Read Me "Crom131 Mr Strange for M4" -By Crom131 a.k.a (Brujo) Copyright 1/01/2013"Product,Logos and images ? 2012 EmocoreCGI Adult Design Studios. All Rights Reserved. To UNPACK :POINT To POSER PROGRAM RUNTIME LOCATED IN YOUR C:\Program Files (x86)\Smith Micro\Poser Pro\Runtime in other systems just find C:\ Smith micro\poser #\Runtime (# ) = being the number Version of your poser program 5,6,7,8,pro,2010.Files works in 4 and up to Newest Version of poser 2012 & 2014 Information: Crom131 Mr Strange for M4 Info: Crom131 Present's Mr Strange for M4 First I would like to say Thank you for all your support and for you're purchasing of this wonderful new morph package Crom131?s Mr. strange for M4. This morph package Template came about after years of not fully being able to feel complete with the look and feel of the strong man morphs that make up the cosmology of the base M4 and F4 figure morphs that have been around for years and as of recent, I wanted to make a protagonistic member to the millennium 4 base figures that would stand the test of time, still keeping in mind that what I wanted to have was the M4 base give me more than just the Freak or a hideous looking version of the freak, I studied and looked at protagonist figures in myth, SCI-fi, and fantasy, figures like frank frazetta?s ?death dealer?, Robert E. Howard?s ?Conan?, & Richard Corben?s ?Den?, as well as from modern masters like Frank Miller?s wonderful and Inspiring interpretation of Spartans ?King Leonidas? and his Evil and down right counter nemesis Persian "god-King" Xerxes, I hit the Z-Brush concept Board and invoked all the elder God?s to guide my hand in this new creation, that I Crafted for you with no Other name But Mr. Strange Within This Package: You can leave the Mr Strange one for M4 at normal M4 size which is known by not appling size Injection, with size injection applied you get the Intended size that can add more to the intended look for your renders a custom body morph called Body INJ and Head INJ that was made to give your M4 that Biological modification look , This injection has only been made for The M4 base body. *note (if mixing with other third party M4 Head morphs you should use magnets to get the look you want just right in the neck region of the M4 base). included is the dark Normal skin tone called Mat Dark, and the light albino aberration skin tone called Mat Light, I have as well added The Vascular versions as well for Both Tones, and the face,and arm Moko Tattoos are non Vascular But will enhance your new morphed figure none the less. For a nice vain vascularity Check the Use Displacement maps, and Set Min Displacement Bounds in your Render Settings to 1.000, One Gen Fix for M4. Three custom morphs for limb Scale, Body scale and gen morph are as well included. Note** PDF Manual included. A 9 page PDF Instruction document is included to be read using Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or higher... Once your Product is Installed, open the zip file to any directory of your choice. Then, either clicking the PDF icon or opening said document in Acrobat reader Important compatiblity statement: This product has been used in Poser 4 and Up and has been tested in Poser 2012 & 2014 This product is ment to be used with M4 Base Figure. all morphs were made in Z-Brush 4 and corrected in C4D *This product is ment to Only be used with M4 base. M4 Morphs+++ Not Required Mr Strange One Setup Prep Injection Instructions and Info When useing Morph injections a): Start at first default "T" pose with M4. b): Select Body of M4,inject All Mr Strange Body INJ Body Morphs Now its time to scale Fix, and now add Mats. c): Apply Body mat You have a choice of two body mat textures Dark & Light,and the vein versions as well, thats 4 body mat textures to choose from. **Important** disclaimer: And I would like to say it is much appreciated for your purchasing of Mr STRANGE for M4 a nice new addition to my growing morph series hear at Renderotica Soft Goods. Mr STRANGE for M4 was inspired by, but is not meant to be a copy of, fictitious characters from a blockbuster movie. Or Graphic Novel or Paper Back Novel All Figure morphs that inspired resemblances appearing in this work are fictitious.,and are the sole Creation of The Artist Crom131 Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead,or within Film or Paper Back Novel is purely coincidental. Files included in the Product: Crom131 Mr Strange for M4.Files List: \Runtime\Libraries\Pose\Crom131_Mr Strange 0.png 0.pz2 1.png 1.pz2 2.png 2.pz2 3.png 3.pz2 4.Default Pose.png 4.Default Pose.pz2 Body INJ.png Body INJ.pz2 Body REM.png Body REM.pz2 Head INJ.png Head INJ.pz2 Head REM.png Head REM.pz2 Mat Dark.png Mat Dark.pz2 Mat Light.png Mat Light.pz2 Mat Veins.png Mat Veins.pz2 Mat_Veins.png Mat_Veins.pz2 Tat Arms Dark.png Tat Arms Dark.pz2 Tat Arms Light.png Tat Arms Light.pz2 Tat Face Moko dark.png Tat Face Moko dark.pz2 Tat Face Moko Light.png Tat Face Moko Light.pz2 V.Dark Gen Mat.png V.Dark Gen Mat.pz2 W.Light Gen Mat.png W.Light Gen Mat.pz2 X.Limb Scale Inj.png X.Limb Scale Inj.pz2 X.Limb Scale Rem.png X.Limb Scale Rem.pz2 Y.Hight Scale Inj.png Y.Hight Scale Inj.pz2 Y.Hight Scale Rem.png Y.Hight Scale Rem.pz2 Z.Gen-Info.png Z.Gen-Info.png Z.INJ GEN-FIX.png Z.INJ GEN-FIX.pz2 Mr Strange_eyes_Bump.jpg Mr Strange_Gen Tran.jpg Mr Strange_Gens VDis.jpg Mr Strange_IM.jpg Mr Strange_limbsveins.jpg Mr Strange_mouth.jpg Mr Strange_Torso.bmp Mr Strange_torsoveins.jpg Strange Dark_FaceNB.jpg Strange Dark_GenNB.jpg Strange Dark_LimbsNB.jpg Strange Dark_TorsoNB.jpg Strange_corneatr.jpg Strange_Eyes.jpg Strange_Eyes-2.jpg Strange_Face_Bump NB.bmp Strange_FaceNB.jpg Strange_Limbs.bmp Strange_Limbs.JPG Strange_sGenital Bump.bmp Strange_sGenital.jpg Strange_sLashes.jpg Strange_Torso.JPG A_Tattoos : Folder \Runtime\Textures\Crom131_Mr Strange\A_Tattoos Limbs_-Glo-m-Alp.jpg Limbs_-mOrDark.jpg Limbs_-mOrLight.jpg MGlomoko-m.jpg Moko-mOr.jpg Moko-mOrL.jpg Unzip > point to your poser program runtime folder. Email me if you have any [email removed] or at [email removed] But you can always contact me at Renderotica site just PM me if any questions need be asked. for Freelance CGI personalization images if you need a image done you can get my e_mail from the Contact me tab At Renderotica. permissions Ownership Statement: As is, all of the content in this package was created by Crom131. Crom131 is the sole owner of all content morphs, props, mat shaders & textures contained within this package. As is, images, motion pictures, and physical graphic media produced by using this content belongs to you once Purchased and EndUserLicence from Renderotica softgoods Store is in your possession and on file. You may produce add-on content for this content as free but not for profit unless given written permission By Crom131. It can take a few days to get back to you But i Will. From Crom131 a.k.a (Brujo)