Hey There Fans Here is a little something from my archives for members of Renderotica. This is the 4th Comissioned script I did for Wolf and took several years to complete. Starting in early 2007 snd ending in mid 2008 it used all the latest technology of the times, including the brand new DAZ Victoria 4, still in widespread use today - Pun intended. This file includes a Hi-res PDF with post-worked pictures from that work. For fans of the Wolf, its a great way to better understand his Kane character, as well as meeting his son, David. The pictures are in 1280x860 format but also include some "pinups" in larger formats. This PDF is Part II of III and Contains a total of 134 hi-res pictures including: Scenes 3-4............74 pictures Pinups ..............50 pictures Previews..............10 pictures The story line: Fawne is a businesswoman who has a meeting with Kane's son David and his associate. She's trying to pull the wool over his eyes and make a bundle from his business ineptitude. Little does she know that David has been tipped off by his dad and plans to turn the tables on her in a big way. While he has his secretary Sharon and Hanako "attend" to her, he and his buddy get sent a reward by Kane which includes 4 gorgeous co-eds who are ready and willing to get it on! These pictures are intended for a mature audience and the management is in no way responsible for viewing by Minors. Any connection or likeness to actual people is purely co-incidental. All digital representations of women were meant to be 18 years or older. If you have any questions, or just want to drop me a line, message me here at Renderotica. http://www.renderotica.com/content-artists/Midnite/466 Enjoy. Midnite