Bride and the Rose - Gonzo copyright 2013 The Bride and the Rose is a 52 page multi panel comic that follows the story of a Micheal a Groom who decides to use occult roses to win the affection of Jessica his virgin Bride. But he gets more than he bargained for when she is seduced by a hideous Incubus that is summoned making it a wedding night neither of them will ever forget. File list: brideandtherose.pdf readme.txt Detailed Installation Instructions Unzip the zip file You will require a programme capable of viewing PDF files, these normally come with most computers for free. Acrobat reader is available for free from, but will also open in the preview function of Windows and Mac. For more information on viewing PDF files see How to use: Once your PDF viewer is installed just double click the brideandrose.pdf icon and it should automatically open, if for any reason it does not work try opening your pdf viewer first and then selecting 'OPEN' and select brideandtherose.pdf Email me if you have problems [email removed]