Elf Hunter Flash Game Barbarian Babes Interactive (c)2014 Tolby must take up his Xmas ornament shooter and the magical toybox to take on waves of sexy elves-gone-wild! Use your powers of ice and humiliation to subdue the elves and administer some sexual healing as you work your way up to tackle four ultra-sexy Xmas themed bosses... Jackie Frost, Miss Claws, Grinchilla, and the dark side of sexy Xmas herself, Krampuss! Detailed Player's Guide included. To view the guide simply open the GUIDE folder and double click PlayGuide then click the pages you want to see. To start the game simply double click ElfHunter.swf With hundreds of frames of animation, dozens of sexy sounds and music Elf Hunter is a rollickin' good time! works on PC and MAC, Flash Player required All of this product's content was created by Barbarian Babes email: [email removed] ... Documentation\ Documentation\BarbarianBabesElf.txt ElfEnding.swf ElfHunter.swf ElfHunter2.swf ElfHunter3.swf ElfHunter4.swf ElfHunter5.swf ElfHunter6.swf Guide\ Guide\bossClaws.html Guide\bossClaws.jpg Guide\bossGrin.jpg Guide\bossGrinchilla.html Guide\bossJackie.html Guide\bossjackie.jpg Guide\bossKram.jpg Guide\bossKrampuss.html Guide\elfArcade.jpg Guide\ElfHunterEnemies.html Guide\ElfHunterPrizes.html Guide\ElfHunterTips.html Guide\ElfHunterToys.html Guide\ElfHunterWeapons.html Guide\Enemies.html Guide\enemylist.jpg Guide\enemypage.jpg Guide\firstpage.jpg Guide\guidelogo.jpg Guide\logo.jpg Guide\mainpage.jpg Guide\newindex.jpg Guide\PlayGuide.html Guide\prizelist.jpg Guide\prizepage1.jpg Guide\Prizes.html Guide\tipspage.jpg Guide\toylist.jpg Guide\toypage1.jpg Guide\Toys.html Guide\weaponpage.jpg