Belly Puncher Barbarian Babes (c)2012 Get your belly punching on! Erotic Vixens Wrestling is in trouble... somebody is not playing fair and it's up to Raven to figure it out! Interrogate 12 different helpless babes by pounding them in the belly until they squeal. Watch for the super X for an extra hard hitting ab crushing power punch, and click GRILL HER to ask the right questions and score points. Score enough answers and you move on to the next girl. Belly Puncher features ultra sexy automated animation that lets you sit back and watch the action before jumping in to fine-tune your belly punches. Punch your way to the ultra sexy Mistress and find out just who (or what) is behind her nefarious plan! Requires Flash Player 8+ Simply unpack the zip and open the game folder, double click BellyIntro to play; the file type is .EXE All of this product's content was created by Barbarian Babes email: [email removed] No errors detected in compressed data of E:\Renderotica\NakedKnockout\ ... Documentation\ Documentation\EndUserLicense.txt BellyPuncher\ BellyPuncher\BellyIntro.exe BellyPuncher\Belly01.swf BellyPuncher\Belly02.swf BellyPuncher\Belly03.swf BellyPuncher\Belly04.swf BellyPuncher\Belly05.swf BellyPuncher\Belly06.swf BellyPuncher\Belly07.swf BellyPuncher\Belly08.swf BellyPuncher\Belly09.swf BellyPuncher\Belly10.swf BellyPuncher\Belly11.swf BellyPuncher\Belly12.swf BellyPuncher\BellyBonus.swf BellyPuncher\BellyCredits.swf BellyPuncher\Bellyfail.swf Documentation\BellyPuncher.txt