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#1 Posted : Monday, January 15, 2024 8:33:46 AM(UTC)

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I've really enjoyed this version, but I have one item I would very much like to see changed - where the moving and collision morphs are located. Switching between the character to use the Breastacular posing and then back to Breastacular to do posing with the different bones is very annoying . I often have other items in the scene between the two, and Daz constantly loses my place so that when I go back to G9, I have to drill down multiple times to return to where I was. I know I can use the posing morphs in Breastacular itself, but they are all grayed out so I have a lot of difficulty reading them. Maybe I am doing it wrong and there is a better method? I would like to hear what people have to say on how to pose Breastacular more efficiently.


The second issue is how do I prevent instances like the attached screenshot occurring. I have posed the breast, but for some reason it showing movement even though the hand isn't actually touching the breast. When I actually lower the hand to the breast, it keeps picking up contact with the base of the hand or the first bone of the fingers and creates large impressions so that I have to pose each finger manually. Even then, sometimes it the smoothing and collisions look terrible and I can't seem to get them right no matter what settings I use, and other times it lines up perfectly and I don't even have to make adjustments. Is there a guide to the basic process of posing and morphing the breasts so that the contact looks realistic without having to rely on camera angle tricks ?


In the attached screenshot, the breast is actually moving up and the hand is touching the bottom of the breast, which may be part of the issue as Breastacular may not have been designed for accurate posing when the character (and breast) is upside down. It would just be good to know so I can use Mesh Grabber instead of messing around with Breastacular for an hour plus trying to get a realistic effect.


It may seem I am complaining or unhappy with Breastacular, but generally the graft is very good and I add it when setting up most characters I may use in sex scenes, and sometimes right off the bat to get it out of the way.



#2 Posted : Tuesday, January 23, 2024 1:59:17 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: PhantasyMaster99 Go to Quoted Post

In the attached screenshot

Err... I see none ;)

Originally Posted by: PhantasyMaster99 Go to Quoted Post

I've really enjoyed this version, but I have one item I would very much like to see changed - where the moving and collision morphs are located. Switching between the character to use the Breastacular posing and then back to Breastacular to do posing with the different bones is very annoying . I often have other items in the scene between the two, and Daz constantly loses my place so that when I go back to G9, I have to drill down multiple times to return to where I was.

This is because some of the morphs affect G9's mesh out of Breastacular's graft, so they have to be located on G9. But I can add posing parameters on G9 that rotate/scale/displace BL's bones.

Originally Posted by: PhantasyMaster99 Go to Quoted Post

The second issue is how do I prevent instances like the attached screenshot occurring. I have posed the breast, but for some reason it showing movement even though the hand isn't actually touching the breast. 

I don't see the screenshot, but it may be the hidden gloves inflating parameters causing the issue. Try to select the hidden gloves, find its morphs in the Parameters tab and dial them down...

thanks 1 user thanked Meipe for this useful post.
PhantasyMaster99 on 1/29/2024(UTC)
#3 Posted : Sunday, January 28, 2024 11:24:08 AM(UTC)

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What's going on with Breastacular 9 that when I load it onto a figure it alters the shape of the breasts and not in a good way ?

bman4u123 attached the following image(s):
Breastacular Shape Problem.PNG
#4 Posted : Monday, January 29, 2024 1:23:10 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: PhantasyMaster99 Go to Quoted Post

The second issue is how do I prevent instances like the attached screenshot occurring. I have posed the breast, but for some reason it showing movement even though the hand isn't actually touching the breast. 

I don't see the screenshot, but it may be the hidden gloves inflating parameters causing the issue. Try to select the hidden gloves, find its morphs in the Parameters tab and dial them down...

I am not sure why it didn't upload the screenshot. I will try again, but it basically showed the a small gap between the gloved fingers and Breastacular. The gap is unnoticeable from certain angles, and very obvious from others. I will take a look at the gloves and see if messing with them does the trick. Note that in the screenshot, Breastacular is upside down - the hand is touching the bottom of the breast and pushing it up towards the face, which I think is also part of the problem. Sometimes Breastacular works perfectly, and others it seems that there is always a part of the hand that is causing the breast to warp and I spend too much time trying to fix it.

Originally Posted by: PhantasyMaster99 Go to Quoted Post

I've really enjoyed this version, but I have one item I would very much like to see changed - where the moving and collision morphs are located. Switching between the character to use the Breastacular posing and then back to Breastacular to do posing with the different bones is very annoying . I often have other items in the scene between the two, and Daz constantly loses my place so that when I go back to G9, I have to drill down multiple times to return to where I was.

