GlisteningDroplets by Vunter Slaush Thank you for purchasing "GlisteningDroplets by Vunter Slaush". Look for more exciting sets coming soon to! ====================================================================== Product Requirements and Compatibility ====================================================================== Programs Required: DAZ 4.12+ & IRAY ONLY Models Required: Genesis 9 Any addons required to use: NO NOT DESIGNED OR TESTED FOR POSER NOT SUPPORT 3DELIGHT IN DAZ, IRAY ONLY ====================================================================== ABOUT THE SET ====================================================================== The product consists of a water drop-shaped geometry designed to simulate water droplets on the skin. 5 types of water droplets wearable presets with vertices from 211k to 1542k. 2 types of long water strips on the skin. 2 Geometry Shell presets for Genesis 9 Male / Female, with/without "Genesis 9 Anatomical Elements Male"/ "Genesis 9 Anatomical Elements Female". These 2 Geometry Shell presets are separated from the water droplet wearables, trying to simulate a glossy shiny effect on the skin. For Genesis 9 figures with other Geometry grafted on the figure,(Anatomical parts etc) try the following steps: 1. Apply the parts grafted on the figure ( Anatomical parts etc). 2. Select the figure, and click "Create - New Geometry Shell". 3. Select the created Geometry Shell on the figure, in the "Surface" panel, select the body parts where you want to apply the water shader (body, arm, head, anatomical parts, etc). 4. click the "ShellShader" in the GeoShell folder, or, you can apply the default "Water" Shader from DS "DAZ Uber" folder. 5. In the "Surface" panel with parts of the body selected, select "Cutout Opacity", and change the value you want from 0-1. The "ShellShader" in the GeoShell folder has an Opacity value of 0.3. The water droplets with a Glossy Reflectivity value of 0.5, a Refraction Index of 1.33, and a Refraction Weight of 1.00. You can manually change those with different light settings. Water Droplets are in 2 material groups: Face and Body. You can select the Face part and change the "Cutout Opacity" value to 0 to make it disappear on the face. ------------------------------------------------ Install Instructions: Unzip the file. Copy all the folders inside the "My Library" folder - (data,runtime,props) to your original "My library" folder. OR drag all the folders inside "My Library" folder - (data,runtime,props) to any folder mapped as "base directory" inside DAZ Studio. Contact me if you got any questions installin the product. ====================================================================== TAGS ====================================================================== Props ====================================================================== COPYRIGHT & LICENSE ====================================================================== Copyright (c) 2023 VunterSlaush . All rights reserved. Not intended for redistribution. Date:19-OCT-2023 ====================================================================== CONTENTS ====================================================================== Wearable presets and shader presets are under: \My Library\Props\Droplets