues after that, then I wonder If you have additional expansion morph products for DCK that maybe aren't correctly pathed.
(If on Windows, In your Library data do a search for "*Corpus" with search file contents enabled to narrow your search)

Hope it helps.
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b0nny on 9/11/2023(UTC), Meipe on 9/11/2023(UTC)
#14 Posted : Thursday, September 14, 2023 3:09:29 AM(UTC)

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Hey TheBitterGent,

Again, thanks for your help. This continues to be a minor mystery (I say minor because, to date, the error hasn't actually caused any problems - it merely requires the error dialog to be closed!).

A search of my Daz install shows no Meipe folder, only Meipex. And I've reinstalled the files quite a few times now, to double/triple/quadruple\etc. check making sure they're correctly installed. And everything is where it should be, and correctly named. Hence why everything appears to be working, all morphs available, where you'd expect to find them. The message is the only erroneous thing occurring as far as I can tell.

The path of my Daz Meipex content install (it's where all my manually installed content is installed - ie content not installed using Daz Central) is: D:\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\data\Meipex\
#15 Posted : Friday, September 15, 2023 2:51:09 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: b0nny Go to Quoted Post
Hey TheBitterGent,

Again, thanks for your help. This continues to be a minor mystery (I say minor because, to date, the error hasn't actually caused any problems - it merely requires the error dialog to be closed!).

A search of my Daz install shows no Meipe folder, only Meipex. And I've reinstalled the files quite a few times now, to double/triple/quadruple\etc. check making sure they're correctly installed. And everything is where it should be, and correctly named. Hence why everything appears to be working, all morphs available, where you'd expect to find them. The message is the only erroneous thing occurring as far as I can tell.

The path of my Daz Meipex content install (it's where all my manually installed content is installed - ie content not installed using Daz Central) is: D:\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\data\Meipex\


If you have good download files (not just reinstalling bad download) properly installed in data...G8M_v3.. Meipex/base (the 2 Corpus Spongiorum Inflate.dsf (29.3 kb) and CorpusSpongiorum Inflate.dsf (29.2 kb) (with unbroken id links)

you shouldn't be getting error messages.

The log file previously listed indicated its an error in the BustinJustin morph. I've tested reloads without morphs, with Corpus dialed 100, and then BustinJustin dialed 100, (granted no combos or at exactly 20%) but I never was able to get the error message to appear.

Might be a Mac issue??? Might be a nonzero figure save? Might be some other morph link (check log)? Maybe DS bug (Uninstall DCK, restart / refresh DS, then Reinstall? ... there's gotta be at least a typo somewhere.

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b0nny on 9/15/2023(UTC)
#16 Posted : Friday, September 15, 2023 3:17:04 AM(UTC)

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Every time I've reinstalled the content, it's been done by re-downloading the files from the download page. Just to be sure.

To my knowledge, I've not got "BustinJustin" (wow, what a name! :D). The packages (excuse the pun) in my Meipex folder are:

Stereo Love
Stereo Love G8F


#17 Posted : Saturday, September 16, 2023 4:53:31 AM(UTC)

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The BustinJustin is a shape preset included with DCKv3...

That does make me wonder if perhaps your library could pathed in a way that exceeds a maximum character limit (though unlikely if errors aren't showing at install)

Just out of curiosity. When you install are you using a DIM (Install Manager) package (.dsx I believe), Manual .zip file install, or a extraction and copy program like 7zip?

That's an extensive list of possible morphs with links to Corpus' or BustinJustin. Might want to try clearing your log...(in DS / Help Tab / Troubleshooting / view your log... on log file, Edit / Select All (or Ctrl+A) / Delete.. then Save the clean log file (Ctrl+S), and close it. Load the Scene with the error message then repeat and look at the log file again. Attach a copy here or (Ctrl+F to "Find" search for Corpus or visually scan Warning lines) and note the "File:" line just before the load error on the log.
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b0nny on 9/16/2023(UTC)
#18 Posted : Saturday, September 16, 2023 4:05:19 PM(UTC)

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Ah gotcha TBG - I never use those shape presets, so had forgotten the BustinJustin one. It's merely evidence of my lousy memory, rather than evidence of any issue with my install.

Anyway, I'll continue to investigate this, and thanks for the additional diagnosis suggestions - although there really isn't anything strange about my directory pathing (as I mentioned a couple of posts above, it's really nothing unusual). Oh, and I'm using a PC, not a Mac.
#19 Posted : Sunday, September 17, 2023 2:59:46 PM(UTC)

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I remembered this evening to take a look at the log file after a scene loaded with the error message. This line is in the log file:

2023-09-17 20:45:18.720 [WARNING] :: Could not resolve: /data/Meipex/Dicktator_Genitalia_G8M/Dicktator_Genitalia_G8M_v3/Morphs/Meipex/Base/CorpusSpongiorum Inflate.dsf

That's the only reference to the error in the file.
#20 Posted : Monday, September 18, 2023 4:51:59 AM(UTC)

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That's interesting because, as stated earlier, there are two versions of the morph in the data folder. One has a space and one doesn't. That log file entry refers to the non space one. As a test try removing the non space one from the data folder temporarily and see if the morph still loads (i.e. is it loading the space version) and does the error go away?

Edited by user Monday, September 18, 2023 12:07:27 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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b0nny on 9/18/2023(UTC)
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