This is because some of the morphs affect G9's mesh out of Breastacular's graft, so they have to be located on G9. But I can add posing parameters on G9 that rotate/scale/displace BL's bones.

That would be fantastic. I would love to see that! 

One more thing, is there a Fender Bender for G9 in the near future ?


PhantasyMaster99 attached the following image(s):
Screenshot 2024-01-14 214938.png
#5 Posted : Tuesday, January 30, 2024 2:24:25 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: bman4u123 Go to Quoted Post

What's going on with Breastacular 9 that when I load it onto a figure it alters the shape of the breasts and not in a good way ?

Its not altering the breast, its replacing them.

When using BTL9, its easier to first attach BTL9, then shape the new BTL9 graft (breast) as desired.

=== Edit ===


If you're specifically referring to the raised rim it could be a bone collision or morph error.

You can try appling BTL first then dial the character in, watching for collision or error to appear.

Also, in parameters shaping morphs look for any base model or other expansion breast morphs applied that could be distorting BTL and dial them down.

Adjusting Smoothing, Sub Division, Collision interations may help as well. 

Edited by user Thursday, February 1, 2024 3:22:19 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

thanks 2 users thanked TheBitterGent for this useful post.
Meipe on 2/1/2024(UTC), bman4u123 on 2/2/2024(UTC)
#6 Posted : Thursday, February 1, 2024 12:55:02 PM(UTC)

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If the character has default breast morphs when loaded rather than only the character's shape, they may be causing issues. You might try dialing all breast morphs to 0, then adding B9 and see if that fixes the problem. I had some issues with a character that had a morph on the breasts and that fixed it.

Btw...does anyone know how to move the breasts B9 directly downward ? B9 has movement and collision morphs that go in every direction but that one, and posing the breasts through B9 itself of using morphs does not look natural at all.
thanks 3 users thanked PhantasyMaster99 for this useful post.
Meipe on 2/1/2024(UTC), bman4u123 on 2/2/2024(UTC), TheBitterGent on 2/2/2024(UTC)
#7 Posted : Friday, February 2, 2024 1:48:20 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: PhantasyMaster99 Go to Quoted Post

Btw...does anyone know how to move the breasts B9 directly downward ? B9 has movement and collision morphs that go in every direction but that one, and posing the breasts through B9 itself of using morphs does not look natural at all.

Get as close as you can with presets. Then, if you don't own any third party control or utilities morphs, like sags. You can drill down (expand into BTL in scene) to the breast bones and translate Y (with hidden parameters visibility enabled).

Good for adjustments, but can't push them too much or you'll get deformations appearing.

thanks 1 user thanked TheBitterGent for this useful post.
PhantasyMaster99 on 2/2/2024(UTC)
#8 Posted : Friday, February 2, 2024 11:03:36 AM(UTC)

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Thank you! I do have Breast Control morphs that have a couple of sags. I didn't even think of using them I was so focused on trying to do it all with B9.
#9 Posted : Sunday, February 11, 2024 2:00:46 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: TheBitterGent Go to Quoted Post

Originally Posted by: bman4u123 Go to Quoted Post

What's going on with Breastacular 9 that when I load it onto a figure it alters the shape of the breasts and not in a good way ?

Its not altering the breast, its replacing them.

When using BTL9, its easier to first attach BTL9, then shape the new BTL9 graft (breast) as desired.

=== Edit ===


If you're specifically referring to the raised rim it could be a bone collision or morph error.

You can try appling BTL first then dial the character in, watching for collision or error to appear.

Also, in parameters shaping morphs look for any base model or other expansion breast morphs applied that could be distorting BTL and dial them down.

Adjusting Smoothing, Sub Division, Collision interations may help as well. 

I did not experience this issue with G8 regardless of when I load BL8. So hopefully there will be an update with improvement to BL9 that resolves this issue.

#10 Posted : Monday, February 12, 2024 5:28:31 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: bman4u123 Go to Quoted Post

I did not experience this issue with G8 regardless of when I load BL8. So hopefully there will be an update with improvement to BL9 that resolves this issue.

Sadly I think this is another example of errors due to a "Non-Binary"  Base Figure. The starting bones and geometry positions have to translate and rotate farther from the base mesh increasing the morph error possibility. Not all custom female characters are started with a fully zeroed G9 or a 100% dialed feminine base compounds the issue.

Like X+50=100 but you never know if X will be 50 or not. (then same for Y and Z)

#11 Posted : Monday, February 12, 2024 6:18:41 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: bman4u123 Go to Quoted Post

I did not experience this issue with G8 regardless of when I load BL8. So hopefully there will be an update with improvement to BL9 that resolves this issue.


