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#1 Posted : Sunday, January 17, 2021 7:17:03 PM(UTC)

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Most of my work is either gay men or femdom. Becuase of this, a lot of the morphs and add ons that are used for G8F I actually need for G8M. I know that purchasing them, I can fiddle around with them and dicern how I could fit them on a man, like headlights by Meipe. I had to figure out a long work around to use it on a G8M, but it works for what I need it to. Although, there are some other products that I need/have that I need to apply to a G8M. They are as follows - 

18 BOOTY MORPHS G8F by Matteo IO

All the cum shots by DragiHadzitosic (I'd hope that they're actually just props and that I can manipulate them independent of the G8F, but we'll find out later)

Anatomy Enhancement For Genesis 8 And 3 Females by Eroticalist

Three Tits for G8F by powerage

The list could go one for days.

The point is that when I purchase these items, I'm afraid that I'll only be able to use them for the listed model, which is kind of what they're meant for, I know. But my art is very unique and I want to make the best of it considering how much money, time and dedication I'm willing to pour into this. 

What I am in need of are more ways to coherently use various product such as the ones listed on their G8M counterparts. 

Lastly, I'm just going to post things in this thread considering that I'm always asking about this kind of stuff. Just makes more sense to use one post for it. 


#2 Posted : Sunday, December 12, 2021 4:27:28 AM(UTC)

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Annnnnd I'm back at it again with the random problems that plague my mind! 

This post is almost a year old. Just thinking about my skill level from a year ago to now is like -insert mind blown meme - But, I can postively say that I've gotten better at this! Most of the products that I wanted to use for the males I've either been able to make fit/merge/or edit in post work to what I needed it to do. However, there are some that I still can't make work just the way that I want them to. Namely - 

Breastacular For Genesis 8 Female

HD Nipples for G8F - 2.0

Lifelike Nipple Graft For Genesis 8 Females

Milkaiser For G8F Breastacular


There's a recurring theme here.... -I want boobie/nipple morphs for my gents! I have played around with post work, and I can sort of get the effect that it's natural, given that you look at it from far away. Although, that might speak more to my skills in post (still woring on them by the way.) 

Now for the actual question/request - 

In a discord server, I asked about Headlights specifically and asked if someone knew how to do it. Their response was that I probably wasn't skilled enough to do it to which I admitted that I wasn't. But they did say that it would probably require the UV maps and Geografts to be swapped. I won't like and pretend like I know what that means, cause I don't. I'm sure it has something to do with blender, but until I find the right set of youtube videos that can explain and demonstrate how to do these types of things, I'm a sitting duck. 

Would anyone be able to spare a few moments to possibly help me through this? I know that it gets tedious to hear me ask about these kinds of things, but it's alsmot been a year since I asked about this my orginal post and I've gotten significantly better since then. But if no one knows anything about, that's fine. I'll keep working to figure it out at some point! 


Otherwise, have agreat holiday season if you're celebrating. If not, then I hope you enjoy your december! 


#3 Posted : Sunday, December 12, 2021 1:26:50 PM(UTC)

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I don´t think there is a way to convert GeoGrafts from one figure to another, but I'd like to know. Vertices on the edge must match the original figure to attach, and even if you could attach them, it would look weird.

#4 Posted : Sunday, December 12, 2021 4:14:57 PM(UTC)

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I'm not entirely sure if it's possible, but so far it sounds like it might be! I'm currently on the other site working with some peeps to try and figure out what I would need to do and in what order. Obviously, I don't anticipate that this is something that I'm going to accomplish in a couple weeks, it's gonna be months. But that's ok, I'll keep working to figure it out. It sounds like this is what I've got going so far - 

1) Understand UV Maps, Geografts, Polygons and how they weld, how to adjust them in Blender, and learn how to remap a mesh

2) How an add on (not a prop) is created/it's anatomy

3) Take a couple of props from daz and put them in blender to practice with messing with the geografts and the UV maps

4) Learn the specific anatomy of the specific add on that I'm working with

5) Learn how to dissemble the add on in a program 

4) How to re-assemble for the other figure and then export it back to daz with all the morphs in tact

I'll keep updating this thread with my progress on this, but if anyone has any comments on this, please feel free to let me know! 

