theFoils - GM02 for GF8 / GF8.1 Copyright 2024 by Pushee-Ri. All rights reserved. .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... MANUAL .................................................................................................... TOO BRIGHT / TOO GLOSSY When a GM object is loaded, the material “Foils Base Outdoor” is assigned. Depending on your lighting situation, this material preset may appear too bright or too shiny for you. Then you can try one of the three other presets, which you can find under Materials -> Iray. Not found the right one or fancy a bit of fine tuning? With the GM object selected in the "Scene" pane, switch to the "Surface" pane. Sometimes you have to select the object and its material group here again. Scroll down the list of options almost to the end until you find the “Cutout Opacity” setting. Reduce the value in small steps until the result meets your expectations. Still missing a little fine tuning? Scroll up the list a little until you see the options “Refraction Weight” and “Refraction Index”. If you reduce the value of “Refraction Weight” in small steps, the material becomes less transparent. Reducing the “Refraction Index” value will make the material less shiny, while increasing the value will result in more shine and a metallic effect. For all these tests, the Vieport view should of course be set to “Nvidia Iray”, as otherwise you will hardly notice the changes. TIP: if you want the foil to be colored, do not even try the “Base Color” setting. There you can fiddle around - without any results - until the app crashes or your fingernails are chewed off. Instead, use the “Glossy Color” setting right away - it will save you nerves, time ... and possibly fingernails too. POKE THROUGHS / IRAY ARTEFACTS The material is actually very patient when it comes to poke throughs: often you won't even notice it. However, if it does interfere or if Iray artifacts occur, there may be a solution. You may be familiar with Iray artifacts from 3D hair: dark / black spots suddenly appear during rendering that were not visible before. These spots occur when a transparent material (in the case of hair it is the “cap”, in the case of GM objects the surface) overlaps with the model's skin and the lighting is poorly chosen. However, if faults occur, you can use the activated "Push" modifier to reduce or sometimes completely eliminate the faults. With the GM object selected in the Scene pane, switch to Parameters pane and there to “Mesh Offset”. Increase the value in small steps until the problem is resolved. GENITALS / PUBIC HAIR Most GM objects have an open crotch. However, if foil areas still obscure important areas, morphs are built into these objects. If available, you will find the morphs in the Parameter pane when the object is selected in the Scene pane. Important: use these morphs carefully to lift the foil in the desired area. Too large gaps can easily lead to a completely different - and usually not very attractive - look of the foil.