How grafts work was changed with Genesis 9, and in fixing the problems introduced with Genesis 9, a lot of Vendors turned to using Rigidity Mapping, problem with Rigidity is it blocks, or at least partially blocks underlying morphs (Morphs at the figure level) which with grafts it used to work that underlying morphs were additive to the graft. But with Rigidity it is blocking or partially blocking the underlying morphs, so with this generation, with use of Rigidity on grafts, it means the morphs to work have to be applied/built into the graft. (Problem with this is it is nearly impossible for the graft Vendors to build in third party morph sets into the graft, due to permissions issues as well as amount of work it takes graft Vendors to copy/rebuild third party morphs to work with the graft)

thanks 1 user thanked BrotherHades for this useful post.
Meipe on 2/12/2024(UTC)
#12 Posted : Tuesday, February 13, 2024 4:06:04 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: BrotherHades Go to Quoted Post

How grafts work was changed with Genesis 9, and in fixing the problems introduced with Genesis 9, a lot of Vendors turned to using Rigidity Mapping, problem with Rigidity is it blocks, or at least partially blocks underlying morphs (Morphs at the figure level) which with grafts it used to work that underlying morphs were additive to the graft. But with Rigidity it is blocking or partially blocking the underlying morphs, so with this generation, with use of Rigidity on grafts, it means the morphs to work have to be applied/built into the graft. (Problem with this is it is nearly impossible for the graft Vendors to build in third party morph sets into the graft, due to permissions issues as well as amount of work it takes graft Vendors to copy/rebuild third party morphs to work with the graft)

HOWEVER... what about a zero morph and zero pose script for the effected geometry and bones? Run the zero script then click the desired preset.

It could nullify any applied 3rd party morph and posing, no?

#13 Posted : Wednesday, February 14, 2024 10:18:41 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: TheBitterGent Go to Quoted Post

Originally Posted by: BrotherHades Go to Quoted Post

How grafts work was changed with Genesis 9, and in fixing the problems introduced with Genesis 9, a lot of Vendors turned to using Rigidity Mapping, problem with Rigidity is it blocks, or at least partially blocks underlying morphs (Morphs at the figure level) which with grafts it used to work that underlying morphs were additive to the graft. But with Rigidity it is blocking or partially blocking the underlying morphs, so with this generation, with use of Rigidity on grafts, it means the morphs to work have to be applied/built into the graft. (Problem with this is it is nearly impossible for the graft Vendors to build in third party morph sets into the graft, due to permissions issues as well as amount of work it takes graft Vendors to copy/rebuild third party morphs to work with the graft)

HOWEVER... what about a zero morph and zero pose script for the effected geometry and bones? Run the zero script then click the desired preset.

It could nullify any applied 3rd party morph and posing, no?


A zero morph is only as good as what it is scripted to zero out, for example if you have a specific character already applied and want to use the graft nipples in Breastacular, with how Genesis 9 works it is going to block the character morphs under the graft, sometimes the effect is negligible, and some times it can reduce a DD character down to a C or B cup, as it doesn't block the underlying morph completely, and at times the distortions set by the rigidity is so bad that in the end you do end up either having to zero chest morphs or completely zero out the character you were going to use. So if zero morph is set to zero out all other morphs but what is in the graft you lose the character you were working with, if it is set to just zero out certain body parts then you'd just lose those body parts, but sometimes settings like that ie. just the chest morphs zeroing, can create odd shapes around the graft as well. So I don't think there is a good solution, as Genesis 9's changes necessitate rigidity maps being used to fix the grafts, but the Rigidity makes it where morphs to work with the grafts now have to be built in or built for the graft so the morphing occurs at the graft level.  


Point is how the grafts work with Genesis 9 is different. With Genesis 3 and Genesis 8 the morphs on the figure carried over (Good or bad. Example I prefer Meipe's nipple morphs, but if Vendor included nipples as part of the character morph it would add the nipples from the character, to the morph from Breastacular), where on G9 the rigidity added to get the graft to work, partially blocks the underlying figure morphs, and while you can remove the rigidity map, it then creates or reveals the issue that Meipe put the Rigidity Maps there to fix in the first place.


So with Genesis 9 and grafts it sometimes comes down to if you can use the graft with X character, or will too much of the underlying morphs be blocked for it to look good or right. Now granted most of the default Daz numbered characters seem to work fine, with minimal blockage, but if you use large breast morphs like Powerage's Boob Paradise, or guhzcoituz's GC Breast Preset for G9, then you end up with forced breast reduction, and the results aren't always pretty or even passable. 

thanks 1 user thanked BrotherHades for this useful post.
Meipe on 2/17/2024(UTC)
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