#5 Posted : Sunday, December 12, 2021 9:40:12 PM(UTC)

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How good are you with Blender? That's probably going to be the main determining factor. You don't have to be a guru at it, but there's definitely a learning curve. I started off using Hexagon, and now I'm trying to learn Blender. For me the hardest part of Blender is learning the interface. Once I figure out where to find what I'm looking for, it's not so bad.

It looks like most of what's on your list is doable, but it'll take some work. There are a few tutorials on geografts, so that helps. I'm pretty sure there aren't any tutorials on exactly what you're trying to do, so it'll take some creativity on your part, but that's part of the fun.  :)

If you're just learning Blender, I'd start with the Donut Tutorial 3.0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIoXOplUvAw by Blender Guru. He goes through all the basics of the program, and it's made specifically for Blender 3.0 which is more focused on the Node Editor.

I think Hellboy's right, geografts won't transfer directly, not without a lot of visual problems. You'll probably have to export from one, then adapt it to the other figure as a new geograft. Then you'll have to transfer the morphs over in a similar manner. The good thing is by the time you learn all that, you'll pretty much be able to make your own assets.

#6 Posted : Monday, December 13, 2021 9:41:39 PM(UTC)

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I had Hexagon on my computer when I first downloaded Daz, but that's because it came with the product. I opened it like maybe once for the duration that it stayed on my PC. BUT, you're absolutely right - my understanding of Blender is beyond limited, so I'm definitely going to be learning a lot about Blender. I also joined 2 Blender Discords, both with over 1,500 members with help channels. 


It's definitely going to take a lot of time and a lot of effort. But I thought that it might be nice to share this process for while I'm doing it with the peeps here in case other people wanted to try doing this themselves. It also serves for me to get help frm other people who probably know a lot more about what their doing. 

#7 Posted : Monday, December 13, 2021 11:58:05 PM(UTC)

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Just did the first 2 videos in the series and my pastry is looking great, lol


#8 Posted : Thursday, December 16, 2021 4:35:53 AM(UTC)

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If you just want futa man boobs you can slap a futalicious on a female and dial the female up in masculinity morphs.
If you want even manlier boobs Zev0 has a Breast Control morph pack for G3M and G8M over on DAZ.
Meipe also makes FenderBlender and other male version grafts as well.

For tutorials.
I personally wouldn't put too much into the discord. It sounds like a large class with probably too few teachers, and the time spent on grasping basic beginning concepts through explanation will likely be a rough time consuming ordeal.
BlenderGuru, WPGuru, and SickleYield over on YouTube are going to be your main go-to's on tutorials. They have videos on Youtube that are well paced and will get you what you need.
BlenderGuru has a full production step by step start to finish style. A good starting point to get the basics of 3D terminology and elemental breakdown.
WPGuru is more Daz Studio specific quick tip what's this, how/when do I use it, conceptual style.
SickleYield I believe is the artist that has the most in-depth DS graft tutorial video.
Rolo from Winterbros has some more dated stuff but conceptually the same.
ITRoy focuses more on the finalizing rendering side.

Theres the keys to the farm. Might take 2 or 3 runs to absorb. Have fun. See you on the battlefield.

#9 Posted : Thursday, December 16, 2021 9:41:03 PM(UTC)

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Thank you for point out Zev0! I completely forgot that he had a store over on Daz. I got that one in my wishlist to buy at somepoint. 

It's funny that I've heard of all three of those guys, and I've seen some of all of their videos. I'm currently starting with Blender Guru and it's going well. I've hit a snag in step 8/video 8. He's painting in texture mode and he's able to pain directly onto the donut. However, when I attempt to click on the donut on the right hand side to pain on it like he does, it's for some reason posting to the underside of the donut like it's upside down or something? I'll see it come up on the map and it's really weird. I did back track to try and figure out what I did wrong, but I can't find it and I'd like to be able to follow the tutorial as closely as possible. The first picture is what he did and the second one is what I'm getting, so not too sure where I gumped it up, lol. I'll figure it out at some point. 


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#10 Posted : Friday, December 17, 2021 5:39:46 AM(UTC)

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Probably just a Flipped UV.
Others to watch for are partial selection mistakes, and inversed Normals if its painting on the inside.

thanks 1 user thanked TheBitterGent for this useful post.
Ebonix115 on 12/18/2021(UTC)
#11 Posted : Saturday, December 18, 2021 6:40:43 AM(UTC)

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Good looking donut so far! I did BG's donut tutorial for Blender 2.8 a while ago, so I need to redo it for 3.0. The frustrating thing about Blender is that they keep adding new features faster than I can learn the old ones, so technically that means I'm getting dumber at it.  :(

I was skimming through the 3.0 tutorial, and it doesn't look like he covers texture unwrapping. But, he's not done with the series, so I guess he may cover it in the future. If not, the 2.8 tutorial definitely has it.

