-The Tail: Have your V4 loaded and selected. Load The Tail. ** If you're using the Tail with V4, CONFORM it to her ** If you want to use the tail with another Poser character: ~ Load that figure ~ Load the Tail ~ Select the Tail's BODY character and position it where you want to have it ~ PARENT the Tail to the bodypart of the carrying figure which is closest to the Tail HIP actor (Most likely, this will be the hip of the carrier.) All controls for the Tail sit in the CONTROL BOX, which hovers above the Tail. Select that to get access to the "easy posing" wheelies. The Control box, in the default seting WILL NOT RENDER. If you mind having the box visible in the Preview, simply apply the "CONTROL INVISIBLE" script which can be found in the POSE folder for the Tail. The Tail loads WITHOUT the smooth transparency around the part where it is supposed to blend with V4's /abdomen/hip/glutes. HINT: you may experience difficulties when you try to precisely pose the tail in higher Poser versions with any transparency applied(that's not my figure, that's a Poser transparency issue). SO it's a good idea to do the posing work without any transparencies. Setting up the Tail with it's standard Materials is as easy as clicking the appropriate Thumbnail in the MATERIAL folder in the library. ** The Tail is able to read the original material settings which are applied go V4. This blends the surface of the Tail nicely with the master V4 , giving the whole thing a pretty organic touch. Applying the V4 mat settings is easy: Before you read the instructions below - HERE is a link to a *.pdf-file (with images, easier to follow...) http://www.skin2pix.com/tutorials/TheTail_TextureTutorial_s2p784.pdf TO MAKE THE TAIL READ V4's MATERIAL ~ Load yout V4 and apply the material you want her to have ~ Load the Tail. ~ Open the MATERIAL room, choose the ADVANCED view ~ select V4 as active ~ select any one of the V4 Material"Group" 2 (that would be 2_SkinHead, 2_SkinNeck, 2_SkinTorso, 2_Nipple or 2_SkinHip) ~ RIGHT-CLICK on the "PoserSurface" Tab (That's all the way up on this table.) ~ A pull-down menu appears. Click "Select All" ~ All the tabs are now yellow, instead of grey. ~ RIGHT-CLICK "Poser Surface again ~ In the Pull-Down, click "Copy" Now ~ Select TheTail ~ Select the Tail material =Notice: The default settings contain a 2D image node, which is NOT connected to anything= ~ RIGHT-CLICK on the "PoserSurface" Tab ~ In the PullDown, click "PASTE" ~ On the right bottom of the window find "ImageMap - ImageSource: s2p784Tail_t.jpg" That's the transparency map. ~ Left-Click and HOLD on the PushPin symbol (Upper Left corner, next to the Word "ImageMap") ~ MOVE the cursor (and the line that appears behind it) to ~ the PLUG symbol right of TRANSPARENCY. The line connects, and the symbol changes ~ Click the key value behind Transparency, and set it to [1] ~ Click the key value behind Transparency_Edge, and set it to [0] ~ Click the key value behind Transparency_Falloff, and set it to [0] Done. Important: that works following the good old MIMO principle - mess in, mess out. If the texture image maps of V4 have mistakes or irregularities, they might show in the Tails surface as well. Due to the significant differences between the Tails and V4s topology, some technical limitations take place: ~ excessive use of the Position Adjustments for the entire figure WILL collide with the Movement morphs ~ the crosstalking morph for FBM Thin works in a range between 0 and 1.5 ~ the crosstalking morph for FBM Bulk works in a range between -0.25 and 1.5 ~ the crosstalking morph for FBM Amazon works in a range between 0 and 1.5 ~ the crosstalking morph for FBM Voluptuous works in a range between -0.25 and 1.25 ~ Reading a carrier material DOES ONLY WORK FOR V4 Tips and Tricks: By selecting the BODY actor you can access the Scale nodes (Overall, x, y and z scales). Use those options if you want to fit the Tail to a resized V4, or to other Poser figures. ************************************************************************************************* Packing List: ::\Runtime\Geometries\Skin2Pix\Tail s2p784Tail.obj 493 kb ::\Runtime\Libraries\Character\Skin2Pix\TheTail TheTail6.cr2 2 mb TheTail6.png 15 kb ::\Runtime\Libraries\Materials\Skin2Pix\TheTail !!NoTransForPosing.mc6 23 kb !!NoTransForPosing.png 14 kb !!NoTransForPosing.xmp 3 kb !0TransparencyBase.mc6 23 kb !0TransparencyBase.png 13 kb !0TransparencyBase.xmp 3 kb 01RubberBlack.mc6 26 kb 01RubberBlack.png 13 kb 01RubberBlack.xmp 3 kb 02RubberRed.mc6 26 kb 02RubberRed.png 13 kb 02RubberRed.xmp 3 kb 03RubberBrown.mc6 26 kb 03RubberBrown.png 14 kb 03RubberBrown.xmp 3 kb ::\Runtime\Textures\S2P\784 s2p784TailUVM.png 339 kb s2p784Tail_t.jpg 450 kb ::\ Renderotica EULA ::\ This ReadMe file