{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf410 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww18080\viewh18520\viewkind0 \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural \f0\fs24 \cf0 \ Thank you for purchasing the GVCS ARTILLERY package from Daz3d.com\ \ To add more versatility to this GVCS ARTILLERY Pack, take at look at these\ following companion products available at www.daz3d.com:\ \ GVCS CORE PACK: Ground Vehicle Construction set to create custom sci-fi vehicles.\ GVCS CONSTRUCTION PACK: Construction style equipment add-ons for the GVCS\ GVCS TEXTURE PACK: Alternate texture schemes with material pose file and\ original cr2 library files with textures already applied\ \ FVCS Flight Vehicle Construction Set: Texturing and design matches perfectly\ with the GVCS package. The FVCS will add more weaponry, engines and body types.\ \ MCV Mobile Command Vehicle: This is designed and textured to match, it has\ additional weaponry and accessories that can be interchanged.\ \ SFCS Equipment pack: For interior renders of your vehicles, you'll want seats\ and steering equipment as well and display screens and more.\ \ Note: There are no interior seating/steering/consoles. If you wish to do interior renders, please consider\ the SFCS EQUIPMENT package available at www.daz3d.com. The Equipment package is designed to be used as\ consoles and steering componants for all of my construction sets.\ \ SPECIAL NOTE ON SCALING!!\ Any figure in this package can be scaled with the xyz scale dials. However, if you want to scale up\ a figure that has multiple parts, such as walls and doors/hatches, articulated parts, then you can\ scale up the whole figure with the "body" dial properties. It is recommended that you only use the\ "BODY" dial: 'scale' when scaling up and down a multiple part figure. Do not use the body dial 'xzy scale'\ dials or else you will get figure distortion when you rotate a part.\ \ Use the "BODY" dial 'scale' on the base parent part of a multiple part figure to enlarge all the parented\ partes of your assembly all at the same time.\ \ \ Features:\ \ - Gun support platform including separate circular pad, separate expanding\ support leg and cannon holding base.\ \ - 2 Long artilley cannon styles, one standard cannon and one laser cannon\ with adjustable beams\ \ - 4 artillery barrel types including laser barrel with adjustable beams\ \ - 6 gun body figures in various shapes and sizes to create you maching/laser guns\ \ - 1 trigger mechanism featuring to grip handles and flip up display screen\ \ - 1 adjustable bi-pod leg\ \ - 1 adjustable gun stand\ \ - 1 adjustable gunner site with cross hairs\ \ - 2 magazines for holding ammo, one is banana clip style, one cylinder style\ \ - 1 ammo box with posable lid\ \ - 2 deflector shields, one large, one small\ \ - 2 artillery charges, one is standard casing and slug, one is a batter charge.\ \ - 4 missles/rockets, two are small, two are large\ \ - 1 six tube rocket holder pod with posable door\ \ - 1 single tube missle holder pod with posable door\ \ - 2 launch pad assemblies for rockets/missles\ \ - Several pre-assembled/parented modules to help you get started with your weapon designs.\ \ - Standard military green texture scheme for all componants/figures.\ \ Library Folders:\ - GVCS ARTILLERY\ - GVCS ASSEM\ \ The GVCS ARTL library folder contains all the elements/figures of the artillery package.\ The GVCS ASSEM figures library folder contains all the pre-assembled modules.\ \ The purpose of this package being a "Construction Set" is to allow the user to assemble the\ included figures to create a custom weapons set. The user should have basic knowledge of parenting\ figures together and using the "memorize all" command under the edit menu to memorize the\ location of the figures after they have been parented together.\ \ A tip to help you design a weapon set is to first determine where the turning point or pivot point of your\ weapons will be and to use the figure that is in that position as the main parent figure.\ Remember to parent parts together in a manner in which will allow you to move certain parts and their\ child parts to move with them.\ \ Another tip is to use the "edit/memorize all" command 2 times in a row to be sure that a part is\ memorized in it's correct location before saving the figure back to the library. Be sure to use this\ command after each item is parented to another part. Use the "edit/restore all" command to periodically\ check if a body part reverts to it's original position, should this occur, move the part back and use\ the "memorize all" command again.\ \ Descriptions:\ \ Cannons 1 and 2 - One cannon is a classic howitzer style barrel with posable shell hatch at the rear.\ The other cannon is a laser style cannon with 3 adjustable beam morphs (turn the morph dials a lot). The laser\ cannon also has a flip up display screen in the rear and a flip up access hatch for the charge pack.\ \ Base types 1-7 - These are construction componants for creating your machine or laser guns. You can scale and\ rotate these bases as needed, parent on other parts such as the gunner site, barrels and magazines.\ \ Barrels - These are to be parented to the Base types. Adjust the scale and length as needed. One is a laser\ cannon style barrel with 2 adjustable beams.\ \ Bipod Leg - You can parent 2 or more of these legs to the gun post for a bi-pod or tri-pod.\ \ Gun Post - Adjustable height and posable, use this to attach your guns to a vehicle.\ \ Site - This can be parented to the top of you creation.\ \ Trigger - This is a 2 handled trigger grip base with flip up screen, place this at the back of your assembly.\ \ Gun Base - This is a large base to put your cannons on. Parent the cannons to the 'holder' body part.\ \ Support Pad - This is a circular pad that can serve as rotation pad for the Gun Base\ \ Support Leg -This a an adjustable height support leg. There is a pad/leg combo in the assembly folder.\ \ Launch Pad 1 - This is a rocket Pod holder style launch pad, it has adjustable body parts. Attach this\ to a vehicle for cool rocket pods\ \ Launch Pad 2 - This is a large missle launch pad, it has posable strut and piston support. There is a morph\ included to make the front rest pad disappear. This is a good launch pad to attach to a flatbed trailer in\ the GVCS Core Pack. \ \ Missles/rockets - there are 4 missle/rocket figures. There is a morph on 3 of them to make the fins sink\ into the missle body so they fit in the pod tubes better. \ \ Missle Pod 1 and 2 - These are holding pods for the rockets/missles. The doors/lids are posable.\ \ Shields 1 and 2 - These are a small defector shield and a large deflector shield. Mount the small shield\ directly on a gun assembly you create, or use the large shield to mount a full gun assembly to the front of.\ \ Charges - I use the term charges to refer to the classic casing and slug figure for the cannon 1 figure and\ the other is a charge (battery/energy) for the cannon 2. The slug is movable from the casing.\ \ Magazines - There are 2 magazine, one is a classic banana clip style, the other is a minigun canister style.\ Parent these to your gun creation.\ \ Ammo Can - This is a nice touch to the package, it has a posable lid assembly.\ \ \ GVCS ASSEMS:\ \ There are pre-assembled modules that help get you started in this folder: GVCS ASSEMS\ \ The GVCS ASSEMS folder will also contain the GVCS Core package pre-assemblies. (if you own the gvcs core pack)\ The Artillery assemblies in this library will be preceeded with the word "Artill".\ \ This is a good folder to save your creations back into, or you can create your own folder. When saving a figure,\ be sure to first check to see that all parts are memorized (see tips above), then click on the main figure that all\ other parts are parented to, the save that main figure to the library, be sure to make sure the "whole group" botton\ when saving, otherwise you will only get the main part saved to the library, not all the other parented parts.\ }