#12 Posted : Saturday, December 18, 2021 11:29:51 AM(UTC)

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TheBitterGent - Thank you so much for pointing that out! It was the inversed normal. I was so upset cause I couldn't figure out where I'd gone wrong, but I did find it! 

Zaavaleta - I'm almost done with what I'm doing so far, so I'm excited for the next video that he'll post. Texture unwrapping though, that sounds like undoing the image textures that are already a part of the product. Do you think that the old tutorials that he has on it will work for the 3.0 version? 

#13 Posted : Saturday, December 18, 2021 5:47:46 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Ebonix115 Go to Quoted Post

... Texture unwrapping though, that sounds like undoing the image textures that are already a part of the product. Do you think that the old tutorials that he has on it will work for the 3.0 version? 

Yes, kind of like taking the peel off an orange and trying to lay it out flat. But you usually do it when you make the object, before you apply a texture.

I think the old (2.8) tutorials will work. The biggest problem is trying to use tutorials before 2.8 because the interface was so different and they used right-click to select. I'll never understand that.

#14 Posted : Saturday, December 18, 2021 8:14:34 PM(UTC)

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Well, my donut is now done! It looks so snazzy, but the tutorial was super helpful in explaining a lot of things that I didn't know. While using it, I alson realized that it's not nearly as hard to use blender as I first thought. The thing that's been the hardest for me since using it is trying to get used to the hot keys. I'm more of a click person and I'm the same way in Daz. It took almost a year and a half for me to get used to using WASD for panning around instead of clicking around. 

But in other news, I now know how to assemble something in blender. I put a texture and a material on it and I know how to edit them now. The next thing I'm going to do is export it to Daz to see if I can manage that. Then after that, I'm going to export an existing prop out of Daz and into Blender to see if I can manage doing that. Should be simple enough. 

Ebonix115 attached the following image(s):
Blender Donut.png
#15 Posted : Monday, December 20, 2021 8:41:21 AM(UTC)

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Looks good! I look forward to seeing what you come up with next.

thanks 1 user thanked Zaavaleta for this useful post.
Ebonix115 on 12/21/2021(UTC)
#16 Posted : Monday, December 20, 2021 1:07:11 PM(UTC)

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I guess this response is pretty late, and maybe it's not exactly the solution you're looking for, but there's a product out there called BOY and GIRL/B&G, which has some addition morphs to turn G8F into a boy...  


As for the Blender tutorials. I went through the whole donut creation process, too :) I ran into issues with the coffee cup handle, though.

#17 Posted : Tuesday, December 21, 2021 9:15:29 PM(UTC)

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rjsquirrel - I'm not sure what this product is, but thank you for the tip! But to clear up what I'm trying to do a little more - I want to be able to take add ons that are meant for female characters and place them on a male figure. Cause you're right, there are props out there that would allow me to make a female character look like a G8M, but most of those only work to make the female look like the base G8M. I want male characters of all kinds to be able to have nice nips and big clits and stuff like that. But I know that not everyone is into that kind of thing, so it makes sense that things like that wouldn't sell that well. It also makes sense cause it would take a lot more time on the part of the content creator to make something like that compatible with both characters. 

#18 Posted : Friday, December 24, 2021 9:30:41 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Ebonix115 Go to Quoted Post

rjsquirrel - I'm not sure what this product is, but thank you for the tip! But to clear up what I'm trying to do a little more - I want to be able to take add ons that are meant for female characters and place them on a male figure. Cause you're right, there are props out there that would allow me to make a female character look like a G8M, but most of those only work to make the female look like the base G8M. I want male characters of all kinds to be able to have nice nips and big clits and stuff like that. But I know that not everyone is into that kind of thing, so it makes sense that things like that wouldn't sell that well. It also makes sense cause it would take a lot more time on the part of the content creator to make something like that compatible with both characters. 


Here's a snapshot of the BG morph package in action (along with some additional body morphs):  

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Ebonix115 on 12/26/2021(UTC)
#19 Posted : Sunday, December 26, 2021 10:36:40 AM(UTC)

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Thanks for this reference! I'll have to look into this.
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