Zev0’s BendMorphsV4 by Zev0 (c) Zev0 2013 ----------------- ----------------- System Requirements: (PC and Mac Compatible) Daz studio 3 & Poser7 or higher All of this product's content was created by Zev0 ______________________________________________________________________ *********************installation instructions *********************** Requirements: •Daz3 or higher •Poser7 or Higher •Victoria 4 The following describes installing Zev0’s BendMorphsV4 to your runtime. Zev0’s BendMorphsV4 uses ExP technology for her morphs, so an additional step must be performed in order to add her to your runtime. Please note that Zev0’s BendMorphsV4 must be installed to the same directory that you originally installed Victoria 4, otherwise the morphs will not work. For example, if you installed Victoria 4 to C:\MyRuntime\, you must copy the contents of the ZBendMorphsV4.zip file to C:\MyRuntime. Instructions for installation: Windows: 1.Extract the contents of the ZBendMorphsV4.zip file to the runtime directory where V4 is installed. 2.On your desktop, there should be a shortcut named “Update Victoria 4 Base” that was created when you originally installed Victoria 4. Double click the shortcut. You should see a window showing a script being run. 3.If you do not see the “Update Victoria 4 Base” shortcut on your desktop, you can update Victoria 4 by running the DzCreateExPFiles-V4.bat located in your “Runtime\Libraries\!Daz” directory Mac OS: 1.Extract the contents of the ZBendMorphsV4.zip file to the runtime directory where V4 is installed, using a utility such as PoserInstaller. 2.On your desktop, there should be a shortcut named “Update Victoria 4 Base” that was created when you originally installed Victoria 4. Double click the shortcut. You should see a window showing a script being run. 3.If you do not see the “Update Victoria 4 Base” shortcut on your desktop, you can update Victoria 4 by double clicking the DzCreateExPFiles-V4.command located in your “Runtime/Libraries/!Daz” directory. Using Zev0’s BendMorphsV4 in your Scenes Once the product has been properly installed into your runtime, you can use the following steps to use the morphs in your renders. Using Powerloader in DAZ Studio to Load Zev0’s BendMorphsV4: Zev0’s BendMorphsV4 has Powerloader support so that DAZ Studio users can quickly load the morphs. To load Zev0’s Bend Morphs V4 using the Powerloader: 1.Load a V4 into the scene from “Figures/DAZ People” folder. 2.You will be presented with a dialog box with a list of morphs to add. Select the “Zev0’s BendMorphsV4”, along with any other morph packages to add, then click “OK”. 3.The Bending Morphs are now added to Victoria 4’s body; you can use the sliders to set the morphs or use one of the presets in the “Pose/Zev0/ZbendMorphsV4” folder Manually loading Bend Morphs in DAZ Studio or Poser 1.Load a V4 into your scene from the “Figures/DAZ People” folder. 2.Next, go to the “Pose/Zev0/ZbendMorphsV4” folder. 3.To install the Bend Morphs, double click the “0-INJ ALL Bend Morphs” icon. 4.Once installed, you can use the dials that are found under the “Body/Morphs” of Victoria 4 to control her bends. If you are having any problems, Please PM me and I will get back to you. Thank you for your support and Enjoy:) Special thanks to Male-M3dia for creating the Inj/PowerLoader files Archive File list ____________________________________ Runtime/Libraries/!Daz/Victoria 4 Runtime/Libraries/Pose/Zev0/ZBendMorphsV4 00-INJ ALL Bend Morphs.pz2 00-INJ ALL Bend Morphs.png 00-REM ALL Bend Morphs.pz2 00-REM ALL Bend Morphs.png \Documentation\ License.txt Zev0 BendMorphsV4Readme.txt Zev0 BendMorphsV4 Tutorial.pdf ------------------------------------------------- Special thanks Goes out to Male-M3dia for making the Inj/PowerLoader files. This product is for commercial and non-commercial use Not to be redistributed in part or entire in any form