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#1 Posted : Saturday, November 20, 2021 10:30:26 PM(UTC)

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I realize that the month of October is long gone, but it doesn't change the fact that I feel that this site (like many others) are lacking a large amount of gore/horror themed content. I think that I've made a mention about this before to some extent, and while there is some stuff on the site that's available, there could always be more. For example - 

Blood splatter props - This is definitely something that could be done in post, but I think it would look much better if I had a 3D prop for this. This is especially true for if you have a video game/animation/movie that you're building. 

Organs - I noticed that we have quite a few props that have to do with cannibalism or vore on some level. It would be great if we had props for all the organs in all their gruesome detail to really make their bodies being split down the middle seem real. 

Realistic Eyeballs -  I know that you can separate the eye from the main figure in Daz, but in real life, there's a good chunk of meat that's stuck to the back of your eye that connects to the brain. I'm sure that there are some peeps who've already achieved this in Blender some how or some way, but would be a pretty cool tid bit to add to the collection. 

Skinning - I think you're able to purchase meat/muscles from another store for M4 and V4, but I haven't bought them so I'm not sure how functional they are or if they're compatible with G8 at all. We've also got cooked meat shaders here on this store for purchase. But we don't have like a, skin sack or a utility that we can use to "skin" our victims. 

Cutting off Genitalia - I'll have to look again on this store, but I don't think that there's a prop/morph/utility for cutting off parts of the vag, penis, balls, or ass cheeks. There's no graceful way to say this, but I want all the bloody details - veins, skinning options, stretch morphs, etc. If we're going to dip down this twisted rabbit hole, might as well go the distance right? No one? Ok.

I think that last time that I spoke on this, it was something along the lines that the creators of the site  or the moderators don't really cater to that kind of art, so that would explain why there isn't a lot of it. And that's fair, it's your site, do what you want with it. I'm just making the point that in the name of money, I don't see how adding the additional content or making that type of content seem more "desirable" would hurt the site at all (I'm talking about advertising here is all, but what do I know, I'm just a crazy consumer) 

In any case, on to the monsters! I've seen merpeople, I've seen werewolves and aliens, centars and cow stuff (love it by the way, the cow stuff is the best). But you know a some monsters that I haven't seen yet? Echidnas (Nagas is another name they go by), Arachne (half human half spider). There were one or two others that I had in mind, but I can't for the life of me remember what they were called. 

In any case, I would love to see some of these things in the store. If it's not something that's in the cards but someone knows where I can purchase these things, please inbox me the details so I can travel there (don't want to violate community guidlines and post it here). I've tried Google-ing it, but I haven't found anywhere else that was quite as well versed as this one. 


Edited by user Saturday, November 20, 2021 10:33:43 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#2 Posted : Sunday, November 21, 2021 7:06:04 AM(UTC)

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Are you looking for stuff that works in Poser or DAZ? The Daz G8 series offers a ton of options and backward compatibility. G2 and G3 stuff (even V4) will work on G8 with a cloning toon (definitely needed for V4 stuff)

I have seen spider people and some nagas over at the DAZ. You will need to look up the vendor Rawart...he just came out with a goat type person, to look similar to the devil. If you are wanting genitalia to match, use Meipe's products. All I can say is, freedom is only bound by the limit of your mind.

For organs, check the explicit content here, or look at DAZ. They do have some stuff, but it's really limited, and definitely something that would require post work if you want the organs still inside the body.

For blood splatters, spills and puddles, I would recommend looking for any liquid prop, and changing the material setting; you could even use some of the cum props for the dribbles and change the material setting.

Most vendors probably don't make these things, as they don't sell enough to turn a profit, so they don't bother (at least that's what I read in other forums)
thanks 1 user thanked kanshinin for this useful post.
Ebonix115 on 11/21/2021(UTC)
#3 Posted : Sunday, November 21, 2021 11:35:25 AM(UTC)

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All the stuff that I'm looking for should work in Daz, though there have been some things that I've been able to make work that were originally for Poser. And some of the stuff that's old does work for the newer models like you said, it's just concerning cause I'd have to buy it first to see if it works.

And the monsters are in Daz, I have some of them. It's just a matter seeing specific genetalia made for them. I'll have to find a picture of what I'm talking about for the Nagas, but when I find it, then you'll see what I mean by it's something that hasn't been made yet (though with some imagination and hard work, I might be able to combine two props into one)

It's all just wishful thinking really. Just cause I know that while there are some people who would really enjoy that type of stuff, I'm sure there are at least 1k people to evert one person who don't enjoy it at all.
#4 Posted : Sunday, November 21, 2021 2:08:54 PM(UTC)

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Flink has some blood spatter at the other R place. Daz has some internal organs that you might be able to break apart into individual pieces and re import.

