Read Me "Crom131's_Physically Precious Ass for V4" -By Crom131 a.k.a (Brujo) Copyright 3/01/2013"Product,Logos and images ? 2012 EmocoreCGI Adult Design Studios. All Rights Reserved. To UNPACK :POINT To POSER PROGRAM RUNTIME LOCATED IN YOUR C:\Program Files (x86)\Smith Micro\Poser Pro\Runtime in other systems just find C:\ Smith micro\poser #\Runtime (# ) = being the number Version of your poser program 5,6,7,8,pro,2010.Files works in 4 and up to Newest Version of poser 2012 Information: Crom131_Physically Precious Ass for V4 Info: Crom131 Present's Physically Precious Ass for V4 Extra Image of Morphs can be seen at at my Crom131's Product's Update and Previews Info Physically Precious Ass for V4 is made up of six Anatomical morphs one main Gluteal morph called A.PhyPrecious Ass INJ. This PPA Setup injection was modeled in Zbrush after a time of study I made on the Upper mid and lower Gluteal shape of the human female Anatomical form, this morph was made to directly inject into V4 Base without the use of haveing Morphs+++. I have as well worked hard on the shapeing of this morph so that it works with A4 base figure. Five Shapeing morphs have been added to this package, Ass Ajust INJ allows the movement of the gluteal muscle up and down sag, Bodonk INJ allows you to add size to the gluteal muscle to have the large ass look that big females in your renders need combine this injection with the Ass Ajust injection and your mature females now have the right look that a aged female Gluteal shape should have. The fourth morph Gluteal shape injection is called Just Flat Ass INJ use this injection to bring in the Gluteal shape to a aesthetic flat ass look, the fifth morph injection is called Spread Ass INJ this Spreads the Gluteal shape, and the last and Sixth morph is called Tight End INJ this tightens the Gluteal shape, in my Showcase advert images I have placed the look of this morph with A.PhyPrecious Ass INJ to show the versatility of this morph package. In all this Gluteal Anatomical Morph kit's permutations can be used to make over 720 Possible Combinations of Glamorous ass. all morphs were made in Z-Brush 4 and corrected in C4D Important compatiblity statement: V4 Morphs+++ Not Required Poser 4 and Up and has been tested in Poser 2012 ***Important**** This product is ment to be used within Poser *Note: Be sure to turn off IK before injecting morphs certain extreme Physical expressions of bends will need tweaking in upper Hip and abbdomen. This is a shapeing morph use to give as much an aestheticly pleasing shape to the base figure Ass cheeks. *Note: This product has been tested with Arduino's V4.2 WWG UPDATED and PoseidenTech's Amber for V4.2 and has been found to work very well. has been tested with V4 base with each Morph of the Daz Morph+++ package for V4 and the Elite Morph package made by Daz and has been found to work very well. V4 Morphs+++ Not Required to use this package. *note: this product will not work with PoseidenTech's Misty for V4.2 due to mistys large Channel morph grouping Cross talk. *note: It has been tested and into DAZ Studio 4 and the morphs work with V4 within Daz Studio, but with Limits. This product is ment to be used within Poser. Important compatiblity statement: . Poser 4 and Up and has been tested in Poser 2012 This product is ment to be used with v4 Base Figure and can be used with A4 base figure. permissions Ownership Statement: As is, all of the content in this package was created by Crom131. Crom131 is the sole owner of all content morphs, props, mat shaders & textures contained within this package. As is, images, motion pictures, and physical graphic media produced by using this content belongs to you once Purchased and EndUserLicence from Renderotica Store is in your possession and on file. You may produce add-on content for this content as free but not for profit unless given written permission By Crom131. Files included in the Product: Crom131_Physically Precious Ass for V4.Files List: \Runtime\Libraries\Pose\Physically Precious Ass 0.PPA Info.png 0.PPA Info.pz2 A.PhyPrecious AssINJ.png A.PhyPrecious AssINJ.pz2 A.PhyPrecious AssREM.png A.PhyPrecious AssREM.pz2 Ass Ajust INJ.png Ass Ajust INJ.pz2 Ass Ajust REM.png Ass Ajust REM.pz2 Bodonk INJ.png Bodonk INJ.pz2 Bodonk REM.png Bodonk REM.pz2 Just Flat Ass INJ.png Just Flat Ass INJ.pz2 Just Flat Ass REM.png Just Flat Ass REM.pz2 Spread Ass INJ.png Spread Ass INJ.pz2 Spread Ass REM.png Spread Ass REM.pz2 Tight End INJ.png Tight End INJ.pz2 Tight End REM.png Tight End REM.pz2 Unzip > point to your poser program runtime folder. Email me if you have any [email removed] or at [email removed] But you can always contact me at Renderotica site just PM me if any questions need be asked. for Freelance CGI personalization images if you need a image done you can get my e_mail from the Contact me tab At Renderotica It can take a few days to get back to you But i Will. From Crom131 a.k.a (Brujo)