Edited by user Sunday, November 21, 2021 2:40:33 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

thanks 2 users thanked davo for this useful post.
Sutut on 11/21/2021(UTC), Ebonix115 on 11/24/2021(UTC)
#5 Posted : Tuesday, November 23, 2021 6:05:04 AM(UTC)

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I agree we need more horror  / gore stuff this could be a chance for an artist or artists / store to take over this genre entirely and become the leader in these type of products and I know this place here is already more or less the leader in that type of stuff and I think I've seen every product out there and yet there  is still a need for more.

Edited by user Tuesday, November 23, 2021 6:29:40 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

thanks 1 user thanked coolcool for this useful post.
Ebonix115 on 11/24/2021(UTC)
#6 Posted : Wednesday, November 24, 2021 7:35:29 PM(UTC)

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I'll continue looking and post my results when I come up with more graphic content.
#7 Posted : Thursday, November 25, 2021 12:30:59 AM(UTC)

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Just started learning the art of geo graft creation, so with hopes this will come along fine. Will have some more gorish stuff up hopefully soon, Between the content I have been putting out. I generally work on like 12 different projects at once, within hopes I will be able to get a second pc soon, so I can use one as a promo render pc, and the other as a set creation system. Goals... Anyways, I'll try and get some more gore stuff up soon.

thanks 1 user thanked Chaosophia for this useful post.
Ebonix115 on 11/25/2021(UTC)
#8 Posted : Thursday, November 25, 2021 9:50:47 AM(UTC)

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Thanks! I really appreciate all the stuff you make (the slave stuff and the auction stuff are *french kiss* amazing). I don't know how to make the actual props and stuff, so I just work with premade stuff and post work. But I'm sure that anything you make will be great. Looking forward to it all!
thanks 1 user thanked Ebonix115 for this useful post.
Chaosophia on 11/25/2021(UTC)
#9 Posted : Friday, December 3, 2021 12:06:37 AM(UTC)

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Ask and you shall flippin receive! Thank you feminell for your most recent product, it looks freaking AMAZING!
#10 Posted : Friday, December 3, 2021 3:13:36 PM(UTC)

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I am very happy to hear your praise. Thank you for your support. :D
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Ebonix115 on 12/3/2021(UTC)
#11 Posted : Thursday, April 14, 2022 8:28:48 PM(UTC)

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Just had another thought about this today since I'm going for a fairly graphic comic idea - Wish there was a severed boob morph or script to sever the boobs from female characters. I guess I could kind of make this effect by rendering 1 image with her boob like halfway though a plate or halfway through someone's hand or something and then make another render of it without and then fix it in post.
#12 Posted : Monday, April 18, 2022 1:30:07 PM(UTC)

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look under the Explicit Content  there is stuff there 

#13 Posted : Monday, April 18, 2022 8:12:01 PM(UTC)

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The explicit section of this store does have a lot of amazing content, I havent purchased everything, but I'm certainly making my way. Although the closest thing that I see in the store that matches what I'm referring to is the Dolcett Factory for Daz Studio Iray by powerage. It has what looks like a boob prop on a plate, but I would like to have something like that to use for any figure and not just that one. 


There is a gallery on a site that shall not be named that has exactly what I'm looking for, once I find it and get a picture for reference, I'll post it here. 

#14 Posted : Thursday, April 21, 2022 5:27:55 AM(UTC)

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I see u r just looking for the boob prop , that could be handy. if it would work with any character.

I would buy Dolcett Factory but it's not for g8 or g3    it should be.

Edited by user Thursday, April 21, 2022 5:34:06 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#15 Posted : Sunday, April 24, 2022 8:52:43 PM(UTC)

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https://www.renderotica.com/gallery/shorturl/563144/Agabon-Pt-1?page=2&artistname=g545 - my project - and look more in my gallery


#16 Posted : Tuesday, May 31, 2022 4:19:11 AM(UTC)

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Not sure if you are still looking for organs.

But the Anatomy Bundle for victoria might be something. (Anatomy 4 Pro Bundle)

Expensive, but you might find some products you are looking for.

Maybe you can add the  "PTF Grungy Threads" effects on a Daz Figure itself and not only on the clothes.
To have some more brutal looking effect than just those served human cuts.



#17 Posted : Friday, July 8, 2022 11:56:38 PM(UTC)

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Just saw Crucifixion Kit I by NextLevel, auto added to my wishlist. Always happy to see new gore/horror related content.
#18 Posted : Thursday, July 21, 2022 10:28:45 AM(UTC)

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bump this up, need more GORE !!  

#19 Posted : Friday, July 22, 2022 8:40:50 PM(UTC)

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I got thinking about this recently, I'd love like a chapped tongue too. I know on the other site I can buy some chopped fingers, I've already got the chopped limbs, but you can never have enough chopped up bits. Also, how about have amputees with healed wounds? Like it's all healed up vs just being bloodied or covered all the time.
#20 Posted : Sunday, July 24, 2022 3:55:16 PM(UTC)

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The AntFarm at DAZ made a flexible intestine prop. Search DAZ3D for "Gutz". It may be something you like.

thanks 1 user thanked Velshtein for this useful post.
Ebonix115 on 7/24/2022(UTC)
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